Abstract:This paper presents the \textbf{S}emantic-a\textbf{W}ar\textbf{E} spatial-t\textbf{E}mporal \textbf{T}okenizer (SweetTokenizer), a compact yet effective discretization approach for vision data. Our goal is to boost tokenizers' compression ratio while maintaining reconstruction fidelity in the VQ-VAE paradigm. Firstly, to obtain compact latent representations, we decouple images or videos into spatial-temporal dimensions, translating visual information into learnable querying spatial and temporal tokens through a \textbf{C}ross-attention \textbf{Q}uery \textbf{A}uto\textbf{E}ncoder (CQAE). Secondly, to complement visual information during compression, we quantize these tokens via a specialized codebook derived from off-the-shelf LLM embeddings to leverage the rich semantics from language modality. Finally, to enhance training stability and convergence, we also introduce a curriculum learning strategy, which proves critical for effective discrete visual representation learning. SweetTokenizer achieves comparable video reconstruction fidelity with only \textbf{25\%} of the tokens used in previous state-of-the-art video tokenizers, and boost video generation results by \textbf{32.9\%} w.r.t gFVD. When using the same token number, we significantly improves video and image reconstruction results by \textbf{57.1\%} w.r.t rFVD on UCF-101 and \textbf{37.2\%} w.r.t rFID on ImageNet-1K. Additionally, the compressed tokens are imbued with semantic information, enabling few-shot recognition capabilities powered by LLMs in downstream applications.
Abstract:The typical selective state-space model (SSM) of Mamba addresses several limitations of Transformers, such as quadratic computational complexity with sequence length and significant inference-time memory requirements due to the key-value cache. However, the growing size of Mamba models continues to pose training and deployment challenges and raises environmental concerns due to considerable energy consumption. In this work, we introduce Bi-Mamba, a scalable and powerful 1-bit Mamba architecture designed for more efficient large language models with multiple sizes across 780M, 1.3B, and 2.7B. Bi-Mamba models are trained from scratch on data volume as regular LLM pertaining using an autoregressive distillation loss. Extensive experimental results on language modeling demonstrate that Bi-Mamba achieves performance comparable to its full-precision counterparts (e.g., FP16 or BF16) and much better accuracy than post-training-binarization (PTB) Mamba baselines, while significantly reducing memory footprint and energy consumption compared to the original Mamba model. Our study pioneers a new linear computational complexity LLM framework under low-bit representation and facilitates the future design of specialized hardware tailored for efficient 1-bit Mamba-based LLMs.
Abstract:This work presents a Fully BInarized Large Language Model (FBI-LLM), demonstrating for the first time how to train a large-scale binary language model from scratch (not the partial binary or ternary LLM like BitNet b1.58) to match the performance of its full-precision counterparts (e.g., FP16 or BF16) in transformer-based LLMs. It achieves this by employing an autoregressive distillation (AD) loss with maintaining equivalent model dimensions (130M, 1.3B, 7B) and training data volume as regular LLM pretraining, while delivering competitive results in terms of perplexity and task-specific effectiveness. Intriguingly, by analyzing the training trajectory, we find that the pretrained weight is not necessary for training binarized LLMs from scratch. This research encourages a new computational framework and may facilitate the future design of specialized hardware tailored for fully 1-bit LLMs. We make all models, code, and training dataset fully accessible and transparent to support further research (Code: https://github.com/LiqunMa/FBI-LLM. Model: https://huggingface.co/LiqunMa/).
Abstract:We observe an empirical phenomenon in Large Language Models (LLMs) -- very few activations exhibit significantly larger values than others (e.g., 100,000 times larger). We call them massive activations. First, we demonstrate the widespread existence of massive activations across various LLMs and characterize their locations. Second, we find their values largely stay constant regardless of the input, and they function as indispensable bias terms in LLMs. Third, these massive activations lead to the concentration of attention probabilities to their corresponding tokens, and further, implicit bias terms in the self-attention output. Last, we also study massive activations in Vision Transformers.
