Abstract:The vision of a broadly capable and goal-directed agent, such as an Internet-browsing agent in the digital world and a household humanoid in the physical world, has rapidly advanced, thanks to the generalization capability of foundation models. Such a generalist agent needs to have a large and diverse skill repertoire, such as finding directions between two travel locations and buying specific items from the Internet. If each skill needs to be specified manually through a fixed set of human-annotated instructions, the agent's skill repertoire will necessarily be limited due to the quantity and diversity of human-annotated instructions. In this work, we address this challenge by proposing Proposer-Agent-Evaluator, an effective learning system that enables foundation model agents to autonomously discover and practice skills in the wild. At the heart of PAE is a context-aware task proposer that autonomously proposes tasks for the agent to practice with context information of the environment such as user demos or even just the name of the website itself for Internet-browsing agents. Then, the agent policy attempts those tasks with thoughts and actual grounded operations in the real world with resulting trajectories evaluated by an autonomous VLM-based success evaluator. The success evaluation serves as the reward signal for the agent to refine its policies through RL. We validate PAE on challenging vision-based web navigation, using both real-world and self-hosted websites from WebVoyager and WebArena.To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first effective learning system to apply autonomous task proposal with RL for agents that generalizes real-world human-annotated benchmarks with SOTA performances. Our open-source checkpoints and code can be found in https://yanqval.github.io/PAE/
Abstract:Building generalist robotic systems involves effectively endowing robots with the capabilities to handle novel objects in an open-world setting. Inspired by the advances of large pre-trained models, we propose Keypoint Affordance Learning from Imagined Environments (KALIE), which adapts pre-trained Vision Language Models (VLMs) for robotic control in a scalable manner. Instead of directly producing motor commands, KALIE controls the robot by predicting point-based affordance representations based on natural language instructions and visual observations of the scene. The VLM is trained on 2D images with affordances labeled by humans, bypassing the need for training data collected on robotic systems. Through an affordance-aware data synthesis pipeline, KALIE automatically creates massive high-quality training data based on limited example data manually collected by humans. We demonstrate that KALIE can learn to robustly solve new manipulation tasks with unseen objects given only 50 example data points. Compared to baselines using pre-trained VLMs, our approach consistently achieves superior performance.
Abstract:Training corpuses for vision language models (VLMs) typically lack sufficient amounts of decision-centric data. This renders off-the-shelf VLMs sub-optimal for decision-making tasks such as in-the-wild device control through graphical user interfaces (GUIs). While training with static demonstrations has shown some promise, we show that such methods fall short for controlling real GUIs due to their failure to deal with real-world stochasticity and non-stationarity not captured in static observational data. This paper introduces a novel autonomous RL approach, called DigiRL, for training in-the-wild device control agents through fine-tuning a pre-trained VLM in two stages: offline RL to initialize the model, followed by offline-to-online RL. To do this, we build a scalable and parallelizable Android learning environment equipped with a VLM-based evaluator and develop a simple yet effective RL approach for learning in this domain. Our approach runs advantage-weighted RL with advantage estimators enhanced to account for stochasticity along with an automatic curriculum for deriving maximal learning signal. We demonstrate the effectiveness of DigiRL using the Android-in-the-Wild (AitW) dataset, where our 1.3B VLM trained with RL achieves a 49.5% absolute improvement -- from 17.7 to 67.2% success rate -- over supervised fine-tuning with static human demonstration data. These results significantly surpass not only the prior best agents, including AppAgent with GPT-4V (8.3% success rate) and the 17B CogAgent trained with AitW data (38.5%), but also the prior best autonomous RL approach based on filtered behavior cloning (57.8%), thereby establishing a new state-of-the-art for digital agents for in-the-wild device control.
Abstract:Large vision-language models (VLMs) fine-tuned on specialized visual instruction-following data have exhibited impressive language reasoning capabilities across various scenarios. However, this fine-tuning paradigm may not be able to efficiently learn optimal decision-making agents in multi-step goal-directed tasks from interactive environments. To address this challenge, we propose an algorithmic framework that fine-tunes VLMs with reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, our framework provides a task description and then prompts the VLM to generate chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, enabling the VLM to efficiently explore intermediate reasoning steps that lead to the final text-based action. Next, the open-ended text output is parsed into an executable action to interact with the environment to obtain goal-directed task rewards. Finally, our framework uses these task rewards to fine-tune the entire VLM with RL. Empirically, we demonstrate that our proposed framework enhances the decision-making capabilities of VLM agents across various tasks, enabling 7b models to outperform commercial models such as GPT4-V or Gemini. Furthermore, we find that CoT reasoning is a crucial component for performance improvement, as removing the CoT reasoning results in a significant decrease in the overall performance of our method.
Abstract:We show that domain-general automatic evaluators can significantly improve the performance of agents for web navigation and device control. We experiment with multiple evaluation models that trade off between inference cost, modularity of design, and accuracy. We validate the performance of these models in several popular benchmarks for digital agents, finding between 74.4 and 92.9% agreement with oracle evaluation metrics. Finally, we use these evaluators to improve the performance of existing agents via fine-tuning and inference-time guidance. Without any additional supervision, we improve state-of-the-art performance by 29% on the popular benchmark WebArena, and achieve a 75% relative improvement in a challenging domain transfer scenario.
