Abstract:The vast majority of real-world patient information resides in unstructured clinical text, and the process of medical abstraction seeks to extract and normalize structured information from this unstructured input. However, traditional medical abstraction methods can require significant manual efforts that can include crafting rules or annotating training labels, limiting scalability. In this paper, we propose UniMedAbstractor (UMA), a zero-shot medical abstraction framework leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) through a modular and customizable prompt template. We refer to our approach as universal abstraction as it can quickly scale to new attributes through its universal prompt template without curating attribute-specific training labels or rules. We evaluate UMA for oncology applications, focusing on fifteen key attributes representing the cancer patient journey, from short-context attributes (e.g., performance status, treatment) to complex long-context attributes requiring longitudinal reasoning (e.g., tumor site, histology, TNM staging). Experiments on real-world data show UMA's strong performance and generalizability. Compared to supervised and heuristic baselines, UMA with GPT-4o achieves on average an absolute 2-point F1/accuracy improvement for both short-context and long-context attribute abstraction. For pathologic T staging, UMA even outperforms the supervised model by 20 points in accuracy.
Abstract:In this work, we present MedImageInsight, an open-source medical imaging embedding model. MedImageInsight is trained on medical images with associated text and labels across a diverse collection of domains, including X-Ray, CT, MRI, dermoscopy, OCT, fundus photography, ultrasound, histopathology, and mammography. Rigorous evaluations demonstrate MedImageInsight's ability to achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) or human expert level performance across classification, image-image search, and fine-tuning tasks. Specifically, on public datasets, MedImageInsight achieves SOTA in CT 3D medical image retrieval, as well as SOTA in disease classification and search for chest X-ray, dermatology, and OCT imaging. Furthermore, MedImageInsight achieves human expert performance in bone age estimation (on both public and partner data), as well as AUC above 0.9 in most other domains. When paired with a text decoder, MedImageInsight achieves near SOTA level single image report findings generation with less than 10\% the parameters of other models. Compared to fine-tuning GPT-4o with only MIMIC-CXR data for the same task, MedImageInsight outperforms in clinical metrics, but underperforms on lexical metrics where GPT-4o sets a new SOTA. Importantly for regulatory purposes, MedImageInsight can generate ROC curves, adjust sensitivity and specificity based on clinical need, and provide evidence-based decision support through image-image search (which can also enable retrieval augmented generation). In an independent clinical evaluation of image-image search in chest X-ray, MedImageInsight outperformed every other publicly available foundation model evaluated by large margins (over 6 points AUC), and significantly outperformed other models in terms of AI fairness (across age and gender). We hope releasing MedImageInsight will help enhance collective progress in medical imaging AI research and development.
Abstract:Biomedical image analysis is fundamental for biomedical discovery in cell biology, pathology, radiology, and many other biomedical domains. Holistic image analysis comprises interdependent subtasks such as segmentation, detection, and recognition of relevant objects. Here, we propose BiomedParse, a biomedical foundation model for imaging parsing that can jointly conduct segmentation, detection, and recognition for 82 object types across 9 imaging modalities. Through joint learning, we can improve accuracy for individual tasks and enable novel applications such as segmenting all relevant objects in an image through a text prompt, rather than requiring users to laboriously specify the bounding box for each object. We leveraged readily available natural-language labels or descriptions accompanying those datasets and use GPT-4 to harmonize the noisy, unstructured text information with established biomedical object ontologies. We created a large dataset comprising over six million triples of image, segmentation mask, and textual description. On image segmentation, we showed that BiomedParse is broadly applicable, outperforming state-of-the-art methods on 102,855 test image-mask-label triples across 9 imaging modalities (everything). On object detection, which aims to locate a specific object of interest, BiomedParse again attained state-of-the-art performance, especially on objects with irregular shapes (everywhere). On object recognition, which aims to identify all objects in a given image along with their semantic types, we showed that BiomedParse can simultaneously segment and label all biomedical objects in an image (all at once). In summary, BiomedParse is an all-in-one tool for biomedical image analysis by jointly solving segmentation, detection, and recognition for all major biomedical image modalities, paving the path for efficient and accurate image-based biomedical discovery.
