Abstract:Group max-min fairness (MMF) is commonly used in fairness-aware recommender systems (RS) as an optimization objective, as it aims to protect marginalized item groups and ensures a fair competition platform. However, our theoretical analysis indicates that integrating MMF constraint violates the assumption of sample independence during optimization, causing the loss function to deviate from linear additivity. Such nonlinearity property introduces the Jensen gap between the model's convergence point and the optimal point if mini-batch sampling is applied. Both theoretical and empirical studies show that as the mini-batch size decreases and the group size increases, the Jensen gap will widen accordingly. Some methods using heuristic re-weighting or debiasing strategies have the potential to bridge the Jensen gap. However, they either lack theoretical guarantees or suffer from heavy computational costs. To overcome these limitations, we first theoretically demonstrate that the MMF-constrained objective can be essentially reformulated as a group-weighted optimization objective. Then we present an efficient and effective algorithm named FairDual, which utilizes a dual optimization technique to minimize the Jensen gap. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that FairDual can achieve a sub-linear convergence rate to the globally optimal solution and the Jensen gap can be well bounded under a mini-batch sampling strategy with random shuffle. Extensive experiments conducted using six large-scale RS backbone models on three publicly available datasets demonstrate that FairDual outperforms all baselines in terms of both accuracy and fairness. Our data and codes are shared at https://github.com/XuChen0427/FairDual.
Abstract:Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) perception has become a vital component of autonomous driving systems due to its ability to integrate multiple sensor inputs into a unified representation, enhancing performance in various downstream tasks. However, the computational demands of BEV models pose challenges for real-world deployment in vehicles with limited resources. To address these limitations, we propose QuadBEV, an efficient multitask perception framework that leverages the shared spatial and contextual information across four key tasks: 3D object detection, lane detection, map segmentation, and occupancy prediction. QuadBEV not only streamlines the integration of these tasks using a shared backbone and task-specific heads but also addresses common multitask learning challenges such as learning rate sensitivity and conflicting task objectives. Our framework reduces redundant computations, thereby enhancing system efficiency, making it particularly suited for embedded systems. We present comprehensive experiments that validate the effectiveness and robustness of QuadBEV, demonstrating its suitability for real-world applications.
Abstract:In the landscape of autonomous driving, Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) representation has recently garnered substantial academic attention, serving as a transformative framework for the fusion of multi-modal sensor inputs. This BEV paradigm effectively shifts the sensor fusion challenge from a rule-based methodology to a data-centric approach, thereby facilitating more nuanced feature extraction from an array of heterogeneous sensors. Notwithstanding its evident merits, the computational overhead associated with BEV-based techniques often mandates high-capacity hardware infrastructures, thus posing challenges for practical, real-world implementations. To mitigate this limitation, we introduce a novel content-aware multi-modal joint input pruning technique. Our method leverages BEV as a shared anchor to algorithmically identify and eliminate non-essential sensor regions prior to their introduction into the perception model's backbone. We validatethe efficacy of our approach through extensive experiments on the NuScenes dataset, demonstrating substantial computational efficiency without sacrificing perception accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first attempt to alleviate the computational burden from the input pruning point.
Abstract:The AlphaFold series has transformed protein structure prediction with remarkable accuracy, often matching experimental methods. AlphaFold2, AlphaFold-Multimer, and the latest AlphaFold3 represent significant strides in predicting single protein chains, protein complexes, and biomolecular structures. While AlphaFold2 and AlphaFold-Multimer are open-sourced, facilitating rapid and reliable predictions, AlphaFold3 remains partially accessible through a limited online server and has not been open-sourced, restricting further development. To address these challenges, the PaddleHelix team is developing HelixFold3, aiming to replicate AlphaFold3's capabilities. Using insights from previous models and extensive datasets, HelixFold3 achieves an accuracy comparable to AlphaFold3 in predicting the structures of conventional ligands, nucleic acids, and proteins. The initial release of HelixFold3 is available as open source on GitHub for academic research, promising to advance biomolecular research and accelerate discoveries. We also provide online service at PaddleHelix website at https://paddlehelix.baidu.com/app/all/helixfold3/forecast.
Abstract:Recently, generative graph models have shown promising results in learning graph representations through self-supervised methods. However, most existing generative graph representation learning (GRL) approaches rely on random masking across the entire graph, which overlooks the entanglement of learned representations. This oversight results in non-robustness and a lack of explainability. Furthermore, disentangling the learned representations remains a significant challenge and has not been sufficiently explored in GRL research. Based on these insights, this paper introduces DiGGR (Disentangled Generative Graph Representation Learning), a self-supervised learning framework. DiGGR aims to learn latent disentangled factors and utilizes them to guide graph mask modeling, thereby enhancing the disentanglement of learned representations and enabling end-to-end joint learning. Extensive experiments on 11 public datasets for two different graph learning tasks demonstrate that DiGGR consistently outperforms many previous self-supervised methods, verifying the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a prominent technique with the potential to become a mainstream method for 3D representations. It can effectively transform multi-view images into explicit 3D Gaussian representations through efficient training, and achieve real-time rendering of novel views. This survey aims to analyze existing 3DGS-related works from multiple intersecting perspectives, including related tasks, technologies, challenges, and opportunities. The primary objective is to provide newcomers with a rapid understanding of the field and to assist researchers in methodically organizing existing technologies and challenges. Specifically, we delve into the optimization, application, and extension of 3DGS, categorizing them based on their focuses or motivations. Additionally, we summarize and classify nine types of technical modules and corresponding improvements identified in existing works. Based on these analyses, we further examine the common challenges and technologies across various tasks, proposing potential research opportunities.
