Abstract:The recent advances in information technology and artificial intelligence have fueled a rapid expansion of the data center (DC) industry worldwide, accompanied by an immense appetite for electricity to power the DCs. In a typical DC, around 30~40% of the energy is spent on the cooling system rather than on computer servers, posing a pressing need for developing new energy-saving optimization technologies for DC cooling systems. However, optimizing such real-world industrial systems faces numerous challenges, including but not limited to a lack of reliable simulation environments, limited historical data, and stringent safety and control robustness requirements. In this work, we present a novel physics-informed offline reinforcement learning (RL) framework for energy efficiency optimization of DC cooling systems. The proposed framework models the complex dynamical patterns and physical dependencies inside a server room using a purposely designed graph neural network architecture that is compliant with the fundamental time-reversal symmetry. Because of its well-behaved and generalizable state-action representations, the model enables sample-efficient and robust latent space offline policy learning using limited real-world operational data. Our framework has been successfully deployed and verified in a large-scale production DC for closed-loop control of its air-cooling units (ACUs). We conducted a total of 2000 hours of short and long-term experiments in the production DC environment. The results show that our method achieves 14~21% energy savings in the DC cooling system, without any violation of the safety or operational constraints. Our results have demonstrated the significant potential of offline RL in solving a broad range of data-limited, safety-critical real-world industrial control problems.
Abstract:With the rapid advancement of deepfake generation technologies, the demand for robust and accurate face forgery detection algorithms has become increasingly critical. Recent studies have demonstrated that wavelet analysis can uncover subtle forgery artifacts that remain imperceptible in the spatial domain. Wavelets effectively capture important facial contours, which are often slender, fine-grained, and global in nature. However, existing wavelet-based approaches fail to fully leverage these unique characteristics, resulting in sub-optimal feature extraction and limited generalizability. To address this challenge, we introduce WMamba, a novel wavelet-based feature extractor built upon the Mamba architecture. WMamba maximizes the utility of wavelet information through two key innovations. First, we propose Dynamic Contour Convolution (DCConv), which employs specially crafted deformable kernels to adaptively model slender facial contours. Second, by leveraging the Mamba architecture, our method captures long-range spatial relationships with linear computational complexity. This efficiency allows for the extraction of fine-grained, global forgery artifacts from small image patches. Extensive experimental results show that WMamba achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance, highlighting its effectiveness and superiority in face forgery detection.
Abstract:With the rapid growth usage of face recognition in people's daily life, face anti-spoofing becomes increasingly important to avoid malicious attacks. Recent face anti-spoofing models can reach a high classification accuracy on multiple datasets but these models can only tell people ``this face is fake'' while lacking the explanation to answer ``why it is fake''. Such a system undermines trustworthiness and causes user confusion, as it denies their requests without providing any explanations. In this paper, we incorporate XAI into face anti-spoofing and propose a new problem termed X-FAS (eXplainable Face Anti-Spoofing) empowering face anti-spoofing models to provide an explanation. We propose SPED (SPoofing Evidence Discovery), an X-FAS method which can discover spoof concepts and provide reliable explanations on the basis of discovered concepts. To evaluate the quality of X-FAS methods, we propose an X-FAS benchmark with annotated spoofing evidence by experts. We analyze SPED explanations on face anti-spoofing dataset and compare SPED quantitatively and qualitatively with previous XAI methods on proposed X-FAS benchmark. Experimental results demonstrate SPED's ability to generate reliable explanations.
