Abstract:While scaling laws provide a reliable methodology for predicting train loss across compute scales for a single data distribution, less is known about how these predictions should change as we change the distribution. In this paper, we derive a strategy for predicting one loss from another and apply it to predict across different pre-training datasets and from pre-training data to downstream task data. Our predictions extrapolate well even at 20x the largest FLOP budget used to fit the curves. More precisely, we find that there are simple shifted power law relationships between (1) the train losses of two models trained on two separate datasets when the models are paired by training compute (train-to-train), (2) the train loss and the test loss on any downstream distribution for a single model (train-to-test), and (3) the test losses of two models trained on two separate train datasets (test-to-test). The results hold up for pre-training datasets that differ substantially (some are entirely code and others have no code at all) and across a variety of downstream tasks. Finally, we find that in some settings these shifted power law relationships can yield more accurate predictions than extrapolating single-dataset scaling laws.
Abstract:The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architecture enables a significant increase in the total number of model parameters with minimal computational overhead. However, it is not clear what performance tradeoffs, if any, exist between MoEs and standard dense transformers. In this paper, we show that as we increase the number of experts (while fixing the number of active parameters), the memorization performance consistently increases while the reasoning capabilities saturate. We begin by analyzing the theoretical limitations of MoEs at reasoning. We prove that there exist graph problems that cannot be solved by any number of experts of a certain width; however, the same task can be easily solved by a dense model with a slightly larger width. On the other hand, we find that on memory-intensive tasks, MoEs can effectively leverage a small number of active parameters with a large number of experts to memorize the data. We empirically validate these findings on synthetic graph problems and memory-intensive closed book retrieval tasks. Lastly, we pre-train a series of MoEs and dense transformers and evaluate them on commonly used benchmarks in math and natural language. We find that increasing the number of experts helps solve knowledge-intensive tasks, but fails to yield the same benefits for reasoning tasks.
Abstract:Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a popular technique for parameter-efficient fine-tuning of Large Language Models (LLMs). We study how different LoRA modules can be merged to achieve skill composition -- testing the performance of the merged model on a target task that involves combining multiple skills, each skill coming from a single LoRA. This setup is favorable when it is difficult to obtain training data for the target task and when it can be decomposed into multiple skills. First, we identify practically occurring use-cases that can be studied under the realm of skill composition, e.g. solving hard math-word problems with code, creating a bot to answer questions on proprietary manuals or about domain-specialized corpora. Our main contribution is to show that concatenation of LoRAs (CAT), which optimally averages LoRAs that were individually trained on different skills, outperforms existing model- and data- merging techniques; for instance on math-word problems, CAT beats these methods by an average of 43% and 12% respectively. Thus, this paper advocates model merging as an efficient way to solve compositional tasks and underscores CAT as a simple, compute-friendly and effective procedure. To our knowledge, this is the first work demonstrating the superiority of model merging over data mixing for binary skill composition tasks.
Abstract:Efficient scheduling is crucial for interactive Large Language Model (LLM) applications, where low request completion time directly impacts user engagement. Size-based scheduling algorithms like Shortest Remaining Process Time (SRPT) aim to reduce average request completion time by leveraging known or estimated request sizes and allowing preemption by incoming jobs with shorter service times. However, two main challenges arise when applying size-based scheduling to LLM systems. First, accurately predicting output lengths from prompts is challenging and often resource-intensive, making it impractical for many systems. As a result, the state-of-the-art LLM systems default to first-come, first-served scheduling, which can lead to head-of-line blocking and reduced system efficiency. Second, preemption introduces extra memory overhead to LLM systems as they must maintain intermediate states for unfinished (preempted) requests. In this paper, we propose TRAIL, a method to obtain output predictions from the target LLM itself. After generating each output token, we recycle the embedding of its internal structure as input for a lightweight classifier that predicts the remaining length for each running request. Using these predictions, we propose a prediction-based SRPT variant with limited preemption designed to account for memory overhead in LLM systems. This variant allows preemption early in request execution when memory consumption is low but restricts preemption as requests approach completion to optimize resource utilization. On the theoretical side, we derive a closed-form formula for this SRPT variant in an M/G/1 queue model, which demonstrates its potential value. In our system, we implement this preemption policy alongside our embedding-based prediction method.
Abstract:Originally proposed for handling time series data, Auto-regressive Decision Trees (ARDTs) have not yet been explored for language modeling. This paper delves into both the theoretical and practical applications of ARDTs in this new context. We theoretically demonstrate that ARDTs can compute complex functions, such as simulating automata, Turing machines, and sparse circuits, by leveraging "chain-of-thought" computations. Our analysis provides bounds on the size, depth, and computational efficiency of ARDTs, highlighting their surprising computational power. Empirically, we train ARDTs on simple language generation tasks, showing that they can learn to generate coherent and grammatically correct text on par with a smaller Transformer model. Additionally, we show that ARDTs can be used on top of transformer representations to solve complex reasoning tasks. This research reveals the unique computational abilities of ARDTs, aiming to broaden the architectural diversity in language model development.