Abstract:Test-time adaptation (TTA) methods aim to improve robustness to distribution shifts by adapting models using unlabeled data from the shifted test distribution. However, there remain unresolved challenges that undermine the reliability of TTA, which include difficulties in evaluating TTA performance, miscalibration after TTA, and unreliable hyperparameter tuning for adaptation. In this work, we make a notable and surprising observation that TTAed models strongly show the agreement-on-the-line phenomenon (Baek et al., 2022) across a wide range of distribution shifts. We find such linear trends occur consistently in a wide range of models adapted with various hyperparameters, and persist in distributions where the phenomenon fails to hold in vanilla models (i.e., before adaptation). We leverage these observations to make TTA methods more reliable in three perspectives: (i) estimating OOD accuracy (without labeled data) to determine when TTA helps and when it hurts, (ii) calibrating TTAed models without label information, and (iii) reliably determining hyperparameters for TTA without any labeled validation data. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that various TTA methods can be precisely evaluated, both in terms of their improvements and degradations. Moreover, our proposed methods on unsupervised calibration and hyperparameters tuning for TTA achieve results close to the ones assuming access to ground-truth labels, in terms of both OOD accuracy and calibration error.
Abstract:Recently, digital humans for interpersonal interaction in virtual environments have gained significant attention. In this paper, we introduce a novel multi-dancer synthesis task called partner dancer generation, which involves synthesizing virtual human dancers capable of performing dance with users. The task aims to control the pose diversity between the lead dancer and the partner dancer. The core of this task is to ensure the controllable diversity of the generated partner dancer while maintaining temporal coordination with the lead dancer. This scenario varies from earlier research in generating dance motions driven by music, as our emphasis is on automatically designing partner dancer postures according to pre-defined diversity, the pose of lead dancer, as well as the accompanying tunes. To achieve this objective, we propose a three-stage framework called Dance-with-You (DanY). Initially, we employ a 3D Pose Collection stage to collect a wide range of basic dance poses as references for motion generation. Then, we introduce a hyper-parameter that coordinates the similarity between dancers by masking poses to prevent the generation of sequences that are over-diverse or consistent. To avoid the rigidity of movements, we design a Dance Pre-generated stage to pre-generate these masked poses instead of filling them with zeros. After that, a Dance Motion Transfer stage is adopted with leader sequences and music, in which a multi-conditional sampling formula is rewritten to transfer the pre-generated poses into a sequence with a partner style. In practice, to address the lack of multi-person datasets, we introduce AIST-M, a new dataset for partner dancer generation, which is publicly availiable. Comprehensive evaluations on our AIST-M dataset demonstrate that the proposed DanY can synthesize satisfactory partner dancer results with controllable diversity.
Abstract:As their size increases, Large Languages Models (LLMs) are natural candidates for network pruning methods: approaches that drop a subset of network weights while striving to preserve performance. Existing methods, however, require either retraining, which is rarely affordable for billion-scale LLMs, or solving a weight reconstruction problem reliant on second-order information, which may also be computationally expensive. In this paper, we introduce a novel, straightforward yet effective pruning method, termed Wanda (Pruning by Weights and activations), designed to induce sparsity in pretrained LLMs. Motivated by the recent observation of emergent large magnitude features in LLMs, our approach prune weights with the smallest magnitudes multiplied by the corresponding input activations, on a per-output basis. Notably, Wanda requires no retraining or weight update, and the pruned LLM can be used as is. We conduct a thorough evaluation of our method on LLaMA across various language benchmarks. Wanda significantly outperforms the established baseline of magnitude pruning and competes favorably against recent methods involving intensive weight update. Code is available at https://github.com/locuslab/wanda.
