Abstract:Understanding world dynamics is crucial for planning in autonomous driving. Recent methods attempt to achieve this by learning a 3D occupancy world model that forecasts future surrounding scenes based on current observation. However, 3D occupancy labels are still required to produce promising results. Considering the high annotation cost for 3D outdoor scenes, we propose a semi-supervised vision-centric 3D occupancy world model, PreWorld, to leverage the potential of 2D labels through a novel two-stage training paradigm: the self-supervised pre-training stage and the fully-supervised fine-tuning stage. Specifically, during the pre-training stage, we utilize an attribute projection head to generate different attribute fields of a scene (e.g., RGB, density, semantic), thus enabling temporal supervision from 2D labels via volume rendering techniques. Furthermore, we introduce a simple yet effective state-conditioned forecasting module to recursively forecast future occupancy and ego trajectory in a direct manner. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes dataset validate the effectiveness and scalability of our method, and demonstrate that PreWorld achieves competitive performance across 3D occupancy prediction, 4D occupancy forecasting and motion planning tasks.
Abstract:The end-to-end autonomous driving paradigm has recently attracted lots of attention due to its scalability. However, existing methods are constrained by the limited scale of real-world data, which hinders a comprehensive exploration of the scaling laws associated with end-to-end autonomous driving. To address this issue, we collected substantial data from various driving scenarios and behaviors and conducted an extensive study on the scaling laws of existing imitation learning-based end-to-end autonomous driving paradigms. Specifically, approximately 4 million demonstrations from 23 different scenario types were gathered, amounting to over 30,000 hours of driving demonstrations. We performed open-loop evaluations and closed-loop simulation evaluations in 1,400 diverse driving demonstrations (1,300 for open-loop and 100 for closed-loop) under stringent assessment conditions. Through experimental analysis, we discovered that (1) the performance of the driving model exhibits a power-law relationship with the amount of training data; (2) a small increase in the quantity of long-tailed data can significantly improve the performance for the corresponding scenarios; (3) appropriate scaling of data enables the model to achieve combinatorial generalization in novel scenes and actions. Our results highlight the critical role of data scaling in improving the generalizability of models across diverse autonomous driving scenarios, assuring safe deployment in the real world. Project repository: https://github.com/ucaszyp/Driving-Scaling-Law
Abstract:Vehicle motion planning is an essential component of autonomous driving technology. Current rule-based vehicle motion planning methods perform satisfactorily in common scenarios but struggle to generalize to long-tailed situations. Meanwhile, learning-based methods have yet to achieve superior performance over rule-based approaches in large-scale closed-loop scenarios. To address these issues, we propose PlanAgent, the first mid-to-mid planning system based on a Multi-modal Large Language Model (MLLM). MLLM is used as a cognitive agent to introduce human-like knowledge, interpretability, and common-sense reasoning into the closed-loop planning. Specifically, PlanAgent leverages the power of MLLM through three core modules. First, an Environment Transformation module constructs a Bird's Eye View (BEV) map and a lane-graph-based textual description from the environment as inputs. Second, a Reasoning Engine module introduces a hierarchical chain-of-thought from scene understanding to lateral and longitudinal motion instructions, culminating in planner code generation. Last, a Reflection module is integrated to simulate and evaluate the generated planner for reducing MLLM's uncertainty. PlanAgent is endowed with the common-sense reasoning and generalization capability of MLLM, which empowers it to effectively tackle both common and complex long-tailed scenarios. Our proposed PlanAgent is evaluated on the large-scale and challenging nuPlan benchmarks. A comprehensive set of experiments convincingly demonstrates that PlanAgent outperforms the existing state-of-the-art in the closed-loop motion planning task. Codes will be soon released.
