Abstract:Recent advances in AI -- including generative approaches -- have resulted in technology that can support humans in scientific discovery and decision support but may also disrupt democracies and target individuals. The responsible use of AI increasingly shows the need for human-AI teaming, necessitating effective interaction between humans and machines. A crucial yet often overlooked aspect of these interactions is the different ways in which humans and machines generalise. In cognitive science, human generalisation commonly involves abstraction and concept learning. In contrast, AI generalisation encompasses out-of-domain generalisation in machine learning, rule-based reasoning in symbolic AI, and abstraction in neuro-symbolic AI. In this perspective paper, we combine insights from AI and cognitive science to identify key commonalities and differences across three dimensions: notions of generalisation, methods for generalisation, and evaluation of generalisation. We map the different conceptualisations of generalisation in AI and cognitive science along these three dimensions and consider their role in human-AI teaming. This results in interdisciplinary challenges across AI and cognitive science that must be tackled to provide a foundation for effective and cognitively supported alignment in human-AI teaming scenarios.
Abstract:Deep networks are frequently tuned to novel tasks and continue learning from ongoing data streams. Such sequential training requires consolidation of new and past information, a challenge predominantly addressed by retaining the most important data points - formally known as coresets. Traditionally, these coresets consist of entire samples, such as images or sentences. However, recent transformer architectures operate on tokens, leading to the famous assertion that an image is worth 16x16 words. Intuitively, not all of these tokens are equally informative or memorable. Going beyond coresets, we thus propose to construct a deeper-level data summary on the level of tokens. Our respectively named core tokensets both select the most informative data points and leverage feature attribution to store only their most relevant features. We demonstrate that core tokensets yield significant performance retention in incremental image classification, open-ended visual question answering, and continual image captioning with significantly reduced memory. In fact, we empirically find that a core tokenset of 1\% of the data performs comparably to at least a twice as large and up to 10 times larger coreset.
Abstract:Medical image distributions shift constantly due to changes in patient population and discrepancies in image acquisition. These distribution changes result in performance deterioration; deterioration that continual learning aims to alleviate. However, only adaptation with data rehearsal strategies yields practically desirable performance for medical image segmentation. Such rehearsal violates patient privacy and, as most continual learning approaches, overlooks unexpected changes from out-of-distribution instances. To transcend both of these challenges, we introduce a distribution-aware replay strategy that mitigates forgetting through auto-encoding of features, while simultaneously leveraging the learned distribution of features to detect model failure. We provide empirical corroboration on hippocampus and prostate MRI segmentation.
Abstract:A dataset is confounded if it is most easily solved via a spurious correlation which fails to generalize to new data. We will show that, in a continual learning setting where confounders may vary in time across tasks, the resulting challenge far exceeds the standard forgetting problem normally considered. In particular, we derive mathematically the effect of such confounders on the space of valid joint solutions to sets of confounded tasks. Interestingly, our theory predicts that for many such continual datasets, spurious correlations are easily ignored when the tasks are trained on jointly, but it is far harder to avoid confounding when they are considered sequentially. We construct such a dataset and demonstrate empirically that standard continual learning methods fail to ignore confounders, while training jointly on all tasks is successful. Our continually confounded dataset, ConCon, is based on CLEVR images and demonstrates the need for continual learning methods with more robust behavior with respect to confounding.
Abstract:The quest to improve scalar performance numbers on predetermined benchmarks seems to be deeply engraved in deep learning. However, the real world is seldom carefully curated and applications are seldom limited to excelling on test sets. A practical system is generally required to recognize novel concepts, refrain from actively including uninformative data, and retain previously acquired knowledge throughout its lifetime. Despite these key elements being rigorously researched individually, the study of their conjunction, open world lifelong learning, is only a recent trend. To accelerate this multifaceted field's exploration, we introduce its first monolithic and much-needed baseline. Leveraging the ubiquitous use of batch normalization across deep neural networks, we propose a deceptively simple yet highly effective way to repurpose standard models for open world lifelong learning. Through extensive empirical evaluation, we highlight why our approach should serve as a future standard for models that are able to effectively maintain their knowledge, selectively focus on informative data, and accelerate future learning.
