Abstract:Driving World Models (DWMs) have become essential for autonomous driving by enabling future scene prediction. However, existing DWMs are limited to scene generation and fail to incorporate scene understanding, which involves interpreting and reasoning about the driving environment. In this paper, we present a unified Driving World Model named HERMES. We seamlessly integrate 3D scene understanding and future scene evolution (generation) through a unified framework in driving scenarios. Specifically, HERMES leverages a Bird's-Eye View (BEV) representation to consolidate multi-view spatial information while preserving geometric relationships and interactions. We also introduce world queries, which incorporate world knowledge into BEV features via causal attention in the Large Language Model (LLM), enabling contextual enrichment for understanding and generation tasks. We conduct comprehensive studies on nuScenes and OmniDrive-nuScenes datasets to validate the effectiveness of our method. HERMES achieves state-of-the-art performance, reducing generation error by 32.4% and improving understanding metrics such as CIDEr by 8.0%. The model and code will be publicly released at https://github.com/LMD0311/HERMES.
Abstract:Generating high-fidelity, controllable, and annotated training data is critical for autonomous driving. Existing methods typically generate a single data form directly from a coarse scene layout, which not only fails to output rich data forms required for diverse downstream tasks but also struggles to model the direct layout-to-data distribution. In this paper, we introduce UniScene, the first unified framework for generating three key data forms - semantic occupancy, video, and LiDAR - in driving scenes. UniScene employs a progressive generation process that decomposes the complex task of scene generation into two hierarchical steps: (a) first generating semantic occupancy from a customized scene layout as a meta scene representation rich in both semantic and geometric information, and then (b) conditioned on occupancy, generating video and LiDAR data, respectively, with two novel transfer strategies of Gaussian-based Joint Rendering and Prior-guided Sparse Modeling. This occupancy-centric approach reduces the generation burden, especially for intricate scenes, while providing detailed intermediate representations for the subsequent generation stages. Extensive experiments demonstrate that UniScene outperforms previous SOTAs in the occupancy, video, and LiDAR generation, which also indeed benefits downstream driving tasks.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel self-supervised two-frame multi-camera metric depth estimation network, termed M${^2}$Depth, which is designed to predict reliable scale-aware surrounding depth in autonomous driving. Unlike the previous works that use multi-view images from a single time-step or multiple time-step images from a single camera, M${^2}$Depth takes temporally adjacent two-frame images from multiple cameras as inputs and produces high-quality surrounding depth. We first construct cost volumes in spatial and temporal domains individually and propose a spatial-temporal fusion module that integrates the spatial-temporal information to yield a strong volume presentation. We additionally combine the neural prior from SAM features with internal features to reduce the ambiguity between foreground and background and strengthen the depth edges. Extensive experimental results on nuScenes and DDAD benchmarks show M${^2}$Depth achieves state-of-the-art performance. More results can be found in https://heiheishuang.xyz/M2Depth .
Abstract:This paper presents a novel monocular depth estimation method, named ECFNet, for estimating high-quality monocular depth with clear edges and valid overall structure from a single RGB image. We make a thorough inquiry about the key factor that affects the edge depth estimation of the MDE networks, and come to a ratiocination that the edge information itself plays a critical role in predicting depth details. Driven by this analysis, we propose to explicitly employ the image edges as input for ECFNet and fuse the initial depths from different sources to produce the final depth. Specifically, ECFNet first uses a hybrid edge detection strategy to get the edge map and edge-highlighted image from the input image, and then leverages a pre-trained MDE network to infer the initial depths of the aforementioned three images. After that, ECFNet utilizes a layered fusion module (LFM) to fuse the initial depth, which will be further updated by a depth consistency module (DCM) to form the final estimation. Extensive experimental results on public datasets and ablation studies indicate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. Project page: https://zrealli.github.io/edgedepth.
Abstract:This technical report presents our solution, "occTransformer" for the 3D occupancy prediction track in the autonomous driving challenge at CVPR 2023. Our method builds upon the strong baseline BEVFormer and improves its performance through several simple yet effective techniques. Firstly, we employed data augmentation to increase the diversity of the training data and improve the model's generalization ability. Secondly, we used a strong image backbone to extract more informative features from the input data. Thirdly, we incorporated a 3D unet head to better capture the spatial information of the scene. Fourthly, we added more loss functions to better optimize the model. Additionally, we used an ensemble approach with the occ model BevDet and SurroundOcc to further improve the performance. Most importantly, we integrated 3D detection model StreamPETR to enhance the model's ability to detect objects in the scene. Using these methods, our solution achieved 49.23 miou on the 3D occupancy prediction track in the autonomous driving challenge.
