Michigan State University
Abstract:The integration of preference alignment with diffusion models (DMs) has emerged as a transformative approach to enhance image generation and editing capabilities. Although integrating diffusion models with preference alignment strategies poses significant challenges for novices at this intersection, comprehensive and systematic reviews of this subject are still notably lacking. To bridge this gap, this paper extensively surveys preference alignment with diffusion models in image generation and editing. First, we systematically review cutting-edge optimization techniques such as reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), direct preference optimization (DPO), and others, highlighting their pivotal role in aligning preferences with DMs. Then, we thoroughly explore the applications of aligning preferences with DMs in autonomous driving, medical imaging, robotics, and more. Finally, we comprehensively discuss the challenges of preference alignment with DMs. To our knowledge, this is the first survey centered on preference alignment with DMs, providing insights to drive future innovation in this dynamic area.
Abstract:Smoothness is crucial for attaining fast rates in first-order optimization. However, many optimization problems in modern machine learning involve non-smooth objectives. Recent studies relax the smoothness assumption by allowing the Lipschitz constant of the gradient to grow with respect to the gradient norm, which accommodates a broad range of objectives in practice. Despite this progress, existing generalizations of smoothness are restricted to Euclidean geometry with $\ell_2$-norm and only have theoretical guarantees for optimization in the Euclidean space. In this paper, we address this limitation by introducing a new $\ell*$-smoothness concept that measures the norm of Hessian in terms of a general norm and its dual, and establish convergence for mirror-descent-type algorithms, matching the rates under the classic smoothness. Notably, we propose a generalized self-bounding property that facilitates bounding the gradients via controlling suboptimality gaps, serving as a principal component for convergence analysis. Beyond deterministic optimization, we establish an anytime convergence for stochastic mirror descent based on a new bounded noise condition that encompasses the widely adopted bounded or affine noise assumptions.
Abstract:Accurate segmentation of pulmonary structures iscrucial in clinical diagnosis, disease study, and treatment planning. Significant progress has been made in deep learning-based segmentation techniques, but most require much labeled data for training. Consequently, developing precise segmentation methods that demand fewer labeled datasets is paramount in medical image analysis. The emergence of pre-trained vision-language foundation models, such as CLIP, recently opened the door for universal computer vision tasks. Exploiting the generalization ability of these pre-trained foundation models on downstream tasks, such as segmentation, leads to unexpected performance with a relatively small amount of labeled data. However, exploring these models for pulmonary artery-vein segmentation is still limited. This paper proposes a novel framework called Language-guided self-adaptive Cross-Attention Fusion Framework. Our method adopts pre-trained CLIP as a strong feature extractor for generating the segmentation of 3D CT scans, while adaptively aggregating the cross-modality of text and image representations. We propose a s pecially designed adapter module to fine-tune pre-trained CLIP with a self-adaptive learning strategy to effectively fuse the two modalities of embeddings. We extensively validate our method on a local dataset, which is the largest pulmonary artery-vein CT dataset to date and consists of 718 labeled data in total. The experiments show that our method outperformed other state-of-the-art methods by a large margin. Our data and code will be made publicly available upon acceptance.
Abstract:Micro-expression recognition (MER) presents a significant challenge due to the transient and subtle nature of the motion changes involved. In recent years, deep learning methods based on attention mechanisms have made some breakthroughs in MER. However, these methods still suffer from the limitations of insufficient feature capture and poor dynamic adaptation when coping with the instantaneous subtle movement changes of micro-expressions. Therefore, in this paper, we design an Adaptive Hierarchical Multi-Scale Attention Network (AHMSA-Net) for MER. Specifically, we first utilize the onset and apex frames of the micro-expression sequence to extract three-dimensional (3D) optical flow maps, including horizontal optical flow, vertical optical flow, and optical flow strain. Subsequently, the optical flow feature maps are inputted into AHMSA-Net, which consists of two parts: an adaptive hierarchical framework and a multi-scale attention mechanism. Based on the adaptive downsampling hierarchical attention framework, AHMSA-Net captures the subtle changes of micro-expressions from different granularities (fine and coarse) by dynamically adjusting the size of the optical flow feature map at each layer. Based on the multi-scale attention mechanism, AHMSA-Net learns micro-expression action information by fusing features from different scales (channel and spatial). These two modules work together to comprehensively improve the accuracy of MER. Additionally, rigorous experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves competitive results on major micro-expression databases, with AHMSA-Net achieving recognition accuracy of up to 78.21% on composite databases (SMIC, SAMM, CASMEII) and 77.08% on the CASME^{}3 database.
Abstract:Formal verification provides critical security assurances for neural networks, yet its practical application suffers from the long verification time. This work introduces a novel method for training verification-friendly neural networks, which are robust, easy to verify, and relatively accurate. Our method integrates neuron behavior consistency into the training process, making neuron activation states consistent across different inputs in a local neighborhood, reducing the number of unstable neurons and tightening the bounds of neurons thereby enhancing neural network verifiability. We evaluated our method using the MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, and CIFAR-10 datasets across various network architectures. The results of the experiment demonstrate that networks trained using our method are verification-friendly across different radii and different model architectures, whereas other tools fail to maintain verifiability as the radius increases. We also show that our method can be combined with existing methods to further improve the verifiability of networks.
