Abstract:Recent advancements have highlighted the efficacy of self-supervised learning (SSL) features in various speech-related tasks, providing lightweight and versatile multi-view speech representations. However, our study reveals that while SSL features expedite model convergence, they conflict with traditional spectral features like FBanks in terms of update directions. In response, we propose a novel generalized feature fusion framework grounded in conditional computation, featuring a gradient-sensitive gating network and a multi-stage dropout strategy. This framework mitigates feature conflicts and bolsters model robustness to multi-view input features. By integrating SSL and spectral features, our approach accelerates convergence and maintains performance on par with spectral models across multiple speech translation tasks on the MUSTC dataset.
Abstract:Despite the significant improvements achieved by large language models (LLMs) in English reasoning tasks, these models continue to struggle with multilingual reasoning. Recent studies leverage a full-parameter and two-stage training paradigm to teach models to first understand non-English questions and then reason. However, this method suffers from both substantial computational resource computing and catastrophic forgetting. The fundamental cause is that, with the primary goal of enhancing multilingual comprehension, an excessive number of irrelevant layers and parameters are tuned during the first stage. Given our findings that the representation learning of languages is merely conducted in lower-level layers, we propose an efficient multilingual reasoning alignment approach that precisely identifies and fine-tunes the layers responsible for handling multilingualism. Experimental results show that our method, SLAM, only tunes 6 layers' feed-forward sub-layers including 6.5-8% of all parameters within 7B and 13B LLMs, achieving superior average performance than all strong baselines across 10 languages. Meanwhile, SLAM only involves one training stage, reducing training time by 4.1-11.9 compared to the two-stage method.
Abstract:Aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with general human preferences has been proved crucial in improving the interaction quality between LLMs and human. However, human values are inherently diverse among different individuals, making it insufficient to align LLMs solely with general preferences. To address this, personalizing LLMs according to individual feedback emerges as a promising solution. Nonetheless, this approach presents challenges in terms of the efficiency of alignment algorithms. In this work, we introduce a flexible paradigm for individual preference alignment. Our method fundamentally improves efficiency by disentangling preference representation from text generation in LLMs. We validate our approach across multiple text generation tasks and demonstrate that it can produce aligned quality as well as or better than PEFT-based methods, while reducing additional training time for each new individual preference by $80\%$ to $90\%$ in comparison with them.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) exhibit exceptional performance across various downstream tasks. However, they encounter limitations due to slow inference speeds stemming from their extensive parameters. The early exit (EE) is an approach that aims to accelerate auto-regressive decoding. EE generates outputs from intermediate layers instead of using the whole model, which offers a promising solution to this challenge. However, additional output layers and joint optimization used in conventional EE hinder the application of EE in LLMs. In this paper, we explore the possibility of LLMs EE without additional output layers and joint optimization. Our findings indicate that EE is a natural capability within transformer-based models. While joint optimization does not give model EE capability, it must be employed to address challenges by improving the accuracy of locating the optimal EE layer through gating functions. Additionally, our study reveals patterns in EE behavior from a sub-word perspective based on the LLaMA model and the potential possibility for EE based on sub-layers.
Abstract:Residual networks, as discrete approximations of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), have inspired significant advancements in neural network design, including multistep methods, high-order methods, and multi-particle dynamical systems. The precision of the solution to ODEs significantly affects parameter optimization, thereby impacting model performance. In this work, we present a series of advanced explorations of Transformer architecture design to minimize the error compared to the true ``solution.'' First, we introduce a predictor-corrector learning framework to minimize truncation errors, which consists of a high-order predictor and a multistep corrector. Second, we propose an exponential moving average-based coefficient learning method to strengthen our higher-order predictor. Extensive experiments on large-scale machine translation, abstractive summarization, language modeling, and natural language understanding benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our approach. On the WMT'14 English-German and English-French tasks, our model achieved BLEU scores of 30.95 and 44.27, respectively. Furthermore, on the OPUS multilingual machine translation task, our model surpasses a robust 3.8B DeepNet by an average of 2.9 SacreBLEU, using only 1/3 parameters. Notably, it also beats LLama models by 5.7 accuracy points on the LM Harness Evaluation.
