Abstract:Recent MLLMs have shown emerging visual understanding and reasoning abilities after being pre-trained on large-scale multimodal datasets. Unlike pre-training, where MLLMs receive rich visual-text alignment, instruction-tuning is often text-driven with weaker visual supervision, leading to the degradation of pre-trained visual understanding and causing visual forgetting. Existing approaches, such as direct fine-tuning and continual learning methods, fail to explicitly address this issue, often compressing visual representations and prioritizing task alignment over visual retention, which further worsens visual forgetting. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel perspective leveraging effective rank to quantify the degradation of visual representation richness, interpreting this degradation through the information bottleneck principle as excessive compression that leads to the degradation of crucial pre-trained visual knowledge. Building on this view, we propose a modality-decoupled gradient descent (MDGD) method that regulates gradient updates to maintain the effective rank of visual representations while mitigating the over-compression effects described by the information bottleneck. By explicitly disentangling the optimization of visual understanding from task-specific alignment, MDGD preserves pre-trained visual knowledge while enabling efficient task adaptation. To enable lightweight instruction-tuning, we further develop a memory-efficient fine-tuning approach using gradient masking, which selectively updates a subset of model parameters to enable parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), reducing computational overhead while preserving rich visual representations. Extensive experiments across various downstream tasks and backbone MLLMs demonstrate that MDGD effectively mitigates visual forgetting from pre-trained tasks while enabling strong adaptation to new tasks.
Abstract:Fine granularity is an essential requirement for controllable text generation, which has seen rapid growth with the ability of LLMs. However, existing methods focus mainly on a small set of attributes like 3 to 5, and their performance degrades significantly when the number of attributes increases to the next order of magnitude. To address this challenge, we propose a novel zero-shot approach for extremely fine-grained controllable generation (EFCG), proposing auto-reconstruction (AR) and global preference optimization (GPO). In the AR phase, we leverage LLMs to extract soft attributes (e.g., Emphasis on simplicity and minimalism in design) from raw texts, and combine them with programmatically derived hard attributes (e.g., The text should be between 300 and 400 words) to construct massive (around 45) multi-attribute requirements, which guide the fine-grained text reconstruction process under weak supervision. In the GPO phase, we apply direct preference optimization (DPO) to refine text generation under diverse attribute combinations, enabling efficient exploration of the global combination space. Additionally, we introduce an efficient attribute sampling strategy to identify and correct potentially erroneous attributes, further improving global optimization. Our framework significantly improves the constraint satisfaction rate (CSR) and text quality for EFCG by mitigating position bias and alleviating attention dilution.
Abstract:The generalization of language models (LMs) is undergoing active debates, contrasting their potential for general intelligence with their struggles with basic knowledge composition (e.g., reverse/transition curse). This paper uncovers the phenomenon of linear correlations in LMs during knowledge composition. For explanation, there exists a linear transformation between certain related knowledge that maps the next token prediction logits from one prompt to another, e.g., "X lives in the city of" $\rightarrow$ "X lives in the country of" for every given X. This mirrors the linearity in human knowledge composition, such as Paris $\rightarrow$ France. Our findings indicate that the linear transformation is resilient to large-scale fine-tuning, generalizing updated knowledge when aligned with real-world relationships, but causing hallucinations when it deviates. Empirical results suggest that linear correlation can serve as a potential identifier of LM's generalization. Finally, we show such linear correlations can be learned with a single feedforward network and pre-trained vocabulary representations, indicating LM generalization heavily relies on the latter.
Abstract:Comparing two (large) language models (LMs) side-by-side and pinpointing their prediction similarities and differences on the same set of inputs are crucial in many real-world scenarios, e.g., one can test if a licensed model was potentially plagiarized by another. Traditional analysis compares the LMs' outputs on some benchmark datasets, which only cover a limited number of inputs of designed perspectives for the intended applications. The benchmark datasets cannot prepare data to cover the test cases from unforeseen perspectives which can help us understand differences between models unbiasedly. In this paper, we propose a new model comparative analysis setting that considers a large input space where brute-force enumeration would be infeasible. The input space can be simply defined as all token sequences that a LM would produce low perplexity on -- we follow this definition in the paper as it would produce the most human-understandable inputs. We propose a novel framework \our that uses text generation by sampling and deweights the histogram of sampling statistics to estimate prediction differences between two LMs in this input space efficiently and unbiasedly. Our method achieves this by drawing and counting the inputs at each prediction difference value in negative log-likelihood. Experiments reveal for the first time the quantitative prediction differences between LMs in a large input space, potentially facilitating the model analysis for applications such as model plagiarism.
