WeBank, China, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China
Abstract:Semi-supervised heterogeneous domain adaptation (SHDA) addresses learning across domains with distinct feature representations and distributions, where source samples are labeled while most target samples are unlabeled, with only a small fraction labeled. Moreover, there is no one-to-one correspondence between source and target samples. Although various SHDA methods have been developed to tackle this problem, the nature of the knowledge transferred across heterogeneous domains remains unclear. This paper delves into this question from an empirical perspective. We conduct extensive experiments on about 330 SHDA tasks, employing two supervised learning methods and seven representative SHDA methods. Surprisingly, our observations indicate that both the category and feature information of source samples do not significantly impact the performance of the target domain. Additionally, noise drawn from simple distributions, when used as source samples, may contain transferable knowledge. Based on this insight, we perform a series of experiments to uncover the underlying principles of transferable knowledge in SHDA. Specifically, we design a unified Knowledge Transfer Framework (KTF) for SHDA. Based on the KTF, we find that the transferable knowledge in SHDA primarily stems from the transferability and discriminability of the source domain. Consequently, ensuring those properties in source samples, regardless of their origin (e.g., image, text, noise), can enhance the effectiveness of knowledge transfer in SHDA tasks. The codes and datasets are available at https://github.com/yyyaoyuan/SHDA.
Abstract:Federated continual learning (FCL) allows each client to continually update its knowledge from task streams, enhancing the applicability of federated learning in real-world scenarios. However, FCL needs to address not only spatial data heterogeneity between clients but also temporal data heterogeneity between tasks. In this paper, empirical experiments demonstrate that such input-level heterogeneity significantly affects the model's internal parameters and outputs, leading to severe spatial-temporal catastrophic forgetting of local and previous knowledge. To this end, we propose Federated Tail Anchor (FedTA) to mix trainable Tail Anchor with the frozen output features to adjust their position in the feature space, thereby overcoming parameter-forgetting and output-forgetting. Moreover, three novel components are also included in FedTA: Input Enhancement for improving the performance of pre-trained models on downstream tasks; Selective Input Knowledge Fusion for fusion of heterogeneous local knowledge on the server side; and Best Global Prototype Selection for finding the best anchor point for each class in the feature space. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FedTA not only outperforms existing FCL methods but also effectively preserves the relative positions of features, remaining unaffected by spatial and temporal changes.
Abstract:Recommender systems have become increasingly influential in shaping user behavior and decision-making, highlighting their growing impact in various domains. Meanwhile, the widespread adoption of machine learning models in recommender systems has raised significant concerns regarding user privacy and security. As compliance with privacy regulations becomes more critical, there is a pressing need to address the issue of recommendation unlearning, i.e., eliminating the memory of specific training data from the learned recommendation models. Despite its importance, traditional machine unlearning methods are ill-suited for recommendation unlearning due to the unique challenges posed by collaborative interactions and model parameters. This survey offers a comprehensive review of the latest advancements in recommendation unlearning, exploring the design principles, challenges, and methodologies associated with this emerging field. We provide a unified taxonomy that categorizes different recommendation unlearning approaches, followed by a summary of widely used benchmarks and metrics for evaluation. By reviewing the current state of research, this survey aims to guide the development of more efficient, scalable, and robust recommendation unlearning techniques. Furthermore, we identify open research questions in this field, which could pave the way for future innovations not only in recommendation unlearning but also in a broader range of unlearning tasks across different machine learning applications.
Abstract:Graph neural network (GNN) has emerged as a state-of-the-art solution for item recommendation. However, existing GNN-based recommendation methods rely on a centralized storage of fragmented user-item interaction sub-graphs and training on an aggregated global graph, which will lead to privacy concerns. As a response, some recent works develop GNN-based federated recommendation methods by exploiting decentralized and fragmented user-item sub-graphs in order to preserve user privacy. However, due to privacy constraints, the graph convolution process in existing federated recommendation methods is incomplete compared with the centralized counterpart, causing a degradation of the recommendation performance. In this paper, we propose a novel lossless and privacy-preserving graph convolution network (LP-GCN), which fully completes the graph convolution process with decentralized user-item interaction sub-graphs while ensuring privacy. It is worth mentioning that its performance is equivalent to that of the non-federated (i.e., centralized) counterpart. Moreover, we validate its effectiveness through both theoretical analysis and empirical studies. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets show that our LP-GCN outperforms the existing federated recommendation methods. The code will be publicly available once the paper is accepted.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success recently, displaying exceptional capabilities in creating understandable and organized text. These LLMs have been utilized in diverse fields, such as clinical research, where domain-specific models like Med-Palm have achieved human-level performance. Recently, researchers have employed advanced prompt engineering to enhance the general reasoning ability of LLMs. Despite the remarkable success of zero-shot Chain-of-Thoughts (CoT) in solving general reasoning tasks, the potential of these methods still remains paid limited attention in the financial reasoning task.To address this issue, we explore multiple prompt strategies and incorporated semantic news information to improve LLMs' performance on financial reasoning tasks.To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to explore this important issue by applying ChatGPT to the gold investment.In this work, our aim is to investigate the financial reasoning capabilities of LLMs and their capacity to generate logical and persuasive investment opinions. We will use ChatGPT, one of the most powerful LLMs recently, and prompt engineering to achieve this goal. Our research will focus on understanding the ability of LLMs in sophisticated analysis and reasoning within the context of investment decision-making. Our study finds that ChatGPT with CoT prompt can provide more explainable predictions and overcome behavioral biases, which is crucial in finance-related tasks and can achieve higher investment returns.