Abstract:3D dense captioning stands as a cornerstone in achieving a comprehensive understanding of 3D scenes through natural language. It has recently witnessed remarkable achievements, particularly in indoor settings. However, the exploration of 3D dense captioning in outdoor scenes is hindered by two major challenges: 1) the \textbf{domain gap} between indoor and outdoor scenes, such as dynamics and sparse visual inputs, makes it difficult to directly adapt existing indoor methods; 2) the \textbf{lack of data} with comprehensive box-caption pair annotations specifically tailored for outdoor scenes. To this end, we introduce the new task of outdoor 3D dense captioning. As input, we assume a LiDAR point cloud and a set of RGB images captured by the panoramic camera rig. The expected output is a set of object boxes with captions. To tackle this task, we propose the TOD3Cap network, which leverages the BEV representation to generate object box proposals and integrates Relation Q-Former with LLaMA-Adapter to generate rich captions for these objects. We also introduce the TOD3Cap dataset, the largest one to our knowledge for 3D dense captioning in outdoor scenes, which contains 2.3M descriptions of 64.3K outdoor objects from 850 scenes. Notably, our TOD3Cap network can effectively localize and caption 3D objects in outdoor scenes, which outperforms baseline methods by a significant margin (+9.6 CiDEr@0.5IoU). Code, data, and models are publicly available at https://github.com/jxbbb/TOD3Cap.
Abstract:Depth completion is a vital task for autonomous driving, as it involves reconstructing the precise 3D geometry of a scene from sparse and noisy depth measurements. However, most existing methods either rely only on 2D depth representations or directly incorporate raw 3D point clouds for compensation, which are still insufficient to capture the fine-grained 3D geometry of the scene. To address this challenge, we introduce Tri-Perspective view Decomposition (TPVD), a novel framework that can explicitly model 3D geometry. In particular, (1) TPVD ingeniously decomposes the original point cloud into three 2D views, one of which corresponds to the sparse depth input. (2) We design TPV Fusion to update the 2D TPV features through recurrent 2D-3D-2D aggregation, where a Distance-Aware Spherical Convolution (DASC) is applied. (3) By adaptively choosing TPV affinitive neighbors, the newly proposed Geometric Spatial Propagation Network (GSPN) further improves the geometric consistency. As a result, our TPVD outperforms existing methods on KITTI, NYUv2, and SUN RGBD. Furthermore, we build a novel depth completion dataset named TOFDC, which is acquired by the time-of-flight (TOF) sensor and the color camera on smartphones. Project page: https://yanzq95.github.io/projectpage/TOFDC/index.html
Abstract:Constructing a 3D scene capable of accommodating open-ended language queries, is a pivotal pursuit, particularly within the domain of robotics. Such technology facilitates robots in executing object manipulations based on human language directives. To tackle this challenge, some research efforts have been dedicated to the development of language-embedded implicit fields. However, implicit fields (e.g. NeRF) encounter limitations due to the necessity of processing a large number of input views for reconstruction, coupled with their inherent inefficiencies in inference. Thus, we present the GaussianGrasper, which utilizes 3D Gaussian Splatting to explicitly represent the scene as a collection of Gaussian primitives. Our approach takes a limited set of RGB-D views and employs a tile-based splatting technique to create a feature field. In particular, we propose an Efficient Feature Distillation (EFD) module that employs contrastive learning to efficiently and accurately distill language embeddings derived from foundational models. With the reconstructed geometry of the Gaussian field, our method enables the pre-trained grasping model to generate collision-free grasp pose candidates. Furthermore, we propose a normal-guided grasp module to select the best grasp pose. Through comprehensive real-world experiments, we demonstrate that GaussianGrasper enables robots to accurately query and grasp objects with language instructions, providing a new solution for language-guided manipulation tasks. Data and codes can be available at https://github.com/MrSecant/GaussianGrasper.
