Department of Computer Science, Stanford University
Abstract:Foundation Models (FMs) trained on Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have achieved state-of-the-art results on numerous clinical prediction tasks. However, most existing EHR FMs have context windows of <1k tokens. This prevents them from modeling full patient EHRs which can exceed 10k's of events. Recent advancements in subquadratic long-context architectures (e.g., Mamba) offer a promising solution. However, their application to EHR data has not been well-studied. We address this gap by presenting the first systematic evaluation of the effect of context length on modeling EHR data. We find that longer context models improve predictive performance -- our Mamba-based model surpasses the prior state-of-the-art on 9/14 tasks on the EHRSHOT prediction benchmark. For clinical applications, however, model performance alone is insufficient -- robustness to the unique properties of EHR is crucial. Thus, we also evaluate models across three previously underexplored properties of EHR data: (1) the prevalence of "copy-forwarded" diagnoses which creates artificial repetition of tokens within EHR sequences; (2) the irregular time intervals between EHR events which can lead to a wide range of timespans within a context window; and (3) the natural increase in disease complexity over time which makes later tokens in the EHR harder to predict than earlier ones. Stratifying our EHRSHOT results, we find that higher levels of each property correlate negatively with model performance, but that longer context models are more robust to more extreme levels of these properties. Our work highlights the potential for using long-context architectures to model EHR data, and offers a case study for identifying new challenges in modeling sequential data motivated by domains outside of natural language. We release our models and code at:
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly used in applications where LLM inputs may span many different tasks. Recent work has found that the choice of LLM is consequential, and different LLMs may be good for different input samples. Prior approaches have thus explored how engineers might select an LLM to use for each sample (i.e. routing). While existing routing methods mostly require training auxiliary models on human-annotated data, our work explores whether it is possible to perform unsupervised routing. We propose Smoothie, a weak supervision-inspired routing approach that requires no labeled data. Given a set of outputs from different LLMs, Smoothie constructs a latent variable graphical model over embedding representations of observable LLM outputs and unknown "true" outputs. Using this graphical model, we estimate sample-dependent quality scores for each LLM, and route each sample to the LLM with the highest corresponding score. We find that Smoothie's LLM quality-scores correlate with ground-truth model quality (correctly identifying the optimal model on 9/14 tasks), and that Smoothie outperforms baselines for routing by up to 10 points accuracy.
Abstract:Large language models are increasingly becoming a cornerstone technology in artificial intelligence, the sciences, and society as a whole, yet the optimal strategies for dataset composition and filtering remain largely elusive. Many of the top-performing models lack transparency in their dataset curation and model development processes, posing an obstacle to the development of fully open language models. In this paper, we identify three core data-related challenges that must be addressed to advance open-source language models. These include (1) transparency in model development, including the data curation process, (2) access to large quantities of high-quality data, and (3) availability of artifacts and metadata for dataset curation and analysis. To address these challenges, we release RedPajama-V1, an open reproduction of the LLaMA training dataset. In addition, we release RedPajama-V2, a massive web-only dataset consisting of raw, unfiltered text data together with quality signals and metadata. Together, the RedPajama datasets comprise over 100 trillion tokens spanning multiple domains and with their quality signals facilitate the filtering of data, aiming to inspire the development of numerous new datasets. To date, these datasets have already been used in the training of strong language models used in production, such as Snowflake Arctic, Salesforce's XGen and AI2's OLMo. To provide insight into the quality of RedPajama, we present a series of analyses and ablation studies with decoder-only language models with up to 1.6B parameters. Our findings demonstrate how quality signals for web data can be effectively leveraged to curate high-quality subsets of the dataset, underscoring the potential of RedPajama to advance the development of transparent and high-performing language models at scale.