Abstract:The scaling laws and extraordinary performance of large foundation models motivate the development and utilization of such large models in biomedicine. However, despite early promising results on some biomedical benchmarks, there are still major challenges that need to be addressed before these models can be used in real-world applications. Frontier models such as GPT-4V still have major competency gaps in multimodal capabilities for biomedical applications. Moreover, pragmatic issues such as access, cost, latency, and compliance make it hard for clinicians to use privately-hosted state-of-the-art large models directly on private patient data. In this paper, we explore training open-source small multimodal models (SMMs) to bridge biomedical competency gaps for unmet clinical needs. To maximize data efficiency, we adopt a modular approach by incorporating state-of-the-art pre-trained models for image and text modalities, and focusing on training a lightweight adapter to ground each modality to the text embedding space. We conduct a comprehensive study of this approach on radiology imaging. For training, we assemble a large dataset with over 1 million image-text pairs. For evaluation, we propose a clinically driven novel approach using GPT-4 and demonstrate its parity with expert evaluation. We also study grounding qualitatively using attention. For best practice, we conduct a systematic ablation study on various choices in data engineering and multimodal training. The resulting LLaVA-Rad (7B) model attains state-of-the-art results on radiology tasks such as report generation and cross-modal retrieval, even outperforming much larger models such as GPT-4V and Med-PaLM M (84B). LLaVA-Rad is fast and can be run on a single V100 GPU in private settings, offering a promising state-of-the-art tool for real-world clinical applications.
Abstract:Recent advancements in biomedical image analysis have been significantly driven by the Segment Anything Model (SAM). This transformative technology, originally developed for general-purpose computer vision, has found rapid application in medical image processing. Within the last year, marked by over 100 publications, SAM has demonstrated its prowess in zero-shot learning adaptations for medical imaging. The fundamental premise of SAM lies in its capability to segment or identify objects in images without prior knowledge of the object type or imaging modality. This approach aligns well with tasks achievable by the human visual system, though its application in non-biological vision contexts remains more theoretically challenging. A notable feature of SAM is its ability to adjust segmentation according to a specified resolution scale or area of interest, akin to semantic priming. This adaptability has spurred a wave of creativity and innovation in applying SAM to medical imaging. Our review focuses on the period from April 1, 2023, to September 30, 2023, a critical first six months post-initial publication. We examine the adaptations and integrations of SAM necessary to address longstanding clinical challenges, particularly in the context of 33 open datasets covered in our analysis. While SAM approaches or achieves state-of-the-art performance in numerous applications, it falls short in certain areas, such as segmentation of the carotid artery, adrenal glands, optic nerve, and mandible bone. Our survey delves into the innovative techniques where SAM's foundational approach excels and explores the core concepts in translating and applying these models effectively in diverse medical imaging scenarios.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a wide range of tasks, including health applications. In this paper, we study how LLMs can be used to scale biomedical knowledge curation. We find that while LLMs already possess decent competency in structuring biomedical text, by distillation into a task-specific student model through self-supervised learning, substantial gains can be attained over out-of-box LLMs, with additional advantages such as cost, efficiency, and white-box model access. We conduct a case study on adverse drug event (ADE) extraction, which is an important area for improving care. On standard ADE extraction evaluation, a GPT-3.5 distilled PubMedBERT model attained comparable accuracy as supervised state-of-the-art models without using any labeled data. Despite being over 1,000 times smaller, the distilled model outperformed its teacher GPT-3.5 by over 6 absolute points in F1 and GPT-4 by over 5 absolute points. Ablation studies on distillation model choice (e.g., PubMedBERT vs BioGPT) and ADE extraction architecture shed light on best practice for biomedical knowledge extraction. Similar gains were attained by distillation for other standard biomedical knowledge extraction tasks such as gene-disease associations and protected health information, further illustrating the promise of this approach.