Abstract:A broad use case of large language models (LLMs) is in goal-directed decision-making tasks (or "agent" tasks), where an LLM needs to not just generate completions for a given prompt, but rather make intelligent decisions over a multi-turn interaction to accomplish a task (e.g., when interacting with the web, using tools, or providing customer support). Reinforcement learning (RL) provides a general paradigm to address such agent tasks, but current RL methods for LLMs largely focus on optimizing single-turn rewards. By construction, most single-turn RL methods cannot endow LLMs with the ability to intelligently seek information over multiple turns, perform credit assignment, or reason about their past actions -- all of which are critical in agent tasks. This raises the question: how can we design effective and efficient multi-turn RL algorithms for LLMs? In this paper, we develop a framework for building multi-turn RL algorithms for fine-tuning LLMs, that preserves the flexibility of existing single-turn RL methods for LLMs (e.g., proximal policy optimization), while accommodating multiple turns, long horizons, and delayed rewards effectively. To do this, our framework adopts a hierarchical RL approach and runs two RL algorithms in parallel: a high-level off-policy value-based RL algorithm to aggregate reward over utterances, and a low-level RL algorithm that utilizes this high-level value function to train a token policy within each utterance or turn. Our hierarchical framework, Actor-Critic Framework with a Hierarchical Structure (ArCHer), can also give rise to other RL methods. Empirically, we find that ArCHer significantly improves efficiency and performance on agent tasks, attaining a sample efficiency of about 100x over existing methods, while also improving with larger model capacity (upto the 7 billion scale that we tested on).
Abstract:Hybrid RL is the setting where an RL agent has access to both offline data and online data by interacting with the real-world environment. In this work, we propose a new hybrid RL algorithm that combines an on-policy actor-critic method with offline data. On-policy methods such as policy gradient and natural policy gradient (NPG) have shown to be more robust to model misspecification, though sometimes it may not be as sample efficient as methods that rely on off-policy learning. On the other hand, offline methods that depend on off-policy training often require strong assumptions in theory and are less stable to train in practice. Our new approach integrates a procedure of off-policy training on the offline data into an on-policy NPG framework. We show that our approach, in theory, can obtain a best-of-both-worlds type of result -- it achieves the state-of-art theoretical guarantees of offline RL when offline RL-specific assumptions hold, while at the same time maintaining the theoretical guarantees of on-policy NPG regardless of the offline RL assumptions' validity. Experimentally, in challenging rich-observation environments, we show that our approach outperforms a state-of-the-art hybrid RL baseline which only relies on off-policy policy optimization, demonstrating the empirical benefit of combining on-policy and off-policy learning. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/YifeiZhou02/HNPG.
Abstract:Advances in the field of visual-language contrastive learning have made it possible for many downstream applications to be carried out efficiently and accurately by simply taking the dot product between image and text representations. One of the most representative approaches proposed recently known as CLIP has quickly garnered widespread adoption due to its effectiveness. CLIP is trained with an InfoNCE loss that takes into account both positive and negative samples to help learn a much more robust representation space. This paper however reveals that the common downstream practice of taking a dot product is only a zeroth-order approximation of the optimization goal, resulting in a loss of information during test-time. Intuitively, since the model has been optimized based on the InfoNCE loss, test-time procedures should ideally also be in alignment. The question lies in how one can retrieve any semblance of negative samples information during inference. We propose Distribution Normalization (DN), where we approximate the mean representation of a batch of test samples and use such a mean to represent what would be analogous to negative samples in the InfoNCE loss. DN requires no retraining or fine-tuning and can be effortlessly applied during inference. Extensive experiments on a wide variety of downstream tasks exhibit a clear advantage of DN over the dot product.
Abstract:Modern retrieval system often requires recomputing the representation of every piece of data in the gallery when updating to a better representation model. This process is known as backfilling and can be especially costly in the real world where the gallery often contains billions of samples. Recently, researchers have proposed the idea of Backward Compatible Training (BCT) where the new representation model can be trained with an auxiliary loss to make it backward compatible with the old representation. In this way, the new representation can be directly compared with the old representation, in principle avoiding the need for any backfilling. However, followup work shows that there is an inherent tradeoff where a backward compatible representation model cannot simultaneously maintain the performance of the new model itself. This paper reports our ``not-so-surprising'' finding that adding extra dimensions to the representation can help here. However, we also found that naively increasing the dimension of the representation did not work. To deal with this, we propose Backward-compatible Training with a novel Basis Transformation ($BT^2$). A basis transformation (BT) is basically a learnable set of parameters that applies an orthonormal transformation. Such a transformation possesses an important property whereby the original information contained in its input is retained in its output. We show in this paper how a BT can be utilized to add only the necessary amount of additional dimensions. We empirically verify the advantage of $BT^2$ over other state-of-the-art methods in a wide range of settings. We then further extend $BT^2$ to other challenging yet more practical settings, including significant change in model architecture (CNN to Transformers), modality change, and even a series of updates in the model architecture mimicking the evolution of deep learning models.
Abstract:We consider a hybrid reinforcement learning setting (Hybrid RL), in which an agent has access to an offline dataset and the ability to collect experience via real-world online interaction. The framework mitigates the challenges that arise in both pure offline and online RL settings, allowing for the design of simple and highly effective algorithms, in both theory and practice. We demonstrate these advantages by adapting the classical Q learning/iteration algorithm to the hybrid setting, which we call Hybrid Q-Learning or Hy-Q. In our theoretical results, we prove that the algorithm is both computationally and statistically efficient whenever the offline dataset supports a high-quality policy and the environment has bounded bilinear rank. Notably, we require no assumptions on the coverage provided by the initial distribution, in contrast with guarantees for policy gradient/iteration methods. In our experimental results, we show that Hy-Q with neural network function approximation outperforms state-of-the-art online, offline, and hybrid RL baselines on challenging benchmarks, including Montezuma's Revenge.