Abstract:Depth completion endeavors to reconstruct a dense depth map from sparse depth measurements, leveraging the information provided by a corresponding color image. Existing approaches mostly hinge on single-scale propagation strategies that iteratively ameliorate initial coarse depth estimates through pixel-level message passing. Despite their commendable outcomes, these techniques are frequently hampered by computational inefficiencies and a limited grasp of scene context. To circumvent these challenges, we introduce LP-Net, an innovative framework that implements a multi-scale, progressive prediction paradigm based on Laplacian Pyramid decomposition. Diverging from propagation-based approaches, LP-Net initiates with a rudimentary, low-resolution depth prediction to encapsulate the global scene context, subsequently refining this through successive upsampling and the reinstatement of high-frequency details at incremental scales. We have developed two novel modules to bolster this strategy: 1) the Multi-path Feature Pyramid module, which segregates feature maps into discrete pathways, employing multi-scale transformations to amalgamate comprehensive spatial information, and 2) the Selective Depth Filtering module, which dynamically learns to apply both smoothness and sharpness filters to judiciously mitigate noise while accentuating intricate details. By integrating these advancements, LP-Net not only secures state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance across both outdoor and indoor benchmarks such as KITTI, NYUv2, and TOFDC, but also demonstrates superior computational efficiency. At the time of submission, LP-Net ranks 1st among all peer-reviewed methods on the official KITTI leaderboard.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the Selective Image Guided Network (SigNet), a novel degradation-aware framework that transforms depth completion into depth enhancement for the first time. Moving beyond direct completion using convolutional neural networks (CNNs), SigNet initially densifies sparse depth data through non-CNN densification tools to obtain coarse yet dense depth. This approach eliminates the mismatch and ambiguity caused by direct convolution over irregularly sampled sparse data. Subsequently, SigNet redefines completion as enhancement, establishing a self-supervised degradation bridge between the coarse depth and the targeted dense depth for effective RGB-D fusion. To achieve this, SigNet leverages the implicit degradation to adaptively select high-frequency components (e.g., edges) of RGB data to compensate for the coarse depth. This degradation is further integrated into a multi-modal conditional Mamba, dynamically generating the state parameters to enable efficient global high-frequency information interaction. We conduct extensive experiments on the NYUv2, DIML, SUN RGBD, and TOFDC datasets, demonstrating the state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance of SigNet.
Abstract:In this paper, we study the challenging problem of simultaneously removing haze and estimating depth from real monocular hazy videos. These tasks are inherently complementary: enhanced depth estimation improves dehazing via the atmospheric scattering model (ASM), while superior dehazing contributes to more accurate depth estimation through the brightness consistency constraint (BCC). To tackle these intertwined tasks, we propose a novel depth-centric learning framework that integrates the ASM model with the BCC constraint. Our key idea is that both ASM and BCC rely on a shared depth estimation network. This network simultaneously exploits adjacent dehazed frames to enhance depth estimation via BCC and uses the refined depth cues to more effectively remove haze through ASM. Additionally, we leverage a non-aligned clear video and its estimated depth to independently regularize the dehazing and depth estimation networks. This is achieved by designing two discriminator networks: $D_{MFIR}$ enhances high-frequency details in dehazed videos, and $D_{MDR}$ reduces the occurrence of black holes in low-texture regions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms current state-of-the-art techniques in both video dehazing and depth estimation tasks, especially in real-world hazy scenes. Project page: https://fanjunkai1.github.io/projectpage/DCL/index.html.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce DCDepth, a novel framework for the long-standing monocular depth estimation task. Moving beyond conventional pixel-wise depth estimation in the spatial domain, our approach estimates the frequency coefficients of depth patches after transforming them into the discrete cosine domain. This unique formulation allows for the modeling of local depth correlations within each patch. Crucially, the frequency transformation segregates the depth information into various frequency components, with low-frequency components encapsulating the core scene structure and high-frequency components detailing the finer aspects. This decomposition forms the basis of our progressive strategy, which begins with the prediction of low-frequency components to establish a global scene context, followed by successive refinement of local details through the prediction of higher-frequency components. We conduct comprehensive experiments on NYU-Depth-V2, TOFDC, and KITTI datasets, and demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of DCDepth. Code is available at https://github.com/w2kun/DCDepth.