Abstract:Length generalization refers to the ability to extrapolate from short training sequences to long test sequences and is a challenge for current large language models. While prior work has proposed some architecture or data format changes to achieve length generalization, these proposals typically apply to a limited set of tasks. Building on prior scratchpad and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) techniques, we propose Turing Programs, a novel CoT strategy that decomposes an algorithmic task into steps mimicking the computation of a Turing Machine. This framework is both universal, as it can accommodate any algorithmic task, and simple, requiring only copying text from the context with small modifications. We show that by using Turing Programs, we obtain robust length generalization on a range of algorithmic tasks: addition, multiplication and in-context SGD. We then demonstrate that transformers achieve length generalization on random Turing Programs, suggesting that length generalization is possible for any algorithmic task. Finally, we theoretically prove that transformers can implement Turing Programs, constructing a simple RASP (Weiss et al.) program that simulates an arbitrary Turing machine.
Abstract:Shampoo, a second-order optimization algorithm which uses a Kronecker product preconditioner, has recently garnered increasing attention from the machine learning community. The preconditioner used by Shampoo can be viewed either as an approximation of the Gauss--Newton component of the Hessian or the covariance matrix of the gradients maintained by Adagrad. We provide an explicit and novel connection between the $\textit{optimal}$ Kronecker product approximation of these matrices and the approximation made by Shampoo. Our connection highlights a subtle but common misconception about Shampoo's approximation. In particular, the $\textit{square}$ of the approximation used by the Shampoo optimizer is equivalent to a single step of the power iteration algorithm for computing the aforementioned optimal Kronecker product approximation. Across a variety of datasets and architectures we empirically demonstrate that this is close to the optimal Kronecker product approximation. Additionally, for the Hessian approximation viewpoint, we empirically study the impact of various practical tricks to make Shampoo more computationally efficient (such as using the batch gradient and the empirical Fisher) on the quality of Hessian approximation.
Abstract:Generative models are trained with the simple objective of imitating the conditional probability distribution induced by the data they are trained on. Therefore, when trained on data generated by humans, we may not expect the artificial model to outperform the humans on their original objectives. In this work, we study the phenomenon of transcendence: when a generative model achieves capabilities that surpass the abilities of the experts generating its data. We demonstrate transcendence by training an autoregressive transformer to play chess from game transcripts, and show that the trained model can sometimes achieve better performance than all players in the dataset. We theoretically prove that transcendence is enabled by low-temperature sampling, and rigorously assess this experimentally. Finally, we discuss other sources of transcendence, laying the groundwork for future investigation of this phenomenon in a broader setting.
Abstract:Large language models have the ability to generate text that mimics patterns in their inputs. We introduce a simple Markov Chain sequence modeling task in order to study how this in-context learning (ICL) capability emerges. In our setting, each example is sampled from a Markov chain drawn from a prior distribution over Markov chains. Transformers trained on this task form \emph{statistical induction heads} which compute accurate next-token probabilities given the bigram statistics of the context. During the course of training, models pass through multiple phases: after an initial stage in which predictions are uniform, they learn to sub-optimally predict using in-context single-token statistics (unigrams); then, there is a rapid phase transition to the correct in-context bigram solution. We conduct an empirical and theoretical investigation of this multi-phase process, showing how successful learning results from the interaction between the transformer's layers, and uncovering evidence that the presence of the simpler unigram solution may delay formation of the final bigram solution. We examine how learning is affected by varying the prior distribution over Markov chains, and consider the generalization of our in-context learning of Markov chains (ICL-MC) task to $n$-grams for $n > 2$.
Abstract:Transformers are the dominant architecture for sequence modeling, but there is growing interest in models that use a fixed-size latent state that does not depend on the sequence length, which we refer to as "generalized state space models" (GSSMs). In this paper we show that while GSSMs are promising in terms of inference-time efficiency, they are limited compared to transformer models on tasks that require copying from the input context. We start with a theoretical analysis of the simple task of string copying and prove that a two layer transformer can copy strings of exponential length while GSSMs are fundamentally limited by their fixed-size latent state. Empirically, we find that transformers outperform GSSMs in terms of efficiency and generalization on synthetic tasks that require copying the context. Finally, we evaluate pretrained large language models and find that transformer models dramatically outperform state space models at copying and retrieving information from context. Taken together, these results suggest a fundamental gap between transformers and GSSMs on tasks of practical interest.