Abstract:Recent successes in autoregressive (AR) generation models, such as the GPT series in natural language processing, have motivated efforts to replicate this success in visual tasks. Some works attempt to extend this approach to autonomous driving by building video-based world models capable of generating realistic future video sequences and predicting ego states. However, prior works tend to produce unsatisfactory results, as the classic GPT framework is designed to handle 1D contextual information, such as text, and lacks the inherent ability to model the spatial and temporal dynamics essential for video generation. In this paper, we present DrivingWorld, a GPT-style world model for autonomous driving, featuring several spatial-temporal fusion mechanisms. This design enables effective modeling of both spatial and temporal dynamics, facilitating high-fidelity, long-duration video generation. Specifically, we propose a next-state prediction strategy to model temporal coherence between consecutive frames and apply a next-token prediction strategy to capture spatial information within each frame. To further enhance generalization ability, we propose a novel masking strategy and reweighting strategy for token prediction to mitigate long-term drifting issues and enable precise control. Our work demonstrates the ability to produce high-fidelity and consistent video clips of over 40 seconds in duration, which is over 2 times longer than state-of-the-art driving world models. Experiments show that, in contrast to prior works, our method achieves superior visual quality and significantly more accurate controllable future video generation. Our code is available at https://github.com/YvanYin/DrivingWorld.
Abstract:Recent successes in autoregressive (AR) generation models, such as the GPT series in natural language processing, have motivated efforts to replicate this success in visual tasks. Some works attempt to extend this approach to autonomous driving by building video-based world models capable of generating realistic future video sequences and predicting ego states. However, prior works tend to produce unsatisfactory results, as the classic GPT framework is designed to handle 1D contextual information, such as text, and lacks the inherent ability to model the spatial and temporal dynamics essential for video generation. In this paper, we present DrivingWorld, a GPT-style world model for autonomous driving, featuring several spatial-temporal fusion mechanisms. This design enables effective modeling of both spatial and temporal dynamics, facilitating high-fidelity, long-duration video generation. Specifically, we propose a next-state prediction strategy to model temporal coherence between consecutive frames and apply a next-token prediction strategy to capture spatial information within each frame. To further enhance generalization ability, we propose a novel masking strategy and reweighting strategy for token prediction to mitigate long-term drifting issues and enable precise control. Our work demonstrates the ability to produce high-fidelity and consistent video clips of over 40 seconds in duration, which is over 2 times longer than state-of-the-art driving world models. Experiments show that, in contrast to prior works, our method achieves superior visual quality and significantly more accurate controllable future video generation. Our code is available at https://github.com/YvanYin/DrivingWorld.
Abstract:In this paper, we present DM-Calib, a diffusion-based approach for estimating pinhole camera intrinsic parameters from a single input image. Monocular camera calibration is essential for many 3D vision tasks. However, most existing methods depend on handcrafted assumptions or are constrained by limited training data, resulting in poor generalization across diverse real-world images. Recent advancements in stable diffusion models, trained on massive data, have shown the ability to generate high-quality images with varied characteristics. Emerging evidence indicates that these models implicitly capture the relationship between camera focal length and image content. Building on this insight, we explore how to leverage the powerful priors of diffusion models for monocular pinhole camera calibration. Specifically, we introduce a new image-based representation, termed Camera Image, which losslessly encodes the numerical camera intrinsics and integrates seamlessly with the diffusion framework. Using this representation, we reformulate the problem of estimating camera intrinsics as the generation of a dense Camera Image conditioned on an input image. By fine-tuning a stable diffusion model to generate a Camera Image from a single RGB input, we can extract camera intrinsics via a RANSAC operation. We further demonstrate that our monocular calibration method enhances performance across various 3D tasks, including zero-shot metric depth estimation, 3D metrology, pose estimation and sparse-view reconstruction. Extensive experiments on multiple public datasets show that our approach significantly outperforms baselines and provides broad benefits to 3D vision tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/JunyuanDeng/DM-Calib.
Abstract:Reconstructing accurate 3D surfaces for street-view scenarios is crucial for applications such as digital entertainment and autonomous driving simulation. However, existing street-view datasets, including KITTI, Waymo, and nuScenes, only offer noisy LiDAR points as ground-truth data for geometric evaluation of reconstructed surfaces. These geometric ground-truths often lack the necessary precision to evaluate surface positions and do not provide data for assessing surface normals. To overcome these challenges, we introduce the SS3DM dataset, comprising precise \textbf{S}ynthetic \textbf{S}treet-view \textbf{3D} \textbf{M}esh models exported from the CARLA simulator. These mesh models facilitate accurate position evaluation and include normal vectors for evaluating surface normal. To simulate the input data in realistic driving scenarios for 3D reconstruction, we virtually drive a vehicle equipped with six RGB cameras and five LiDAR sensors in diverse outdoor scenes. Leveraging this dataset, we establish a benchmark for state-of-the-art surface reconstruction methods, providing a comprehensive evaluation of the associated challenges. For more information, visit our homepage at https://ss3dm.top.
