Abstract:Autonomous agricultural vehicles (AAVs), including field robots and autonomous tractors, are becoming essential in modern farming by improving efficiency and reducing labor costs. A critical task in AAV operations is headland turning between crop rows. This task is challenging in orchards with limited headland space, irregular boundaries, operational constraints, and static obstacles. While traditional trajectory planning methods work well in arable farming, they often fail in cluttered orchard environments. This letter presents a novel trajectory planner that enhances the safety and efficiency of AAV headland maneuvers, leveraging advancements in autonomous driving. Our approach includes an efficient front-end algorithm and a high-performance back-end optimization. Applied to vehicles with various implements, it outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both standard and challenging orchard fields. This work bridges agricultural and autonomous driving technologies, facilitating a broader adoption of AAVs in complex orchards.
Abstract:Deep learning and pre-trained models have shown great success in time series forecasting. However, in the tourism industry, time series data often exhibit a leading time property, presenting a 2D structure. This introduces unique challenges for forecasting in this sector. In this study, we propose a novel modelling paradigm, TripCast, which treats trip time series as 2D data and learns representations through masking and reconstruction processes. Pre-trained on large-scale real-world data, TripCast notably outperforms other state-of-the-art baselines in in-domain forecasting scenarios and demonstrates strong scalability and transferability in out-domain forecasting scenarios.
Abstract:We introduce a new family of distances, relative-translation invariant Wasserstein distances ($RW_p$), for measuring the similarity of two probability distributions under distribution shift. Generalizing it from the classical optimal transport model, we show that $RW_p$ distances are also real distance metrics defined on the quotient set $\mathcal{P}_p(\mathbb{R}^n)/\sim$ and invariant to distribution translations. When $p=2$, the $RW_2$ distance enjoys more exciting properties, including decomposability of the optimal transport model, translation-invariance of the $RW_2$ distance, and a Pythagorean relationship between $RW_2$ and the classical quadratic Wasserstein distance ($W_2$). Based on these properties, we show that a distribution shift, measured by $W_2$ distance, can be explained in the bias-variance perspective. In addition, we propose a variant of the Sinkhorn algorithm, named $RW_2$ Sinkhorn algorithm, for efficiently calculating $RW_2$ distance, coupling solutions, as well as $W_2$ distance. We also provide the analysis of numerical stability and time complexity for the proposed algorithm. Finally, we validate the $RW_2$ distance metric and the algorithm performance with three experiments. We conduct one numerical validation for the $RW_2$ Sinkhorn algorithm and show two real-world applications demonstrating the effectiveness of using $RW_2$ under distribution shift: digits recognition and similar thunderstorm detection. The experimental results report that our proposed algorithm significantly improves the computational efficiency of Sinkhorn in certain practical applications, and the $RW_2$ distance is robust to distribution translations compared with baselines.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, MedPaLM-2, and Med-Gemini achieve performance competitively with human experts across various medical benchmarks. However, they still face challenges in making professional diagnoses akin to physicians, particularly in efficiently gathering patient information and reasoning the final diagnosis. To this end, we introduce the RuleAlign framework, designed to align LLMs with specific diagnostic rules. We develop a medical dialogue dataset comprising rule-based communications between patients and physicians and design an alignment learning approach through preference learning. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. We hope that our work can serve as an inspiration for exploring the potential of LLMs as AI physicians.
Abstract:Ambient backscatter communications (AmBC) are a promising technology for addressing the energy consumption challenge in wireless communications through the reflection or absorption of surrounding radio frequency (RF) signals. However, it grapples with the intricacies of ambient RF signal and the round-trip path loss. For traditional detectors, the incorporation of pilot sequences results in a reduction in spectral efficiency. Furthermore, traditional energy-based detectors are inherently susceptible to a notable error floor issue, attributed to the co-channel direct link interference (DLI). Consequently, this paper proposes a blind symbol detector without the prior knowledge of the channel state information, signal variance, and noise variance. By leveraging the intra-symbol differential amplitude shift keying (IDASK) scheme, this detector effectively redirects the majority of the DLI energy towards the largest eigenvalue of the received sample covariance matrix, thereby utilizing the second largest eigenvalue for efficient symbol detection. In addition, this paper conducts theoretical performance analyses of the proposed detector in terms of the false alarm probability, missed detection probability, and the bit-error rate (BER) lower bound. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed blind detector exhibits a significant enhancement in symbol detection performance compared to its traditional counterparts.
