Abstract:Many existing approaches to generalizing statistical inference amidst distribution shift operate under the covariate shift assumption, which posits that the conditional distribution of unobserved variables given observable ones is invariant across populations. However, recent empirical investigations have demonstrated that adjusting for shift in observed variables (covariate shift) is often insufficient for generalization. In other words, covariate shift does not typically ``explain away'' the distribution shift between settings. As such, addressing the unknown yet non-negligible shift in the unobserved variables given observed ones (conditional shift) is crucial for generalizable inference. In this paper, we present a series of empirical evidence from two large-scale multi-site replication studies to support a new role of covariate shift in ``predicting'' the strength of the unknown conditional shift. Analyzing 680 studies across 65 sites, we find that even though the conditional shift is non-negligible, its strength can often be bounded by that of the observable covariate shift. However, this pattern only emerges when the two sources of shifts are quantified by our proposed standardized, ``pivotal'' measures. We then interpret this phenomenon by connecting it to similar patterns that can be theoretically derived from a random distribution shift model. Finally, we demonstrate that exploiting the predictive role of covariate shift leads to reliable and efficient uncertainty quantification for target estimates in generalization tasks with partially observed data. Overall, our empirical and theoretical analyses suggest a new way to approach the problem of distributional shift, generalizability, and external validity.
Abstract:Medical image understanding requires meticulous examination of fine visual details, with particular regions requiring additional attention. While radiologists build such expertise over years of experience, it is challenging for AI models to learn where to look with limited amounts of training data. This limitation results in unsatisfying robustness in medical image understanding. To address this issue, we propose Diffusion-based Feature Augmentation (DAug), a portable method that improves a perception model's performance with a generative model's output. Specifically, we extend a radiology image to multiple channels, with the additional channels being the heatmaps of regions where diseases tend to develop. A diffusion-based image-to-image translation model was used to generate such heatmaps conditioned on selected disease classes. Our method is motivated by the fact that generative models learn the distribution of normal and abnormal images, and such knowledge is complementary to image understanding tasks. In addition, we propose the Image-Text-Class Hybrid Contrastive learning to utilize both text and class labels. With two novel approaches combined, our method surpasses baseline models without changing the model architecture, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on both medical image retrieval and classification tasks.
Abstract:Feature upsampling is an essential operation in constructing deep convolutional neural networks. However, existing upsamplers either lack specific feature guidance or necessitate the utilization of high-resolution feature maps, resulting in a loss of performance and flexibility. In this paper, we find that the local self-attention naturally has the feature guidance capability, and its computational paradigm aligns closely with the essence of feature upsampling (\ie feature reassembly of neighboring points). Therefore, we introduce local self-attention into the upsampling task and demonstrate that the majority of existing upsamplers can be regarded as special cases of upsamplers based on local self-attention. Considering the potential semantic gap between upsampled points and their neighboring points, we further introduce the deformation mechanism into the upsampler based on local self-attention, thereby proposing LDA-AQU. As a novel dynamic kernel-based upsampler, LDA-AQU utilizes the feature of queries to guide the model in adaptively adjusting the position and aggregation weight of neighboring points, thereby meeting the upsampling requirements across various complex scenarios. In addition, LDA-AQU is lightweight and can be easily integrated into various model architectures. We evaluate the effectiveness of LDA-AQU across four dense prediction tasks: object detection, instance segmentation, panoptic segmentation, and semantic segmentation. LDA-AQU consistently outperforms previous state-of-the-art upsamplers, achieving performance enhancements of 1.7 AP, 1.5 AP, 2.0 PQ, and 2.5 mIoU compared to the baseline models in the aforementioned four tasks, respectively. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/duzw9311/LDA-AQU}.