Abstract:Offline evaluation of LLMs is crucial in understanding their capacities, though current methods remain underexplored in existing research. In this work, we focus on the offline evaluation of the chain-of-thought capabilities and show how to optimize LLMs based on the proposed evaluation method. To enable offline feedback with rich knowledge and reasoning paths, we use knowledge graphs (e.g., Wikidata5m) to provide feedback on the generated chain of thoughts. Due to the heterogeneity between LLM reasoning and KG structures, direct interaction and feedback from KGs on LLM behavior are challenging, as they require accurate entity linking and grounding of LLM-generated chains of thought in the KG. To address the above challenge, we propose an offline chain-of-thought evaluation framework, OCEAN, which models chain-of-thought reasoning in LLMs as an MDP and evaluate the policy's alignment with KG preference modeling. To overcome the reasoning heterogeneity and grounding problems, we leverage on-policy KG exploration and RL to model a KG policy that generates token-level likelihood distributions for LLM-generated chain-of-thought reasoning paths, simulating KG reasoning preference. Then we incorporate the knowledge-graph feedback on the validity and alignment of the generated reasoning paths into inverse propensity scores and propose KG-IPS estimator. Theoretically, we prove the unbiasedness of the proposed KG-IPS estimator and provide a lower bound on its variance. With the off-policy evaluated value function, we can directly enable off-policy optimization to further enhance chain-of-thought alignment. Our empirical study shows that OCEAN can be efficiently optimized for generating chain-of-thought reasoning paths with higher estimated values without affecting LLMs' general abilities in downstream tasks or their internal knowledge.
Abstract:In the field of large language model (LLM)-based proof generation, despite being trained on extensive corpora such as OpenWebMath and Arxiv, these models still exhibit only modest performance on proving tasks of moderate difficulty. We believe that this is partly due to the suboptimal order of each proof data used in training. Published proofs often follow a purely logical order, where each step logically proceeds from the previous steps based on the deductive rules. However, this order aims to facilitate the verification of the proof's soundness, rather than to help people and models learn the discovery process of the proof. In proof generation, we argue that the optimal order for one training data sample occurs when the relevant intermediate supervision for a particular proof step in the proof is always positioned to the left of that proof step. We call such order the intuitively sequential order. We validate our claims using two tasks: intuitionistic propositional logic theorem-proving and digit multiplication. Our experiments verify the order effect and provide support for our explanations. We demonstrate that training is most effective when the proof is in the intuitively sequential order. Moreover, the order effect and the performance gap between models trained on different data orders are substantial -- with an 11 percent improvement in proof success rate observed in the propositional logic theorem-proving task, between models trained on the optimal order compared to the worst order.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable in-context learning (ICL) capabilities on textual data. We explore whether these capabilities can be extended to continuous vectors from diverse domains, obtained from black-box pretrained encoders. By aligning input data with an LLM's embedding space through lightweight projectors, we observe that LLMs can effectively process and learn from these projected vectors, which we term Vector-ICL. In particular, we find that pretraining projectors with general language modeling objectives enables Vector-ICL, while task-specific finetuning further enhances performance. In our experiments across various tasks and modalities, including text reconstruction, numerical function regression, text classification, summarization, molecule captioning, time-series classification, graph classification, and fMRI decoding, Vector-ICL often surpasses both few-shot ICL and domain-specific model or tuning. We further conduct analyses and case studies, indicating the potential of LLMs to process vector representations beyond traditional token-based paradigms.
