Abstract:Sample selection is a prevalent approach in learning with noisy labels, aiming to identify confident samples for training. Although existing sample selection methods have achieved decent results by reducing the noise rate of the selected subset, they often overlook that not all mislabeled examples harm the model's performance equally. In this paper, we demonstrate that mislabeled examples correctly predicted by the model early in the training process are particularly harmful to model performance. We refer to these examples as Mislabeled Easy Examples (MEEs). To address this, we propose Early Cutting, which introduces a recalibration step that employs the model's later training state to re-select the confident subset identified early in training, thereby avoiding misleading confidence from early learning and effectively filtering out MEEs. Experiments on the CIFAR, WebVision, and full ImageNet-1k datasets demonstrate that our method effectively improves sample selection and model performance by reducing MEEs.
Abstract:In machine learning practice, early stopping has been widely used to regularize models and can save computational costs by halting the training process when the model's performance on a validation set stops improving. However, conventional early stopping applies the same stopping criterion to all instances without considering their individual learning statuses, which leads to redundant computations on instances that are already well-learned. To further improve the efficiency, we propose an Instance-dependent Early Stopping (IES) method that adapts the early stopping mechanism from the entire training set to the instance level, based on the core principle that once the model has mastered an instance, the training on it should stop. IES considers an instance as mastered if the second-order differences of its loss value remain within a small range around zero. This offers a more consistent measure of an instance's learning status compared with directly using the loss value, and thus allows for a unified threshold to determine when an instance can be excluded from further backpropagation. We show that excluding mastered instances from backpropagation can increase the gradient norms, thereby accelerating the decrease of the training loss and speeding up the training process. Extensive experiments on benchmarks demonstrate that IES method can reduce backpropagation instances by 10%-50% while maintaining or even slightly improving the test accuracy and transfer learning performance of a model.
Abstract:Early stopping methods in deep learning face the challenge of balancing the volume of training and validation data, especially in the presence of label noise. Concretely, sparing more data for validation from training data would limit the performance of the learned model, yet insufficient validation data could result in a sub-optimal selection of the desired model. In this paper, we propose a novel early stopping method called Label Wave, which does not require validation data for selecting the desired model in the presence of label noise. It works by tracking the changes in the model's predictions on the training set during the training process, aiming to halt training before the model unduly fits mislabeled data. This method is empirically supported by our observation that minimum fluctuations in predictions typically occur at the training epoch before the model excessively fits mislabeled data. Through extensive experiments, we show both the effectiveness of the Label Wave method across various settings and its capability to enhance the performance of existing methods for learning with noisy labels.
Abstract:Multimodal contrastive learning models (e.g., CLIP) can learn high-quality representations from large-scale image-text datasets, yet they exhibit significant vulnerabilities to backdoor attacks, raising serious safety concerns. In this paper, we disclose that CLIP's vulnerabilities primarily stem from its excessive encoding of class-irrelevant features, which can compromise the model's visual feature resistivity to input perturbations, making it more susceptible to capturing the trigger patterns inserted by backdoor attacks. Inspired by this finding, we propose Repulsive Visual Prompt Tuning (RVPT), a novel defense approach that employs specially designed deep visual prompt tuning and feature-repelling loss to eliminate excessive class-irrelevant features while simultaneously optimizing cross-entropy loss to maintain clean accuracy. Unlike existing multimodal backdoor defense methods that typically require the availability of poisoned data or involve fine-tuning the entire model, RVPT leverages few-shot downstream clean samples and only tunes a small number of parameters. Empirical results demonstrate that RVPT tunes only 0.27\% of the parameters relative to CLIP, yet it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines, reducing the attack success rate from 67.53\% to 2.76\% against SoTA attacks and effectively generalizing its defensive capabilities across multiple datasets.
Abstract:Chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning has emerged as an effective approach for activating latent capabilities in large language models (LLMs). We observe that CoT shares significant similarities with self-training in terms of their learning processes. Motivated by these parallels, this paper explores the underlying relationship between CoT and self-training, demonstrating how insights from self-training can enhance CoT performance. Specifically, our study first reveals that CoT, like self-training, follows the principle of semantic entropy minimization. Leveraging this insight, we propose a novel CoT framework that incorporates two key components: (i) a task-specific prompt module designed to guide LLMs in generating high-quality initial reasoning processes, and (ii) an adaptive reasoning iteration module for progressively refining the reasoning process.
