Nankai University
Abstract:In modern information retrieval (IR). achieving more than just accuracy is essential to sustaining a healthy ecosystem, especially when addressing fairness and diversity considerations. To meet these needs, various datasets, algorithms, and evaluation frameworks have been introduced. However, these algorithms are often tested across diverse metrics, datasets, and experimental setups, leading to inconsistencies and difficulties in direct comparisons. This highlights the need for a comprehensive IR toolkit that enables standardized evaluation of fairness- and diversity-aware algorithms across different IR tasks. To address this challenge, we present FairDiverse, an open-source and standardized toolkit. FairDiverse offers a framework for integrating fair and diverse methods, including pre-processing, in-processing, and post-processing techniques, at different stages of the IR pipeline. The toolkit supports the evaluation of 28 fairness and diversity algorithms across 16 base models, covering two core IR tasks (search and recommendation) thereby establishing a comprehensive benchmark. Moreover, FairDiverse is highly extensible, providing multiple APIs that empower IR researchers to swiftly develop and evaluate their own fairness and diversity aware models, while ensuring fair comparisons with existing baselines. The project is open-sourced and available on
Abstract:Group max-min fairness (MMF) is commonly used in fairness-aware recommender systems (RS) as an optimization objective, as it aims to protect marginalized item groups and ensures a fair competition platform. However, our theoretical analysis indicates that integrating MMF constraint violates the assumption of sample independence during optimization, causing the loss function to deviate from linear additivity. Such nonlinearity property introduces the Jensen gap between the model's convergence point and the optimal point if mini-batch sampling is applied. Both theoretical and empirical studies show that as the mini-batch size decreases and the group size increases, the Jensen gap will widen accordingly. Some methods using heuristic re-weighting or debiasing strategies have the potential to bridge the Jensen gap. However, they either lack theoretical guarantees or suffer from heavy computational costs. To overcome these limitations, we first theoretically demonstrate that the MMF-constrained objective can be essentially reformulated as a group-weighted optimization objective. Then we present an efficient and effective algorithm named FairDual, which utilizes a dual optimization technique to minimize the Jensen gap. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that FairDual can achieve a sub-linear convergence rate to the globally optimal solution and the Jensen gap can be well bounded under a mini-batch sampling strategy with random shuffle. Extensive experiments conducted using six large-scale RS backbone models on three publicly available datasets demonstrate that FairDual outperforms all baselines in terms of both accuracy and fairness. Our data and codes are shared at
Abstract:Ensuring the long-term sustainability of recommender systems (RS) emerges as a crucial issue. Traditional offline evaluation methods for RS typically focus on immediate user feedback, such as clicks, but they often neglect the long-term impact of content creators. On real-world content platforms, creators can strategically produce and upload new items based on user feedback and preference trends. While previous studies have attempted to model creator behavior, they often overlook the role of information asymmetry. This asymmetry arises because creators primarily have access to feedback on the items they produce, while platforms possess data on the entire spectrum of user feedback. Current RS simulators, however, fail to account for this asymmetry, leading to inaccurate long-term evaluations. To address this gap, we propose CreAgent, a Large Language Model (LLM)-empowered creator simulation agent. By incorporating game theory's belief mechanism and the fast-and-slow thinking framework, CreAgent effectively simulates creator behavior under conditions of information asymmetry. Additionally, we enhance CreAgent's simulation ability by fine-tuning it using Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). Our credibility validation experiments show that CreAgent aligns well with the behaviors between real-world platform and creator, thus improving the reliability of long-term RS evaluations. Moreover, through the simulation of RS involving CreAgents, we can explore how fairness- and diversity-aware RS algorithms contribute to better long-term performance for various stakeholders. CreAgent and the simulation platform are publicly available at
Abstract:High-quality, large-scale instructions are crucial for aligning large language models (LLMs), however, there is a severe shortage of instruction in the field of natural language understanding (NLU). Previous works on constructing NLU instructions mainly focus on information extraction (IE), neglecting tasks such as machine reading comprehension, question answering, and text classification. Furthermore, the lack of diversity in the data has led to a decreased generalization ability of trained LLMs in other NLU tasks and a noticeable decline in the fundamental model's general capabilities. To address this issue, we propose Hum, a large-scale, high-quality synthetic instruction corpus for NLU tasks, designed to enhance the NLU capabilities of LLMs. Specifically, Hum includes IE (either close IE or open IE), machine reading comprehension, text classification, and instruction generalist tasks, thereby enriching task diversity. Additionally, we introduce a human-LLMs collaborative mechanism to synthesize instructions, which enriches instruction diversity by incorporating guidelines, preference rules, and format variants. We conduct extensive experiments on 5 NLU tasks and 28 general capability evaluation datasets for LLMs. Experimental results show that Hum enhances the NLU capabilities of six LLMs by an average of 3.1\%, with no significant decline observed in other general capabilities.
Abstract:Extracting event relations that deviate from known schemas has proven challenging for previous methods based on multi-class classification, MASK prediction, or prototype matching. Recent advancements in large language models have shown impressive performance through instruction tuning. Nevertheless, in the task of event relation extraction, instruction-based methods face several challenges: there are a vast number of inference samples, and the relations between events are non-sequential. To tackle these challenges, we present an improved instruction-based event relation extraction framework named MAQInstruct. Firstly, we transform the task from extracting event relations using given event-event instructions to selecting events using given event-relation instructions, which reduces the number of samples required for inference. Then, by incorporating a bipartite matching loss, we reduce the dependency of the instruction-based method on the generation sequence. Our experimental results demonstrate that MAQInstruct significantly improves the performance of event relation extraction across multiple LLMs.