Abstract:Language model performance depends on identifying the optimal mixture of data groups to train on (e.g., law, code, math). Prior work has proposed a diverse set of methods to efficiently learn mixture proportions, ranging from fitting regression models over training runs to dynamically updating proportions throughout training. Surprisingly, we find that no existing method consistently outperforms a simple stratified sampling baseline in terms of average test perplexity per group. In this paper, we study the cause of this inconsistency by unifying existing methods into a standard optimization framework. We show that all methods set proportions to minimize total loss, subject to a method-specific mixing law -- an assumption on how loss is a function of mixture proportions. We find that existing parameterizations of mixing laws can express the true loss-proportion relationship empirically, but the methods themselves often set the mixing law parameters inaccurately, resulting in poor and inconsistent performance. Finally, we leverage the insights from our framework to derive a new online method named Aioli, which directly estimates the mixing law parameters throughout training and uses them to dynamically adjust proportions. Empirically, Aioli outperforms stratified sampling on 6 out of 6 datasets by an average of 0.28 test perplexity points, whereas existing methods fail to consistently beat stratified sampling, doing up to 6.9 points worse. Moreover, in a practical setting where proportions are learned on shorter runs due to computational constraints, Aioli can dynamically adjust these proportions over the full training run, consistently improving performance over existing methods by up to 12.01 test perplexity points.
Abstract:Low precision training and inference affect both the quality and cost of language models, but current scaling laws do not account for this. In this work, we devise "precision-aware" scaling laws for both training and inference. We propose that training in lower precision reduces the model's "effective parameter count," allowing us to predict the additional loss incurred from training in low precision and post-train quantization. For inference, we find that the degradation introduced by post-training quantization increases as models are trained on more data, eventually making additional pretraining data actively harmful. For training, our scaling laws allow us to predict the loss of a model with different parts in different precisions, and suggest that training larger models in lower precision may be compute optimal. We unify the scaling laws for post and pretraining quantization to arrive at a single functional form that predicts degradation from training and inference in varied precisions. We fit on over 465 pretraining runs and validate our predictions on model sizes up to 1.7B parameters trained on up to 26B tokens.
Abstract:The challenge of mapping AI architectures to GPU hardware is creating a critical bottleneck in AI progress. Despite substantial efforts, hand-written custom kernels fail to meet their theoretical performance thresholds, even on well-established operations like linear attention. The diverse hardware capabilities of GPUs might suggest that we need a wide variety of techniques to achieve high performance. However, our work explores whether a small number of key abstractions can drastically simplify the process. We present ThunderKittens (TK), a framework for writing performant AI kernels while remaining easy to use and maintain. Our abstractions map to the three levels of the GPU hierarchy: (1) at the warp-level, we provide 16x16 matrix tiles as basic data structures and PyTorch-like parallel compute operations over tiles, (2) at the thread-block level, we provide a template for overlapping asynchronous operations across parallel warps, and (3) at the grid-level, we provide support to help hide the block launch and tear-down, and memory costs. We show the value of TK by providing kernels that match or outperform prior kernels for a range of AI operations. We match CuBLAS and FlashAttention-3 on GEMM and attention inference performance and outperform the strongest baselines by $10-40\%$ on attention backwards, $8\times$ on state space models, and $14\times$ on linear attention.
