Abstract:Smoothness is crucial for attaining fast rates in first-order optimization. However, many optimization problems in modern machine learning involve non-smooth objectives. Recent studies relax the smoothness assumption by allowing the Lipschitz constant of the gradient to grow with respect to the gradient norm, which accommodates a broad range of objectives in practice. Despite this progress, existing generalizations of smoothness are restricted to Euclidean geometry with $\ell_2$-norm and only have theoretical guarantees for optimization in the Euclidean space. In this paper, we address this limitation by introducing a new $\ell*$-smoothness concept that measures the norm of Hessian in terms of a general norm and its dual, and establish convergence for mirror-descent-type algorithms, matching the rates under the classic smoothness. Notably, we propose a generalized self-bounding property that facilitates bounding the gradients via controlling suboptimality gaps, serving as a principal component for convergence analysis. Beyond deterministic optimization, we establish an anytime convergence for stochastic mirror descent based on a new bounded noise condition that encompasses the widely adopted bounded or affine noise assumptions.
Abstract:Long-tailed semi-supervised learning poses a significant challenge in training models with limited labeled data exhibiting a long-tailed label distribution. Current state-of-the-art LTSSL approaches heavily rely on high-quality pseudo-labels for large-scale unlabeled data. However, these methods often neglect the impact of representations learned by the neural network and struggle with real-world unlabeled data, which typically follows a different distribution than labeled data. This paper introduces a novel probabilistic framework that unifies various recent proposals in long-tail learning. Our framework derives the class-balanced contrastive loss through Gaussian kernel density estimation. We introduce a continuous contrastive learning method, CCL, extending our framework to unlabeled data using reliable and smoothed pseudo-labels. By progressively estimating the underlying label distribution and optimizing its alignment with model predictions, we tackle the diverse distribution of unlabeled data in real-world scenarios. Extensive experiments across multiple datasets with varying unlabeled data distributions demonstrate that CCL consistently outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods, achieving over 4% improvement on the ImageNet-127 dataset. Our source code is available at https://github.com/zhouzihao11/CCL
Abstract:This paper investigates projection-free algorithms for stochastic constrained multi-level optimization. In this context, the objective function is a nested composition of several smooth functions, and the decision set is closed and convex. Existing projection-free algorithms for solving this problem suffer from two limitations: 1) they solely focus on the gradient mapping criterion and fail to match the optimal sample complexities in unconstrained settings; 2) their analysis is exclusively applicable to non-convex functions, without considering convex and strongly convex objectives. To address these issues, we introduce novel projection-free variance reduction algorithms and analyze their complexities under different criteria. For gradient mapping, our complexities improve existing results and match the optimal rates for unconstrained problems. For the widely-used Frank-Wolfe gap criterion, we provide theoretical guarantees that align with those for single-level problems. Additionally, by using a stage-wise adaptation, we further obtain complexities for convex and strongly convex functions. Finally, numerical experiments on different tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods.
Abstract:We investigate decentralized online convex optimization (D-OCO), in which a set of local learners are required to minimize a sequence of global loss functions using only local computations and communications. Previous studies have established $O(n^{5/4}\rho^{-1/2}\sqrt{T})$ and ${O}(n^{3/2}\rho^{-1}\log T)$ regret bounds for convex and strongly convex functions respectively, where $n$ is the number of local learners, $\rho<1$ is the spectral gap of the communication matrix, and $T$ is the time horizon. However, there exist large gaps from the existing lower bounds, i.e., $\Omega(n\sqrt{T})$ for convex functions and $\Omega(n)$ for strongly convex functions. To fill these gaps, in this paper, we first develop novel D-OCO algorithms that can respectively reduce the regret bounds for convex and strongly convex functions to $\tilde{O}(n\rho^{-1/4}\sqrt{T})$ and $\tilde{O}(n\rho^{-1/2}\log T)$. The primary technique is to design an online accelerated gossip strategy that enjoys a faster average consensus among local learners. Furthermore, by carefully exploiting the spectral properties of a specific network topology, we enhance the lower bounds for convex and strongly convex functions to $\Omega(n\rho^{-1/4}\sqrt{T})$ and $\Omega(n\rho^{-1/2})$, respectively. These lower bounds suggest that our algorithms are nearly optimal in terms of $T$, $n$, and $\rho$.
Abstract:We investigate bandit convex optimization (BCO) with delayed feedback, where only the loss value of the action is revealed under an arbitrary delay. Previous studies have established a regret bound of $O(T^{3/4}+d^{1/3}T^{2/3})$ for this problem, where $d$ is the maximum delay, by simply feeding delayed loss values to the classical bandit gradient descent (BGD) algorithm. In this paper, we develop a novel algorithm to enhance the regret, which carefully exploits the delayed bandit feedback via a blocking update mechanism. Our analysis first reveals that the proposed algorithm can decouple the joint effect of the delays and bandit feedback on the regret, and improve the regret bound to $O(T^{3/4}+\sqrt{dT})$ for convex functions. Compared with the previous result, our regret matches the $O(T^{3/4})$ regret of BGD in the non-delayed setting for a larger amount of delay, i.e., $d=O(\sqrt{T})$, instead of $d=O(T^{1/4})$. Furthermore, we consider the case with strongly convex functions, and prove that the proposed algorithm can enjoy a better regret bound of $O(T^{2/3}\log^{1/3}T+d\log T)$. Finally, we show that in a special case with unconstrained action sets, it can be simply extended to achieve a regret bound of $O(\sqrt{T\log T}+d\log T)$ for strongly convex and smooth functions.
