Abstract:We present DeepSeek-V3, a strong Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) language model with 671B total parameters with 37B activated for each token. To achieve efficient inference and cost-effective training, DeepSeek-V3 adopts Multi-head Latent Attention (MLA) and DeepSeekMoE architectures, which were thoroughly validated in DeepSeek-V2. Furthermore, DeepSeek-V3 pioneers an auxiliary-loss-free strategy for load balancing and sets a multi-token prediction training objective for stronger performance. We pre-train DeepSeek-V3 on 14.8 trillion diverse and high-quality tokens, followed by Supervised Fine-Tuning and Reinforcement Learning stages to fully harness its capabilities. Comprehensive evaluations reveal that DeepSeek-V3 outperforms other open-source models and achieves performance comparable to leading closed-source models. Despite its excellent performance, DeepSeek-V3 requires only 2.788M H800 GPU hours for its full training. In addition, its training process is remarkably stable. Throughout the entire training process, we did not experience any irrecoverable loss spikes or perform any rollbacks. The model checkpoints are available at https://github.com/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V3.
Abstract:The word embedding space in neural models is skewed, and correcting this can improve task performance. We point out that most approaches for modeling, correcting, and measuring the symmetry of an embedding space implicitly assume that the word frequencies are uniform; in reality, word frequencies follow a highly non-uniform distribution, known as Zipf's law. Surprisingly, simply performing PCA whitening weighted by the empirical word frequency that follows Zipf's law significantly improves task performance, surpassing established baselines. From a theoretical perspective, both our approach and existing methods can be clearly categorized: word representations are distributed according to an exponential family with either uniform or Zipfian base measures. By adopting the latter approach, we can naturally emphasize informative low-frequency words in terms of their vector norm, which becomes evident from the information-geometric perspective, and in terms of the loss functions for imbalanced classification. Additionally, our theory corroborates that popular natural language processing methods, such as skip-gram negative sampling, WhiteningBERT, and headless language models, work well just because their word embeddings encode the empirical word frequency into the underlying probabilistic model.
Abstract:Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have become essential for advancing the integration of visual and linguistic information, facilitating a wide range of complex applications and tasks. However, the evaluation of LVLMs presents significant challenges as the evaluation benchmark always demands lots of human cost for its construction, and remains static, lacking flexibility once constructed. Even though automatic evaluation has been explored in textual modality, the visual modality remains under-explored. As a result, in this work, we address a question: "Can LVLMs serve as a path to automatic benchmarking?". We introduce AutoBench-V, an automated framework for serving evaluation on demand, i.e., benchmarking LVLMs based on specific aspects of model capability. Upon receiving an evaluation capability, AutoBench-V leverages text-to-image models to generate relevant image samples and then utilizes LVLMs to orchestrate visual question-answering (VQA) tasks, completing the evaluation process efficiently and flexibly. Through an extensive evaluation of seven popular LVLMs across five demanded user inputs (i.e., evaluation capabilities), the framework shows effectiveness and reliability. We observe the following: (1) Our constructed benchmark accurately reflects varying task difficulties; (2) As task difficulty rises, the performance gap between models widens; (3) While models exhibit strong performance in abstract level understanding, they underperform in details reasoning tasks; and (4) Constructing a dataset with varying levels of difficulties is critical for a comprehensive and exhaustive evaluation. Overall, AutoBench-V not only successfully utilizes LVLMs for automated benchmarking but also reveals that LVLMs as judges have significant potential in various domains.