Abstract:Synthetic data is gaining increasing popularity for face recognition technologies, mainly due to the privacy concerns and challenges associated with obtaining real data, including diverse scenarios, quality, and demographic groups, among others. It also offers some advantages over real data, such as the large amount of data that can be generated or the ability to customize it to adapt to specific problem-solving needs. To effectively use such data, face recognition models should also be specifically designed to exploit synthetic data to its fullest potential. In order to promote the proposal of novel Generative AI methods and synthetic data, and investigate the application of synthetic data to better train face recognition systems, we introduce the 2nd FRCSyn-onGoing challenge, based on the 2nd Face Recognition Challenge in the Era of Synthetic Data (FRCSyn), originally launched at CVPR 2024. This is an ongoing challenge that provides researchers with an accessible platform to benchmark i) the proposal of novel Generative AI methods and synthetic data, and ii) novel face recognition systems that are specifically proposed to take advantage of synthetic data. We focus on exploring the use of synthetic data both individually and in combination with real data to solve current challenges in face recognition such as demographic bias, domain adaptation, and performance constraints in demanding situations, such as age disparities between training and testing, changes in the pose, or occlusions. Very interesting findings are obtained in this second edition, including a direct comparison with the first one, in which synthetic databases were restricted to DCFace and GANDiffFace.
Abstract:Recent advancements in 3D object reconstruction have been remarkable, yet most current 3D models rely heavily on existing 3D datasets. The scarcity of diverse 3D datasets results in limited generalization capabilities of 3D reconstruction models. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for boosting 3D reconstruction with multi-view refinement (MVBoost) by generating pseudo-GT data. The key of MVBoost is combining the advantages of the high accuracy of the multi-view generation model and the consistency of the 3D reconstruction model to create a reliable data source. Specifically, given a single-view input image, we employ a multi-view diffusion model to generate multiple views, followed by a large 3D reconstruction model to produce consistent 3D data. MVBoost then adaptively refines these multi-view images, rendered from the consistent 3D data, to build a large-scale multi-view dataset for training a feed-forward 3D reconstruction model. Additionally, the input view optimization is designed to optimize the corresponding viewpoints based on the user's input image, ensuring that the most important viewpoint is accurately tailored to the user's needs. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that our method achieves superior reconstruction results and robust generalization compared to prior works.
Abstract:David Marr's seminal theory of vision proposes that the human visual system operates through a sequence of three stages, known as the 2D sketch, the 2.5D sketch, and the 3D model. In recent years, Deep Neural Networks (DNN) have been widely thought to have reached a level comparable to human vision. However, the mechanisms by which DNNs accomplish this and whether they adhere to Marr's 2D--2.5D--3D construction theory remain unexplored. In this paper, we delve into the perception task to explore these questions and find evidence supporting Marr's theory. We introduce a graphics probe, a sub-network crafted to reconstruct the original image from the network's intermediate layers. The key to the graphics probe is its flexible architecture that supports image in both 2D and 3D formats, as well as in a transitional state between them. By injecting graphics probes into neural networks, and analyzing their behavior in reconstructing images, we find that DNNs initially encode images as 2D representations in low-level layers, and finally construct 3D representations in high-level layers. Intriguingly, in mid-level layers, DNNs exhibit a hybrid state, building a geometric representation that s sur normals within a narrow depth range, akin to the appearance of a low-relief sculpture. This stage resembles the 2.5D representations, providing a view of how DNNs evolve from 2D to 3D in the perception process. The graphics probe therefore serves as a tool for peering into the mechanisms of DNN, providing empirical support for Marr's theory.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have strong instruction-following capability to interpret and execute tasks as directed by human commands. Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have inferior instruction-following ability compared to LLMs. However, there is a significant gap in the instruction-following capabilities between the MLLMs and LLMs. In this study, we conduct a pilot experiment, which demonstrates that spatially down-sampling visual tokens significantly enhances the instruction-following capability of MLLMs. This is attributed to the substantial redundancy in visual modality. However, this intuitive method severely impairs the MLLM's multimodal understanding capability. In this paper, we propose Visual-Modality Token Compression (VMTC) and Cross-Modality Attention Inhibition (CMAI) strategies to alleviate this gap between MLLMs and LLMs by inhibiting the influence of irrelevant visual tokens during content generation, increasing the instruction-following ability of the MLLMs while retaining their multimodal understanding capacity. In VMTC module, the primary tokens are retained and the redundant tokens are condensed by token clustering and merging. In CMAI process, we aggregate text-to-image attentions by text-to-text attentions to obtain a text-to-image focus score. Attention inhibition is performed on the text-image token pairs with low scores. Our comprehensive experiments over instruction-following capabilities and VQA-V2, GQA, TextVQA, MME and MMBench five benchmarks, demonstrate that proposed strategy significantly enhances the instruction following capability of MLLMs while preserving the ability to understand and process multimodal inputs.
