Robotics and Intelligent Manufacturing & School of Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China, Shenzhen Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Society, China
Abstract:Deep learning-based speech enhancement (SE) models have recently outperformed traditional techniques, yet their deployment on resource-constrained devices remains challenging due to high computational and memory demands. This paper introduces a novel dynamic frequency-adaptive knowledge distillation (DFKD) approach to effectively compress SE models. Our method dynamically assesses the model's output, distinguishing between high and low-frequency components, and adapts the learning objectives to meet the unique requirements of different frequency bands, capitalizing on the SE task's inherent characteristics. To evaluate the DFKD's efficacy, we conducted experiments on three state-of-the-art models: DCCRN, ConTasNet, and DPTNet. The results demonstrate that our method not only significantly enhances the performance of the compressed model (student model) but also surpasses other logit-based knowledge distillation methods specifically for SE tasks.
Abstract:As a fundamental method in economics and finance, the factor model has been extensively utilized in quantitative investment. In recent years, there has been a paradigm shift from traditional linear models with expert-designed factors to more flexible nonlinear machine learning-based models with data-driven factors, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of these factor models. However, due to the low signal-to-noise ratio in market data, mining effective factors in data-driven models remains challenging. In this work, we propose a hypergraph-based factor model with temporal residual contrastive learning (FactorGCL) that employs a hypergraph structure to better capture high-order nonlinear relationships among stock returns and factors. To mine hidden factors that supplement human-designed prior factors for predicting stock returns, we design a cascading residual hypergraph architecture, in which the hidden factors are extracted from the residual information after removing the influence of prior factors. Additionally, we propose a temporal residual contrastive learning method to guide the extraction of effective and comprehensive hidden factors by contrasting stock-specific residual information over different time periods. Our extensive experiments on real stock market data demonstrate that FactorGCL not only outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods but also mines effective hidden factors for predicting stock returns.
Abstract:Recent advancements in diffusion models have been leveraged to address inverse problems without additional training, and Diffusion Posterior Sampling (DPS) (Chung et al., 2022a) is among the most popular approaches. Previous analyses suggest that DPS accomplishes posterior sampling by approximating the conditional score. While in this paper, we demonstrate that the conditional score approximation employed by DPS is not as effective as previously assumed, but rather aligns more closely with the principle of maximizing a posterior (MAP). This assertion is substantiated through an examination of DPS on 512x512 ImageNet images, revealing that: 1) DPS's conditional score estimation significantly diverges from the score of a well-trained conditional diffusion model and is even inferior to the unconditional score; 2) The mean of DPS's conditional score estimation deviates significantly from zero, rendering it an invalid score estimation; 3) DPS generates high-quality samples with significantly lower diversity. In light of the above findings, we posit that DPS more closely resembles MAP than a conditional score estimator, and accordingly propose the following enhancements to DPS: 1) we explicitly maximize the posterior through multi-step gradient ascent and projection; 2) we utilize a light-weighted conditional score estimator trained with only 100 images and 8 GPU hours. Extensive experimental results indicate that these proposed improvements significantly enhance DPS's performance. The source code for these improvements is provided in
Abstract:Multi-task visual grounding involves the simultaneous execution of localization and segmentation in images based on textual expressions. The majority of advanced methods predominantly focus on transformer-based multimodal fusion, aiming to extract robust multimodal representations. However, ambiguity between referring expression comprehension (REC) and referring image segmentation (RIS) is error-prone, leading to inconsistencies between multi-task predictions. Besides, insufficient multimodal understanding directly contributes to biased target perception. To overcome these challenges, we propose a Coarse-to-fine Consistency Constraints Visual Grounding architecture ($\text{C}^3\text{VG}$), which integrates implicit and explicit modeling approaches within a two-stage framework. Initially, query and pixel decoders are employed to generate preliminary detection and segmentation outputs, a process referred to as the Rough Semantic Perception (RSP) stage. These coarse predictions are subsequently refined through the proposed Mask-guided Interaction Module (MIM) and a novel explicit bidirectional consistency constraint loss to ensure consistent representations across tasks, which we term the Refined Consistency Interaction (RCI) stage. Furthermore, to address the challenge of insufficient multimodal understanding, we leverage pre-trained models based on visual-linguistic fusion representations. Empirical evaluations on the RefCOCO, RefCOCO+, and RefCOCOg datasets demonstrate the efficacy and soundness of $\text{C}^3\text{VG}$, which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art REC and RIS methods by a substantial margin. Code and model will be available at \url{}.
Abstract:Image rescaling (IR) seeks to determine the optimal low-resolution (LR) representation of a high-resolution (HR) image to reconstruct a high-quality super-resolution (SR) image. Typically, HR images with resolutions exceeding 2K possess rich information that is unevenly distributed across the image. Traditional image rescaling methods often fall short because they focus solely on the overall scaling rate, ignoring the varying amounts of information in different parts of the image. To address this limitation, we propose a Block-Based Multi-Scale Image Rescaling Framework (BBMR), tailored for IR tasks involving HR images of 2K resolution and higher. BBMR consists of two main components: the Downscaling Module and the Upscaling Module. In the Downscaling Module, the HR image is segmented into sub-blocks of equal size, with each sub-block receiving a dynamically allocated scaling rate while maintaining a constant overall scaling rate. For the Upscaling Module, we introduce the Joint Super-Resolution method (JointSR), which performs SR on these sub-blocks with varying scaling rates and effectively eliminates blocking artifacts. Experimental results demonstrate that BBMR significantly enhances the SR image quality on the of 2K and 4K test dataset compared to initial network image rescaling methods.