Abstract:Model selection/optimization in conformal inference is challenging, since it may break the exchangeability between labeled and unlabeled data. We study this problem in the context of conformal selection, which uses conformal p-values to select ``interesting'' instances with large unobserved labels from a pool of unlabeled data, while controlling the FDR in finite sample. For validity, existing solutions require the model choice to be independent of the data used to construct the p-values and calibrate the selection set. However, when presented with many model choices and limited labeled data, it is desirable to (i) select the best model in a data-driven manner, and (ii) mitigate power loss due to sample splitting. This paper presents OptCS, a general framework that allows valid statistical testing (selection) after flexible data-driven model optimization. We introduce general conditions under which OptCS constructs valid conformal p-values despite substantial data reuse and handles complex p-value dependencies to maintain finite-sample FDR control via a novel multiple testing procedure. We instantiate this general recipe to propose three FDR-controlling procedures, each optimizing the models differently: (i) selecting the most powerful one among multiple pre-trained candidate models, (ii) using all data for model fitting without sample splitting, and (iii) combining full-sample model fitting and selection. We demonstrate the efficacy of our methods via simulation studies and real applications in drug discovery and alignment of large language models in radiology report generation.
Abstract:In this work, we present MedImageInsight, an open-source medical imaging embedding model. MedImageInsight is trained on medical images with associated text and labels across a diverse collection of domains, including X-Ray, CT, MRI, dermoscopy, OCT, fundus photography, ultrasound, histopathology, and mammography. Rigorous evaluations demonstrate MedImageInsight's ability to achieve state-of-the-art (SOTA) or human expert level performance across classification, image-image search, and fine-tuning tasks. Specifically, on public datasets, MedImageInsight achieves SOTA in CT 3D medical image retrieval, as well as SOTA in disease classification and search for chest X-ray, dermatology, and OCT imaging. Furthermore, MedImageInsight achieves human expert performance in bone age estimation (on both public and partner data), as well as AUC above 0.9 in most other domains. When paired with a text decoder, MedImageInsight achieves near SOTA level single image report findings generation with less than 10\% the parameters of other models. Compared to fine-tuning GPT-4o with only MIMIC-CXR data for the same task, MedImageInsight outperforms in clinical metrics, but underperforms on lexical metrics where GPT-4o sets a new SOTA. Importantly for regulatory purposes, MedImageInsight can generate ROC curves, adjust sensitivity and specificity based on clinical need, and provide evidence-based decision support through image-image search (which can also enable retrieval augmented generation). In an independent clinical evaluation of image-image search in chest X-ray, MedImageInsight outperformed every other publicly available foundation model evaluated by large margins (over 6 points AUC), and significantly outperformed other models in terms of AI fairness (across age and gender). We hope releasing MedImageInsight will help enhance collective progress in medical imaging AI research and development.
Abstract:This preliminary white paper proposes a novel 8-bit floating-point data format HiFloat8 (abbreviated as HiF8) for deep learning. HiF8 features tapered precision. For normal value encoding, it provides 7 exponent values with 3-bit mantissa, 8 exponent values with 2-bit mantissa, and 16 exponent values with 1-bit mantissa. For denormal value encoding, it extends the dynamic range by 7 extra powers of 2, from 31 to 38 binades (notice that FP16 covers 40 binades). Meanwhile, HiF8 encodes all the special values except that positive zero and negative zero are represented by only one bit-pattern. Thanks to the better balance between precision and dynamic range, HiF8 can be simultaneously used in both forward and backward passes of AI training. In this paper, we will describe the definition and rounding methods of HiF8, as well as the tentative training and inference solutions. To demonstrate the efficacy of HiF8, massive simulation results on various neural networks, including traditional neural networks and large language models (LLMs), will also be presented.
Abstract:Recently, methods like Zero-1-2-3 have focused on single-view based 3D reconstruction and have achieved remarkable success. However, their predictions for unseen areas heavily rely on the inductive bias of large-scale pretrained diffusion models. Although subsequent work, such as DreamComposer, attempts to make predictions more controllable by incorporating additional views, the results remain unrealistic due to feature entanglement in the vanilla latent space, including factors such as lighting, material, and structure. To address these issues, we introduce the Visual Isotropy 3D Reconstruction Model (VI3DRM), a diffusion-based sparse views 3D reconstruction model that operates within an ID consistent and perspective-disentangled 3D latent space. By facilitating the disentanglement of semantic information, color, material properties and lighting, VI3DRM is capable of generating highly realistic images that are indistinguishable from real photographs. By leveraging both real and synthesized images, our approach enables the accurate construction of pointmaps, ultimately producing finely textured meshes or point clouds. On the NVS task, tested on the GSO dataset, VI3DRM significantly outperforms state-of-the-art method DreamComposer, achieving a PSNR of 38.61, an SSIM of 0.929, and an LPIPS of 0.027. Code will be made available upon publication.