Abstract:Backdoor inversion, the process of finding a backdoor trigger inserted into a machine learning model, has become the pillar of many backdoor detection and defense methods. Previous works on backdoor inversion often recover the backdoor through an optimization process to flip a support set of clean images into the target class. However, it is rarely studied and understood how large this support set should be to recover a successful backdoor. In this work, we show that one can reliably recover the backdoor trigger with as few as a single image. Specifically, we propose the SmoothInv method, which first constructs a robust smoothed version of the backdoored classifier and then performs guided image synthesis towards the target class to reveal the backdoor pattern. SmoothInv requires neither an explicit modeling of the backdoor via a mask variable, nor any complex regularization schemes, which has become the standard practice in backdoor inversion methods. We perform both quantitaive and qualitative study on backdoored classifiers from previous published backdoor attacks. We demonstrate that compared to existing methods, SmoothInv is able to recover successful backdoors from single images, while maintaining high fidelity to the original backdoor. We also show how we identify the target backdoored class from the backdoored classifier. Last, we propose and analyze two countermeasures to our approach and show that SmoothInv remains robust in the face of an adaptive attacker. Our code is available at https://github.com/locuslab/smoothinv .
Abstract:Referring Expression Segmentation (RES), which is aimed at localizing and segmenting the target according to the given language expression, has drawn increasing attention. Existing methods jointly consider the localization and segmentation steps, which rely on the fused visual and linguistic features for both steps. We argue that the conflict between the purpose of identifying an object and generating a mask limits the RES performance. To solve this problem, we propose a parallel position-kernel-segmentation pipeline to better isolate and then interact the localization and segmentation steps. In our pipeline, linguistic information will not directly contaminate the visual feature for segmentation. Specifically, the localization step localizes the target object in the image based on the referring expression, and then the visual kernel obtained from the localization step guides the segmentation step. This pipeline also enables us to train RES in a weakly-supervised way, where the pixel-level segmentation labels are replaced by click annotations on center and corner points. The position head is fully-supervised and trained with the click annotations as supervision, and the segmentation head is trained with weakly-supervised segmentation losses. To validate our framework on a weakly-supervised setting, we annotated three RES benchmark datasets (RefCOCO, RefCOCO+ and RefCOCOg) with click annotations.Our method is simple but surprisingly effective, outperforming all previous state-of-the-art RES methods on fully- and weakly-supervised settings by a large margin. The benchmark code and datasets will be released.
Abstract:Test-time adaptation (TTA) refers to adapting neural networks to distribution shifts, with access to only the unlabeled test samples from the new domain at test-time. Prior TTA methods optimize over unsupervised objectives such as the entropy of model predictions in TENT [Wang et al., 2021], but it is unclear what exactly makes a good TTA loss. In this paper, we start by presenting a surprising phenomenon: if we attempt to meta-learn the best possible TTA loss over a wide class of functions, then we recover a function that is remarkably similar to (a temperature-scaled version of) the softmax-entropy employed by TENT. This only holds, however, if the classifier we are adapting is trained via cross-entropy; if trained via squared loss, a different best TTA loss emerges. To explain this phenomenon, we analyze TTA through the lens of the training losses's convex conjugate. We show that under natural conditions, this (unsupervised) conjugate function can be viewed as a good local approximation to the original supervised loss and indeed, it recovers the best losses found by meta-learning. This leads to a generic recipe that can be used to find a good TTA loss for any given supervised training loss function of a general class. Empirically, our approach consistently dominates other baselines over a wide range of benchmarks. Our approach is particularly of interest when applied to classifiers trained with novel loss functions, e.g., the recently-proposed PolyLoss, where it differs substantially from (and outperforms) an entropy-based loss. Further, we show that our approach can also be interpreted as a kind of self-training using a very specific soft label, which we refer to as the conjugate pseudolabel. Overall, our method provides a broad framework for better understanding and improving test-time adaptation. Code is available at https://github.com/locuslab/tta_conjugate.