Carnegie Mellon University
Abstract:In this work, we unveil and study idiosyncrasies in Large Language Models (LLMs) -- unique patterns in their outputs that can be used to distinguish the models. To do so, we consider a simple classification task: given a particular text output, the objective is to predict the source LLM that generates the text. We evaluate this synthetic task across various groups of LLMs and find that simply fine-tuning existing text embedding models on LLM-generated texts yields excellent classification accuracy. Notably, we achieve 97.1% accuracy on held-out validation data in the five-way classification problem involving ChatGPT, Claude, Grok, Gemini, and DeepSeek. Our further investigation reveals that these idiosyncrasies are rooted in word-level distributions. These patterns persist even when the texts are rewritten, translated, or summarized by an external LLM, suggesting that they are also encoded in the semantic content. Additionally, we leverage LLM as judges to generate detailed, open-ended descriptions of each model's idiosyncrasies. Finally, we discuss the broader implications of our findings, particularly for training on synthetic data and inferring model similarity. Code is available at
Abstract:In the past decade, motivated by the putative failure of naive self-play deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in adversarial imperfect-information games, researchers have developed numerous DRL algorithms based on fictitious play (FP), double oracle (DO), and counterfactual regret minimization (CFR). In light of recent results of the magnetic mirror descent algorithm, we hypothesize that simpler generic policy gradient methods like PPO are competitive with or superior to these FP, DO, and CFR-based DRL approaches. To facilitate the resolution of this hypothesis, we implement and release the first broadly accessible exact exploitability computations for four large games. Using these games, we conduct the largest-ever exploitability comparison of DRL algorithms for imperfect-information games. Over 5600 training runs, FP, DO, and CFR-based approaches fail to outperform generic policy gradient methods. Code is available at and .
Abstract:As large language models (LLMs) are increasingly relied on in AI systems, predicting when they make mistakes is crucial. While a great deal of work in the field uses internal representations to interpret model behavior, these representations are inaccessible when given solely black-box access through an API. In this paper, we extract features of LLMs in a black-box manner by using follow-up prompts and taking the probabilities of different responses as representations to train reliable predictors of model behavior. We demonstrate that training a linear model on these low-dimensional representations produces reliable and generalizable predictors of model performance at the instance level (e.g., if a particular generation correctly answers a question). Remarkably, these can often outperform white-box linear predictors that operate over a model's hidden state or the full distribution over its vocabulary. In addition, we demonstrate that these extracted features can be used to evaluate more nuanced aspects of a language model's state. For instance, they can be used to distinguish between a clean version of GPT-4o-mini and a version that has been influenced via an adversarial system prompt that answers question-answering tasks incorrectly or introduces bugs into generated code. Furthermore, they can reliably distinguish between different model architectures and sizes, enabling the detection of misrepresented models provided through an API (e.g., identifying if GPT-3.5 is supplied instead of GPT-4o-mini).
Abstract:Self-supervised vision-language models trained with contrastive objectives form the basis of current state-of-the-art methods in AI vision tasks. The success of these models is a direct consequence of the huge web-scale datasets used to train them, but they require correspondingly large vision components to properly learn powerful and general representations from such a broad data domain. This poses a challenge for deploying large vision-language models, especially in resource-constrained environments. To address this, we propose an alternate vision-language architecture, called HyperCLIP, that uses a small image encoder along with a hypernetwork that dynamically adapts image encoder weights to each new set of text inputs. All three components of the model (hypernetwork, image encoder, and text encoder) are pre-trained jointly end-to-end, and with a trained HyperCLIP model, we can generate new zero-shot deployment-friendly image classifiers for any task with a single forward pass through the text encoder and hypernetwork. HyperCLIP increases the zero-shot accuracy of SigLIP trained models with small image encoders by up to 3% on ImageNet and 5% on CIFAR-100 with minimal training throughput overhead.
Abstract:We introduce a novel, training-free method for sampling differentiable representations (diffreps) using pretrained diffusion models. Rather than merely mode-seeking, our method achieves sampling by "pulling back" the dynamics of the reverse-time process--from the image space to the diffrep parameter space--and updating the parameters according to this pulled-back process. We identify an implicit constraint on the samples induced by the diffrep and demonstrate that addressing this constraint significantly improves the consistency and detail of the generated objects. Our method yields diffreps with substantially improved quality and diversity for images, panoramas, and 3D NeRFs compared to existing techniques. Our approach is a general-purpose method for sampling diffreps, expanding the scope of problems that diffusion models can tackle.
