Abstract:3D Visual Grounding (3DVG) aims to locate objects in 3D scenes based on textual descriptions, which is essential for applications like augmented reality and robotics. Traditional 3DVG approaches rely on annotated 3D datasets and predefined object categories, limiting scalability and adaptability. To overcome these limitations, we introduce SeeGround, a zero-shot 3DVG framework leveraging 2D Vision-Language Models (VLMs) trained on large-scale 2D data. We propose to represent 3D scenes as a hybrid of query-aligned rendered images and spatially enriched text descriptions, bridging the gap between 3D data and 2D-VLMs input formats. We propose two modules: the Perspective Adaptation Module, which dynamically selects viewpoints for query-relevant image rendering, and the Fusion Alignment Module, which integrates 2D images with 3D spatial descriptions to enhance object localization. Extensive experiments on ScanRefer and Nr3D demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing zero-shot methods by large margins. Notably, we exceed weakly supervised methods and rival some fully supervised ones, outperforming previous SOTA by 7.7% on ScanRefer and 7.1% on Nr3D, showcasing its effectiveness.
Abstract:Image quality degradation caused by raindrops is one of the most important but challenging problems that reduce the performance of vision systems. Most existing raindrop removal algorithms are based on a supervised learning method using pairwise images, which are hard to obtain in real-world applications. This study proposes a deep neural network for raindrop removal based on unsupervised learning, which only requires two unpaired image sets with and without raindrops. Our proposed model performs layer separation based on cycle network architecture, which aims to separate a rainy image into a raindrop layer, a transparency mask, and a clean background layer. The clean background layer is the target raindrop removal result, while the transparency mask indicates the spatial locations of the raindrops. In addition, the proposed model applies a feedback mechanism to benefit layer separation by refining low-level representation with high-level information. i.e., the output of the previous iteration is used as input for the next iteration, together with the input image with raindrops. As a result, raindrops could be gradually removed through this feedback manner. Extensive experiments on raindrop benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on quantitative metrics and visual quality.
Abstract:The patterns on wafer maps play a crucial role in helping engineers identify the causes of production issues during semiconductor manufacturing. In order to reduce costs and improve accuracy, automation technology is essential, and recent developments in deep learning have led to impressive results in wafer map pattern recognition. In this context, inspired by the effectiveness of semi-supervised learning and contrastive learning methods, we introduce an innovative approach that integrates the Mean Teacher framework with the supervised contrastive learning loss for enhanced wafer map pattern recognition. Our methodology not only addresses the nuances of wafer patterns but also tackles challenges arising from limited labeled data. To further refine the process, we address data imbalance in the wafer dataset by employing SMOTE and under-sampling techniques. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of our proposed method and demonstrate its effectiveness through experiments using real-world dataset WM811K obtained from semiconductor manufacturers. Compared to the baseline method, our method has achieved 5.46%, 6.68%, 5.42%, and 4.53% improvements in Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1 score, respectively.
Abstract:In the landscape of autonomous driving, Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) representation has recently garnered substantial academic attention, serving as a transformative framework for the fusion of multi-modal sensor inputs. This BEV paradigm effectively shifts the sensor fusion challenge from a rule-based methodology to a data-centric approach, thereby facilitating more nuanced feature extraction from an array of heterogeneous sensors. Notwithstanding its evident merits, the computational overhead associated with BEV-based techniques often mandates high-capacity hardware infrastructures, thus posing challenges for practical, real-world implementations. To mitigate this limitation, we introduce a novel content-aware multi-modal joint input pruning technique. Our method leverages BEV as a shared anchor to algorithmically identify and eliminate non-essential sensor regions prior to their introduction into the perception model's backbone. We validatethe efficacy of our approach through extensive experiments on the NuScenes dataset, demonstrating substantial computational efficiency without sacrificing perception accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first attempt to alleviate the computational burden from the input pruning point.
Abstract:Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) perception has become a vital component of autonomous driving systems due to its ability to integrate multiple sensor inputs into a unified representation, enhancing performance in various downstream tasks. However, the computational demands of BEV models pose challenges for real-world deployment in vehicles with limited resources. To address these limitations, we propose QuadBEV, an efficient multitask perception framework that leverages the shared spatial and contextual information across four key tasks: 3D object detection, lane detection, map segmentation, and occupancy prediction. QuadBEV not only streamlines the integration of these tasks using a shared backbone and task-specific heads but also addresses common multitask learning challenges such as learning rate sensitivity and conflicting task objectives. Our framework reduces redundant computations, thereby enhancing system efficiency, making it particularly suited for embedded systems. We present comprehensive experiments that validate the effectiveness and robustness of QuadBEV, demonstrating its suitability for real-world applications.