Abstract:Existing Gaussian splatting methods often fall short in achieving satisfactory novel view synthesis in driving scenes, primarily due to the absence of crafty design and geometric constraints for the involved elements. This paper introduces a novel neural rendering method termed Decoupled Hybrid Gaussian Splatting (DHGS), targeting at promoting the rendering quality of novel view synthesis for static driving scenes. The novelty of this work lies in the decoupled and hybrid pixel-level blender for road and non-road layers, without the conventional unified differentiable rendering logic for the entire scene, while still maintaining consistent and continuous superimposition through the proposed depth-ordered hybrid rendering strategy. Additionally, an implicit road representation comprised of a Signed Distance Field (SDF) is trained to supervise the road surface with subtle geometric attributes. Accompanied by the use of auxiliary transmittance loss and consistency loss, novel images with imperceptible boundary and elevated fidelity are ultimately obtained. Substantial experiments on the Waymo dataset prove that DHGS outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. The project page where more video evidences are given is: https://ironbrotherstyle.github.io/dhgs_web.
Abstract:Improving the performance of large language models (LLMs) in complex question-answering (QA) scenarios has always been a research focal point. Recent studies have attempted to enhance LLMs' performance by combining step-wise planning with external retrieval. While effective for advanced models like GPT-3.5, smaller LLMs face challenges in decomposing complex questions, necessitating supervised fine-tuning. Previous work has relied on manual annotation and knowledge distillation from teacher LLMs, which are time-consuming and not accurate enough. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework for enhancing LLMs' planning capabilities by using planning data derived from knowledge graphs (KGs). LLMs fine-tuned with this data have improved planning capabilities, better equipping them to handle complex QA tasks that involve retrieval. Evaluations on multiple datasets, including our newly proposed benchmark, highlight the effectiveness of our framework and the benefits of KG-derived planning data.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT series models, have received substantial attention due to their impressive capabilities for generating and understanding human-level language. More recently, LLMs have emerged as an innovative and powerful adjunct in the medical field, transforming traditional practices and heralding a new era of enhanced healthcare services. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of Medical Large Language Models (Med-LLMs), outlining their evolution from general to the medical-specific domain (i.e, Technology and Application), as well as their transformative impact on healthcare (e.g., Trustworthiness and Safety). Concretely, starting from the fundamental history and technology of LLMs, we first delve into the progressive adaptation and refinements of general LLM models in the medical domain, especially emphasizing the advanced algorithms that boost the LLMs' performance in handling complicated medical environments, including clinical reasoning, knowledge graph, retrieval-augmented generation, human alignment, and multi-modal learning. Secondly, we explore the extensive applications of Med-LLMs across domains such as clinical decision support, report generation, and medical education, illustrating their potential to streamline healthcare services and augment patient outcomes. Finally, recognizing the imperative and responsible innovation, we discuss the challenges of ensuring fairness, accountability, privacy, and robustness in Med-LLMs applications. Finally, we conduct a concise discussion for anticipating possible future trajectories of Med-LLMs, identifying avenues for the prudent expansion of Med-LLMs. By consolidating above-mentioned insights, this review seeks to provide a comprehensive investigation of the potential strengths and limitations of Med-LLMs for professionals and researchers, ensuring a responsible landscape in the healthcare setting.
Abstract:Reinforcement Learning (RL) trains agents to learn optimal behavior by maximizing reward signals from experience datasets. However, RL training often faces memory limitations, leading to execution latencies and prolonged training times. To overcome this, SwiftRL explores Processing-In-Memory (PIM) architectures to accelerate RL workloads. We achieve near-linear performance scaling by implementing RL algorithms like Tabular Q-learning and SARSA on UPMEM PIM systems and optimizing for hardware. Our experiments on OpenAI GYM environments using UPMEM hardware demonstrate superior performance compared to CPU and GPU implementations.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel approach to address the challenging problem of autonomous on-ramp merging, where a self-driving vehicle needs to seamlessly integrate into a flow of vehicles on a multi-lane highway. We introduce the Lane-keeping, Lane-changing with Latent-state Inference and Safety Controller (L3IS) agent, designed to perform the on-ramp merging task safely without comprehensive knowledge about surrounding vehicles' intents or driving styles. We also present an augmentation of this agent called AL3IS that accounts for observation delays, allowing the agent to make more robust decisions in real-world environments with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication delays. By modeling the unobservable aspects of the environment through latent states, such as other drivers' intents, our approach enhances the agent's ability to adapt to dynamic traffic conditions, optimize merging maneuvers, and ensure safe interactions with other vehicles. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through extensive simulations generated from real traffic data and compare its performance with existing approaches. L3IS shows a 99.90% success rate in a challenging on-ramp merging case generated from the real US Highway 101 data. We further perform a sensitivity analysis on AL3IS to evaluate its robustness against varying observation delays, which demonstrates an acceptable performance of 93.84% success rate in 1-second V2V communication delay.