Stanford University Department of Electrical Engineering
Abstract:The Text-to-SQL(Text2SQL) task aims to convert natural language queries into executable SQL queries. Thanks to the application of large language models (LLMs), significant progress has been made in this field. However, challenges such as model scalability, limited generation space, and coherence issues in SQL generation still persist. To address these issues, we propose SQL-o1, a Self-Reward-based heuristic search method designed to enhance the reasoning ability of LLMs in SQL query generation. SQL-o1 combines Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for heuristic process-level search and constructs a Schema-Aware dataset to help the model better understand database schemas. Extensive experiments on the Bird and Spider datasets demonstrate that SQL-o1 improves execution accuracy by 10.8\% on the complex Bird dataset compared to the latest baseline methods, even outperforming GPT-4-based approaches. Additionally, SQL-o1 excels in few-shot learning scenarios and shows strong cross-model transferability. Our code is publicly available at:
Abstract:Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA) aims to answer natural language questions with a large-scale structured knowledge base (KB). Despite advancements with large language models (LLMs), KBQA still faces challenges in weak KB awareness, imbalance between effectiveness and efficiency, and high reliance on annotated data. To address these challenges, we propose KBQA-o1, a novel agentic KBQA method with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). It introduces a ReAct-based agent process for stepwise logical form generation with KB environment exploration. Moreover, it employs MCTS, a heuristic search method driven by policy and reward models, to balance agentic exploration's performance and search space. With heuristic exploration, KBQA-o1 generates high-quality annotations for further improvement by incremental fine-tuning. Experimental results show that KBQA-o1 outperforms previous low-resource KBQA methods with limited annotated data, boosting Llama-3.1-8B model's GrailQA F1 performance to 78.5% compared to 48.5% of the previous sota method with GPT-3.5-turbo.
Abstract:Cross-modal retrieval maps data under different modality via semantic relevance. Existing approaches implicitly assume that data pairs are well-aligned and ignore the widely existing annotation noise, i.e., noisy correspondence (NC). Consequently, it inevitably causes performance degradation. Despite attempts that employ the co-teaching paradigm with identical architectures to provide distinct data perspectives, the differences between these architectures are primarily stemmed from random initialization. Thus, the model becomes increasingly homogeneous along with the training process. Consequently, the additional information brought by this paradigm is severely limited. In order to resolve this problem, we introduce a Tripartite learning with Semantic Variation Consistency (TSVC) for robust image-text retrieval. We design a tripartite cooperative learning mechanism comprising a Coordinator, a Master, and an Assistant model. The Coordinator distributes data, and the Assistant model supports the Master model's noisy label prediction with diverse data. Moreover, we introduce a soft label estimation method based on mutual information variation, which quantifies the noise in new samples and assigns corresponding soft labels. We also present a new loss function to enhance robustness and optimize training effectiveness. Extensive experiments on three widely used datasets demonstrate that, even at increasing noise ratios, TSVC exhibits significant advantages in retrieval accuracy and maintains stable training performance.
Abstract:The Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN) is a new network architecture known for its high accuracy in several tasks such as function fitting and PDE solving. The superior expressive capability of KAN arises from the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem and learnable spline functions. However, the computation of spline functions involves multiple iterations, which renders KAN significantly slower than MLP, thereby increasing the cost associated with model training and deployment. The authors of KAN have also noted that ``the biggest bottleneck of KANs lies in its slow training. KANs are usually 10x slower than MLPs, given the same number of parameters.'' To address this issue, we propose a novel MLP-type neural network PowerMLP that employs simpler non-iterative spline function representation, offering approximately the same training time as MLP while theoretically demonstrating stronger expressive power than KAN. Furthermore, we compare the FLOPs of KAN and PowerMLP, quantifying the faster computation speed of PowerMLP. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate that PowerMLP generally achieves higher accuracy and a training speed about 40 times faster than KAN in various tasks.
Abstract:Our goal is to develop an AI Partner that can provide support for group problem solving and social dynamics. In multi-party working group environments, multimodal analytics is crucial for identifying non-verbal interactions of group members. In conjunction with their verbal participation, this creates an holistic understanding of collaboration and engagement that provides necessary context for the AI Partner. In this demo, we illustrate our present capabilities at detecting and tracking nonverbal behavior in student task-oriented interactions in the classroom, and the implications for tracking common ground and engagement.