Abstract:Monocular Semantic Occupancy Prediction aims to infer the complete 3D geometry and semantic information of scenes from only 2D images. It has garnered significant attention, particularly due to its potential to enhance the 3D perception of autonomous vehicles. However, existing methods rely on a complex cascaded framework with relatively limited information to restore 3D scenes, including a dependency on supervision solely on the whole network's output, single-frame input, and the utilization of a small backbone. These challenges, in turn, hinder the optimization of the framework and yield inferior prediction results, particularly concerning smaller and long-tailed objects. To address these issues, we propose MonoOcc. In particular, we (i) improve the monocular occupancy prediction framework by proposing an auxiliary semantic loss as supervision to the shallow layers of the framework and an image-conditioned cross-attention module to refine voxel features with visual clues, and (ii) employ a distillation module that transfers temporal information and richer knowledge from a larger image backbone to the monocular semantic occupancy prediction framework with low cost of hardware. With these advantages, our method yields state-of-the-art performance on the camera-based SemanticKITTI Scene Completion benchmark. Codes and models can be accessed at https://github.com/ucaszyp/MonoOcc
Abstract:We introduce a novel approach to learn geometries such as depth and surface normal from images while incorporating geometric context. The difficulty of reliably capturing geometric context in existing methods impedes their ability to accurately enforce the consistency between the different geometric properties, thereby leading to a bottleneck of geometric estimation quality. We therefore propose the Adaptive Surface Normal (ASN) constraint, a simple yet efficient method. Our approach extracts geometric context that encodes the geometric variations present in the input image and correlates depth estimation with geometric constraints. By dynamically determining reliable local geometry from randomly sampled candidates, we establish a surface normal constraint, where the validity of these candidates is evaluated using the geometric context. Furthermore, our normal estimation leverages the geometric context to prioritize regions that exhibit significant geometric variations, which makes the predicted normals accurately capture intricate and detailed geometric information. Through the integration of geometric context, our method unifies depth and surface normal estimations within a cohesive framework, which enables the generation of high-quality 3D geometry from images. We validate the superiority of our approach over state-of-the-art methods through extensive evaluations and comparisons on diverse indoor and outdoor datasets, showcasing its efficiency and robustness.
Abstract:In the past several years, road anomaly segmentation is actively explored in the academia and drawing growing attention in the industry. The rationale behind is straightforward: if the autonomous car can brake before hitting an anomalous object, safety is promoted. However, this rationale naturally calls for a temporally informed setting while existing methods and benchmarks are designed in an unrealistic frame-wise manner. To bridge this gap, we contribute the first video anomaly segmentation dataset for autonomous driving. Since placing various anomalous objects on busy roads and annotating them in every frame are dangerous and expensive, we resort to synthetic data. To improve the relevance of this synthetic dataset to real-world applications, we train a generative adversarial network conditioned on rendering G-buffers for photorealism enhancement. Our dataset consists of 120,000 high-resolution frames at a 60 FPS framerate, as recorded in 7 different towns. As an initial benchmarking, we provide baselines using latest supervised and unsupervised road anomaly segmentation methods. Apart from conventional ones, we focus on two new metrics: temporal consistency and latencyaware streaming accuracy. We believe the latter is valuable as it measures whether an anomaly segmentation algorithm can truly prevent a car from crashing in a temporally informed setting.
Abstract:Keypoint-based representation has proven advantageous in various visual and robotic tasks. However, the existing 2D and 3D methods for detecting keypoints mainly rely on geometric consistency to achieve spatial alignment, neglecting temporal consistency. To address this issue, the Transporter method was introduced for 2D data, which reconstructs the target frame from the source frame to incorporate both spatial and temporal information. However, the direct application of the Transporter to 3D point clouds is infeasible due to their structural differences from 2D images. Thus, we propose the first 3D version of the Transporter, which leverages hybrid 3D representation, cross attention, and implicit reconstruction. We apply this new learning system on 3D articulated objects and nonrigid animals (humans and rodents) and show that learned keypoints are spatio-temporally consistent. Additionally, we propose a closed-loop control strategy that utilizes the learned keypoints for 3D object manipulation and demonstrate its superior performance. Codes are available at https://github.com/zhongcl-thu/3D-Implicit-Transporter.