Abstract:Despite the superior performance of Large language models on many NLP tasks, they still face significant limitations in memorizing extensive world knowledge. Recent studies have demonstrated that leveraging the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework, combined with Knowledge Graphs that encapsulate extensive factual data in a structured format, robustly enhances the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. However, deploying such systems in real-world scenarios presents challenges: the continuous evolution of non-stationary environments may lead to performance degradation and user satisfaction requires a careful balance of performance and responsiveness. To address these challenges, we introduce a Multi-objective Multi-Armed Bandit enhanced RAG framework, supported by multiple retrieval methods with diverse capabilities under rich and evolving retrieval contexts in practice. Within this framework, each retrieval method is treated as a distinct ``arm''. The system utilizes real-time user feedback to adapt to dynamic environments, by selecting the appropriate retrieval method based on input queries and the historical multi-objective performance of each arm. Extensive experiments conducted on two benchmark KGQA datasets demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms baseline methods in non-stationary settings while achieving state-of-the-art performance in stationary environments. Code and data are available at
Abstract:Personality assessment, particularly through situational judgment tests (SJTs), is a vital tool for psychological research, talent selection, and educational evaluation. This study explores the potential of GPT-4, a state-of-the-art large language model (LLM), to automate the generation of personality situational judgment tests (PSJTs) in Chinese. Traditional SJT development is labor-intensive and prone to biases, while GPT-4 offers a scalable, efficient alternative. Two studies were conducted: Study 1 evaluated the impact of prompt design and temperature settings on content validity, finding that optimized prompts with a temperature of 1.0 produced creative and accurate items. Study 2 assessed the psychometric properties of GPT-4-generated PSJTs, revealing that they demonstrated satisfactory reliability and validity, surpassing the performance of manually developed tests in measuring the Big Five personality traits. This research highlights GPT-4's effectiveness in developing high-quality PSJTs, providing a scalable and innovative method for psychometric test development. These findings expand the possibilities of automatic item generation and the application of LLMs in psychology, and offer practical implications for streamlining test development processes in resource-limited settings.
Abstract:Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has proven to be highly effective in boosting the generative performance of language model in knowledge-intensive tasks. However, existing RAG framework either indiscriminately perform retrieval or rely on rigid single-class classifiers to select retrieval methods, leading to inefficiencies and suboptimal performance across queries of varying complexity. To address these challenges, we propose a reinforcement learning-based framework that dynamically selects the most suitable retrieval strategy based on query complexity. % our solution Our approach leverages a multi-armed bandit algorithm, which treats each retrieval method as a distinct ``arm'' and adapts the selection process by balancing exploration and exploitation. Additionally, we introduce a dynamic reward function that balances accuracy and efficiency, penalizing methods that require more retrieval steps, even if they lead to a correct result. Our method achieves new state of the art results on multiple single-hop and multi-hop datasets while reducing retrieval costs. Our code are available at .
Abstract:Modern recommendation systems frequently employ online learning to dynamically update their models with freshly collected data. The most commonly used optimizer for updating neural networks in these contexts is the Adam optimizer, which integrates momentum ($m_t$) and adaptive learning rate ($v_t$). However, the volatile nature of online learning data, characterized by its frequent distribution shifts and presence of noises, poses significant challenges to Adam's standard optimization process: (1) Adam may use outdated momentum and the average of squared gradients, resulting in slower adaptation to distribution changes, and (2) Adam's performance is adversely affected by data noise. To mitigate these issues, we introduce CAdam, a confidence-based optimization strategy that assesses the consistence between the momentum and the gradient for each parameter dimension before deciding on updates. If momentum and gradient are in sync, CAdam proceeds with parameter updates according to Adam's original formulation; if not, it temporarily withholds updates and monitors potential shifts in data distribution in subsequent iterations. This method allows CAdam to distinguish between the true distributional shifts and mere noise, and adapt more quickly to new data distributions. Our experiments with both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that CAdam surpasses other well-known optimizers, including the original Adam, in efficiency and noise robustness. Furthermore, in large-scale A/B testing within a live recommendation system, CAdam significantly enhances model performance compared to Adam, leading to substantial increases in the system's gross merchandise volume (GMV).
Abstract:Recent advancements in spoken dialogue models, exemplified by systems like GPT-4o, have captured significant attention in the speech domain. Compared to traditional three-tier cascaded spoken dialogue models that comprise speech recognition (ASR), large language models (LLMs), and text-to-speech (TTS), modern spoken dialogue models exhibit greater intelligence. These advanced spoken dialogue models not only comprehend audio, music, and other speech-related features, but also capture stylistic and timbral characteristics in speech. Moreover, they generate high-quality, multi-turn speech responses with low latency, enabling real-time interaction through simultaneous listening and speaking capability. Despite the progress in spoken dialogue systems, there is a lack of comprehensive surveys that systematically organize and analyze these systems and the underlying technologies. To address this, we have first compiled existing spoken dialogue systems in the chronological order and categorized them into the cascaded and end-to-end paradigms. We then provide an in-depth overview of the core technologies in spoken dialogue models, covering aspects such as speech representation, training paradigm, streaming, duplex, and interaction capabilities. Each section discusses the limitations of these technologies and outlines considerations for future research. Additionally, we present a thorough review of relevant datasets, evaluation metrics, and benchmarks from the perspectives of training and evaluating spoken dialogue systems. We hope this survey will contribute to advancing both academic research and industrial applications in the field of spoken dialogue systems. The related material is available at