Abstract:Language model (LM) decoding is based on the next-token prediction (NTP) probability distribution. For neural LMs (e.g., Transformer-based), NTP distribution is essentially a softmax-regularized dot product between an encoded input context (query) and fixed vocabulary representations (keys). In this paper, we study the effect of the key distribution on the NTP distribution, with a focus on whether the similarity between keys will trigger spurious correlations in NTP. Through knowledge-probing tasks, we show that in the NTP distribution, the few top-ranked tokens are typically accurate. However, the middle-ranked prediction is highly biased towards the tokens that are distributionally (not necessarily semantically) similar to these top ones. For instance, if "P" is predicted as the top-1 token, "A"-"Z" will all be ranked high in NTP, no matter whether they can lead to correct decoding results. This hurts the sampling diversity and makes the sampling of correct, long-tail results hopeless and noisy. We attempt to alleviate this issue via a novel in-context method that iteratively pushes the query representation away from explored regions. Specifically, we include the explored decoding results in the context and prompt the LM to generate something else, which encourages the LM to produce a query representation that has small dot products with explored keys. Experiments on knowledge-probing tasks show that our method leads to efficient navigation away from explored keys to correct new keys. We further extend our method to open-ended and chain-of-thought (for reasoning) generation. Experiment results show that ICN contributes to better generation diversity and improved self-consistency voting performance. Finally, we discuss potential training issues caused by the fixed key space together with the challenges and possible ways to address them in future research.
Abstract:Advancements in LLMs have recently unveiled challenges tied to computational efficiency and continual scalability due to their requirements of huge parameters, making the applications and evolution of these models on devices with limited computation resources and scenarios requiring various abilities increasingly cumbersome. Inspired by modularity within the human brain, there is a growing tendency to decompose LLMs into numerous functional modules, allowing for inference with part of modules and dynamic assembly of modules to tackle complex tasks, such as mixture-of-experts. To highlight the inherent efficiency and composability of the modular approach, we coin the term brick to represent each functional module, designating the modularized structure as configurable foundation models. In this paper, we offer a comprehensive overview and investigation of the construction, utilization, and limitation of configurable foundation models. We first formalize modules into emergent bricks - functional neuron partitions that emerge during the pre-training phase, and customized bricks - bricks constructed via additional post-training to improve the capabilities and knowledge of LLMs. Based on diverse functional bricks, we further present four brick-oriented operations: retrieval and routing, merging, updating, and growing. These operations allow for dynamic configuration of LLMs based on instructions to handle complex tasks. To verify our perspective, we conduct an empirical analysis on widely-used LLMs. We find that the FFN layers follow modular patterns with functional specialization of neurons and functional neuron partitions. Finally, we highlight several open issues and directions for future research. Overall, this paper aims to offer a fresh modular perspective on existing LLM research and inspire the future creation of more efficient and scalable foundational models.
Abstract:Instruction tuning in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) aims to smoothly integrate a backbone LLM with a pre-trained feature encoder for downstream tasks. The major challenge is how to efficiently find the synergy through cooperative learning where LLMs adapt their reasoning abilities in downstream tasks while feature encoders adjust their encoding to provide more relevant modal information. In this paper, we analyze the MLLM instruction tuning from both theoretical and empirical perspectives, where we find unbalanced learning between the two components, i.e., the feature encoder and the LLM, can cause diminishing learning gradients that slow the model convergence and often lead to sub-optimal results due to insufficient learning. Inspired by our findings, we propose a measurement to quantitatively evaluate the learning balance, based on which we further design a dynamic learning scheduler that better coordinates the learning. In addition, we introduce an auxiliary loss regularization method to promote updating of the generation distribution of MLLMs considering the learning state of each model component, which potentially prevents each component from gradient diminishing and enables a more accurate estimation of the learning balance coefficient. We conduct experiments with multiple LLM backbones and feature encoders, where our techniques are model-agnostic and can be generically integrated with various MLLM backbones. Experiment results on multiple downstream tasks and modalities in vision and audio, demonstrate the proposed method's better efficiency and effectiveness in MLLM instruction tuning.