Abstract:Blind inverse problems, where both the target data and forward operator are unknown, are crucial to many computer vision applications. Existing methods often depend on restrictive assumptions such as additional training, operator linearity, or narrow image distributions, thus limiting their generalizability. In this work, we present LADiBI, a training-free framework that uses large-scale text-to-image diffusion models to solve blind inverse problems with minimal assumptions. By leveraging natural language prompts, LADiBI jointly models priors for both the target image and operator, allowing for flexible adaptation across a variety of tasks. Additionally, we propose a novel posterior sampling approach that combines effective operator initialization with iterative refinement, enabling LADiBI to operate without predefined operator forms. Our experiments show that LADiBI is capable of solving a broad range of image restoration tasks, including both linear and nonlinear problems, on diverse target image distributions.
Abstract:Vision Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated strong capabilities across various visual understanding and reasoning tasks. However, their real-world deployment is often constrained by high latency during inference due to substantial compute required to process the large number of input tokens (predominantly from the image) by the LLM. To reduce inference costs, one can either downsize the LLM or reduce the number of input image-tokens, the latter of which has been the focus of many recent works around token compression. However, it is unclear what the optimal trade-off is, as both the factors directly affect the VLM performance. We first characterize this optimal trade-off between the number of visual tokens and LLM parameters by establishing scaling laws that capture variations in performance with these two factors. Our results reveal a surprising trend: for visual reasoning tasks, the inference-optimal behavior in VLMs, i.e., minimum downstream error at any given fixed inference compute, is achieved when using the largest LLM that fits within the inference budget while minimizing visual token count - often to a single token. While the token reduction literature has mainly focused on maintaining base model performance by modestly reducing the token count (e.g., $5-10\times$), our results indicate that the compute-optimal inference regime requires operating under even higher token compression ratios. Based on these insights, we take some initial steps towards building approaches tailored for high token compression settings. Code is available at
Abstract:Despite their strong performances on many generative tasks, diffusion models require a large number of sampling steps in order to generate realistic samples. This has motivated the community to develop effective methods to distill pre-trained diffusion models into more efficient models, but these methods still typically require few-step inference or perform substantially worse than the underlying model. In this paper, we present Score Implicit Matching (SIM) a new approach to distilling pre-trained diffusion models into single-step generator models, while maintaining almost the same sample generation ability as the original model as well as being data-free with no need of training samples for distillation. The method rests upon the fact that, although the traditional score-based loss is intractable to minimize for generator models, under certain conditions we can efficiently compute the gradients for a wide class of score-based divergences between a diffusion model and a generator. SIM shows strong empirical performances for one-step generators: on the CIFAR10 dataset, it achieves an FID of 2.06 for unconditional generation and 1.96 for class-conditional generation. Moreover, by applying SIM to a leading transformer-based diffusion model, we distill a single-step generator for text-to-image (T2I) generation that attains an aesthetic score of 6.42 with no performance decline over the original multi-step counterpart, clearly outperforming the other one-step generators including SDXL-TURBO of 5.33, SDXL-LIGHTNING of 5.34 and HYPER-SDXL of 5.85. We will release this industry-ready one-step transformer-based T2I generator along with this paper.
Abstract:Counterfactual explanations have been a popular method of post-hoc explainability for a variety of settings in Machine Learning. Such methods focus on explaining classifiers by generating new data points that are similar to a given reference, while receiving a more desirable prediction. In this work, we investigate a framing for counterfactual generation methods that considers counterfactuals not as independent draws from a region around the reference, but as jointly sampled with the reference from the underlying data distribution. Through this framing, we derive a distance metric, tailored for counterfactual similarity that can be applied to a broad range of settings. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses of counterfactual generation methods, we show that this framing allows us to express more nuanced dependencies among the covariates.
Abstract:The composition of pretraining data is a key determinant of foundation models' performance, but there is no standard guideline for allocating a limited computational budget across different data sources. Most current approaches either rely on extensive experiments with smaller models or dynamic data adjustments that also require proxy models, both of which significantly increase the workflow complexity and computational overhead. In this paper, we introduce Adaptive Data Optimization (ADO), an algorithm that optimizes data distributions in an online fashion, concurrent with model training. Unlike existing techniques, ADO does not require external knowledge, proxy models, or modifications to the model update. Instead, ADO uses per-domain scaling laws to estimate the learning potential of each domain during training and adjusts the data mixture accordingly, making it more scalable and easier to integrate. Experiments demonstrate that ADO can achieve comparable or better performance than prior methods while maintaining computational efficiency across different computation scales, offering a practical solution for dynamically adjusting data distribution without sacrificing flexibility or increasing costs. Beyond its practical benefits, ADO also provides a new perspective on data collection strategies via scaling laws.