Abstract:The increasing demand for versatile robotic systems to operate in diverse and dynamic environments has emphasized the importance of a generalist policy, which leverages a large cross-embodiment data corpus to facilitate broad adaptability and high-level reasoning. However, the generalist would struggle with inefficient inference and cost-expensive training. The specialist policy, instead, is curated for specific domain data and excels at task-level precision with efficiency. Yet, it lacks the generalization capacity for a wide range of applications. Inspired by these observations, we introduce RoboDual, a synergistic dual-system that supplements the merits of both generalist and specialist policy. A diffusion transformer-based specialist is devised for multi-step action rollouts, exquisitely conditioned on the high-level task understanding and discretized action output of a vision-language-action (VLA) based generalist. Compared to OpenVLA, RoboDual achieves 26.7% improvement in real-world setting and 12% gain on CALVIN by introducing a specialist policy with merely 20M trainable parameters. It maintains strong performance with 5% of demonstration data only, and enables a 3.8 times higher control frequency in real-world deployment. Code would be made publicly available. Our project page is hosted at: https://opendrivelab.com/RoboDual/
Abstract:Despite significant progress in robotics and embodied AI in recent years, deploying robots for long-horizon tasks remains a great challenge. Majority of prior arts adhere to an open-loop philosophy and lack real-time feedback, leading to error accumulation and undesirable robustness. A handful of approaches have endeavored to establish feedback mechanisms leveraging pixel-level differences or pre-trained visual representations, yet their efficacy and adaptability have been found to be constrained. Inspired by classic closed-loop control systems, we propose CLOVER, a closed-loop visuomotor control framework that incorporates feedback mechanisms to improve adaptive robotic control. CLOVER consists of a text-conditioned video diffusion model for generating visual plans as reference inputs, a measurable embedding space for accurate error quantification, and a feedback-driven controller that refines actions from feedback and initiates replans as needed. Our framework exhibits notable advancement in real-world robotic tasks and achieves state-of-the-art on CALVIN benchmark, improving by 8% over previous open-loop counterparts. Code and checkpoints are maintained at https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/CLOVER.
Abstract:Representation learning approaches for robotic manipulation have boomed in recent years. Due to the scarcity of in-domain robot data, prevailing methodologies tend to leverage large-scale human video datasets to extract generalizable features for visuomotor policy learning. Despite the progress achieved, prior endeavors disregard the interactive dynamics that capture behavior patterns and physical interaction during the manipulation process, resulting in an inadequate understanding of the relationship between objects and the environment. To this end, we propose a general pre-training pipeline that learns Manipulation by Predicting the Interaction (MPI) and enhances the visual representation.Given a pair of keyframes representing the initial and final states, along with language instructions, our algorithm predicts the transition frame and detects the interaction object, respectively. These two learning objectives achieve superior comprehension towards "how-to-interact" and "where-to-interact". We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of several challenging robotic tasks.The experimental results demonstrate that MPI exhibits remarkable improvement by 10% to 64% compared with previous state-of-the-art in real-world robot platforms as well as simulation environments. Code and checkpoints are publicly shared at https://github.com/OpenDriveLab/MPI.
Abstract:Embodied scene understanding serves as the cornerstone for autonomous agents to perceive, interpret, and respond to open driving scenarios. Such understanding is typically founded upon Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Nevertheless, existing VLMs are restricted to the 2D domain, devoid of spatial awareness and long-horizon extrapolation proficiencies. We revisit the key aspects of autonomous driving and formulate appropriate rubrics. Hereby, we introduce the Embodied Language Model (ELM), a comprehensive framework tailored for agents' understanding of driving scenes with large spatial and temporal spans. ELM incorporates space-aware pre-training to endow the agent with robust spatial localization capabilities. Besides, the model employs time-aware token selection to accurately inquire about temporal cues. We instantiate ELM on the reformulated multi-faced benchmark, and it surpasses previous state-of-the-art approaches in all aspects. All code, data, and models will be publicly shared.
Abstract:The advancement of natural language processing (NLP) has been significantly boosted by the development of transformer-based large language models (LLMs). These models have revolutionized NLP tasks, particularly in code generation, aiding developers in creating software with enhanced efficiency. Despite their advancements, challenges in balancing code snippet generation with effective test case generation and execution persist. To address these issues, this paper introduces Multi-Agent Assistant Code Generation (AgentCoder), a novel solution comprising a multi-agent framework with specialized agents: the programmer agent, the test designer agent, and the test executor agent. During the coding procedure, the programmer agent will focus on the code generation and refinement based on the test executor agent's feedback. The test designer agent will generate test cases for the generated code, and the test executor agent will run the code with the test cases and write the feedback to the programmer. This collaborative system ensures robust code generation, surpassing the limitations of single-agent models and traditional methodologies. Our extensive experiments on 9 code generation models and 12 enhancement approaches showcase AgentCoder's superior performance over existing code generation models and prompt engineering techniques across various benchmarks. For example, AgentCoder achieves 77.4% and 89.1% pass@1 in HumanEval-ET and MBPP-ET with GPT-3.5, while SOTA baselines obtain only 69.5% and 63.0%.