Abstract:The scaling of large language models (LLMs) is a critical research area for the efficiency and effectiveness of model training and deployment. Our work investigates the transferability and discrepancies of scaling laws between Dense Models and Mixture of Experts (MoE) models. Through a combination of theoretical analysis and extensive experiments, including consistent loss scaling, optimal batch size and learning rate scaling, and resource allocation strategies scaling, our findings reveal that the power-law scaling framework also applies to MoE Models, indicating that the fundamental principles governing the scaling behavior of these models are preserved, even though the architecture differs. Additionally, MoE Models demonstrate superior generalization, resulting in lower testing losses with the same training compute budget compared to Dense Models. These findings indicate the scaling consistency and transfer generalization capabilities of MoE Models, providing new insights for optimizing MoE Model training and deployment strategies.
Abstract:Numerous recent works target to extend effective context length for language models and various methods, tasks and benchmarks exist to measure model's effective memorization length. However, through thorough investigations, we find limitations for currently existing evaluations on model's memorization capability. We provide an extensive survey for limitations in this work and propose a new method called forgetting curve to measure the memorization capability of long-context models. We show that forgetting curve has the advantage of being robust to the tested corpus and the experimental settings, of not relying on prompts and can be applied to any model size. We apply our forgetting curve to a large variety of models involving both transformer and RNN/SSM based architectures. Our measurement provides empirical evidence for the effectiveness of transformer extension techniques while raises questions for the effective length of RNN/SSM based models. We also examine the difference between our measurement and existing benchmarks as well as popular metrics for various models. Our code and results can be found at https://github.com/1azybug/ForgettingCurve.
Abstract:While the Mamba architecture demonstrates superior inference efficiency and competitive performance on short-context natural language processing (NLP) tasks, empirical evidence suggests its capacity to comprehend long contexts is limited compared to transformer-based models. In this study, we investigate the long-context efficiency issues of the Mamba models and propose ReMamba, which enhances Mamba's ability to comprehend long contexts. ReMamba incorporates selective compression and adaptation techniques within a two-stage re-forward process, incurring minimal additional inference costs overhead. Experimental results on the LongBench and L-Eval benchmarks demonstrate ReMamba's efficacy, improving over the baselines by 3.2 and 1.6 points, respectively, and attaining performance almost on par with same-size transformer models.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) trained on next-token prediction (NTP) paradigm have demonstrated powerful capabilities. However, the existing NTP paradigm contains several limitations, particularly related to planned task complications and error propagation during inference. In our work, we extend the critique of NTP, highlighting its limitation also due to training with a narrow objective: the prediction of a sub-optimal one-hot distribution. To support this critique, we conducted a pre-experiment treating the output distribution from powerful LLMs as efficient world data compression. By evaluating the similarity between the $n$-gram distribution and the one-hot distribution with LLMs, we observed that the $n$-gram distributions align more closely with the output distribution of LLMs. Based on this insight, we introduce Next Distribution Prediction (NDP), which uses $n$-gram distributions to replace the one-hot targets, enhancing learning without extra online training time. We conducted experiments across translation, general task, language transfer, and medical domain adaptation. Compared to NTP, NDP can achieve up to +2.97 COMET improvement in translation tasks, +0.61 average improvement in general tasks, and incredible +10.75 average improvement in the medical domain. This demonstrates the concrete benefits of addressing the target narrowing problem, pointing to a new direction for future work on improving NTP.
Abstract:Imposing constraints on machine translation systems presents a challenging issue because these systems are not trained to make use of constraints in generating adequate, fluent translations. In this paper, we leverage the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) for constrained translation, given that LLMs can easily adapt to this task by taking translation instructions and constraints as prompts. However, LLMs cannot always guarantee the adequacy of translation, and, in some cases, ignore the given constraints. This is in part because LLMs might be overly confident in their predictions, overriding the influence of the constraints. To overcome this overiding behaviour, we propose to add a revision process that encourages LLMs to correct the outputs by prompting them about the constraints that have not yet been met. We evaluate our approach on four constrained translation tasks, encompassing both lexical and structural constraints in multiple constraint domains. Experiments show 15\% improvement in constraint-based translation accuracy over standard LLMs and the approach also significantly outperforms neural machine translation (NMT) state-of-the-art methods.