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities out of box for a wide range of applications, yet accuracy still remains a major growth area, especially in mission-critical domains such as biomedicine. An effective method to calibrate the confidence level on LLM responses is essential to automatically detect errors and facilitate human-in-the-loop verification. An important source of calibration signals stems from expert-stipulated programmatic supervision, which is often available at low cost but has its own limitations such as noise and coverage. In this paper, we introduce a Pareto optimal self-supervision framework that can leverage available programmatic supervision to systematically calibrate LLM responses by producing a risk score for every response, without any additional manual efforts. This is accomplished by learning a harmonizer model to align LLM output with other available supervision sources, which would assign higher risk scores to more uncertain LLM responses and facilitate error correction. Experiments on standard relation extraction tasks in biomedical and general domains demonstrate the promise of this approach, with our proposed risk scores highly correlated with the real error rate of LLMs. For the most uncertain test instances, dynamic prompting based on our proposed risk scores results in significant accuracy improvement for off-the-shelf LLMs, boosting GPT-3 results past state-of-the-art (SOTA) weak supervision and GPT-4 results past SOTA supervised results on challenging evaluation datasets.
Abstract:Contrastive pretraining on parallel image-text data has attained great success in vision-language processing (VLP), as exemplified by CLIP and related methods. However, prior explorations tend to focus on general domains in the web. Biomedical images and text are rather different, but publicly available datasets are small and skew toward chest X-ray, thus severely limiting progress. In this paper, we conducted by far the largest study on biomedical VLP, using 15 million figure-caption pairs extracted from biomedical research articles in PubMed Central. Our dataset (PMC-15M) is two orders of magnitude larger than existing biomedical image-text datasets such as MIMIC-CXR, and spans a diverse range of biomedical images. The standard CLIP method is suboptimal for the biomedical domain. We propose BiomedCLIP with domain-specific adaptations tailored to biomedical VLP. We conducted extensive experiments and ablation studies on standard biomedical imaging tasks from retrieval to classification to visual question-answering (VQA). BiomedCLIP established new state of the art in a wide range of standard datasets, substantially outperformed prior VLP approaches. Surprisingly, BiomedCLIP even outperformed radiology-specific state-of-the-art models such as BioViL on radiology-specific tasks such as RSNA pneumonia detection, thus highlighting the utility in large-scale pretraining across all biomedical image types. We will release our models at https://aka.ms/biomedclip to facilitate future research in biomedical VLP.
Abstract:Objective: The majority of detailed patient information in real-world data (RWD) is only consistently available in free-text clinical documents. Manual curation is expensive and time-consuming. Developing natural language processing (NLP) methods for structuring RWD is thus essential for scaling real-world evidence generation. Materials and Methods: Traditional rule-based systems are vulnerable to the prevalent linguistic variations and ambiguities in clinical text, and prior applications of machine-learning methods typically require sentence-level or report-level labeled examples that are hard to produce at scale. We propose leveraging patient-level supervision from medical registries, which are often readily available and capture key patient information, for general RWD applications. To combat the lack of sentence-level or report-level annotations, we explore advanced deep-learning methods by combining domain-specific pretraining, recurrent neural networks, and hierarchical attention. Results: We conduct an extensive study on 135,107 patients from the cancer registry of a large integrated delivery network (IDN) comprising healthcare systems in five western US states. Our deep learning methods attain test AUROC of 94-99% for key tumor attributes and comparable performance on held-out data from separate health systems and states. Discussion and Conclusion: Ablation results demonstrate clear superiority of these advanced deep-learning methods over prior approaches. Error analysis shows that our NLP system sometimes even corrects errors in registrar labels. We also conduct a preliminary investigation in accelerating registry curation and general RWD structuring via assisted curation for over 1.2 million cancer patients in this healthcare network.