Abstract:Contrast-enhanced brain MRI (CE-MRI) is a valuable diagnostic technique but may pose health risks and incur high costs. To create safer alternatives, multi-modality medical image translation aims to synthesize CE-MRI images from other available modalities. Although existing methods can generate promising predictions, they still face two challenges, i.e., exhibiting over-confidence and lacking interpretability on predictions. To address the above challenges, this paper introduces TrustI2I, a novel trustworthy method that reformulates multi-to-one medical image translation problem as a multimodal regression problem, aiming to build an uncertainty-aware and reliable system. Specifically, our method leverages deep evidential regression to estimate prediction uncertainties and employs an explicit intermediate and late fusion strategy based on the Mixture of Normal Inverse Gamma (MoNIG) distribution, enhancing both synthesis quality and interpretability. Additionally, we incorporate uncertainty calibration to improve the reliability of uncertainty. Validation on the BraTS2018 dataset demonstrates that our approach surpasses current methods, producing higher-quality images with rational uncertainty estimation.
Abstract:3D environment recognition is essential for autonomous driving systems, as autonomous vehicles require a comprehensive understanding of surrounding scenes. Recently, the predominant approach to define this real-life problem is through 3D occupancy prediction. It attempts to predict the occupancy states and semantic labels for all voxels in 3D space, which enhances the perception capability. Birds-Eye-View(BEV)-based perception has achieved the SOTA performance for this task. Nonetheless, this architecture fails to represent various scales of BEV features. In this paper, inspired by the success of UNet in semantic segmentation tasks, we introduce a novel UNet-like Multi-scale Occupancy Head module to relieve this issue. Furthermore, we propose the class-balancing loss to compensate for rare classes in the dataset. The experimental results on nuScenes 3D occupancy challenge dataset show the superiority of our proposed approach over baseline and SOTA methods.
Abstract:Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is often at high risk of progression to Alzheimer's disease (AD). Existing works to identify the progressive MCI (pMCI) typically require MCI subtype labels, pMCI vs. stable MCI (sMCI), determined by whether or not an MCI patient will progress to AD after a long follow-up. However, prospectively acquiring MCI subtype data is time-consuming and resource-intensive; the resultant small datasets could lead to severe overfitting and difficulty in extracting discriminative information. Inspired by that various longitudinal biomarkers and cognitive measurements present an ordinal pathway on AD progression, we propose a novel Hybrid-granularity Ordinal PrototypE learning (HOPE) method to characterize AD ordinal progression for MCI progression prediction. First, HOPE learns an ordinal metric space that enables progression prediction by prototype comparison. Second, HOPE leverages a novel hybrid-granularity ordinal loss to learn the ordinal nature of AD via effectively integrating instance-to-instance ordinality, instance-to-class compactness, and class-to-class separation. Third, to make the prototype learning more stable, HOPE employs an exponential moving average strategy to learn the global prototypes of NC and AD dynamically. Experimental results on the internal ADNI and the external NACC datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed HOPE over existing state-of-the-art methods as well as its interpretability. Source code is made available at https://github.com/thibault-wch/HOPE-for-mild-cognitive-impairment.
Abstract:Radiologists must utilize multiple modal images for tumor segmentation and diagnosis due to the limitations of medical imaging and the diversity of tumor signals. This leads to the development of multimodal learning in segmentation. However, the redundancy among modalities creates challenges for existing subtraction-based joint learning methods, such as misjudging the importance of modalities, ignoring specific modal information, and increasing cognitive load. These thorny issues ultimately decrease segmentation accuracy and increase the risk of overfitting. This paper presents the complementary information mutual learning (CIML) framework, which can mathematically model and address the negative impact of inter-modal redundant information. CIML adopts the idea of addition and removes inter-modal redundant information through inductive bias-driven task decomposition and message passing-based redundancy filtering. CIML first decomposes the multimodal segmentation task into multiple subtasks based on expert prior knowledge, minimizing the information dependence between modalities. Furthermore, CIML introduces a scheme in which each modality can extract information from other modalities additively through message passing. To achieve non-redundancy of extracted information, the redundant filtering is transformed into complementary information learning inspired by the variational information bottleneck. The complementary information learning procedure can be efficiently solved by variational inference and cross-modal spatial attention. Numerical results from the verification task and standard benchmarks indicate that CIML efficiently removes redundant information between modalities, outperforming SOTA methods regarding validation accuracy and segmentation effect.