Abstract:Recent works show we can linearize large language models (LLMs) -- swapping the quadratic attentions of popular Transformer-based LLMs with subquadratic analogs, such as linear attention -- avoiding the expensive pretraining costs. However, linearizing LLMs often significantly degrades model quality, still requires training over billions of tokens, and remains limited to smaller 1.3B to 7B LLMs. We thus propose Low-rank Linear Conversion via Attention Transfer (LoLCATs), a simple two-step method that improves LLM linearizing quality with orders of magnitudes less memory and compute. We base these steps on two findings. First, we can replace an LLM's softmax attentions with closely-approximating linear attentions, simply by training the linear attentions to match their softmax counterparts with an output MSE loss ("attention transfer"). Then, this enables adjusting for approximation errors and recovering LLM quality simply with low-rank adaptation (LoRA). LoLCATs significantly improves linearizing quality, training efficiency, and scalability. We significantly reduce the linearizing quality gap and produce state-of-the-art subquadratic LLMs from Llama 3 8B and Mistral 7B v0.1, leading to 20+ points of improvement on 5-shot MMLU. Furthermore, LoLCATs does so with only 0.2% of past methods' model parameters and 0.4% of their training tokens. Finally, we apply LoLCATs to create the first linearized 70B and 405B LLMs (50x larger than prior work). When compared with prior approaches under the same compute budgets, LoLCATs significantly improves linearizing quality, closing the gap between linearized and original Llama 3.1 70B and 405B LLMs by 77.8% and 78.1% on 5-shot MMLU.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to automate reward engineering by leveraging their broad domain knowledge across various tasks. However, they often need many iterations of trial-and-error to generate effective reward functions. This process is costly because evaluating every sampled reward function requires completing the full policy optimization process for each function. In this paper, we introduce an LLM-driven reward generation framework that is able to produce state-of-the-art policies on the challenging Bi-DexHands benchmark \textbf{with 20$\times$ fewer reward function samples} than the prior state-of-the-art work. Our key insight is that we reduce the problem of generating task-specific rewards to the problem of coarsely estimating \emph{task progress}. Our two-step solution leverages the task domain knowledge and the code synthesis abilities of LLMs to author \emph{progress functions} that estimate task progress from a given state. Then, we use this notion of progress to discretize states, and generate count-based intrinsic rewards using the low-dimensional state space. We show that the combination of LLM-generated progress functions and count-based intrinsic rewards is essential for our performance gains, while alternatives such as generic hash-based counts or using progress directly as a reward function fall short.
Abstract:Vector Quantized Variational AutoEncoders (VQ-VAEs) are designed to compress a continuous input to a discrete latent space and reconstruct it with minimal distortion. They operate by maintaining a set of vectors -- often referred to as the codebook -- and quantizing each encoder output to the nearest vector in the codebook. However, as vector quantization is non-differentiable, the gradient to the encoder flows around the vector quantization layer rather than through it in a straight-through approximation. This approximation may be undesirable as all information from the vector quantization operation is lost. In this work, we propose a way to propagate gradients through the vector quantization layer of VQ-VAEs. We smoothly transform each encoder output into its corresponding codebook vector via a rotation and rescaling linear transformation that is treated as a constant during backpropagation. As a result, the relative magnitude and angle between encoder output and codebook vector becomes encoded into the gradient as it propagates through the vector quantization layer and back to the encoder. Across 11 different VQ-VAE training paradigms, we find this restructuring improves reconstruction metrics, codebook utilization, and quantization error. Our code is available at
Abstract:Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) on instruction datasets is a common way to improve their generative capabilities. However, instruction datasets can be expensive and time-consuming to manually curate, and while LLM-generated data is less labor-intensive, it may violate user privacy agreements or terms of service of LLM providers. Therefore, we seek a way of constructing instruction datasets with samples that are not generated by humans or LLMs but still improve LLM generative capabilities. In this work, we introduce Cookbook, a framework that programmatically generates training data consisting of simple patterns over random tokens, resulting in a scalable, cost-effective approach that avoids legal and privacy issues. First, Cookbook uses a template -- a data generating Python function -- to produce training data that encourages the model to learn an explicit pattern-based rule that corresponds to a desired task. We find that fine-tuning on Cookbook-generated data is able to improve performance on its corresponding task by up to 52.7 accuracy points. Second, since instruction datasets improve performance on multiple downstream tasks simultaneously, Cookbook algorithmically learns how to mix data from various templates to optimize performance on multiple tasks. On the standard multi-task GPT4ALL evaluation suite, Mistral-7B fine-tuned using a Cookbook-generated dataset attains the best accuracy on average compared to other 7B parameter instruction-tuned models and is the best performing model on 3 out of 8 tasks. Finally, we analyze when and why Cookbook improves performance and present a metric that allows us to verify that the improvement is largely explained by the model's generations adhering better to template rules.