Abstract:FlashAttention series has been widely applied in the inference of large language models (LLMs). However, FlashAttention series only supports the high-level GPU architectures, e.g., Ampere and Hopper. At present, FlashAttention series is not easily transferrable to NPUs and low-resource GPUs. Moreover, FlashAttention series is inefficient for multi- NPUs or GPUs inference scenarios. In this work, we propose FastAttention which pioneers the adaptation of FlashAttention series for NPUs and low-resource GPUs to boost LLM inference efficiency. Specifically, we take Ascend NPUs and Volta-based GPUs as representatives for designing our FastAttention. We migrate FlashAttention series to Ascend NPUs by proposing a novel two-level tiling strategy for runtime speedup, tiling-mask strategy for memory saving and the tiling-AllReduce strategy for reducing communication overhead, respectively. Besides, we adapt FlashAttention for Volta-based GPUs by redesigning the operands layout in shared memory and introducing a simple yet effective CPU-GPU cooperative strategy for efficient memory utilization. On Ascend NPUs, our FastAttention can achieve a 10.7$\times$ speedup compared to the standard attention implementation. Llama-7B within FastAttention reaches up to 5.16$\times$ higher throughput than within the standard attention. On Volta architecture GPUs, FastAttention yields 1.43$\times$ speedup compared to its equivalents in \texttt{xformers}. Pangu-38B within FastAttention brings 1.46$\times$ end-to-end speedup using FasterTransformer. Coupled with the propose CPU-GPU cooperative strategy, FastAttention supports a maximal input length of 256K on 8 V100 GPUs. All the codes will be made available soon.
Abstract:To date, 2:4 sparsity has stood as the only sparse pattern that can be accelerated using sparse tensor cores on GPUs. In practice, 2:4 sparsity often possesses low actual speedups ($\leq 1.3$) and requires fixed sparse ratios, meaning that other ratios, such as 4:8, 8:16, or those exceeding 50% sparsity, do not incur any speedups on GPUs. Recent studies suggest that V:N:M sparsity is promising in addressing these limitations of 2:4 sparsity. However, regarding accuracy, the effects of V:N:M sparsity on broader Transformer models, such as vision Transformers and large language models (LLMs), are largely unexamined. Moreover, Some specific issues related to V:N:M sparsity, such as how to select appropriate V and M values, remain unresolved. In this study, we thoroughly investigate the application of V:N:M sparsity in vision models and LLMs across multiple tasks, from pertaining to downstream tasks. We propose three key approaches to enhance the applicability and accuracy of V:N:M-sparse Transformers, including heuristic V and M selection, V:N:M-specific channel permutation, and three-staged LoRA training techniques. Experimental results show that, with our methods, the DeiT-small achieves lossless accuracy at 64:2:5 sparsity, while the DeiT-base maintains accuracy even at 64:2:8 sparsity. In addition, the fine-tuned LLama2-7B at 64:2:5 sparsity performs comparably or better than training-free 2:4 sparse alternatives on downstream tasks. More importantly, V:N:M-sparse Transformers offer a wider range of speedup-accuracy trade-offs compared to 2:4 sparsity. Overall, our exploration largely facilitates the V:N:M sparsity to act as a truly effective acceleration solution for Transformers in cost-sensitive inference scenarios.
Abstract:Recently, quantization has been widely used for the compression and acceleration of large language models~(LLMs). Due to the outliers in LLMs, it is crucial to flatten weights and activations to minimize quantization error with the equally spaced quantization points. Prior research explores various pre-quantization transformations to suppress outliers, such as per-channel scaling and Hadamard transformation. However, we observe that these transformed weights and activations can still remain steep and outspread. In this paper, we propose FlatQuant (Fast and Learnable Affine Transformation), a new post-training quantization approach to enhance flatness of weights and activations. Our approach identifies optimal affine transformations tailored to each linear layer, calibrated in hours via a lightweight objective. To reduce runtime overhead, we apply Kronecker decomposition to the transformation matrices, and fuse all operations in FlatQuant into a single kernel. Extensive experiments show that FlatQuant sets up a new state-of-the-art quantization benchmark. For instance, it achieves less than $\textbf{1}\%$ accuracy drop for W4A4 quantization on the LLaMA-3-70B model, surpassing SpinQuant by $\textbf{7.5}\%$. For inference latency, FlatQuant reduces the slowdown induced by pre-quantization transformation from 0.26x of QuaRot to merely $\textbf{0.07x}$, bringing up to $\textbf{2.3x}$ speedup for prefill and $\textbf{1.7x}$ speedup for decoding, respectively. Code is available at: \url{https://github.com/ruikangliu/FlatQuant}.
