Abstract:Active Learning (AL) has been a powerful paradigm for improving model efficiency and performance by selecting the most informative data points for labeling and training. In recent active learning frameworks, Large Language Models (LLMs) have been employed not only for selection but also for generating entirely new data instances and providing more cost-effective annotations. Motivated by the increasing importance of high-quality data and efficient model training in the era of LLMs, we present a comprehensive survey on LLM-based Active Learning. We introduce an intuitive taxonomy that categorizes these techniques and discuss the transformative roles LLMs can play in the active learning loop. We further examine the impact of AL on LLM learning paradigms and its applications across various domains. Finally, we identify open challenges and propose future research directions. This survey aims to serve as an up-to-date resource for researchers and practitioners seeking to gain an intuitive understanding of LLM-based AL techniques and deploy them to new applications.
Abstract:Large language models are increasingly used to process documents and facilitate question-answering on them. In our paper, we extract mechanistic circuits for this real-world language modeling task: context-augmented language modeling for extractive question-answering (QA) tasks and understand the potential benefits of circuits towards downstream applications such as data attribution to context information. We extract circuits as a function of internal model components (e.g., attention heads, MLPs) using causal mediation analysis techniques. Leveraging the extracted circuits, we first understand the interplay between the model's usage of parametric memory and retrieved context towards a better mechanistic understanding of context-augmented language models. We then identify a small set of attention heads in our circuit which performs reliable data attribution by default, thereby obtaining attribution for free in just the model's forward pass. Using this insight, we then introduce ATTNATTRIB, a fast data attribution algorithm which obtains state-of-the-art attribution results across various extractive QA benchmarks. Finally, we show the possibility to steer the language model towards answering from the context, instead of the parametric memory by using the attribution from ATTNATTRIB as an additional signal during the forward pass. Beyond mechanistic understanding, our paper provides tangible applications of circuits in the form of reliable data attribution and model steering.
Abstract:Suggested questions (SQs) provide an effective initial interface for users to engage with their documents in AI-powered reading applications. In practical reading sessions, users have diverse backgrounds and reading goals, yet current SQ features typically ignore such user information, resulting in homogeneous or ineffective questions. We introduce a pipeline that generates personalized SQs by incorporating reader profiles (professions and reading goals) and demonstrate its utility in two ways: 1) as an improved SQ generation pipeline that produces higher quality and more diverse questions compared to current baselines, and 2) as a data generator to fine-tune extremely small models that perform competitively with much larger models on SQ generation. Our approach can not only serve as a drop-in replacement in current SQ systems to immediately improve their performance but also help develop on-device SQ models that can run locally to deliver fast and private SQ experience.
Abstract:Personalization of Large Language Models (LLMs) has recently become increasingly important with a wide range of applications. Despite the importance and recent progress, most existing works on personalized LLMs have focused either entirely on (a) personalized text generation or (b) leveraging LLMs for personalization-related downstream applications, such as recommendation systems. In this work, we bridge the gap between these two separate main directions for the first time by introducing a taxonomy for personalized LLM usage and summarizing the key differences and challenges. We provide a formalization of the foundations of personalized LLMs that consolidates and expands notions of personalization of LLMs, defining and discussing novel facets of personalization, usage, and desiderata of personalized LLMs. We then unify the literature across these diverse fields and usage scenarios by proposing systematic taxonomies for the granularity of personalization, personalization techniques, datasets, evaluation methods, and applications of personalized LLMs. Finally, we highlight challenges and important open problems that remain to be addressed. By unifying and surveying recent research using the proposed taxonomies, we aim to provide a clear guide to the existing literature and different facets of personalization in LLMs, empowering both researchers and practitioners.
Abstract:While vision-language models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across various tasks combining textual and visual information, they continue to struggle with fine-grained visual perception tasks that require detailed pixel-level analysis. Effectively eliciting comprehensive reasoning from VLMs on such intricate visual elements remains an open challenge. In this paper, we present VipAct, an agent framework that enhances VLMs by integrating multi-agent collaboration and vision expert models, enabling more precise visual understanding and comprehensive reasoning. VipAct consists of an orchestrator agent, which manages task requirement analysis, planning, and coordination, along with specialized agents that handle specific tasks such as image captioning and vision expert models that provide high-precision perceptual information. This multi-agent approach allows VLMs to better perform fine-grained visual perception tasks by synergizing planning, reasoning, and tool use. We evaluate VipAct on benchmarks featuring a diverse set of visual perception tasks, with experimental results demonstrating significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art baselines across all tasks. Furthermore, comprehensive ablation studies reveal the critical role of multi-agent collaboration in eliciting more detailed System-2 reasoning and highlight the importance of image input for task planning. Additionally, our error analysis identifies patterns of VLMs' inherent limitations in visual perception, providing insights into potential future improvements. VipAct offers a flexible and extensible framework, paving the way for more advanced visual perception systems across various real-world applications.