Abstract:Test-time adaptation (TTA) updates the model weights during the inference stage using testing data to enhance generalization. However, this practice exposes TTA to adversarial risks. Existing studies have shown that when TTA is updated with crafted adversarial test samples, also known as test-time poisoned data, the performance on benign samples can deteriorate. Nonetheless, the perceived adversarial risk may be overstated if the poisoned data is generated under overly strong assumptions. In this work, we first review realistic assumptions for test-time data poisoning, including white-box versus grey-box attacks, access to benign data, attack budget, and more. We then propose an effective and realistic attack method that better produces poisoned samples without access to benign samples, and derive an effective in-distribution attack objective. We also design two TTA-aware attack objectives. Our benchmarks of existing attack methods reveal that the TTA methods are more robust than previously believed. In addition, we analyze effective defense strategies to help develop adversarially robust TTA methods.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce a novel Gaussian mixture based evidential learning solution for robust stereo matching. Diverging from previous evidential deep learning approaches that rely on a single Gaussian distribution, our framework posits that individual image data adheres to a mixture-of-Gaussian distribution in stereo matching. This assumption yields more precise pixel-level predictions and more accurately mirrors the real-world image distribution. By further employing the inverse-Gamma distribution as an intermediary prior for each mixture component, our probabilistic model achieves improved depth estimation compared to its counterpart with the single Gaussian and effectively captures the model uncertainty, which enables a strong cross-domain generation ability. We evaluated our method for stereo matching by training the model using the Scene Flow dataset and testing it on KITTI 2015 and Middlebury 2014. The experiment results consistently show that our method brings improvements over the baseline methods in a trustworthy manner. Notably, our approach achieved new state-of-the-art results on both the in-domain validated data and the cross-domain datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness in stereo matching tasks.
Abstract:Point cloud analysis is challenging due to its unique characteristics of unorderness, sparsity and irregularity. Prior works attempt to capture local relationships by convolution operations or attention mechanisms, exploiting geometric information from coordinates implicitly. These methods, however, are insufficient to describe the explicit local geometry, e.g., curvature and orientation. In this paper, we propose On-the-fly Point Feature Representation (OPFR), which captures abundant geometric information explicitly through Curve Feature Generator module. This is inspired by Point Feature Histogram (PFH) from computer vision community. However, the utilization of vanilla PFH encounters great difficulties when applied to large datasets and dense point clouds, as it demands considerable time for feature generation. In contrast, we introduce the Local Reference Constructor module, which approximates the local coordinate systems based on triangle sets. Owing to this, our OPFR only requires extra 1.56ms for inference (65x faster than vanilla PFH) and 0.012M more parameters, and it can serve as a versatile plug-and-play module for various backbones, particularly MLP-based and Transformer-based backbones examined in this study. Additionally, we introduce the novel Hierarchical Sampling module aimed at enhancing the quality of triangle sets, thereby ensuring robustness of the obtained geometric features. Our proposed method improves overall accuracy (OA) on ModelNet40 from 90.7% to 94.5% (+3.8%) for classification, and OA on S3DIS Area-5 from 86.4% to 90.0% (+3.6%) for semantic segmentation, respectively, building upon PointNet++ backbone. When integrated with Point Transformer backbone, we achieve state-of-the-art results on both tasks: 94.8% OA on ModelNet40 and 91.7% OA on S3DIS Area-5.
Abstract:Vision transformers have emerged as a promising alternative to convolutional neural networks for various image analysis tasks, offering comparable or superior performance. However, one significant drawback of ViTs is their resource-intensive nature, leading to increased memory footprint, computation complexity, and power consumption. To democratize this high-performance technology and make it more environmentally friendly, it is essential to compress ViT models, reducing their resource requirements while maintaining high performance. In this paper, we introduce a new block-structured pruning to address the resource-intensive issue for ViTs, offering a balanced trade-off between accuracy and hardware acceleration. Unlike unstructured pruning or channel-wise structured pruning, block pruning leverages the block-wise structure of linear layers, resulting in more efficient matrix multiplications. To optimize this pruning scheme, our paper proposes a novel hardware-aware learning objective that simultaneously maximizes speedup and minimizes power consumption during inference, tailored to the block sparsity structure. This objective eliminates the need for empirical look-up tables and focuses solely on reducing parametrized layer connections. Moreover, our paper provides a lightweight algorithm to achieve post-training pruning for ViTs, utilizing second-order Taylor approximation and empirical optimization to solve the proposed hardware-aware objective. Extensive experiments on ImageNet are conducted across various ViT architectures, including DeiT-B and DeiT-S, demonstrating competitive performance with other pruning methods and achieving a remarkable balance between accuracy preservation and power savings. Especially, we achieve up to 3.93x and 1.79x speedups on dedicated hardware and GPUs respectively for DeiT-B, and also observe an inference power reduction by 1.4x on real-world GPUs.
Abstract:Applying deep neural networks to 3D point cloud processing has attracted increasing attention due to its advanced performance in many areas, such as AR/VR, autonomous driving, and robotics. However, as neural network models and 3D point clouds expand in size, it becomes a crucial challenge to reduce the computational and memory overhead to meet latency and energy constraints in real-world applications. Although existing approaches have proposed to reduce both computational cost and memory footprint, most of them only address the spatial redundancy in inputs, i.e. removing the redundancy of background points in 3D data. In this paper, we propose a novel post-training weight pruning scheme for 3D object detection that is (1) orthogonal to all existing point cloud sparsifying methods, which determines redundant parameters in the pretrained model that lead to minimal distortion in both locality and confidence (detection distortion); and (2) a universal plug-and-play pruning framework that works with arbitrary 3D detection model. This framework aims to minimize detection distortion of network output to maximally maintain detection precision, by identifying layer-wise sparsity based on second-order Taylor approximation of the distortion. Albeit utilizing second-order information, we introduced a lightweight scheme to efficiently acquire Hessian information, and subsequently perform dynamic programming to solve the layer-wise sparsity. Extensive experiments on KITTI, Nuscenes and ONCE datasets demonstrate that our approach is able to maintain and even boost the detection precision on pruned model under noticeable computation reduction (FLOPs). Noticeably, we achieve over 3.89x, 3.72x FLOPs reduction on CenterPoint and PVRCNN model, respectively, without mAP decrease, significantly improving the state-of-the-art.