Abstract:Differentiable rendering is a key ingredient for inverse rendering and machine learning, as it allows to optimize scene parameters (shape, materials, lighting) to best fit target images. Differentiable rendering requires that each scene parameter relates to pixel values through differentiable operations. While 3D mesh rendering algorithms have been implemented in a differentiable way, these algorithms do not directly extend to Constructive-Solid-Geometry (CSG), a popular parametric representation of shapes, because the underlying boolean operations are typically performed with complex black-box mesh-processing libraries. We present an algorithm, DiffCSG, to render CSG models in a differentiable manner. Our algorithm builds upon CSG rasterization, which displays the result of boolean operations between primitives without explicitly computing the resulting mesh and, as such, bypasses black-box mesh processing. We describe how to implement CSG rasterization within a differentiable rendering pipeline, taking special care to apply antialiasing along primitive intersections to obtain gradients in such critical areas. Our algorithm is simple and fast, can be easily incorporated into modern machine learning setups, and enables a range of applications for computer-aided design, including direct and image-based editing of CSG primitives. Code and data: https://yyyyyhc.github.io/DiffCSG/.
Abstract:Reverse engineering CAD models from raw geometry is a classic but challenging research problem. In particular, reconstructing the CAD modeling sequence from point clouds provides great interpretability and convenience for editing. To improve upon this problem, we introduce geometric guidance into the reconstruction network. Our proposed model, PS-CAD, reconstructs the CAD modeling sequence one step at a time. At each step, we provide two forms of geometric guidance. First, we provide the geometry of surfaces where the current reconstruction differs from the complete model as a point cloud. This helps the framework to focus on regions that still need work. Second, we use geometric analysis to extract a set of planar prompts, that correspond to candidate surfaces where a CAD extrusion step could be started. Our framework has three major components. Geometric guidance computation extracts the two types of geometric guidance. Single-step reconstruction computes a single candidate CAD modeling step for each provided prompt. Single-step selection selects among the candidate CAD modeling steps. The process continues until the reconstruction is completed. Our quantitative results show a significant improvement across all metrics. For example, on the dataset DeepCAD, PS-CAD improves upon the best published SOTA method by reducing the geometry errors (CD and HD) by 10%, and the structural error (ECD metric) by about 15%.
Abstract:In this paper, we study an under-explored but important factor of diffusion generative models, i.e., the combinatorial complexity. Data samples are generally high-dimensional, and for various structured generation tasks, there are additional attributes which are combined to associate with data samples. We show that the space spanned by the combination of dimensions and attributes is insufficiently sampled by existing training scheme of diffusion generative models, causing degraded test time performance. We present a simple fix to this problem by constructing stochastic processes that fully exploit the combinatorial structures, hence the name ComboStoc. Using this simple strategy, we show that network training is significantly accelerated across diverse data modalities, including images and 3D structured shapes. Moreover, ComboStoc enables a new way of test time generation which uses insynchronized time steps for different dimensions and attributes, thus allowing for varying degrees of control over them.
Abstract:As a promising 3D generation technique, multiview diffusion (MVD) has received a lot of attention due to its advantages in terms of generalizability, quality, and efficiency. By finetuning pretrained large image diffusion models with 3D data, the MVD methods first generate multiple views of a 3D object based on an image or text prompt and then reconstruct 3D shapes with multiview 3D reconstruction. However, the sparse views and inconsistent details in the generated images make 3D reconstruction challenging. We present MVD$^2$, an efficient 3D reconstruction method for multiview diffusion (MVD) images. MVD$^2$ aggregates image features into a 3D feature volume by projection and convolution and then decodes volumetric features into a 3D mesh. We train MVD$^2$ with 3D shape collections and MVD images prompted by rendered views of 3D shapes. To address the discrepancy between the generated multiview images and ground-truth views of the 3D shapes, we design a simple-yet-efficient view-dependent training scheme. MVD$^2$ improves the 3D generation quality of MVD and is fast and robust to various MVD methods. After training, it can efficiently decode 3D meshes from multiview images within one second. We train MVD$^2$ with Zero-123++ and ObjectVerse-LVIS 3D dataset and demonstrate its superior performance in generating 3D models from multiview images generated by different MVD methods, using both synthetic and real images as prompts.