Abstract:Despite rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs), QG remains a challenging problem due to its complicated process, open-ended nature, and the diverse settings in which question generation occurs. A common approach to address these challenges involves fine-tuning smaller, custom models using datasets containing background context, question, and answer. However, obtaining suitable domain-specific datasets with appropriate context is often more difficult than acquiring question-answer pairs. In this paper, we investigate training QG models using synthetic contexts generated by LLMs from readily available question-answer pairs. We conduct a comprehensive study to answer critical research questions related to the performance of models trained on synthetic contexts and their potential impact on QG research and applications. Our empirical results reveal: 1) contexts are essential for QG tasks, even if they are synthetic; 2) fine-tuning smaller language models has the capability of achieving better performances as compared to prompting larger language models; and 3) synthetic context and real context could achieve comparable performances. These findings highlight the effectiveness of synthetic contexts in QG and paves the way for future advancements in the field.
Abstract:In subject-driven text-to-image generation, recent works have achieved superior performance by training the model on synthetic datasets containing numerous image pairs. Trained on these datasets, generative models can produce text-aligned images for specific subject from arbitrary testing image in a zero-shot manner. They even outperform methods which require additional fine-tuning on testing images. However, the cost of creating such datasets is prohibitive for most researchers. To generate a single training pair, current methods fine-tune a pre-trained text-to-image model on the subject image to capture fine-grained details, then use the fine-tuned model to create images for the same subject based on creative text prompts. Consequently, constructing a large-scale dataset with millions of subjects can require hundreds of thousands of GPU hours. To tackle this problem, we propose Toffee, an efficient method to construct datasets for subject-driven editing and generation. Specifically, our dataset construction does not need any subject-level fine-tuning. After pre-training two generative models, we are able to generate infinite number of high-quality samples. We construct the first large-scale dataset for subject-driven image editing and generation, which contains 5 million image pairs, text prompts, and masks. Our dataset is 5 times the size of previous largest dataset, yet our cost is tens of thousands of GPU hours lower. To test the proposed dataset, we also propose a model which is capable of both subject-driven image editing and generation. By simply training the model on our proposed dataset, it obtains competitive results, illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed dataset construction framework.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive zero-shot abilities in solving a wide range of general-purpose tasks. However, it is empirically found that LLMs fall short in recognizing and utilizing temporal information, rendering poor performance in tasks that require an understanding of sequential data, such as sequential recommendation. In this paper, we aim to improve temporal awareness of LLMs by designing a principled prompting framework inspired by human cognitive processes. Specifically, we propose three prompting strategies to exploit temporal information within historical interactions for LLM-based sequential recommendation. Besides, we emulate divergent thinking by aggregating LLM ranking results derived from these strategies. Evaluations on MovieLens-1M and Amazon Review datasets indicate that our proposed method significantly enhances the zero-shot capabilities of LLMs in sequential recommendation tasks.
Abstract:Safety alignment of Large Language Models (LLMs) can be compromised with manual jailbreak attacks and (automatic) adversarial attacks. Recent work suggests that patching LLMs against these attacks is possible: manual jailbreak attacks are human-readable but often limited and public, making them easy to block; adversarial attacks generate gibberish prompts that can be detected using perplexity-based filters. In this paper, we show that these solutions may be too optimistic. We propose an interpretable adversarial attack, \texttt{AutoDAN}, that combines the strengths of both types of attacks. It automatically generates attack prompts that bypass perplexity-based filters while maintaining a high attack success rate like manual jailbreak attacks. These prompts are interpretable and diverse, exhibiting strategies commonly used in manual jailbreak attacks, and transfer better than their non-readable counterparts when using limited training data or a single proxy model. We also customize \texttt{AutoDAN}'s objective to leak system prompts, another jailbreak application not addressed in the adversarial attack literature. %, demonstrating the versatility of the approach. We can also customize the objective of \texttt{AutoDAN} to leak system prompts, beyond the ability to elicit harmful content from the model, demonstrating the versatility of the approach. Our work provides a new way to red-team LLMs and to understand the mechanism of jailbreak attacks.
Abstract:We propose novel evaluations for mathematical reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) based on mathematical misconceptions. Our primary approach is to simulate LLMs as a novice learner and an expert tutor, aiming to identify the incorrect answer to math question resulted from a specific misconception and to recognize the misconception(s) behind an incorrect answer, respectively. Contrary to traditional LLMs-based mathematical evaluations that focus on answering math questions correctly, our approach takes inspirations from principles in educational learning sciences. We explicitly ask LLMs to mimic a novice learner by answering questions in a specific incorrect manner based on incomplete knowledge; and to mimic an expert tutor by identifying misconception(s) corresponding to an incorrect answer to a question. Using simple grade-school math problems, our experiments reveal that, while LLMs can easily answer these questions correctly, they struggle to identify 1) the incorrect answer corresponding to specific incomplete knowledge (misconceptions); 2) the misconceptions that explain particular incorrect answers. Our study indicates new opportunities for enhancing LLMs' math reasoning capabilities, especially on developing robust student simulation and expert tutoring models in the educational applications such as intelligent tutoring systems.