Abstract:By adapting Large Language Models (LLMs) to domain-specific tasks or enriching them with domain-specific knowledge, we can fully harness the capabilities of LLMs. Nonetheless, a gap persists in achieving simultaneous mutual enhancement between the server's LLM and the downstream clients' Small Language Models (SLMs). To address this, we propose FedCoLLM, a novel and parameter-efficient federated framework designed for co-tuning LLMs and SLMs. This approach is aimed at adaptively transferring server-side LLMs knowledge to clients' SLMs while simultaneously enriching the LLMs with domain insights from the clients. To accomplish this, FedCoLLM utilizes lightweight adapters in conjunction with SLMs, facilitating knowledge exchange between server and clients in a manner that respects data privacy while also minimizing computational and communication overhead. Our evaluation of FedCoLLM, utilizing various public LLMs and SLMs across a range of NLP text generation tasks, reveals that the performance of clients' SLMs experiences notable improvements with the assistance of the LLMs. Simultaneously, the LLMs enhanced via FedCoLLM achieves comparable performance to that obtained through direct fine-tuning on clients' data.
Abstract:Online shopping is a complex multi-task, few-shot learning problem with a wide and evolving range of entities, relations, and tasks. However, existing models and benchmarks are commonly tailored to specific tasks, falling short of capturing the full complexity of online shopping. Large Language Models (LLMs), with their multi-task and few-shot learning abilities, have the potential to profoundly transform online shopping by alleviating task-specific engineering efforts and by providing users with interactive conversations. Despite the potential, LLMs face unique challenges in online shopping, such as domain-specific concepts, implicit knowledge, and heterogeneous user behaviors. Motivated by the potential and challenges, we propose Shopping MMLU, a diverse multi-task online shopping benchmark derived from real-world Amazon data. Shopping MMLU consists of 57 tasks covering 4 major shopping skills: concept understanding, knowledge reasoning, user behavior alignment, and multi-linguality, and can thus comprehensively evaluate the abilities of LLMs as general shop assistants. With Shopping MMLU, we benchmark over 20 existing LLMs and uncover valuable insights about practices and prospects of building versatile LLM-based shop assistants. Shopping MMLU can be publicly accessed at https://github.com/KL4805/ShoppingMMLU. In addition, with Shopping MMLU, we host a competition in KDD Cup 2024 with over 500 participating teams. The winning solutions and the associated workshop can be accessed at our website https://amazon-kddcup24.github.io/.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) facilitates collaborative training of a global model whose performance is boosted by private data owned by distributed clients, without compromising data privacy. Yet the wide applicability of FL is hindered by entanglement of data distributions across different clients. This paper demonstrates for the first time that by disentangling data distributions FL can in principle achieve efficiencies comparable to those of distributed systems, requiring only one round of communication. To this end, we propose a novel FedDistr algorithm, which employs stable diffusion models to decouple and recover data distributions. Empirical results on the CIFAR100 and DomainNet datasets show that FedDistr significantly enhances model utility and efficiency in both disentangled and near-disentangled scenarios while ensuring privacy, outperforming traditional federated learning methods.
Abstract:As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly prevalent in web services, effectively leveraging domain-specific knowledge while ensuring privacy has become critical. Existing methods, such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and differentially private data synthesis, often compromise either the utility of domain knowledge or the privacy of sensitive data, limiting their applicability in specialized domains. To address these challenges, we propose \textit{Llamdex}, a novel framework that integrates privacy-preserving, domain-specific models into LLMs. Our approach significantly enhances the accuracy of domain-specific tasks, achieving up to a 26\% improvement compared to existing methods under the same differential privacy constraints. Experimental results show that Llamdex not only improves the accuracy of LLM responses but also maintains comparable inference efficiency to the original LLM, highlighting its potential for real-world applications.
Abstract:Data and model heterogeneity are two core issues in Heterogeneous Federated Learning (HtFL). In scenarios with heterogeneous model architectures, aggregating model parameters becomes infeasible, leading to the use of prototypes (i.e., class representative feature vectors) for aggregation and guidance. However, they still experience a mismatch between the extra guiding objective and the client's original local objective when aligned with global prototypes. Thus, we propose a Federated Learning-to-Guide (FedL2G) method that adaptively learns to guide local training in a federated manner and ensures the extra guidance is beneficial to clients' original tasks. With theoretical guarantees, FedL2G efficiently implements the learning-to-guide process using only first-order derivatives w.r.t. model parameters and achieves a non-convex convergence rate of O(1/T). We conduct extensive experiments on two data heterogeneity and six model heterogeneity settings using 14 heterogeneous model architectures (e.g., CNNs and ViTs) to demonstrate FedL2G's superior performance compared to six counterparts.