Abstract:This paper investigates the problem of generalized linear bandits with heavy-tailed rewards, whose $(1+\epsilon)$-th moment is bounded for some $\epsilon\in (0,1]$. Although there exist methods for generalized linear bandits, most of them focus on bounded or sub-Gaussian rewards and are not well-suited for many real-world scenarios, such as financial markets and web-advertising. To address this issue, we propose two novel algorithms based on truncation and mean of medians. These algorithms achieve an almost optimal regret bound of $\widetilde{O}(dT^{\frac{1}{1+\epsilon}})$, where $d$ is the dimension of contextual information and $T$ is the time horizon. Our truncation-based algorithm supports online learning, distinguishing it from existing truncation-based approaches. Additionally, our mean-of-medians-based algorithm requires only $O(\log T)$ rewards and one estimator per epoch, making it more practical. Moreover, our algorithms improve the regret bounds by a logarithmic factor compared to existing algorithms when $\epsilon=1$. Numerical experimental results confirm the merits of our algorithms.
Abstract:Graph Lottery Ticket (GLT), a combination of core subgraph and sparse subnetwork, has been proposed to mitigate the computational cost of deep Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) on large input graphs while preserving original performance. However, the winning GLTs in exisiting studies are obtained by applying iterative magnitude-based pruning (IMP) without re-evaluating and re-considering the pruned information, which disregards the dynamic changes in the significance of edges/weights during graph/model structure pruning, and thus limits the appeal of the winning tickets. In this paper, we formulate a conjecture, i.e., existing overlooked valuable information in the pruned graph connections and model parameters which can be re-grouped into GLT to enhance the final performance. Specifically, we propose an adversarial complementary erasing (ACE) framework to explore the valuable information from the pruned components, thereby developing a more powerful GLT, referred to as the ACE-GLT. The main idea is to mine valuable information from pruned edges/weights after each round of IMP, and employ the ACE technique to refine the GLT processing. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that our ACE-GLT outperforms existing methods for searching GLT in diverse tasks. Our code will be made publicly available.
Abstract:We investigate the problem of online learning with monotone and continuous DR-submodular reward functions, which has received great attention recently. To efficiently handle this problem, especially in the case with complicated decision sets, previous studies have proposed an efficient projection-free algorithm called Mono-Frank-Wolfe (Mono-FW) using $O(T)$ gradient evaluations and linear optimization steps in total. However, it only attains a $(1-1/e)$-regret bound of $O(T^{4/5})$. In this paper, we propose an improved projection-free algorithm, namely POBGA, which reduces the regret bound to $O(T^{3/4})$ while keeping the same computational complexity as Mono-FW. Instead of modifying Mono-FW, our key idea is to make a novel combination of a projection-based algorithm called online boosting gradient ascent, an infeasible projection technique, and a blocking technique. Furthermore, we consider the decentralized setting and develop a variant of POBGA, which not only reduces the current best regret bound of efficient projection-free algorithms for this setting from $O(T^{4/5})$ to $O(T^{3/4})$, but also reduces the total communication complexity from $O(T)$ to $O(\sqrt{T})$.
Abstract:Online convex optimization (OCO) with arbitrary delays, in which gradients or other information of functions could be arbitrarily delayed, has received increasing attention recently. Different from previous studies that focus on stationary environments, this paper investigates the delayed OCO in non-stationary environments, and aims to minimize the dynamic regret with respect to any sequence of comparators. To this end, we first propose a simple algorithm, namely DOGD, which performs a gradient descent step for each delayed gradient according to their arrival order. Despite its simplicity, our novel analysis shows that DOGD can attain an $O(\sqrt{dT}(P_T+1)$ dynamic regret bound in the worst case, where $d$ is the maximum delay, $T$ is the time horizon, and $P_T$ is the path length of comparators. More importantly, in case delays do not change the arrival order of gradients, it can automatically reduce the dynamic regret to $O(\sqrt{S}(1+P_T))$, where $S$ is the sum of delays. Furthermore, we develop an improved algorithm, which can reduce those dynamic regret bounds achieved by DOGD to $O(\sqrt{dT(P_T+1)})$ and $O(\sqrt{S(1+P_T)})$, respectively. The essential idea is to run multiple DOGD with different learning rates, and utilize a meta-algorithm to track the best one based on their delayed performance. Finally, we demonstrate that our improved algorithm is optimal in both cases by deriving a matching lower bound.
Abstract:Projection-free online learning has drawn increasing interest due to its efficiency in solving high-dimensional problems with complicated constraints. However, most existing projection-free online methods focus on minimizing the static regret, which unfortunately fails to capture the challenge of changing environments. In this paper, we investigate non-stationary projection-free online learning, and choose dynamic regret and adaptive regret to measure the performance. Specifically, we first provide a novel dynamic regret analysis for an existing projection-free method named $\text{BOGD}_\text{IP}$, and establish an $\mathcal{O}(T^{3/4}(1+P_T))$ dynamic regret bound, where $P_T$ denotes the path-length of the comparator sequence. Then, we improve the upper bound to $\mathcal{O}(T^{3/4}(1+P_T)^{1/4})$ by running multiple $\text{BOGD}_\text{IP}$ algorithms with different step sizes in parallel, and tracking the best one on the fly. Our results are the first general-case dynamic regret bounds for projection-free online learning, and can recover the existing $\mathcal{O}(T^{3/4})$ static regret by setting $P_T = 0$. Furthermore, we propose a projection-free method to attain an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\tau^{3/4})$ adaptive regret bound for any interval with length $\tau$, which nearly matches the static regret over that interval. The essential idea is to maintain a set of $\text{BOGD}_\text{IP}$ algorithms dynamically, and combine them by a meta algorithm. Moreover, we demonstrate that it is also equipped with an $\mathcal{O}(T^{3/4}(1+P_T)^{1/4})$ dynamic regret bound. Finally, empirical studies verify our theoretical findings.