Abstract:The film Her features Samantha, a sophisticated AI audio agent who is capable of understanding both linguistic and paralinguistic information in human speech and delivering real-time responses that are natural, informative and sensitive to emotional subtleties. Moving one step toward more sophisticated audio agent from recent advancement in end-to-end (E2E) speech systems, we propose LUCY, a E2E speech model that (1) senses and responds to user's emotion, (2) deliver responses in a succinct and natural style, and (3) use external tool to answer real-time inquiries. Experiment results show that LUCY is better at emotion control than peer models, generating emotional responses based on linguistic emotional instructions and responding to paralinguistic emotional cues. Lucy is also able to generate responses in a more natural style, as judged by external language models, without sacrificing much performance on general question answering. Finally, LUCY can leverage function calls to answer questions that are out of its knowledge scope.
Abstract:The cultivation of expertise for large language models (LLMs) to solve tasks of specific areas often requires special-purpose tuning with calibrated behaviors on the expected stable outputs. To avoid huge cost brought by manual preparation of instruction datasets and training resources up to hundreds of hours, the exploitation of open knowledge including a wealth of low rank adaptation (LoRA) models and instruction datasets serves as a good starting point. However, existing methods on model and data selection focus on the performance of general-purpose capabilities while neglecting the knowledge gap exposed in domain-specific deployment. In the present study, we propose to bridge such gap by introducing few human-annotated samples (i.e., K-shot) for advancing task expertise of LLMs with open knowledge. Specifically, we develop an efficient and scalable pipeline to cost-efficiently produce task experts where K-shot data intervene in selecting the most promising expert candidates and the task-relevant instructions. A mixture-of-expert (MoE) system is built to make the best use of individual-yet-complementary knowledge between multiple experts. We unveil the two keys to the success of a MoE system, 1) the abidance by K-shot, and 2) the insistence on diversity. For the former, we ensure that models that truly possess problem-solving abilities on K-shot are selected rather than those blind guessers. Besides, during data selection, instructions that share task-relevant contexts with K-shot are prioritized. For the latter, we highlight the diversity of constituting experts and that of the fine-tuning instructions throughout the model and data selection process. Extensive experimental results confirm the superiority of our approach over existing methods on utilization of open knowledge across various tasks. Codes and models will be released later.
Abstract:Instruction tuning plays a critical role in aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preference. Despite the vast amount of open instruction datasets, naively training a LLM on all existing instructions may not be optimal and practical. To pinpoint the most beneficial datapoints, data assessment and selection methods have been proposed in the fields of natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning. However, under the context of instruction tuning, there still exists a gap in knowledge on what kind of data evaluation metrics can be employed and how they can be integrated into the selection mechanism. To bridge this gap, we present a comprehensive review on existing literature of data assessment and selection especially for instruction tuning of LLMs. We systematically categorize all applicable methods into quality-based, diversity-based, and importance-based ones where a unified, fine-grained taxonomy is structured. For each category, representative methods are elaborated to describe the landscape of relevant research. In addition, comparison between latest methods is conducted on their officially reported results to provide in-depth discussions on their limitations. Finally, we summarize the open challenges and propose the promosing avenues for future studies. All related contents are available at https://github.com/yuleiqin/fantastic-data-engineering.
Abstract:Parameter quantization for Large Language Models (LLMs) has attracted increasing attentions recently in reducing memory costs and improving computational efficiency. Early approaches have been widely adopted. However, the existing methods suffer from poor performance in low-bit (such as 2 to 3 bits) scenarios. In this paper, we present a novel and effective Column-Level Adaptive weight Quantization (CLAQ) framework by introducing three different types of adaptive strategies for LLM quantization. Firstly, a K-Means clustering based algorithm is proposed that allows dynamic generation of quantization centroids for each column of a parameter matrix. Secondly, we design an outlier-guided adaptive precision search strategy which can dynamically assign varying bit-widths to different columns. Finally, a dynamic outlier reservation scheme is developed to retain some parameters in their original float point precision, in trade off of boosted model performance. Experiments on various mainstream open source LLMs including LLaMA-1, LLaMA-2 and Yi demonstrate that our methods achieve the state-of-the-art results across different bit settings, especially in extremely low-bit scenarios. Code will be released soon.
Abstract:Various Large Language Models(LLMs) from the Generative Pretrained Transformer~(GPT) family have achieved outstanding performances in a wide range of text generation tasks. However, the enormous model sizes have hindered their practical use in real-world applications due to high inference latency. Therefore, improving the efficiencies of LLMs through quantization, pruning, and other means has been a key issue in LLM studies. In this work, we propose a method based on Hessian sensitivity-aware mixed sparsity pruning to prune LLMs to at least 50\% sparsity without the need of any retraining. It allocates sparsity adaptively based on sensitivity, allowing us to reduce pruning-induced error while maintaining the overall sparsity level. The advantages of the proposed method exhibit even more when the sparsity is extremely high. Furthermore, our method is compatible with quantization, enabling further compression of LLMs.
