Abstract:In this manuscript, we consider the problem of learning a flow or diffusion-based generative model parametrized by a two-layer auto-encoder, trained with online stochastic gradient descent, on a high-dimensional target density with an underlying low-dimensional manifold structure. We derive a tight asymptotic characterization of low-dimensional projections of the distribution of samples generated by the learned model, ascertaining in particular its dependence on the number of training samples. Building on this analysis, we discuss how mode collapse can arise, and lead to model collapse when the generative model is re-trained on generated synthetic data.
Abstract:Given a budget on total model size, one must decide whether to train a single, large neural network or to combine the predictions of many smaller networks. We study this trade-off for ensembles of random-feature ridge regression models. We prove that when a fixed number of trainable parameters are partitioned among $K$ independently trained models, $K=1$ achieves optimal performance, provided the ridge parameter is optimally tuned. We then derive scaling laws which describe how the test risk of an ensemble of regression models decays with its total size. We identify conditions on the kernel and task eigenstructure under which ensembles can achieve near-optimal scaling laws. Training ensembles of deep convolutional neural networks on CIFAR-10 and a transformer architecture on C4, we find that a single large network outperforms any ensemble of networks with the same total number of parameters, provided the weight decay and feature-learning strength are tuned to their optimal values.
Abstract:Low precision training and inference affect both the quality and cost of language models, but current scaling laws do not account for this. In this work, we devise "precision-aware" scaling laws for both training and inference. We propose that training in lower precision reduces the model's "effective parameter count," allowing us to predict the additional loss incurred from training in low precision and post-train quantization. For inference, we find that the degradation introduced by post-training quantization increases as models are trained on more data, eventually making additional pretraining data actively harmful. For training, our scaling laws allow us to predict the loss of a model with different parts in different precisions, and suggest that training larger models in lower precision may be compute optimal. We unify the scaling laws for post and pretraining quantization to arrive at a single functional form that predicts degradation from training and inference in varied precisions. We fit on over 465 pretraining runs and validate our predictions on model sizes up to 1.7B parameters trained on up to 26B tokens.
Abstract:Does learning of task-relevant representations stop when behavior stops changing? Motivated by recent theoretical advances in machine learning and the intuitive observation that human experts continue to learn from practice even after mastery, we hypothesize that task-specific representation learning can continue, even when behavior plateaus. In a novel reanalysis of recently published neural data, we find evidence for such learning in posterior piriform cortex of mice following continued training on a task, long after behavior saturates at near-ceiling performance ("overtraining"). This learning is marked by an increase in decoding accuracy from piriform neural populations and improved performance on held-out generalization tests. We demonstrate that class representations in cortex continue to separate during overtraining, so that examples that were incorrectly classified at the beginning of overtraining can abruptly be correctly classified later on, despite no changes in behavior during that time. We hypothesize this hidden yet rich learning takes the form of approximate margin maximization; we validate this and other predictions in the neural data, as well as build and interpret a simple synthetic model that recapitulates these phenomena. We conclude by showing how this model of late-time feature learning implies an explanation for the empirical puzzle of overtraining reversal in animal learning, where task-specific representations are more robust to particular task changes because the learned features can be reused.
Abstract:Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) excel in many visual tasks, but they tend to be sensitive to slight input perturbations that are imperceptible to the human eye, often resulting in task failures. Recent studies indicate that training CNNs with regularizers that promote brain-like representations, using neural recordings, can improve model robustness. However, the requirement to use neural data severely restricts the utility of these methods. Is it possible to develop regularizers that mimic the computational function of neural regularizers without the need for neural recordings, thereby expanding the usability and effectiveness of these techniques? In this work, we inspect a neural regularizer introduced in Li et al. (2019) to extract its underlying strength. The regularizer uses neural representational similarities, which we find also correlate with pixel similarities. Motivated by this finding, we introduce a new regularizer that retains the essence of the original but is computed using image pixel similarities, eliminating the need for neural recordings. We show that our regularization method 1) significantly increases model robustness to a range of black box attacks on various datasets and 2) is computationally inexpensive and relies only on original datasets. Our work explores how biologically motivated loss functions can be used to drive the performance of artificial neural networks.