Abstract:Recently, existing RGB-guided depth super-resolution methods achieve excellent performance based on the assumption of fixed and known degradation (e.g., bicubic downsampling). However, in real-world scenarios, the captured depth often suffers from unconventional and agnostic degradation due to sensor limitations and the complexity of imaging environments (e.g., low reflective surface, illumination). Their performance significantly declines when these real degradation differ from their assumptions. To address these issues, we propose a Degradation Oriented and Regularized Network, DORNet, which pays more attention on learning degradation representation of low-resolution depth that can provide targeted guidance for depth recovery. Specifically, we first design a self-supervised Degradation Learning to model the discriminative degradation representation of low-resolution depth using routing selection-based Degradation Regularization. Then, we present a Degradation Awareness that recursively conducts multiple Degradation-Oriented Feature Transformations, each of which selectively embeds RGB information into the depth based on the learned degradation representation. Extensive experimental results on both real and synthetic datasets demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:The task of vision-based 3D occupancy prediction aims to reconstruct 3D geometry and estimate its semantic classes from 2D color images, where the 2D-to-3D view transformation is an indispensable step. Most previous methods conduct forward projection, such as BEVPooling and VoxelPooling, both of which map the 2D image features into 3D grids. However, the current grid representing features within a certain height range usually introduces many confusing features that belong to other height ranges. To address this challenge, we present Deep Height Decoupling (DHD), a novel framework that incorporates explicit height prior to filter out the confusing features. Specifically, DHD first predicts height maps via explicit supervision. Based on the height distribution statistics, DHD designs Mask Guided Height Sampling (MGHS) to adaptively decoupled the height map into multiple binary masks. MGHS projects the 2D image features into multiple subspaces, where each grid contains features within reasonable height ranges. Finally, a Synergistic Feature Aggregation (SFA) module is deployed to enhance the feature representation through channel and spatial affinities, enabling further occupancy refinement. On the popular Occ3D-nuScenes benchmark, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance even with minimal input frames. Code is available at https://github.com/yanzq95/DHD.
Abstract:Recent advances in low light image enhancement have been dominated by Retinex-based learning framework, leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformers. However, the vanilla Retinex theory primarily addresses global illumination degradation and neglects local issues such as noise and blur in dark conditions. Moreover, CNNs and Transformers struggle to capture global degradation due to their limited receptive fields. While state space models (SSMs) have shown promise in the long-sequence modeling, they face challenges in combining local invariants and global context in visual data. In this paper, we introduce MambaLLIE, an implicit Retinex-aware low light enhancer featuring a global-then-local state space design. We first propose a Local-Enhanced State Space Module (LESSM) that incorporates an augmented local bias within a 2D selective scan mechanism, enhancing the original SSMs by preserving local 2D dependency. Additionally, an Implicit Retinex-aware Selective Kernel module (IRSK) dynamically selects features using spatially-varying operations, adapting to varying inputs through an adaptive kernel selection process. Our Global-then-Local State Space Block (GLSSB) integrates LESSM and IRSK with LayerNorm as its core. This design enables MambaLLIE to achieve comprehensive global long-range modeling and flexible local feature aggregation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MambaLLIE significantly outperforms state-of-the-art CNN and Transformer-based methods. Project Page: https://mamballie.github.io/anon/
Abstract:Depth completion is a vital task for autonomous driving, as it involves reconstructing the precise 3D geometry of a scene from sparse and noisy depth measurements. However, most existing methods either rely only on 2D depth representations or directly incorporate raw 3D point clouds for compensation, which are still insufficient to capture the fine-grained 3D geometry of the scene. To address this challenge, we introduce Tri-Perspective view Decomposition (TPVD), a novel framework that can explicitly model 3D geometry. In particular, (1) TPVD ingeniously decomposes the original point cloud into three 2D views, one of which corresponds to the sparse depth input. (2) We design TPV Fusion to update the 2D TPV features through recurrent 2D-3D-2D aggregation, where a Distance-Aware Spherical Convolution (DASC) is applied. (3) By adaptively choosing TPV affinitive neighbors, the newly proposed Geometric Spatial Propagation Network (GSPN) further improves the geometric consistency. As a result, our TPVD outperforms existing methods on KITTI, NYUv2, and SUN RGBD. Furthermore, we build a novel depth completion dataset named TOFDC, which is acquired by the time-of-flight (TOF) sensor and the color camera on smartphones. Project page: https://yanzq95.github.io/projectpage/TOFDC/index.html
Abstract:Multi-modal fusion is vital to the success of super-resolution of depth maps. However, commonly used fusion strategies, such as addition and concatenation, fall short of effectively bridging the modal gap. As a result, guided image filtering methods have been introduced to mitigate this issue. Nevertheless, it is observed that their filter kernels usually encounter significant texture interference and edge inaccuracy. To tackle these two challenges, we introduce a Scene Prior Filtering network, SPFNet, which utilizes the priors surface normal and semantic map from large-scale models. Specifically, we design an All-in-one Prior Propagation that computes the similarity between multi-modal scene priors, i.e., RGB, normal, semantic, and depth, to reduce the texture interference. In addition, we present a One-to-one Prior Embedding that continuously embeds each single-modal prior into depth using Mutual Guided Filtering, further alleviating the texture interference while enhancing edges. Our SPFNet has been extensively evaluated on both real and synthetic datasets, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Depth super-resolution (DSR) aims to restore high-resolution (HR) depth from low-resolution (LR) one, where RGB image is often used to promote this task. Recent image guided DSR approaches mainly focus on spatial domain to rebuild depth structure. However, since the structure of LR depth is usually blurry, only considering spatial domain is not very sufficient to acquire satisfactory results. In this paper, we propose structure guided network (SGNet), a method that pays more attention to gradient and frequency domains, both of which have the inherent ability to capture high-frequency structure. Specifically, we first introduce the gradient calibration module (GCM), which employs the accurate gradient prior of RGB to sharpen the LR depth structure. Then we present the Frequency Awareness Module (FAM) that recursively conducts multiple spectrum differencing blocks (SDB), each of which propagates the precise high-frequency components of RGB into the LR depth. Extensive experimental results on both real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the superiority of our SGNet, reaching the state-of-the-art. Codes and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/yanzq95/SGNet.