Abstract:We propose DOME, a diffusion-based world model that predicts future occupancy frames based on past occupancy observations. The ability of this world model to capture the evolution of the environment is crucial for planning in autonomous driving. Compared to 2D video-based world models, the occupancy world model utilizes a native 3D representation, which features easily obtainable annotations and is modality-agnostic. This flexibility has the potential to facilitate the development of more advanced world models. Existing occupancy world models either suffer from detail loss due to discrete tokenization or rely on simplistic diffusion architectures, leading to inefficiencies and difficulties in predicting future occupancy with controllability. Our DOME exhibits two key features:(1) High-Fidelity and Long-Duration Generation. We adopt a spatial-temporal diffusion transformer to predict future occupancy frames based on historical context. This architecture efficiently captures spatial-temporal information, enabling high-fidelity details and the ability to generate predictions over long durations. (2)Fine-grained Controllability. We address the challenge of controllability in predictions by introducing a trajectory resampling method, which significantly enhances the model's ability to generate controlled predictions. Extensive experiments on the widely used nuScenes dataset demonstrate that our method surpasses existing baselines in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, establishing a new state-of-the-art performance on nuScenes. Specifically, our approach surpasses the baseline by 10.5% in mIoU and 21.2% in IoU for occupancy reconstruction and by 36.0% in mIoU and 24.6% in IoU for 4D occupancy forecasting.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose HE-Drive: the first human-like-centric end-to-end autonomous driving system to generate trajectories that are both temporally consistent and comfortable. Recent studies have shown that imitation learning-based planners and learning-based trajectory scorers can effectively generate and select accuracy trajectories that closely mimic expert demonstrations. However, such trajectory planners and scorers face the dilemma of generating temporally inconsistent and uncomfortable trajectories. To solve the above problems, Our HE-Drive first extracts key 3D spatial representations through sparse perception, which then serves as conditional inputs for a Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs)-based motion planner to generate temporal consistency multi-modal trajectories. A Vision-Language Models (VLMs)-guided trajectory scorer subsequently selects the most comfortable trajectory from these candidates to control the vehicle, ensuring human-like end-to-end driving. Experiments show that HE-Drive not only achieves state-of-the-art performance (i.e., reduces the average collision rate by 71% than VAD) and efficiency (i.e., 1.9X faster than SparseDrive) on the challenging nuScenes and OpenScene datasets but also provides the most comfortable driving experience on real-world data.For more information, visit the project website: https://jmwang0117.github.io/HE-Drive/.
Abstract:3D semantic occupancy prediction networks have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in reconstructing the geometric and semantic structure of 3D scenes, providing crucial information for robot navigation and autonomous driving systems. However, due to their large overhead from dense network structure designs, existing networks face challenges balancing accuracy and latency.In this paper, we introduce OccRWKV, an efficient semantic occupancy network inspired by Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV). OccRWKV separates semantics, occupancy prediction, and feature fusion into distinct branches, each incorporating Sem-RWKV and Geo-RWKV blocks. These blocks are designed to capture long-range dependencies, enabling the network to learn domain-specific representation (i.e., semantics and geometry), which enhances prediction accuracy. Leveraging the sparse nature of real-world 3D occupancy, we reduce computational overhead by projecting features into the bird's-eye view (BEV) space and propose a BEV-RWKV block for efficient feature enhancement and fusion. This enables real-time inference at 22.2 FPS without compromising performance. Experiments demonstrate that OccRWKV outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on the SemanticKITTI dataset, achieving a mIoU of 25.1 while being 20 times faster than the best baseline, Co-Occ, making it suitable for real-time deployment on robots to enhance autonomous navigation efficiency. Code and video are available on our project page: \url{https://jmwang0117.github.io/OccRWKV/}.
Abstract:This paper presents NGP-RT, a novel approach for enhancing the rendering speed of Instant-NGP to achieve real-time novel view synthesis. As a classic NeRF-based method, Instant-NGP stores implicit features in multi-level grids or hash tables and applies a shallow MLP to convert the implicit features into explicit colors and densities. Although it achieves fast training speed, there is still a lot of room for improvement in its rendering speed due to the per-point MLP executions for implicit multi-level feature aggregation, especially for real-time applications. To address this challenge, our proposed NGP-RT explicitly stores colors and densities as hash features, and leverages a lightweight attention mechanism to disambiguate the hash collisions instead of using computationally intensive MLP. At the rendering stage, NGP-RT incorporates a pre-computed occupancy distance grid into the ray marching strategy to inform the distance to the nearest occupied voxel, thereby reducing the number of marching points and global memory access. Experimental results show that on the challenging Mip-NeRF360 dataset, NGP-RT achieves better rendering quality than previous NeRF-based methods, achieving 108 fps at 1080p resolution on a single Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU. Our approach is promising for NeRF-based real-time applications that require efficient and high-quality rendering.
Abstract:Alignment or registration of functions is a fundamental problem in statistical analysis of functions and shapes. While there are several approaches available, a more recent approach based on Fisher-Rao metric and square-root velocity functions (SRVFs) has been shown to have good performance. However, this SRVF method has two limitations: (1) it is susceptible to over alignment, i.e., alignment of noise as well as the signal, and (2) in case there is additional information in form of landmarks, the original formulation does not prescribe a way to incorporate that information. In this paper we propose an extension that allows for incorporation of landmark information to seek a compromise between matching curves and landmarks. This results in a soft landmark alignment that pushes landmarks closer, without requiring their exact overlays to finds a compromise between contributions from functions and landmarks. The proposed method is demonstrated to be superior in certain practical scenarios.
Abstract:Training of generative models especially Generative Adversarial Networks can easily diverge in low-data setting. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel implicit data augmentation approach which facilitates stable training and synthesize diverse samples. Specifically, we view the discriminator as a metric embedding of the real data manifold, which offers proper distances between real data points. We then utilize information in the feature space to develop a data-driven augmentation method. We further bring up a simple metric to evaluate the diversity of synthesized samples. Experiments on few-shot generation tasks show our method improves FID and diversity of results compared to current methods, and allows generating high-quality and diverse images with less than 100 training samples.