Abstract:As an affordable and convenient eye scan, fundus photography holds the potential for preventing vision impairment, especially in resource-limited regions. However, fundus image degradation is common under intricate imaging environments, impacting following diagnosis and treatment. Consequently, image quality assessment (IQA) and enhancement (IQE) are essential for ensuring the clinical value and reliability of fundus images. While existing reviews offer some overview of this field, a comprehensive analysis of the interplay between IQA and IQE, along with their clinical deployment challenges, is lacking. This paper addresses this gap by providing a thorough review of fundus IQA and IQE algorithms, research advancements, and practical applications. We outline the fundamentals of the fundus photography imaging system and the associated interferences, and then systematically summarize the paradigms in fundus IQA and IQE. Furthermore, we discuss the practical challenges and solutions in deploying IQA and IQE, as well as offer insights into potential future research directions.
Abstract:We introduce GaussianAvatar-Editor, an innovative framework for text-driven editing of animatable Gaussian head avatars that can be fully controlled in expression, pose, and viewpoint. Unlike static 3D Gaussian editing, editing animatable 4D Gaussian avatars presents challenges related to motion occlusion and spatial-temporal inconsistency. To address these issues, we propose the Weighted Alpha Blending Equation (WABE). This function enhances the blending weight of visible Gaussians while suppressing the influence on non-visible Gaussians, effectively handling motion occlusion during editing. Furthermore, to improve editing quality and ensure 4D consistency, we incorporate conditional adversarial learning into the editing process. This strategy helps to refine the edited results and maintain consistency throughout the animation. By integrating these methods, our GaussianAvatar-Editor achieves photorealistic and consistent results in animatable 4D Gaussian editing. We conduct comprehensive experiments across various subjects to validate the effectiveness of our proposed techniques, which demonstrates the superiority of our approach over existing methods. More results and code are available at: [Project Link](https://xiangyueliu.github.io/GaussianAvatar-Editor/).
Abstract:Decoupling domain-variant information (DVI) from domain-invariant information (DII) serves as a prominent strategy for mitigating domain shifts in the practical implementation of deep learning algorithms. However, in medical settings, concerns surrounding data collection and privacy often restrict access to both training and test data, hindering the empirical decoupling of information by existing methods. To tackle this issue, we propose an Autonomous Information Filter-driven Source-free Domain Adaptation (AIF-SFDA) algorithm, which leverages a frequency-based learnable information filter to autonomously decouple DVI and DII. Information Bottleneck (IB) and Self-supervision (SS) are incorporated to optimize the learnable frequency filter. The IB governs the information flow within the filter to diminish redundant DVI, while SS preserves DII in alignment with the specific task and image modality. Thus, the autonomous information filter can overcome domain shifts relying solely on target data. A series of experiments covering various medical image modalities and segmentation tasks were conducted to demonstrate the benefits of AIF-SFDA through comparisons with leading algorithms and ablation studies. The code is available at https://github.com/JingHuaMan/AIF-SFDA.
Abstract:Object pose estimation, crucial in computer vision and robotics applications, faces challenges with the diversity of unseen categories. We propose a zero-shot method to achieve category-level 6-DOF object pose estimation, which exploits both 2D and 3D universal features of input RGB-D image to establish semantic similarity-based correspondences and can be extended to unseen categories without additional model fine-tuning. Our method begins with combining efficient 2D universal features to find sparse correspondences between intra-category objects and gets initial coarse pose. To handle the correspondence degradation of 2D universal features if the pose deviates much from the target pose, we use an iterative strategy to optimize the pose. Subsequently, to resolve pose ambiguities due to shape differences between intra-category objects, the coarse pose is refined by optimizing with dense alignment constraint of 3D universal features. Our method outperforms previous methods on the REAL275 and Wild6D benchmarks for unseen categories.
Abstract:Retinal image registration is vital for diagnostic therapeutic applications within the field of ophthalmology. Existing public datasets, focusing on adult retinal pathologies with high-quality images, have limited number of image pairs and neglect clinical challenges. To address this gap, we introduce COph100, a novel and challenging dataset known as the Comprehensive Ophthalmology Retinal Image Registration dataset for infants with a wide range of image quality issues constituting the public "RIDIRP" database. COph100 consists of 100 eyes, each with 2 to 9 examination sessions, amounting to a total of 491 image pairs carefully selected from the publicly available dataset. We manually labeled the corresponding ground truth image points and provided automatic vessel segmentation masks for each image. We have assessed COph100 in terms of image quality and registration outcomes using state-of-the-art algorithms. This resource enables a robust comparison of retinal registration methodologies and aids in the analysis of disease progression in infants, thereby deepening our understanding of pediatric ophthalmic conditions.