Abstract:Traditional knowledge distillation focuses on aligning the student's predicted probabilities with both ground-truth labels and the teacher's predicted probabilities. However, the transition to predicted probabilities from logits would obscure certain indispensable information. To address this issue, it is intuitive to additionally introduce a logit-level loss function as a supplement to the widely used probability-level loss function, for exploiting the latent information of logits. Unfortunately, we empirically find that the amalgamation of the newly introduced logit-level loss and the previous probability-level loss will lead to performance degeneration, even trailing behind the performance of employing either loss in isolation. We attribute this phenomenon to the collapse of the classification head, which is verified by our theoretical analysis based on the neural collapse theory. Specifically, the gradients of the two loss functions exhibit contradictions in the linear classifier yet display no such conflict within the backbone. Drawing from the theoretical analysis, we propose a novel method called dual-head knowledge distillation, which partitions the linear classifier into two classification heads responsible for different losses, thereby preserving the beneficial effects of both losses on the backbone while eliminating adverse influences on the classification head. Extensive experiments validate that our method can effectively exploit the information inside the logits and achieve superior performance against state-of-the-art counterparts.
Abstract:The message-passing mechanism of graph convolutional networks (i.e., GCNs) enables label information to be propagated to a broader range of neighbors, thereby increasing the utilization of labels. However, the label information is not always effectively utilized in the traditional GCN framework. To address this issue, we propose a new two-step framework called ELU-GCN. In the first stage, ELU-GCN conducts graph learning to learn a new graph structure (\ie ELU-graph), which enables GCNs to effectively utilize label information. In the second stage, we design a new graph contrastive learning on the GCN framework for representation learning by exploring the consistency and mutually exclusive information between the learned ELU graph and the original graph. Moreover, we theoretically demonstrate that the proposed method can ensure the generalization ability of GCNs. Extensive experiments validate the superiority of the proposed method.
Abstract:We developed a digital inline holography (DIH) system integrated with deep learning algorithms for real-time detection of particulate matter (PM) and bacterial contamination in peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluids. The system comprises a microfluidic sample delivery module and a DIH imaging module that captures holograms using a pulsed laser and a digital camera with a 40x objective. Our data processing pipeline enhances holograms, reconstructs images, and employs a YOLOv8n-based deep learning model for particle identification and classification, trained on labeled holograms of generic PD particles, Escherichia coli (E. coli), and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). The system effectively detected and classified generic particles in sterile PD fluids, revealing diverse morphologies predominantly sized 1-5 um with an average concentration of 61 particles per microliter. In PD fluid samples spiked with high concentrations of E. coli and P. aeruginosa, our system achieved high sensitivity in detecting and classifying these bacteria at clinically relevant low false positive rates. Further validation against standard colony-forming unit (CFU) methods using PD fluid spiked with bacterial concentrations from approximately 100 to 10,000 bacteria per milliliter demonstrated a clear one-to-one correspondence between our measurements and CFU counts. Our DIH system provides a rapid, accurate alternative to traditional culture-based methods for assessing bacterial contamination in PD fluids. By enabling real-time sterility monitoring, it can significantly improve patient outcomes in PD treatment, facilitate point-of-care fluid production, reduce logistical challenges, and be extended to quality control in pharmaceutical production.
Abstract:Visual reprogramming (VR) leverages the intrinsic capabilities of pretrained vision models by adapting their input or output interfaces to solve downstream tasks whose labels (i.e., downstream labels) might be totally different from the labels associated with the pretrained models (i.e., pretrained labels). When adapting the output interface, label mapping methods transform the pretrained labels to downstream labels by establishing a gradient-free one-to-one correspondence between the two sets of labels. However, in this paper, we reveal that one-to-one mappings may overlook the complex relationship between pretrained and downstream labels. Motivated by this observation, we propose a Bayesian-guided Label Mapping (BLM) method. BLM constructs an iteratively-updated probabilistic label mapping matrix, with each element quantifying a pairwise relationship between pretrained and downstream labels. The assignment of values to the constructed matrix is guided by Bayesian conditional probability, considering the joint distribution of the downstream labels and the labels predicted by the pretrained model on downstream samples. Experiments conducted on both pretrained vision models (e.g., ResNeXt) and vision-language models (e.g., CLIP) demonstrate the superior performance of BLM over existing label mapping methods. The success of BLM also offers a probabilistic lens through which to understand and analyze the effectiveness of VR. Our code is available at https://github.com/tmlr-group/BayesianLM.
Abstract:In wireless networks, applying deep learning models to solve matching problems between different entities has become a mainstream and effective approach. However, the complex network topology in 6G multiple access presents significant challenges for the real-time performance and stability of matching generation. Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has demonstrated strong capabilities in graph feature extraction, exploration, and generation, offering potential for graph-structured matching generation. In this paper, we propose a GenAI-enabled matching generation framework to support 6G multiple access. Specifically, we first summarize the classical matching theory, discuss common GenAI models and applications from the perspective of matching generation. Then, we propose a framework based on generative diffusion models (GDMs) that iteratively denoises toward reward maximization to generate a matching strategy that meets specific requirements. Experimental results show that, compared to decision-based AI approaches, our framework can generate more effective matching strategies based on given conditions and predefined rewards, helping to solve complex problems in 6G multiple access, such as task allocation.