Abstract:Active Learning (AL) has been a powerful paradigm for improving model efficiency and performance by selecting the most informative data points for labeling and training. In recent active learning frameworks, Large Language Models (LLMs) have been employed not only for selection but also for generating entirely new data instances and providing more cost-effective annotations. Motivated by the increasing importance of high-quality data and efficient model training in the era of LLMs, we present a comprehensive survey on LLM-based Active Learning. We introduce an intuitive taxonomy that categorizes these techniques and discuss the transformative roles LLMs can play in the active learning loop. We further examine the impact of AL on LLM learning paradigms and its applications across various domains. Finally, we identify open challenges and propose future research directions. This survey aims to serve as an up-to-date resource for researchers and practitioners seeking to gain an intuitive understanding of LLM-based AL techniques and deploy them to new applications.
Abstract:Graphical User Interface (GUI) agents, powered by Large Foundation Models, have emerged as a transformative approach to automating human-computer interaction. These agents autonomously interact with digital systems or software applications via GUIs, emulating human actions such as clicking, typing, and navigating visual elements across diverse platforms. Motivated by the growing interest and fundamental importance of GUI agents, we provide a comprehensive survey that categorizes their benchmarks, evaluation metrics, architectures, and training methods. We propose a unified framework that delineates their perception, reasoning, planning, and acting capabilities. Furthermore, we identify important open challenges and discuss key future directions. Finally, this work serves as a basis for practitioners and researchers to gain an intuitive understanding of current progress, techniques, benchmarks, and critical open problems that remain to be addressed.
Abstract:Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have become increasingly important due to their state-of-the-art performance and ability to integrate multiple data modalities, such as text, images, and audio, to perform complex tasks with high accuracy. This paper presents a comprehensive survey on personalized multimodal large language models, focusing on their architecture, training methods, and applications. We propose an intuitive taxonomy for categorizing the techniques used to personalize MLLMs to individual users, and discuss the techniques accordingly. Furthermore, we discuss how such techniques can be combined or adapted when appropriate, highlighting their advantages and underlying rationale. We also provide a succinct summary of personalization tasks investigated in existing research, along with the evaluation metrics commonly used. Additionally, we summarize the datasets that are useful for benchmarking personalized MLLMs. Finally, we outline critical open challenges. This survey aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners seeking to understand and advance the development of personalized multimodal large language models.
Abstract:We revisit the problem of estimating the mean of a high-dimensional distribution in the presence of an $\varepsilon$-fraction of adversarial outliers. When $\varepsilon$ is at most some sufficiently small constant, previous works can achieve optimal error rate efficiently \cite{diakonikolas2018robustly, kothari2018robust}. As $\varepsilon$ approaches the breakdown point $\frac{1}{2}$, all previous algorithms incur either sub-optimal error rates or exponential running time. In this paper we give a new analysis of the canonical sum-of-squares program introduced in \cite{kothari2018robust} and show that this program efficiently achieves optimal error rate for all $\varepsilon \in[0,\frac{1}{2})$. The key ingredient for our results is a new identifiability proof for robust mean estimation that focuses on the overlap between the distributions instead of their statistical distance as in previous works. We capture this proof within the sum-of-squares proof system, thus obtaining efficient algorithms using the sum-of-squares proofs to algorithms paradigm \cite{raghavendra2018high}.
Abstract:Personalization of Large Language Models (LLMs) has recently become increasingly important with a wide range of applications. Despite the importance and recent progress, most existing works on personalized LLMs have focused either entirely on (a) personalized text generation or (b) leveraging LLMs for personalization-related downstream applications, such as recommendation systems. In this work, we bridge the gap between these two separate main directions for the first time by introducing a taxonomy for personalized LLM usage and summarizing the key differences and challenges. We provide a formalization of the foundations of personalized LLMs that consolidates and expands notions of personalization of LLMs, defining and discussing novel facets of personalization, usage, and desiderata of personalized LLMs. We then unify the literature across these diverse fields and usage scenarios by proposing systematic taxonomies for the granularity of personalization, personalization techniques, datasets, evaluation methods, and applications of personalized LLMs. Finally, we highlight challenges and important open problems that remain to be addressed. By unifying and surveying recent research using the proposed taxonomies, we aim to provide a clear guide to the existing literature and different facets of personalization in LLMs, empowering both researchers and practitioners.