Abstract:We consider neural networks (NNs) where the final layer is down-scaled by a fixed hyperparameter $\gamma$. Recent work has identified $\gamma$ as controlling the strength of feature learning. As $\gamma$ increases, network evolution changes from ``lazy'' kernel dynamics to ``rich'' feature-learning dynamics, with a host of associated benefits including improved performance on common tasks. In this work, we conduct a thorough empirical investigation of the effect of scaling $\gamma$ across a variety of models and datasets in the online training setting. We first examine the interaction of $\gamma$ with the learning rate $\eta$, identifying several scaling regimes in the $\gamma$-$\eta$ plane which we explain theoretically using a simple model. We find that the optimal learning rate $\eta^*$ scales non-trivially with $\gamma$. In particular, $\eta^* \propto \gamma^2$ when $\gamma \ll 1$ and $\eta^* \propto \gamma^{2/L}$ when $\gamma \gg 1$ for a feed-forward network of depth $L$. Using this optimal learning rate scaling, we proceed with an empirical study of the under-explored ``ultra-rich'' $\gamma \gg 1$ regime. We find that networks in this regime display characteristic loss curves, starting with a long plateau followed by a drop-off, sometimes followed by one or more additional staircase steps. We find networks of different large $\gamma$ values optimize along similar trajectories up to a reparameterization of time. We further find that optimal online performance is often found at large $\gamma$ and could be missed if this hyperparameter is not tuned. Our findings indicate that analytical study of the large-$\gamma$ limit may yield useful insights into the dynamics of representation learning in performant models.
Abstract:We develop a solvable model of neural scaling laws beyond the kernel limit. Theoretical analysis of this model shows how performance scales with model size, training time, and the total amount of available data. We identify three scaling regimes corresponding to varying task difficulties: hard, easy, and super easy tasks. For easy and super-easy target functions, which lie in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) defined by the initial infinite-width Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK), the scaling exponents remain unchanged between feature learning and kernel regime models. For hard tasks, defined as those outside the RKHS of the initial NTK, we demonstrate both analytically and empirically that feature learning can improve scaling with training time and compute, nearly doubling the exponent for hard tasks. This leads to a different compute optimal strategy to scale parameters and training time in the feature learning regime. We support our finding that feature learning improves the scaling law for hard tasks but not for easy and super-easy tasks with experiments of nonlinear MLPs fitting functions with power-law Fourier spectra on the circle and CNNs learning vision tasks.
Abstract:Recent years have seen substantial advances in our understanding of high-dimensional ridge regression, but existing theories assume that training examples are independent. By leveraging recent techniques from random matrix theory and free probability, we provide sharp asymptotics for the in- and out-of-sample risks of ridge regression when the data points have arbitrary correlations. We demonstrate that in this setting, the generalized cross validation estimator (GCV) fails to correctly predict the out-of-sample risk. However, in the case where the noise residuals have the same correlations as the data points, one can modify the GCV to yield an efficiently-computable unbiased estimator that concentrates in the high-dimensional limit, which we dub CorrGCV. We further extend our asymptotic analysis to the case where the test point has nontrivial correlations with the training set, a setting often encountered in time series forecasting. Assuming knowledge of the correlation structure of the time series, this again yields an extension of the GCV estimator, and sharply characterizes the degree to which such test points yield an overly optimistic prediction of long-time risk. We validate the predictions of our theory across a variety of high dimensional data.
Abstract:We investigate the behavior of the Nadaraya-Watson kernel smoothing estimator in high dimensions using its relationship to the random energy model and to dense associative memories.
Abstract:The vulnerability of neural network classifiers to adversarial attacks is a major obstacle to their deployment in safety-critical applications. Regularization of network parameters during training can be used to improve adversarial robustness and generalization performance. Usually, the network is regularized end-to-end, with parameters at all layers affected by regularization. However, in settings where learning representations is key, such as self-supervised learning (SSL), layers after the feature representation will be discarded when performing inference. For these models, regularizing up to the feature space is more suitable. To this end, we propose a new spectral regularizer for representation learning that encourages black-box adversarial robustness in downstream classification tasks. In supervised classification settings, we show empirically that this method is more effective in boosting test accuracy and robustness than previously-proposed methods that regularize all layers of the network. We then show that this method improves the adversarial robustness of classifiers using representations learned with self-supervised training or transferred from another classification task. In all, our work begins to unveil how representational structure affects adversarial robustness.