Abstract:Current humanoid teleoperation systems either lack reliable low-level control policies, or struggle to acquire accurate whole-body control commands, making it difficult to teleoperate humanoids for loco-manipulation tasks. To solve these issues, we propose HOMIE, a novel humanoid teleoperation cockpit integrates a humanoid loco-manipulation policy and a low-cost exoskeleton-based hardware system. The policy enables humanoid robots to walk and squat to specific heights while accommodating arbitrary upper-body poses. This is achieved through our novel reinforcement learning-based training framework that incorporates upper-body pose curriculum, height-tracking reward, and symmetry utilization, without relying on any motion priors. Complementing the policy, the hardware system integrates isomorphic exoskeleton arms, a pair of motion-sensing gloves, and a pedal, allowing a single operator to achieve full control of the humanoid robot. Our experiments show our cockpit facilitates more stable, rapid, and precise humanoid loco-manipulation teleoperation, accelerating task completion and eliminating retargeting errors compared to inverse kinematics-based methods. We also validate the effectiveness of the data collected by our cockpit for imitation learning. Our project is fully open-sourced, demos and code can be found in https://homietele.github.io/.
Abstract:Current efforts to learn scalable policies in robotic manipulation primarily fall into two categories: one focuses on "action," which involves behavior cloning from extensive collections of robotic data, while the other emphasizes "vision," enhancing model generalization by pre-training representations or generative models, also referred to as world models, using large-scale visual datasets. This paper presents an end-to-end paradigm that predicts actions using inverse dynamics models conditioned on the robot's forecasted visual states, named Predictive Inverse Dynamics Models (PIDM). By closing the loop between vision and action, the end-to-end PIDM can be a better scalable action learner. In practice, we use Transformers to process both visual states and actions, naming the model Seer. It is initially pre-trained on large-scale robotic datasets, such as DROID, and can be adapted to realworld scenarios with a little fine-tuning data. Thanks to large-scale, end-to-end training and the synergy between vision and action, Seer significantly outperforms previous methods across both simulation and real-world experiments. It achieves improvements of 13% on the LIBERO-LONG benchmark, 21% on CALVIN ABC-D, and 43% in real-world tasks. Notably, Seer sets a new state-of-the-art on CALVIN ABC-D benchmark, achieving an average length of 4.28, and exhibits superior generalization for novel objects, lighting conditions, and environments under high-intensity disturbances on real-world scenarios. Code and models are publicly available at https://github.com/OpenRobotLab/Seer/.
Abstract:The increasing demand for versatile robotic systems to operate in diverse and dynamic environments has emphasized the importance of a generalist policy, which leverages a large cross-embodiment data corpus to facilitate broad adaptability and high-level reasoning. However, the generalist would struggle with inefficient inference and cost-expensive training. The specialist policy, instead, is curated for specific domain data and excels at task-level precision with efficiency. Yet, it lacks the generalization capacity for a wide range of applications. Inspired by these observations, we introduce RoboDual, a synergistic dual-system that supplements the merits of both generalist and specialist policy. A diffusion transformer-based specialist is devised for multi-step action rollouts, exquisitely conditioned on the high-level task understanding and discretized action output of a vision-language-action (VLA) based generalist. Compared to OpenVLA, RoboDual achieves 26.7% improvement in real-world setting and 12% gain on CALVIN by introducing a specialist policy with merely 20M trainable parameters. It maintains strong performance with 5% of demonstration data only, and enables a 3.8 times higher control frequency in real-world deployment. Code would be made publicly available. Our project page is hosted at: https://opendrivelab.com/RoboDual/
Abstract:Despite significant progress in robotics and embodied AI in recent years, deploying robots for long-horizon tasks remains a great challenge. Majority of prior arts adhere to an open-loop philosophy and lack real-time feedback, leading to error accumulation and undesirable robustness. A handful of approaches have endeavored to establish feedback mechanisms leveraging pixel-level differences or pre-trained visual representations, yet their efficacy and adaptability have been found to be constrained. Inspired by classic closed-loop control systems, we propose CLOVER, a closed-loop visuomotor control framework that incorporates feedback mechanisms to improve adaptive robotic control. CLOVER consists of a text-conditioned video diffusion model for generating visual plans as reference inputs, a measurable embedding space for accurate error quantification, and a feedback-driven controller that refines actions from feedback and initiates replans as needed. Our framework exhibits notable advancement in real-world robotic tasks and achieves state-of-the-art on CALVIN benchmark, improving by 8% over previous open-loop counterparts. Code and checkpoints are maintained at https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/CLOVER.
Abstract:Representation learning approaches for robotic manipulation have boomed in recent years. Due to the scarcity of in-domain robot data, prevailing methodologies tend to leverage large-scale human video datasets to extract generalizable features for visuomotor policy learning. Despite the progress achieved, prior endeavors disregard the interactive dynamics that capture behavior patterns and physical interaction during the manipulation process, resulting in an inadequate understanding of the relationship between objects and the environment. To this end, we propose a general pre-training pipeline that learns Manipulation by Predicting the Interaction (MPI) and enhances the visual representation.Given a pair of keyframes representing the initial and final states, along with language instructions, our algorithm predicts the transition frame and detects the interaction object, respectively. These two learning objectives achieve superior comprehension towards "how-to-interact" and "where-to-interact". We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of several challenging robotic tasks.The experimental results demonstrate that MPI exhibits remarkable improvement by 10% to 64% compared with previous state-of-the-art in real-world robot platforms as well as simulation environments. Code and checkpoints are publicly shared at https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/MPI.