Abstract:Existing techniques for text detection can be broadly classified into two primary groups: segmentation-based methods and regression-based methods. Segmentation models offer enhanced robustness to font variations but require intricate post-processing, leading to high computational overhead. Regression-based methods undertake instance-aware prediction but face limitations in robustness and data efficiency due to their reliance on high-level representations. In our academic pursuit, we propose SRFormer, a unified DETR-based model with amalgamated Segmentation and Regression, aiming at the synergistic harnessing of the inherent robustness in segmentation representations, along with the straightforward post-processing of instance-level regression. Our empirical analysis indicates that favorable segmentation predictions can be obtained at the initial decoder layers. In light of this, we constrain the incorporation of segmentation branches to the first few decoder layers and employ progressive regression refinement in subsequent layers, achieving performance gains while minimizing additional computational load from the mask. Furthermore, we propose a Mask-informed Query Enhancement module. We take the segmentation result as a natural soft-ROI to pool and extract robust pixel representations, which are then employed to enhance and diversify instance queries. Extensive experimentation across multiple benchmarks has yielded compelling findings, highlighting our method's exceptional robustness, superior training and data efficiency, as well as its state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:In natural language processing, transformer-based large language models (LLMs) like GPT-x models developed by OpenAI have revolutionized the landscape. Despite their impressive capabilities, these models often encounter challenges when handling tasks that differ from their training data, resulting in compromised performance. To address this, few-shot learning has emerged as a valuable technique, allowing LLMs to adapt with minimal task-specific data. One innovative strategy, known as Chain-of-Thought Prompting (CoT), has been introduced to guide LLMs in revealing cognitive processes during multi-step reasoning. In this paper, we propose Code Chain-of-Thought~(CodeCoT), which consists of two components: the Vanilla CodeCoT and the Self-exam CodeCoT. The latter incorporates self-examination, empowering the model to iteratively generate code, formulate test cases, and refine its outputs. Specifically, the process entails the generation of test examples by the model corresponding to the code it is tasked to implement. If it fails on the test examples, then it regenerates the code based on the erroneous code and associated error types. Through comprehensive experiments, we observed that both techniques significantly enhance code generation accuracy across various LLM variants. Our evaluation results reveal that CodeCoT improves the code generation effectiveness, including an unprecedented pass@1 accuracy of 79.27\% using the Self-exam CodeCoT approach on the gpt-3.5-turbo-0613 model in the HumanEval dataset.
Abstract:The vulnerability of deep neural networks to adversarial samples has been a major impediment to their broad applications, despite their success in various fields. Recently, some works suggested that adversarially-trained models emphasize the importance of low-frequency information to achieve higher robustness. While several attempts have been made to leverage this frequency characteristic, they have all faced the issue that applying low-pass filters directly to input images leads to irreversible loss of discriminative information and poor generalizability to datasets with distinct frequency features. This paper presents a plug-and-play module called the Frequency Preference Control Module that adaptively reconfigures the low- and high-frequency components of intermediate feature representations, providing better utilization of frequency in robust learning. Empirical studies show that our proposed module can be easily incorporated into any adversarial training framework, further improving model robustness across different architectures and datasets. Additionally, experiments were conducted to examine how the frequency bias of robust models impacts the adversarial training process and its final robustness, revealing interesting insights.
Abstract:Due to the widespread application of deep neural networks~(DNNs) in safety-critical tasks, deep learning testing has drawn increasing attention. During the testing process, test cases that have been fuzzed or selected using test metrics are fed into the model to find fault-inducing test units (e.g., neurons and feature maps, activating which will almost certainly result in a model error) and report them to the DNN developer, who subsequently repair them~(e.g., retraining the model with test cases). Current test metrics, however, are primarily concerned with the neurons, which means that test cases that are discovered either by guided fuzzing or selection with these metrics focus on detecting fault-inducing neurons while failing to detect fault-inducing feature maps. In this work, we propose DeepFeature, which tests DNNs from the feature map level. When testing is conducted, DeepFeature will scrutinize every internal feature map in the model and identify vulnerabilities that can be enhanced through repairing to increase the model's overall performance. Exhaustive experiments are conducted to demonstrate that (1) DeepFeature is a strong tool for detecting the model's vulnerable feature maps; (2) DeepFeature's test case selection has a high fault detection rate and can detect more types of faults~(comparing DeepFeature to coverage-guided selection techniques, the fault detection rate is increased by 49.32\%). (3) DeepFeature's fuzzer also outperforms current fuzzing techniques and generates valuable test cases more efficiently.
Abstract:Deep neural networks have been widely used in many critical applications, such as autonomous vehicles and medical diagnosis. However, their security is threatened by backdoor attack, which is achieved by adding artificial patterns to specific training data. Existing defense strategies primarily focus on using reverse engineering to reproduce the backdoor trigger generated by attackers and subsequently repair the DNN model by adding the trigger into inputs and fine-tuning the model with ground-truth labels. However, once the trigger generated by the attackers is complex and invisible, the defender can not successfully reproduce the trigger. Consequently, the DNN model will not be repaired since the trigger is not effectively removed. In this work, we propose Feature Map Testing~(FMT). Different from existing defense strategies, which focus on reproducing backdoor triggers, FMT tries to detect the backdoor feature maps, which are trained to extract backdoor information from the inputs. After detecting these backdoor feature maps, FMT will erase them and then fine-tune the model with a secure subset of training data. Our experiments demonstrate that, compared to existing defense strategies, FMT can effectively reduce the Attack Success Rate (ASR) even against the most complex and invisible attack triggers. Second, unlike conventional defense methods that tend to exhibit low Robust Accuracy (i.e., the model's accuracy on the poisoned data), FMT achieves higher RA, indicating its superiority in maintaining model performance while mitigating the effects of backdoor attacks~(e.g., FMT obtains 87.40\% RA in CIFAR10). Third, compared to existing feature map pruning techniques, FMT can cover more backdoor feature maps~(e.g., FMT removes 83.33\% of backdoor feature maps from the model in the CIFAR10 \& BadNet scenario).