Abstract:Identifying predictive world models for robots in novel environments from sparse online observations is essential for robot task planning and execution in novel environments. However, existing methods that leverage differentiable simulators to identify world models are incapable of jointly optimizing the shape, appearance, and physical properties of the scene. In this work, we introduce a novel object representation that allows the joint identification of these properties. Our method employs a novel differentiable point-based object representation coupled with a grid-based appearance field, which allows differentiable object collision detection and rendering. Combined with a differentiable physical simulator, we achieve end-to-end optimization of world models, given the sparse visual and tactile observations of a physical motion sequence. Through a series of system identification tasks in simulated and real environments, we show that our method can learn both simulation- and rendering-ready world models from only one robot action sequence.
Abstract:Identifying predictive world models for robots in novel environments from sparse online observations is essential for robot task planning and execution in novel environments. However, existing methods that leverage differentiable simulators to identify world models are incapable of jointly optimizing the shape, appearance, and physical properties of the scene. In this work, we introduce a novel object representation that allows the joint identification of these properties. Our method employs a novel differentiable point-based object representation coupled with a grid-based appearance field, which allows differentiable object collision detection and rendering. Combined with a differentiable physical simulator, we achieve end-to-end optimization of world models, given the sparse visual and tactile observations of a physical motion sequence. Through a series of benchmarking system identification tasks in simulated and real environments, we show that our method can learn both simulation- and rendering-ready world models from only a few partial observations.
Abstract:Graph representation learning, involving both node features and graph structures, is crucial for real-world applications but often encounters pervasive noise. State-of-the-art methods typically address noise by focusing separately on node features with large language models (LLMs) and on graph structures with graph structure learning models (GSLMs). In this paper, we introduce LangGSL, a robust framework that integrates the complementary strengths of pre-trained language models and GSLMs to jointly enhance both node feature and graph structure learning. In LangGSL, we first leverage LLMs to filter noise in the raw data and extract valuable cleaned information as features, enhancing the synergy of downstream models. During the mutual learning phase in LangGSL, the core idea is to leverage the relatively small language model (LM) to process local attributes and generate reliable pseudo-labels and informative node embeddings, which are then integrated into the GSLM's prediction phase. This approach enriches the global context and enhances overall performance. Meanwhile, GSLM refines the evolving graph structure constructed from the LM's output, offering updated labels back to the LM as additional guidance, thus facilitating a more effective mutual learning process. The LM and GSLM work synergistically, complementing each other's strengths and offsetting weaknesses within a variational information-maximizing framework, resulting in enhanced node features and a more robust graph structure. Extensive experiments on diverse graph datasets of varying scales and across different task scenarios demonstrate the scalability and effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Abstract:We study the problem of rapidly identifying contact dynamics of unknown objects in partially known environments. The key innovation of our method is a novel formulation of the contact dynamics estimation problem as the joint estimation of contact geometries and physical parameters. We leverage DeepSDF, a compact and expressive neural-network-based geometry representation over a distribution of geometries, and adopt a particle filter to estimate both the geometries in contact and the physical parameters. In addition, we couple the estimator with an active exploration strategy that plans information-gathering moves to further expedite online estimation. Through simulation and physical experiments, we show that our method estimates accurate contact dynamics with fewer than 30 exploration moves for unknown objects touching partially known environments.
Abstract:The rapid development of artificial intelligence has constantly reshaped the field of intelligent healthcare and medicine. As a vital technology, multimodal learning has increasingly garnered interest due to data complementarity, comprehensive modeling form, and great application potential. Currently, numerous researchers are dedicating their attention to this field, conducting extensive studies and constructing abundant intelligent systems. Naturally, an open question arises that has multimodal learning delivered universal intelligence in healthcare? To answer the question, we adopt three unique viewpoints for a holistic analysis. Firstly, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the current progress of medical multimodal learning from the perspectives of datasets, task-oriented methods, and universal foundation models. Based on them, we further discuss the proposed question from five issues to explore the real impacts of advanced techniques in healthcare, from data and technologies to performance and ethics. The answer is that current technologies have NOT achieved universal intelligence and there remains a significant journey to undertake. Finally, in light of the above reviews and discussions, we point out ten potential directions for exploration towards the goal of universal intelligence in healthcare.