Abstract:In recent years, many industries have utilized machine learning models (ML) in their systems. Ideally, machine learning models should be trained on and applied to data from the same distributions. However, the data evolves over time in many application areas, leading to data and concept drift, which in turn causes the performance of the ML models to degrade over time. Therefore, maintaining up to date ML models plays a critical role in the MLOps pipeline. Existing ML model maintenance approaches are often computationally resource intensive, costly, time consuming, and model dependent. Thus, we propose an improved MLOps pipeline, a new model maintenance approach and a Similarity Based Model Reuse (SimReuse) tool to address the challenges of ML model maintenance. We identify seasonal and recurrent distribution patterns in time series datasets throughout a preliminary study. Recurrent distribution patterns enable us to reuse previously trained models for similar distributions in the future, thus avoiding frequent retraining. Then, we integrated the model reuse approach into the MLOps pipeline and proposed our improved MLOps pipeline. Furthermore, we develop SimReuse, a tool to implement the new components of our MLOps pipeline to store models and reuse them for inference of data segments with similar data distributions in the future. Our evaluation results on four time series datasets demonstrate that our model reuse approach can maintain the performance of models while significantly reducing maintenance time and costs. Our model reuse approach achieves ML performance comparable to the best baseline, while being 15 times more efficient in terms of computation time and costs. Therefore, industries and practitioners can benefit from our approach and use our tool to maintain the performance of their ML models in the deployment phase to reduce their maintenance costs.
Abstract:Log data are generated from logging statements in the source code, providing insights into the execution processes of software applications and systems. State-of-the-art log-based anomaly detection approaches typically leverage deep learning models to capture the semantic or sequential information in the log data and detect anomalous runtime behaviors. However, the impacts of these different types of information are not clear. In addition, existing approaches have not captured the timestamps in the log data, which can potentially provide more fine-grained temporal information than sequential information. In this work, we propose a configurable transformer-based anomaly detection model that can capture the semantic, sequential, and temporal information in the log data and allows us to configure the different types of information as the model's features. Additionally, we train and evaluate the proposed model using log sequences of different lengths, thus overcoming the constraint of existing methods that rely on fixed-length or time-windowed log sequences as inputs. With the proposed model, we conduct a series of experiments with different combinations of input features to evaluate the roles of different types of information in anomaly detection. When presented with log sequences of varying lengths, the model can attain competitive and consistently stable performance compared to the baselines. The results indicate that the event occurrence information plays a key role in identifying anomalies, while the impact of the sequential and temporal information is not significant for anomaly detection in the studied public datasets. On the other hand, the findings also reveal the simplicity of the studied public datasets and highlight the importance of constructing new datasets that contain different types of anomalies to better evaluate the performance of anomaly detection models.
Abstract:Training deep learning models for semantic occupancy prediction is challenging due to factors such as a large number of occupancy cells, severe occlusion, limited visual cues, complicated driving scenarios, etc. Recent methods often adopt transformer-based architectures given their strong capability in learning input-conditioned weights and long-range relationships. However, transformer-based networks are notorious for their quadratic computation complexity, seriously undermining their efficacy and deployment in semantic occupancy prediction. Inspired by the global modeling and linear computation complexity of the Mamba architecture, we present the first Mamba-based network for semantic occupancy prediction, termed OccMamba. However, directly applying the Mamba architecture to the occupancy prediction task yields unsatisfactory performance due to the inherent domain gap between the linguistic and 3D domains. To relieve this problem, we present a simple yet effective 3D-to-1D reordering operation, i.e., height-prioritized 2D Hilbert expansion. It can maximally retain the spatial structure of point clouds as well as facilitate the processing of Mamba blocks. Our OccMamba achieves state-of-the-art performance on three prevalent occupancy prediction benchmarks, including OpenOccupancy, SemanticKITTI and SemanticPOSS. Notably, on OpenOccupancy, our OccMamba outperforms the previous state-of-the-art Co-Occ by 3.1% IoU and 3.2% mIoU, respectively. Codes will be released upon publication.
Abstract:Neural implicit surface reconstruction has become a new trend in reconstructing a detailed 3D shape from images. In previous methods, however, the 3D scene is only encoded by the MLPs which do not have an explicit 3D structure. To better represent 3D shapes, we introduce a volume encoding to explicitly encode the spatial information. We further design hierarchical volumes to encode the scene structures in multiple scales. The high-resolution volumes capture the high-frequency geometry details since spatially varying features could be learned from different 3D points, while the low-resolution volumes enforce the spatial consistency to keep the shape smooth since adjacent locations possess the same low-resolution feature. In addition, we adopt a sparse structure to reduce the memory consumption at high-resolution volumes, and two regularization terms to enhance results smoothness. This hierarchical volume encoding could be appended to any implicit surface reconstruction method as a plug-and-play module, and can generate a smooth and clean reconstruction with more details. Superior performance is demonstrated in DTU, EPFL, and BlendedMVS datasets with significant improvement on the standard metrics.
Abstract:Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) aims to develop embodied agents that navigate based on human instructions. However, current VLN frameworks often rely on static environments and optimal expert supervision, limiting their real-world applicability. To address this, we introduce Human-Aware Vision-and-Language Navigation (HA-VLN), extending traditional VLN by incorporating dynamic human activities and relaxing key assumptions. We propose the Human-Aware 3D (HA3D) simulator, which combines dynamic human activities with the Matterport3D dataset, and the Human-Aware Room-to-Room (HA-R2R) dataset, extending R2R with human activity descriptions. To tackle HA-VLN challenges, we present the Expert-Supervised Cross-Modal (VLN-CM) and Non-Expert-Supervised Decision Transformer (VLN-DT) agents, utilizing cross-modal fusion and diverse training strategies for effective navigation in dynamic human environments. A comprehensive evaluation, including metrics considering human activities, and systematic analysis of HA-VLN's unique challenges, underscores the need for further research to enhance HA-VLN agents' real-world robustness and adaptability. Ultimately, this work provides benchmarks and insights for future research on embodied AI and Sim2Real transfer, paving the way for more realistic and applicable VLN systems in human-populated environments.