Abstract:Text-guided image editing has recently experienced rapid development. However, simultaneously performing multiple editing actions on a single image, such as background replacement and specific subject attribute changes, while maintaining consistency between the subject and the background remains challenging. In this paper, we propose LayerDiffusion, a semantic-based layered controlled image editing method. Our method enables non-rigid editing and attribute modification of specific subjects while preserving their unique characteristics and seamlessly integrating them into new backgrounds. We leverage a large-scale text-to-image model and employ a layered controlled optimization strategy combined with layered diffusion training. During the diffusion process, an iterative guidance strategy is used to generate a final image that aligns with the textual description. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in generating highly coherent images that closely align with the given textual description. The edited images maintain a high similarity to the features of the input image and surpass the performance of current leading image editing methods. LayerDiffusion opens up new possibilities for controllable image editing.
Abstract:Bird's eye view (BEV) is widely adopted by most of the current point cloud detectors due to the applicability of well-explored 2D detection techniques. However, existing methods obtain BEV features by simply collapsing voxel or point features along the height dimension, which causes the heavy loss of 3D spatial information. To alleviate the information loss, we propose a novel point cloud detection network based on a Multi-level feature dimensionality reduction strategy, called MDRNet. In MDRNet, the Spatial-aware Dimensionality Reduction (SDR) is designed to dynamically focus on the valuable parts of the object during voxel-to-BEV feature transformation. Furthermore, the Multi-level Spatial Residuals (MSR) is proposed to fuse the multi-level spatial information in the BEV feature maps. Extensive experiments on nuScenes show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. The code will be available upon publication.
Abstract:Supervised multi-view stereo (MVS) methods have achieved remarkable progress in terms of reconstruction quality, but suffer from the challenge of collecting large-scale ground-truth depth. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised training pipeline for MVS based on knowledge distillation, termed \textit{KD-MVS}, which mainly consists of self-supervised teacher training and distillation-based student training. Specifically, the teacher model is trained in a self-supervised fashion using both photometric and featuremetric consistency. Then we distill the knowledge of the teacher model to the student model through probabilistic knowledge transferring. With the supervision of validated knowledge, the student model is able to outperform its teacher by a large margin. Extensive experiments performed on multiple datasets show our method can even outperform supervised methods.
Abstract:Recently, Implicit Neural Representations (INRs) parameterized by neural networks have emerged as a powerful and promising tool to represent different kinds of signals due to its continuous, differentiable properties, showing superiorities to classical discretized representations. However, the training of neural networks for INRs only utilizes input-output pairs, and the derivatives of the target output with respect to the input, which can be accessed in some cases, are usually ignored. In this paper, we propose a training paradigm for INRs whose target output is image pixels, to encode image derivatives in addition to image values in the neural network. Specifically, we use finite differences to approximate image derivatives. We show how the training paradigm can be leveraged to solve typical INRs problems, i.e., image regression and inverse rendering, and demonstrate this training paradigm can improve the data-efficiency and generalization capabilities of INRs. The code of our method is available at \url{https://github.com/megvii-research/Sobolev_INRs}.
Abstract:Local image feature matching, aiming to identify and correspond similar regions from image pairs, is an essential concept in computer vision. Most existing image matching approaches follow a one-to-one assignment principle and employ mutual nearest neighbor to guarantee unique correspondence between local features across images. However, images from different conditions may hold large-scale variations or viewpoint diversification so that one-to-one assignment may cause ambiguous or missing representations in dense matching. In this paper, we introduce AdaMatcher, a novel detector-free local feature matching method, which first correlates dense features by a lightweight feature interaction module and estimates co-visible area of the paired images, then performs a patch-level many-to-one assignment to predict match proposals, and finally refines them based on a one-to-one refinement module. Extensive experiments show that AdaMatcher outperforms solid baselines and achieves state-of-the-art results on many downstream tasks. Additionally, the many-to-one assignment and one-to-one refinement module can be used as a refinement network for other matching methods, such as SuperGlue, to boost their performance further. Code will be available upon publication.