Abstract:Cutting planes (cuts) play an important role in solving mixed-integer linear programs (MILPs), which formulate many important real-world applications. Cut selection heavily depends on (P1) which cuts to prefer and (P2) how many cuts to select. Although modern MILP solvers tackle (P1)-(P2) by human-designed heuristics, machine learning carries the potential to learn more effective heuristics. However, many existing learning-based methods learn which cuts to prefer, neglecting the importance of learning how many cuts to select. Moreover, we observe that (P3) what order of selected cuts to prefer significantly impacts the efficiency of MILP solvers as well. To address these challenges, we propose a novel hierarchical sequence/set model (HEM) to learn cut selection policies. Specifically, HEM is a bi-level model: (1) a higher-level module that learns how many cuts to select, (2) and a lower-level module -- that formulates the cut selection as a sequence/set to sequence learning problem -- to learn policies selecting an ordered subset with the cardinality determined by the higher-level module. To the best of our knowledge, HEM is the first data-driven methodology that well tackles (P1)-(P3) simultaneously. Experiments demonstrate that HEM significantly improves the efficiency of solving MILPs on eleven challenging MILP benchmarks, including two Huawei's real problems.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce the first large-scale video prediction model in the autonomous driving discipline. To eliminate the restriction of high-cost data collection and empower the generalization ability of our model, we acquire massive data from the web and pair it with diverse and high-quality text descriptions. The resultant dataset accumulates over 2000 hours of driving videos, spanning areas all over the world with diverse weather conditions and traffic scenarios. Inheriting the merits from recent latent diffusion models, our model, dubbed GenAD, handles the challenging dynamics in driving scenes with novel temporal reasoning blocks. We showcase that it can generalize to various unseen driving datasets in a zero-shot manner, surpassing general or driving-specific video prediction counterparts. Furthermore, GenAD can be adapted into an action-conditioned prediction model or a motion planner, holding great potential for real-world driving applications.
Abstract:Embodied scene understanding serves as the cornerstone for autonomous agents to perceive, interpret, and respond to open driving scenarios. Such understanding is typically founded upon Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Nevertheless, existing VLMs are restricted to the 2D domain, devoid of spatial awareness and long-horizon extrapolation proficiencies. We revisit the key aspects of autonomous driving and formulate appropriate rubrics. Hereby, we introduce the Embodied Language Model (ELM), a comprehensive framework tailored for agents' understanding of driving scenes with large spatial and temporal spans. ELM incorporates space-aware pre-training to endow the agent with robust spatial localization capabilities. Besides, the model employs time-aware token selection to accurately inquire about temporal cues. We instantiate ELM on the reformulated multi-faced benchmark, and it surpasses previous state-of-the-art approaches in all aspects. All code, data, and models will be publicly shared.
Abstract:In an era of digital ubiquity, efficient resource management and decision-making are paramount across numerous industries. To this end, we present a comprehensive study on the integration of machine learning (ML) techniques into Huawei Cloud's OptVerse AI Solver, which aims to mitigate the scarcity of real-world mathematical programming instances, and to surpass the capabilities of traditional optimization techniques. We showcase our methods for generating complex SAT and MILP instances utilizing generative models that mirror multifaceted structures of real-world problem. Furthermore, we introduce a training framework leveraging augmentation policies to maintain solvers' utility in dynamic environments. Besides the data generation and augmentation, our proposed approaches also include novel ML-driven policies for personalized solver strategies, with an emphasis on applications like graph convolutional networks for initial basis selection and reinforcement learning for advanced presolving and cut selection. Additionally, we detail the incorporation of state-of-the-art parameter tuning algorithms which markedly elevate solver performance. Compared with traditional solvers such as Cplex and SCIP, our ML-augmented OptVerse AI Solver demonstrates superior speed and precision across both established benchmarks and real-world scenarios, reinforcing the practical imperative and effectiveness of machine learning techniques in mathematical programming solvers.
Abstract:Occupancy prediction plays a pivotal role in the realm of autonomous driving. Previous methods typically constructs a dense 3D volume, neglecting the inherent sparsity of the scene, which results in a high computational cost. Furthermore, these methods are limited to semantic occupancy and fail to differentiate between distinct instances. To exploit the sparsity property and ensure instance-awareness, we introduce a novel fully sparse panoptic occupancy network, termed SparseOcc. SparseOcc initially reconstructs a sparse 3D representation from visual inputs. Subsequently, it employs sparse instance queries to predict each object instance from the sparse 3D representation. These instance queries interact with 2D features via mask-guided sparse sampling, thereby circumventing the need for costly dense features or global attention. Additionally, we have established the first-ever vision-centric panoptic occupancy benchmark. SparseOcc demonstrates its efficacy on the Occ3D-nus dataset by achieving a mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) of 26.0, while maintaining a real-time inference speed of 25.4 FPS. By incorporating temporal modeling from the preceding 8 frames, SparseOcc further improves its performance, achieving 30.9 mIoU without whistles and bells. Code will be made available.