Abstract:The performance of anomaly inspection in industrial manufacturing is constrained by the scarcity of anomaly data. To overcome this challenge, researchers have started employing anomaly generation approaches to augment the anomaly dataset. However, existing anomaly generation methods suffer from limited diversity in the generated anomalies and struggle to achieve a seamless blending of this anomaly with the original image. In this paper, we overcome these challenges from a new perspective, simultaneously generating a pair of the overall image and the corresponding anomaly part. We propose DualAnoDiff, a novel diffusion-based few-shot anomaly image generation model, which can generate diverse and realistic anomaly images by using a dual-interrelated diffusion model, where one of them is employed to generate the whole image while the other one generates the anomaly part. Moreover, we extract background and shape information to mitigate the distortion and blurriness phenomenon in few-shot image generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed model over state-of-the-art methods in terms of both realism and diversity. Overall, our approach significantly improves the performance of downstream anomaly detection tasks, including anomaly detection, anomaly localization, and anomaly classification tasks.
Abstract:Object detection in aerial images has always been a challenging task due to the generally small size of the objects. Most current detectors prioritize novel detection frameworks, often overlooking research on fundamental components such as feature pyramid networks. In this paper, we introduce the Cross-Layer Feature Pyramid Transformer (CFPT), a novel upsampler-free feature pyramid network designed specifically for small object detection in aerial images. CFPT incorporates two meticulously designed attention blocks with linear computational complexity: the Cross-Layer Channel-Wise Attention (CCA) and the Cross-Layer Spatial-Wise Attention (CSA). CCA achieves cross-layer interaction by dividing channel-wise token groups to perceive cross-layer global information along the spatial dimension, while CSA completes cross-layer interaction by dividing spatial-wise token groups to perceive cross-layer global information along the channel dimension. By integrating these modules, CFPT enables cross-layer interaction in one step, thereby avoiding the semantic gap and information loss associated with element-wise summation and layer-by-layer transmission. Furthermore, CFPT incorporates global contextual information, which enhances detection performance for small objects. To further enhance location awareness during cross-layer interaction, we propose the Cross-Layer Consistent Relative Positional Encoding (CCPE) based on inter-layer mutual receptive fields. We evaluate the effectiveness of CFPT on two challenging object detection datasets in aerial images, namely VisDrone2019-DET and TinyPerson. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of CFPT, which outperforms state-of-the-art feature pyramid networks while incurring lower computational costs. The code will be released at https://github.com/duzw9311/CFPT.
Abstract:Food is foundational to human life, serving not only as a source of nourishment but also as a cornerstone of cultural identity and social interaction. As the complexity of global dietary needs and preferences grows, food intelligence is needed to enable food perception and reasoning for various tasks, ranging from recipe generation and dietary recommendation to diet-disease correlation discovery and understanding. Towards this goal, for powerful capabilities across various domains and tasks in Large Language Models (LLMs), we introduce Food-oriented LLM FoodSky to comprehend food data through perception and reasoning. Considering the complexity and typicality of Chinese cuisine, we first construct one comprehensive Chinese food corpus FoodEarth from various authoritative sources, which can be leveraged by FoodSky to achieve deep understanding of food-related data. We then propose Topic-based Selective State Space Model (TS3M) and the Hierarchical Topic Retrieval Augmented Generation (HTRAG) mechanism to enhance FoodSky in capturing fine-grained food semantics and generating context-aware food-relevant text, respectively. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate that FoodSky significantly outperforms general-purpose LLMs in both chef and dietetic examinations, with an accuracy of 67.2% and 66.4% on the Chinese National Chef Exam and the National Dietetic Exam, respectively. FoodSky not only promises to enhance culinary creativity and promote healthier eating patterns, but also sets a new standard for domain-specific LLMs that address complex real-world issues in the food domain. An online demonstration of FoodSky is available at