Abstract:Federated learning is often used in environments with many unverified participants. Therefore, federated learning under adversarial attacks receives significant attention. This paper proposes an algorithmic framework for list-decodable federated learning, where a central server maintains a list of models, with at least one guaranteed to perform well. The framework has no strict restriction on the fraction of honest workers, extending the applicability of Byzantine federated learning to the scenario with more than half adversaries. Under proper assumptions on the loss function, we prove a convergence theorem for our method. Experimental results, including image classification tasks with both convex and non-convex losses, demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can withstand the malicious majority under various attacks.
Abstract:A fundamental challenge in machine learning is the choice of a loss as it characterizes our learning task, is minimized in the training phase, and serves as an evaluation criterion for estimators. Proper losses are commonly chosen, ensuring minimizers of the full risk match the true probability vector. Estimators induced from a proper loss are widely used to construct forecasters for downstream tasks such as classification and ranking. In this procedure, how does the forecaster based on the obtained estimator perform well under a given downstream task? This question is substantially relevant to the behavior of the $p$-norm between the estimated and true probability vectors when the estimator is updated. In the proper loss framework, the suboptimality of the estimated probability vector from the true probability vector is measured by a surrogate regret. First, we analyze a surrogate regret and show that the strict properness of a loss is necessary and sufficient to establish a non-vacuous surrogate regret bound. Second, we solve an important open question that the order of convergence in p-norm cannot be faster than the $1/2$-order of surrogate regrets for a broad class of strictly proper losses. This implies that strongly proper losses entail the optimal convergence rate.
Abstract:Gradient descent and its variants are de facto standard algorithms for training machine learning models. As gradient descent is sensitive to its hyperparameters, we need to tune the hyperparameters carefully using a grid search, but it is time-consuming, especially when multiple hyperparameters exist. Recently, parameter-free methods that adjust the hyperparameters on the fly have been studied. However, the existing work only studied parameter-free methods for the stepsize, and parameter-free methods for other hyperparameters have not been explored. For instance, the gradient clipping threshold is also a crucial hyperparameter in addition to the stepsize to prevent gradient explosion issues, but none of the existing studies investigated the parameter-free methods for clipped gradient descent. In this work, we study the parameter-free methods for clipped gradient descent. Specifically, we propose Inexact Polyak Stepsize, which converges to the optimal solution without any hyperparameters tuning, and its convergence rate is asymptotically independent of L under L-smooth and $(L_0, L_1)$-smooth assumptions of the loss function as that of clipped gradient descent with well-tuned hyperparameters. We numerically validated our convergence results using a synthetic function and demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed methods using LSTM, Nano-GPT, and T5.
Abstract:SimSiam is a prominent self-supervised learning method that achieves impressive results in various vision tasks under static environments. However, it has two critical issues: high sensitivity to hyperparameters, especially weight decay, and unsatisfactory performance in online and continual learning, where neuroscientists believe that powerful memory functions are necessary, as in brains. In this paper, we propose PhiNet, inspired by a hippocampal model based on the temporal prediction hypothesis. Unlike SimSiam, which aligns two augmented views of the original image, PhiNet integrates an additional predictor block that estimates the original image representation to imitate the CA1 region in the hippocampus. Moreover, we model the neocortex inspired by the Complementary Learning Systems theory with a momentum encoder block as a slow learner, which works as long-term memory. We demonstrate through analysing the learning dynamics that PhiNet benefits from the additional predictor to prevent the complete collapse of learned representations, a notorious challenge in non-contrastive learning. This dynamics analysis may partially corroborate why this hippocampal model is biologically plausible. Experimental results demonstrate that PhiNet is more robust to weight decay and performs better than SimSiam in memory-intensive tasks like online and continual learning.