Abstract:Games are a simplified model of reality and often serve as a favored platform for Artificial Intelligence (AI) research. Much of the research is concerned with game-playing agents and their decision making processes. The game of Guandan (literally, "throwing eggs") is a challenging game where even professional human players struggle to make the right decision at times. In this paper we propose a framework named GuanZero for AI agents to master this game using Monte-Carlo methods and deep neural networks. The main contribution of this paper is about regulating agents' behavior through a carefully designed neural network encoding scheme. We then demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework by comparing it with state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Man-made 3D shapes are naturally organized in parts and hierarchies; such structures provide important constraints for shape reconstruction and generation. Modeling shape structures is difficult, because there can be multiple hierarchies for a given shape, causing ambiguity, and across different categories the shape structures are correlated with semantics, limiting generalization. We present StructRe, a structure rewriting system, as a novel approach to structured shape modeling. Given a 3D object represented by points and components, StructRe can rewrite it upward into more concise structures, or downward into more detailed structures; by iterating the rewriting process, hierarchies are obtained. Such a localized rewriting process enables probabilistic modeling of ambiguous structures and robust generalization across object categories. We train StructRe on PartNet data and show its generalization to cross-category and multiple object hierarchies, and test its extension to ShapeNet. We also demonstrate the benefits of probabilistic and generalizable structure modeling for shape reconstruction, generation and editing tasks.
Abstract:CAD programs are a popular way to compactly encode shapes as a sequence of operations that are easy to parametrically modify. However, without sufficient semantic comments and structure, such programs can be challenging to understand, let alone modify. We introduce the problem of semantic commenting CAD programs, wherein the goal is to segment the input program into code blocks corresponding to semantically meaningful shape parts and assign a semantic label to each block. We solve the problem by combining program parsing with visual-semantic analysis afforded by recent advances in foundational language and vision models. Specifically, by executing the input programs, we create shapes, which we use to generate conditional photorealistic images to make use of semantic annotators for such images. We then distill the information across the images and link back to the original programs to semantically comment on them. Additionally, we collected and annotated a benchmark dataset, CADTalk, consisting of 5,280 machine-made programs and 45 human-made programs with ground truth semantic comments to foster future research. We extensively evaluated our approach, compared to a GPT-based baseline approach, and an open-set shape segmentation baseline, i.e., PartSLIP, and reported an 83.24% accuracy on the new CADTalk dataset. Project page: https://enigma-li.github.io/CADTalk/.
Abstract:We present a novel framework that concurrently tackles hand action recognition and 3D future hand motion prediction. While previous works focus on either recognition or prediction, we propose a generative Transformer VAE architecture to jointly capture both aspects, facilitating realistic motion prediction by leveraging the short-term hand motion and long-term action consistency observed across timestamps.To ensure faithful representation of the semantic dependency and different temporal granularity of hand pose and action, our framework is decomposed into two cascaded VAE blocks. The lower pose block models short-span poses, while the upper action block models long-span action. These are connected by a mid-level feature that represents sub-second series of hand poses.Our framework is trained across multiple datasets, where pose and action blocks are trained separately to fully utilize pose-action annotations of different qualities. Evaluations show that on multiple datasets, the joint modeling of recognition and prediction improves over separate solutions, and the semantic and temporal hierarchy enables long-term pose and action modeling.
Abstract:Point clouds acquired by 3D scanning devices are often sparse, noisy, and non-uniform, causing a loss of geometric features. To facilitate the usability of point clouds in downstream applications, given such input, we present a learning-based point upsampling method, i.e., iPUNet, which generates dense and uniform points at arbitrary ratios and better captures sharp features. To generate feature-aware points, we introduce cross fields that are aligned to sharp geometric features by self-supervision to guide point generation. Given cross field defined frames, we enable arbitrary ratio upsampling by learning at each input point a local parameterized surface. The learned surface consumes the neighboring points and 2D tangent plane coordinates as input, and maps onto a continuous surface in 3D where arbitrary ratios of output points can be sampled. To solve the non-uniformity of input points, on top of the cross field guided upsampling, we further introduce an iterative strategy that refines the point distribution by moving sparse points onto the desired continuous 3D surface in each iteration. Within only a few iterations, the sparse points are evenly distributed and their corresponding dense samples are more uniform and better capture geometric features. Through extensive evaluations on diverse scans of objects and scenes, we demonstrate that iPUNet is robust to handle noisy and non-uniformly distributed inputs, and outperforms state-of-the-art point cloud upsampling methods.
Abstract:The evolution of wireless networks gravitates towards connected intelligence, a concept that envisions seamless interconnectivity among humans, objects, and intelligence in a hyper-connected cyber-physical world. Edge AI emerges as a promising solution to achieve connected intelligence by delivering high-quality, low-latency, and privacy-preserving AI services at the network edge. In this article, we introduce an autonomous edge AI system that automatically organizes, adapts, and optimizes itself to meet users' diverse requirements. The system employs a cloud-edge-client hierarchical architecture, where the large language model, i.e., Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT), resides in the cloud, and other AI models are co-deployed on devices and edge servers. By leveraging the powerful abilities of GPT in language understanding, planning, and code generation, we present a versatile framework that efficiently coordinates edge AI models to cater to users' personal demands while automatically generating code to train new models via edge federated learning. Experimental results demonstrate the system's remarkable ability to accurately comprehend user demands, efficiently execute AI models with minimal cost, and effectively create high-performance AI models through federated learning.