Abstract:Vision Language Models (VLMs) are central to Visual Question Answering (VQA) systems and are typically deployed in the cloud due to their high computational demands. However, this cloud-only approach underutilizes edge computational resources and requires significant bandwidth for transmitting raw images. In this paper, we introduce an edge-cloud collaborative VQA system, called LLaVA-AlignedVQ, which features a novel Aligned Vector Quantization algorithm (AlignedVQ) that efficiently compress intermediate features without compromising accuracy to support partitioned execution. Our experiments demonstrate that LLaVA-AlignedVQ achieves approximately 1365x compression rate of intermediate features, reducing data transmission overhead by 96.8% compared to transmitting JPEG90-compressed images to the cloud. LLaVA-AlignedVQ achieves an inference speedup of 2-15x while maintaining high accuracy, remaining within -2.23% to +1.6% of the original model's accuracy performance across eight VQA datasets, compared to the cloud-only solution.
Abstract:In this study, we propose GITSR, an effective framework for Graph Interaction Transformer-based Scene Representation for multi-vehicle collaborative decision-making in intelligent transportation system. In the context of mixed traffic where Connected Automated Vehicles (CAVs) and Human Driving Vehicles (HDVs) coexist, in order to enhance the understanding of the environment by CAVs to improve decision-making capabilities, this framework focuses on efficient scene representation and the modeling of spatial interaction behaviors of traffic states. We first extract features of the driving environment based on the background of intelligent networking. Subsequently, the local scene representation, which is based on the agent-centric and dynamic occupation grid, is calculated by the Transformer module. Besides, feasible region of the map is captured through the multi-head attention mechanism to reduce the collision of vehicles. Notably, spatial interaction behaviors, based on motion information, are modeled as graph structures and extracted via Graph Neural Network (GNN). Ultimately, the collaborative decision-making among multiple vehicles is formulated as a Markov Decision Process (MDP), with driving actions output by Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. Our algorithmic validation is executed within the extremely challenging scenario of highway off-ramp task, thereby substantiating the superiority of agent-centric approach to scene representation. Simulation results demonstrate that the GITSR method can not only effectively capture scene representation but also extract spatial interaction data, outperforming the baseline method across various comparative metrics.
Abstract:The neural network memorization problem is to study the expressive power of neural networks to interpolate a finite dataset. Although memorization is widely believed to have a close relationship with the strong generalizability of deep learning when using over-parameterized models, to the best of our knowledge, there exists no theoretical study on the generalizability of memorization neural networks. In this paper, we give the first theoretical analysis of this topic. Since using i.i.d. training data is a necessary condition for a learning algorithm to be generalizable, memorization and its generalization theory for i.i.d. datasets are developed under mild conditions on the data distribution. First, algorithms are given to construct memorization networks for an i.i.d. dataset, which have the smallest number of parameters and even a constant number of parameters. Second, we show that, in order for the memorization networks to be generalizable, the width of the network must be at least equal to the dimension of the data, which implies that the existing memorization networks with an optimal number of parameters are not generalizable. Third, a lower bound for the sample complexity of general memorization algorithms and the exact sample complexity for memorization algorithms with constant number of parameters are given. It is also shown that there exist data distributions such that, to be generalizable for them, the memorization network must have an exponential number of parameters in the data dimension. Finally, an efficient and generalizable memorization algorithm is given when the number of training samples is greater than the efficient memorization sample complexity of the data distribution.
Abstract:In recent years, the study of adversarial robustness in object detection systems, particularly those based on deep neural networks (DNNs), has become a pivotal area of research. Traditional physical attacks targeting object detectors, such as adversarial patches and texture manipulations, directly manipulate the surface of the object. While these methods are effective, their overt manipulation of objects may draw attention in real-world applications. To address this, this paper introduces a more subtle approach: an inconspicuous adversarial trigger that operates outside the bounding boxes, rendering the object undetectable to the model. We further enhance this approach by proposing the Feature Guidance (FG) technique and the Universal Auto-PGD (UAPGD) optimization strategy for crafting high-quality triggers. The effectiveness of our method is validated through extensive empirical testing, demonstrating its high performance in both digital and physical environments. The code and video will be available at: https://github.com/linToTao/Out-of-bbox-attack.
Abstract:Domain-Incremental Learning (DIL) involves the progressive adaptation of a model to new concepts across different domains. While recent advances in pre-trained models provide a solid foundation for DIL, learning new concepts often results in the catastrophic forgetting of pre-trained knowledge. Specifically, sequential model updates can overwrite both the representation and the classifier with knowledge from the latest domain. Thus, it is crucial to develop a representation and corresponding classifier that accommodate all seen domains throughout the learning process. To this end, we propose DUal ConsolidaTion (Duct) to unify and consolidate historical knowledge at both the representation and classifier levels. By merging the backbone of different stages, we create a representation space suitable for multiple domains incrementally. The merged representation serves as a balanced intermediary that captures task-specific features from all seen domains. Additionally, to address the mismatch between consolidated embeddings and the classifier, we introduce an extra classifier consolidation process. Leveraging class-wise semantic information, we estimate the classifier weights of old domains within the latest embedding space. By merging historical and estimated classifiers, we align them with the consolidated embedding space, facilitating incremental classification. Extensive experimental results on four benchmark datasets demonstrate Duct's state-of-the-art performance.