Abstract:We give the first polynomial-time, differentially node-private, and robust algorithm for estimating the edge density of Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs and their generalization, inhomogeneous random graphs. We further prove information-theoretical lower bounds, showing that the error rate of our algorithm is optimal up to logarithmic factors. Previous algorithms incur either exponential running time or suboptimal error rates. Two key ingredients of our algorithm are (1) a new sum-of-squares algorithm for robust edge density estimation, and (2) the reduction from privacy to robustness based on sum-of-squares exponential mechanisms due to Hopkins et al. (STOC 2023).
Abstract:We develop the first pure node-differentially-private algorithms for learning stochastic block models and for graphon estimation with polynomial running time for any constant number of blocks. The statistical utility guarantees match those of the previous best information-theoretic (exponential-time) node-private mechanisms for these problems. The algorithm is based on an exponential mechanism for a score function defined in terms of a sum-of-squares relaxation whose level depends on the number of blocks. The key ingredients of our results are (1) a characterization of the distance between the block graphons in terms of a quadratic optimization over the polytope of doubly stochastic matrices, (2) a general sum-of-squares convergence result for polynomial optimization over arbitrary polytopes, and (3) a general approach to perform Lipschitz extensions of score functions as part of the sum-of-squares algorithmic paradigm.
Abstract:We introduce general tools for designing efficient private estimation algorithms, in the high-dimensional settings, whose statistical guarantees almost match those of the best known non-private algorithms. To illustrate our techniques, we consider two problems: recovery of stochastic block models and learning mixtures of spherical Gaussians. For the former, we present the first efficient $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differentially private algorithm for both weak recovery and exact recovery. Previously known algorithms achieving comparable guarantees required quasi-polynomial time. For the latter, we design an $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differentially private algorithm that recovers the centers of the $k$-mixture when the minimum separation is at least $ O(k^{1/t}\sqrt{t})$. For all choices of $t$, this algorithm requires sample complexity $n\geq k^{O(1)}d^{O(t)}$ and time complexity $(nd)^{O(t)}$. Prior work required minimum separation at least $O(\sqrt{k})$ as well as an explicit upper bound on the Euclidean norm of the centers.
Abstract:In this era of information explosion, a personalized recommendation system is convenient for users to get information they are interested in. To deal with billions of users and items, large-scale online recommendation services usually consist of three stages: candidate generation, coarse-grained ranking, and fine-grained ranking. The success of each stage depends on whether the model accurately captures the interests of users, which are usually hidden in users' behavior data. Previous research shows that users' interests are diverse, and one vector is not sufficient to capture users' different preferences. Therefore, many methods use multiple vectors to encode users' interests. However, there are two unsolved problems: (1) The similarity of different vectors in existing methods is too high, with too much redundant information. Consequently, the interests of users are not fully represented. (2) Existing methods model the long-term and short-term behaviors together, ignoring the differences between them. This paper proposes a Hierarchical Multi-Interest Co-Network (HCN) to capture users' diverse interests in the coarse-grained ranking stage. Specifically, we design a hierarchical multi-interest extraction layer to update users' diverse interest centers iteratively. The multiple embedded vectors obtained in this way contain more information and represent the interests of users better in various aspects. Furthermore, we develop a Co-Interest Network to integrate users' long-term and short-term interests. Experiments on several real-world datasets and one large-scale industrial dataset show that HCN effectively outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. We deploy HCN into a large-scale real world E-commerce system and achieve extra 2.5\% improvements on GMV (Gross Merchandise Value).
Abstract:We consider the robust linear regression model $\boldsymbol{y} = X\beta^* + \boldsymbol{\eta}$, where an adversary oblivious to the design $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$ may choose $\boldsymbol{\eta}$ to corrupt all but a (possibly vanishing) fraction of the observations $\boldsymbol{y}$ in an arbitrary way. Recent work [dLN+21, dNS21] has introduced efficient algorithms for consistent recovery of the parameter vector. These algorithms crucially rely on the design matrix being well-spread (a matrix is well-spread if its column span is far from any sparse vector). In this paper, we show that there exists a family of design matrices lacking well-spreadness such that consistent recovery of the parameter vector in the above robust linear regression model is information-theoretically impossible. We further investigate the average-case time complexity of certifying well-spreadness of random matrices. We show that it is possible to efficiently certify whether a given $n$-by-$d$ Gaussian matrix is well-spread if the number of observations is quadratic in the ambient dimension. We complement this result by showing rigorous evidence -- in the form of a lower bound against low-degree polynomials -- of the computational hardness of this same certification problem when the number of observations is $o(d^2)$.