Abstract:This paper introduces a new Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet) architecture inspired by a class of partial differential equations (PDEs) called quasi-linear hyperbolic systems. With comparable performance on the image classification task, it allows for the modification of the weights via a continuous group of symmetry. This is a significant shift from traditional models where the architecture and weights are essentially fixed. We wish to promote the (internal) symmetry as a new desirable property for a neural network, and to draw attention to the PDE perspective in analyzing and interpreting ConvNets in the broader Deep Learning community.
Abstract:Due to the rapid development of computing hardware resources and the dramatic growth of data, pre-trained models in speech recognition, such as Whisper, have significantly improved the performance of speech recognition tasks. However, these models usually have a high computational overhead, making it difficult to execute effectively on resource-constrained devices. To speed up inference and reduce model size while maintaining performance, we propose a novel guided knowledge distillation and quantization for large pre-trained model Whisper. The student model selects distillation and quantization layers based on quantization loss and distillation loss, respectively. We compressed $\text{Whisper}_\text{small}$ to $\text{Whisper}_\text{base}$ and $\text{Whisper}_\text{tiny}$ levels, making $\text{Whisper}_\text{small}$ 5.18x/10.48x smaller, respectively. Moreover, compared to the original $\text{Whisper}_\text{base}$ and $\text{Whisper}_\text{tiny}$, there is also a relative character error rate~(CER) reduction of 11.3% and 14.0% for the new compressed model respectively.
Abstract:Representing the spatial properties of facial attributes is a vital challenge for facial attribute recognition (FAR). Recent advances have achieved the reliable performances for FAR, benefiting from the description of spatial properties via extra prior information. However, the extra prior information might not be always available, resulting in the restricted application scenario of the prior-based methods. Meanwhile, the spatial ambiguity of facial attributes caused by inherent spatial diversities of facial parts is ignored. To address these issues, we propose a prior-free method for attribute spatial decomposition (ASD), mitigating the spatial ambiguity of facial attributes without any extra prior information. Specifically, assignment-embedding module (AEM) is proposed to enable the procedure of ASD, which consists of two operations: attribute-to-location assignment and location-to-attribute embedding. The attribute-to-location assignment first decomposes the feature map based on latent factors, assigning the magnitude of attribute components on each spatial location. Then, the assigned attribute components from all locations to represent the global-level attribute embeddings. Furthermore, correlation matrix minimization (CMM) is introduced to enlarge the discriminability of attribute embeddings. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of ASD compared with state-of-the-art prior-based methods, while the reliable performance of ASD for the case of limited training data is further validated.
Abstract:An automatic vision-based sewer inspection plays a key role of sewage system in a modern city. Recent advances focus on utilizing deep learning model to realize the sewer inspection system, benefiting from the capability of data-driven feature representation. However, the inherent uncertainty of sewer defects is ignored, resulting in the missed detection of serious unknown sewer defect categories. In this paper, we propose a trustworthy multi-label sewer defect classification (TMSDC) method, which can quantify the uncertainty of sewer defect prediction via evidential deep learning. Meanwhile, a novel expert base rate assignment (EBRA) is proposed to introduce the expert knowledge for describing reliable evidences in practical situations. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of TMSDC and the superior capability of uncertainty estimation is achieved on the latest public benchmark.
Abstract:Deep generative models learn a mapping from a low dimensional latent space to a high-dimensional data space. Under certain regularity conditions, these models parameterize nonlinear manifolds in the data space. In this paper, we investigate the Riemannian geometry of these generated manifolds. First, we develop efficient algorithms for computing geodesic curves, which provide an intrinsic notion of distance between points on the manifold. Second, we develop an algorithm for parallel translation of a tangent vector along a path on the manifold. We show how parallel translation can be used to generate analogies, i.e., to transport a change in one data point into a semantically similar change of another data point. Our experiments on real image data show that the manifolds learned by deep generative models, while nonlinear, are surprisingly close to zero curvature. The practical implication is that linear paths in the latent space closely approximate geodesics on the generated manifold. However, further investigation into this phenomenon is warranted, to identify if there are other architectures or datasets where curvature plays a more prominent role. We believe that exploring the Riemannian geometry of deep generative models, using the tools developed in this paper, will be an important step in understanding the high-dimensional, nonlinear spaces these models learn.