Abstract:With the rapid advancement of deepfake generation technologies, the demand for robust and accurate face forgery detection algorithms has become increasingly critical. Recent studies have demonstrated that wavelet analysis can uncover subtle forgery artifacts that remain imperceptible in the spatial domain. Wavelets effectively capture important facial contours, which are often slender, fine-grained, and global in nature. However, existing wavelet-based approaches fail to fully leverage these unique characteristics, resulting in sub-optimal feature extraction and limited generalizability. To address this challenge, we introduce WMamba, a novel wavelet-based feature extractor built upon the Mamba architecture. WMamba maximizes the utility of wavelet information through two key innovations. First, we propose Dynamic Contour Convolution (DCConv), which employs specially crafted deformable kernels to adaptively model slender facial contours. Second, by leveraging the Mamba architecture, our method captures long-range spatial relationships with linear computational complexity. This efficiency allows for the extraction of fine-grained, global forgery artifacts from small image patches. Extensive experimental results show that WMamba achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance, highlighting its effectiveness and superiority in face forgery detection.
Abstract:3D textured face reconstruction from sketches applicable in many scenarios such as animation, 3D avatars, artistic design, missing people search, etc., is a highly promising but underdeveloped research topic. On the one hand, the stylistic diversity of sketches leads to existing sketch-to-3D-face methods only being able to handle pose-limited and realistically shaded sketches. On the other hand, texture plays a vital role in representing facial appearance, yet sketches lack this information, necessitating additional texture control in the reconstruction process. This paper proposes a novel method for reconstructing controllable textured and detailed 3D faces from sketches, named S2TD-Face. S2TD-Face introduces a two-stage geometry reconstruction framework that directly reconstructs detailed geometry from the input sketch. To keep geometry consistent with the delicate strokes of the sketch, we propose a novel sketch-to-geometry loss that ensures the reconstruction accurately fits the input features like dimples and wrinkles. Our training strategies do not rely on hard-to-obtain 3D face scanning data or labor-intensive hand-drawn sketches. Furthermore, S2TD-Face introduces a texture control module utilizing text prompts to select the most suitable textures from a library and seamlessly integrate them into the geometry, resulting in a 3D detailed face with controllable texture. S2TD-Face surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods in extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments. Our project is available at https://github.com/wang-zidu/S2TD-Face .
Abstract:3D Morphable Models (3DMMs) provide promising 3D face reconstructions in various applications. However, existing methods struggle to reconstruct faces with extreme expressions due to deficiencies in supervisory signals, such as sparse or inaccurate landmarks. Segmentation information contains effective geometric contexts for face reconstruction. Certain attempts intuitively depend on differentiable renderers to compare the rendered silhouettes of reconstruction with segmentation, which is prone to issues like local optima and gradient instability. In this paper, we fully utilize the facial part segmentation geometry by introducing Part Re-projection Distance Loss (PRDL). Specifically, PRDL transforms facial part segmentation into 2D points and re-projects the reconstruction onto the image plane. Subsequently, by introducing grid anchors and computing different statistical distances from these anchors to the point sets, PRDL establishes geometry descriptors to optimize the distribution of the point sets for face reconstruction. PRDL exhibits a clear gradient compared to the renderer-based methods and presents state-of-the-art reconstruction performance in extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments. The project will be publicly available.
Abstract:Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims to leverage a label-rich source domain to solve tasks on a related unlabeled target domain. It is a challenging problem especially when a large domain gap lies between the source and target domains. In this paper we propose a novel solution named SSRT (Safe Self-Refinement for Transformer-based domain adaptation), which brings improvement from two aspects. First, encouraged by the success of vision transformers in various vision tasks, we arm SSRT with a transformer backbone. We find that the combination of vision transformer with simple adversarial adaptation surpasses best reported Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based results on the challenging DomainNet benchmark, showing its strong transferable feature representation. Second, to reduce the risk of model collapse and improve the effectiveness of knowledge transfer between domains with large gaps, we propose a Safe Self-Refinement strategy. Specifically, SSRT utilizes predictions of perturbed target domain data to refine the model. Since the model capacity of vision transformer is large and predictions in such challenging tasks can be noisy, a safe training mechanism is designed to adaptively adjust learning configuration. Extensive evaluations are conducted on several widely tested UDA benchmarks and SSRT achieves consistently the best performances, including 85.43% on Office-Home, 88.76% on VisDA-2017 and 45.2% on DomainNet.
Abstract:Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA), a branch of transfer learning where labels for target samples are unavailable, has been widely researched and developed in recent years with the help of adversarially trained models. Although existing UDA algorithms are able to guide neural networks to extract transferable and discriminative features, classifiers are merely trained under the supervision of labeled source data. Given the inevitable discrepancy between source and target domains, the classifiers can hardly be aware of the target classification boundaries. In this paper, Shuffle Augmentation of Features (SAF), a novel UDA framework, is proposed to address the problem by providing the classifier with supervisory signals from target feature representations. SAF learns from the target samples, adaptively distills class-aware target features, and implicitly guides the classifier to find comprehensive class borders. Demonstrated by extensive experiments, the SAF module can be integrated into any existing adversarial UDA models to achieve performance improvements.