Abstract:The rapid rise of real-time communication and large language models has significantly increased the importance of speech compression. Deep learning-based neural speech codecs have outperformed traditional signal-level speech codecs in terms of rate-distortion (RD) performance. Typically, these neural codecs employ an encoder-quantizer-decoder architecture, where audio is first converted into latent code feature representations and then into discrete tokens. However, this architecture exhibits insufficient RD performance due to two main drawbacks: (1) the inadequate performance of the quantizer, challenging training processes, and issues such as codebook collapse; (2) the limited representational capacity of the encoder and decoder, making it difficult to meet feature representation requirements across various bitrates. In this paper, we propose a rate-aware learned speech compression scheme that replaces the quantizer with an advanced channel-wise entropy model to improve RD performance, simplify training, and avoid codebook collapse. We employ multi-scale convolution and linear attention mixture blocks to enhance the representational capacity and flexibility of the encoder and decoder. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art RD performance, obtaining 53.51% BD-Rate bitrate saving in average, and achieves 0.26 BD-VisQol and 0.44 BD-PESQ gains.
Abstract:This paper introduces a novel tree-based model, Learning Hyperplane Tree (LHT), which outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) tree models for classification tasks on several public datasets. The structure of LHT is simple and efficient: it partitions the data using several hyperplanes to progressively distinguish between target and non-target class samples. Although the separation is not perfect at each stage, LHT effectively improves the distinction through successive partitions. During testing, a sample is classified by evaluating the hyperplanes defined in the branching blocks and traversing down the tree until it reaches the corresponding leaf block. The class of the test sample is then determined using the piecewise linear membership function defined in the leaf blocks, which is derived through least-squares fitting and fuzzy logic. LHT is highly transparent and interpretable--at each branching block, the contribution of each feature to the classification can be clearly observed.
Abstract:Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems for Large Language Models (LLMs) hold promise in knowledge-intensive tasks but face limitations in complex multi-step reasoning. While recent methods have integrated RAG with chain-of-thought reasoning or test-time search using Process Reward Models (PRMs), these approaches encounter challenges such as a lack of explanations, bias in PRM training data, early-step bias in PRM scores, and insufficient post-training optimization of reasoning potential. To address these issues, we propose Retrieval-Augmented Reasoning through Trustworthy Process Rewarding (ReARTeR), a framework that enhances RAG systems' reasoning capabilities through post-training and test-time scaling. At test time, ReARTeR introduces Trustworthy Process Rewarding via a Process Reward Model for accurate scalar scoring and a Process Explanation Model (PEM) for generating natural language explanations, enabling step refinement. During post-training, it utilizes Monte Carlo Tree Search guided by Trustworthy Process Rewarding to collect high-quality step-level preference data, optimized through Iterative Preference Optimization. ReARTeR addresses three core challenges: (1) misalignment between PRM and PEM, tackled through off-policy preference learning; (2) bias in PRM training data, mitigated by balanced annotation methods and stronger annotations for challenging examples; and (3) early-step bias in PRM, resolved through a temporal-difference-based look-ahead search strategy. Experimental results on multi-step reasoning benchmarks demonstrate significant improvements, underscoring ReARTeR's potential to advance the reasoning capabilities of RAG systems.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose CitaLaw, the first benchmark designed to evaluate LLMs' ability to produce legally sound responses with appropriate citations. CitaLaw features a diverse set of legal questions for both laypersons and practitioners, paired with a comprehensive corpus of law articles and precedent cases as a reference pool. This framework enables LLM-based systems to retrieve supporting citations from the reference corpus and align these citations with the corresponding sentences in their responses. Moreover, we introduce syllogism-inspired evaluation methods to assess the legal alignment between retrieved references and LLM-generated responses, as well as their consistency with user questions. Extensive experiments on 2 open-domain and 7 legal-specific LLMs demonstrate that integrating legal references substantially enhances response quality. Furthermore, our proposed syllogism-based evaluation method exhibits strong agreement with human judgments.
Abstract:In legal practice, judges apply the trichotomous dogmatics of criminal law, sequentially assessing the elements of the offense, unlawfulness, and culpability to determine whether an individual's conduct constitutes a crime. Although current legal large language models (LLMs) show promising accuracy in judgment prediction, they lack trichotomous reasoning capabilities due to the absence of an appropriate benchmark dataset, preventing them from predicting innocent outcomes. As a result, every input is automatically assigned a charge, limiting their practical utility in legal contexts. To bridge this gap, we introduce LJPIV, the first benchmark dataset for Legal Judgment Prediction with Innocent Verdicts. Adhering to the trichotomous dogmatics, we extend three widely-used legal datasets through LLM-based augmentation and manual verification. Our experiments with state-of-the-art legal LLMs and novel strategies that integrate trichotomous reasoning into zero-shot prompting and fine-tuning reveal: (1) current legal LLMs have significant room for improvement, with even the best models achieving an F1 score of less than 0.3 on LJPIV; and (2) our strategies notably enhance both in-domain and cross-domain judgment prediction accuracy, especially for cases resulting in an innocent verdict.