Abstract:3D textured face reconstruction from sketches applicable in many scenarios such as animation, 3D avatars, artistic design, missing people search, etc., is a highly promising but underdeveloped research topic. On the one hand, the stylistic diversity of sketches leads to existing sketch-to-3D-face methods only being able to handle pose-limited and realistically shaded sketches. On the other hand, texture plays a vital role in representing facial appearance, yet sketches lack this information, necessitating additional texture control in the reconstruction process. This paper proposes a novel method for reconstructing controllable textured and detailed 3D faces from sketches, named S2TD-Face. S2TD-Face introduces a two-stage geometry reconstruction framework that directly reconstructs detailed geometry from the input sketch. To keep geometry consistent with the delicate strokes of the sketch, we propose a novel sketch-to-geometry loss that ensures the reconstruction accurately fits the input features like dimples and wrinkles. Our training strategies do not rely on hard-to-obtain 3D face scanning data or labor-intensive hand-drawn sketches. Furthermore, S2TD-Face introduces a texture control module utilizing text prompts to select the most suitable textures from a library and seamlessly integrate them into the geometry, resulting in a 3D detailed face with controllable texture. S2TD-Face surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods in extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments. Our project is available at https://github.com/wang-zidu/S2TD-Face .
Abstract:By leveraging the text-to-image diffusion priors, score distillation can synthesize 3D contents without paired text-3D training data. Instead of spending hours of online optimization per text prompt, recent studies have been focused on learning a text-to-3D generative network for amortizing multiple text-3D relations, which can synthesize 3D contents in seconds. However, existing score distillation methods are hard to scale up to a large amount of text prompts due to the difficulties in aligning pretrained diffusion prior with the distribution of rendered images from various text prompts. Current state-of-the-arts such as Variational Score Distillation finetune the pretrained diffusion model to minimize the noise prediction error so as to align the distributions, which are however unstable to train and will impair the model's comprehension capability to numerous text prompts. Based on the observation that the diffusion models tend to have lower noise prediction errors at earlier timesteps, we propose Asynchronous Score Distillation (ASD), which minimizes the noise prediction error by shifting the diffusion timestep to earlier ones. ASD is stable to train and can scale up to 100k prompts. It reduces the noise prediction error without changing the weights of pre-trained diffusion model, thus keeping its strong comprehension capability to prompts. We conduct extensive experiments across different 2D diffusion models, including Stable Diffusion and MVDream, and text-to-3D generators, including Hyper-iNGP, 3DConv-Net and Triplane-Transformer. The results demonstrate ASD's effectiveness in stable 3D generator training, high-quality 3D content synthesis, and its superior prompt-consistency, especially under large prompt corpus.
Abstract:Object-Centric Learning (OCL) seeks to enable Neural Networks to identify individual objects in visual scenes, which is crucial for interpretable visual comprehension and reasoning. Most existing OCL models adopt auto-encoding structures and learn to decompose visual scenes through specially designed inductive bias, which causes the model to miss small objects during reconstruction. Reverse hierarchy theory proposes that human vision corrects perception errors through a top-down visual pathway that returns to bottom-level neurons and acquires more detailed information, inspired by which we propose Reverse Hierarchy Guided Network (RHGNet) that introduces a top-down pathway that works in different ways in the training and inference processes. This pathway allows for guiding bottom-level features with top-level object representations during training, as well as encompassing information from bottom-level features into perception during inference. Our model achieves SOTA performance on several commonly used datasets including CLEVR, CLEVRTex and MOVi-C. We demonstrate with experiments that our method promotes the discovery of small objects and also generalizes well on complex real-world scenes. Code will be available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/RHGNet-6CEF.