Abstract:Continual learning is a sub-field of machine learning, which aims to allow machine learning models to continuously learn on new data, by accumulating knowledge without forgetting what was learned in the past. In this work, we take a step back, and ask: "Why should one care about continual learning in the first place?". We set the stage by surveying recent continual learning papers published at three major machine learning conferences, and show that memory-constrained settings dominate the field. Then, we discuss five open problems in machine learning, and even though they seem unrelated to continual learning at first sight, we show that continual learning will inevitably be part of their solution. These problems are model-editing, personalization, on-device learning, faster (re-)training and reinforcement learning. Finally, by comparing the desiderata from these unsolved problems and the current assumptions in continual learning, we highlight and discuss four future directions for continual learning research. We hope that this work offers an interesting perspective on the future of continual learning, while displaying its potential value and the paths we have to pursue in order to make it successful. This work is the result of the many discussions the authors had at the Dagstuhl seminar on Deep Continual Learning, in March 2023.
Abstract:Identification of cracks is essential to assess the structural integrity of concrete infrastructure. However, robust crack segmentation remains a challenging task for computer vision systems due to the diverse appearance of concrete surfaces, variable lighting and weather conditions, and the overlapping of different defects. In particular recent data-driven methods struggle with the limited availability of data, the fine-grained and time-consuming nature of crack annotation, and face subsequent difficulty in generalizing to out-of-distribution samples. In this work, we move past these challenges in a two-fold way. We introduce a high-fidelity crack graphics simulator based on fractals and a corresponding fully-annotated crack dataset. We then complement the latter with a system that learns generalizable representations from simulation, by leveraging both a pointwise mutual information estimate along with adaptive instance normalization as inductive biases. Finally, we empirically highlight how different design choices are symbiotic in bridging the simulation to real gap, and ultimately demonstrate that our introduced system can effectively handle real-world crack segmentation.
Abstract:The results of training a neural network are heavily dependent on the architecture chosen; and even a modification of only the size of the network, however small, typically involves restarting the training process. In contrast to this, we begin training with a small architecture, only increase its capacity as necessary for the problem, and avoid interfering with previous optimization while doing so. We thereby introduce a natural gradient based approach which intuitively expands both the width and depth of a neural network when this is likely to substantially reduce the hypothetical converged training loss. We prove an upper bound on the "rate" at which neurons are added, and a computationally cheap lower bound on the expansion score. We illustrate the benefits of such Self-Expanding Neural Networks in both classification and regression problems, including those where the appropriate architecture size is substantially uncertain a priori.
Abstract:Machine learning is typically framed from a perspective of i.i.d., and more importantly, isolated data. In parts, federated learning lifts this assumption, as it sets out to solve the real-world challenge of collaboratively learning a shared model from data distributed across clients. However, motivated primarily by privacy and computational constraints, the fact that data may change, distributions drift, or even tasks advance individually on clients, is seldom taken into account. The field of continual learning addresses this separate challenge and first steps have recently been taken to leverage synergies in distributed supervised settings, in which several clients learn to solve changing classification tasks over time without forgetting previously seen ones. Motivated by these prior works, we posit that such federated continual learning should be grounded in unsupervised learning of representations that are shared across clients; in the loose spirit of how humans can indirectly leverage others' experience without exposure to a specific task. For this purpose, we demonstrate that masked autoencoders for distribution estimation are particularly amenable to this setup. Specifically, their masking strategy can be seamlessly integrated with task attention mechanisms to enable selective knowledge transfer between clients. We empirically corroborate the latter statement through several continual federated scenarios on both image and binary datasets.
Abstract:Access to pre-trained models has recently emerged as a standard across numerous machine learning domains. Unfortunately, access to the original data the models were trained on may not equally be granted. This makes it tremendously challenging to fine-tune, compress models, adapt continually, or to do any other type of data-driven update. We posit that original data access may however not be required. Specifically, we propose Contrastive Abductive Knowledge Extraction (CAKE), a model-agnostic knowledge distillation procedure that mimics deep classifiers without access to the original data. To this end, CAKE generates pairs of noisy synthetic samples and diffuses them contrastively toward a model's decision boundary. We empirically corroborate CAKE's effectiveness using several benchmark datasets and various architectural choices, paving the way for broad application.