Abstract:While scaling laws provide a reliable methodology for predicting train loss across compute scales for a single data distribution, less is known about how these predictions should change as we change the distribution. In this paper, we derive a strategy for predicting one loss from another and apply it to predict across different pre-training datasets and from pre-training data to downstream task data. Our predictions extrapolate well even at 20x the largest FLOP budget used to fit the curves. More precisely, we find that there are simple shifted power law relationships between (1) the train losses of two models trained on two separate datasets when the models are paired by training compute (train-to-train), (2) the train loss and the test loss on any downstream distribution for a single model (train-to-test), and (3) the test losses of two models trained on two separate train datasets (test-to-test). The results hold up for pre-training datasets that differ substantially (some are entirely code and others have no code at all) and across a variety of downstream tasks. Finally, we find that in some settings these shifted power law relationships can yield more accurate predictions than extrapolating single-dataset scaling laws.
Abstract:The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architecture enables a significant increase in the total number of model parameters with minimal computational overhead. However, it is not clear what performance tradeoffs, if any, exist between MoEs and standard dense transformers. In this paper, we show that as we increase the number of experts (while fixing the number of active parameters), the memorization performance consistently increases while the reasoning capabilities saturate. We begin by analyzing the theoretical limitations of MoEs at reasoning. We prove that there exist graph problems that cannot be solved by any number of experts of a certain width; however, the same task can be easily solved by a dense model with a slightly larger width. On the other hand, we find that on memory-intensive tasks, MoEs can effectively leverage a small number of active parameters with a large number of experts to memorize the data. We empirically validate these findings on synthetic graph problems and memory-intensive closed book retrieval tasks. Lastly, we pre-train a series of MoEs and dense transformers and evaluate them on commonly used benchmarks in math and natural language. We find that increasing the number of experts helps solve knowledge-intensive tasks, but fails to yield the same benefits for reasoning tasks.
Abstract:There is growing evidence of the effectiveness of Shampoo, a higher-order preconditioning method, over Adam in deep learning optimization tasks. However, Shampoo's drawbacks include additional hyperparameters and computational overhead when compared to Adam, which only updates running averages of first- and second-moment quantities. This work establishes a formal connection between Shampoo (implemented with the 1/2 power) and Adafactor -- a memory-efficient approximation of Adam -- showing that Shampoo is equivalent to running Adafactor in the eigenbasis of Shampoo's preconditioner. This insight leads to the design of a simpler and computationally efficient algorithm: $\textbf{S}$hampo$\textbf{O}$ with $\textbf{A}$dam in the $\textbf{P}$reconditioner's eigenbasis (SOAP). With regards to improving Shampoo's computational efficiency, the most straightforward approach would be to simply compute Shampoo's eigendecomposition less frequently. Unfortunately, as our empirical results show, this leads to performance degradation that worsens with this frequency. SOAP mitigates this degradation by continually updating the running average of the second moment, just as Adam does, but in the current (slowly changing) coordinate basis. Furthermore, since SOAP is equivalent to running Adam in a rotated space, it introduces only one additional hyperparameter (the preconditioning frequency) compared to Adam. We empirically evaluate SOAP on language model pre-training with 360m and 660m sized models. In the large batch regime, SOAP reduces the number of iterations by over 40% and wall clock time by over 35% compared to AdamW, with approximately 20% improvements in both metrics compared to Shampoo. An implementation of SOAP is available at https://github.com/nikhilvyas/SOAP.
Abstract:Training language models becomes increasingly expensive with scale, prompting numerous attempts to improve optimization efficiency. Despite these efforts, the Adam optimizer remains the most widely used, due to a prevailing view that it is the most effective approach. We aim to compare several optimization algorithms, including SGD, Adafactor, Adam, and Lion, in the context of autoregressive language modeling across a range of model sizes, hyperparameters, and architecture variants. Our findings indicate that, except for SGD, these algorithms all perform comparably both in their optimal performance and also in terms of how they fare across a wide range of hyperparameter choices. Our results suggest to practitioners that the choice of optimizer can be guided by practical considerations like memory constraints and ease of implementation, as no single algorithm emerged as a clear winner in terms of performance or stability to hyperparameter misspecification. Given our findings, we further dissect these approaches, examining two simplified versions of Adam: a) signed momentum (Signum) which we see recovers both the performance and hyperparameter stability of Adam and b) Adalayer, a layerwise variant of Adam which we introduce to study Adam's preconditioning. Examining Adalayer leads us to the conclusion that the largest impact of Adam's preconditioning is restricted to the last layer and LayerNorm parameters, and, perhaps surprisingly, the remaining layers can be trained with SGD.
Abstract:Length generalization refers to the ability to extrapolate from short training sequences to long test sequences and is a challenge for current large language models. While prior work has proposed some architecture or data format changes to achieve length generalization, these proposals typically apply to a limited set of tasks. Building on prior scratchpad and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) techniques, we propose Turing Programs, a novel CoT strategy that decomposes an algorithmic task into steps mimicking the computation of a Turing Machine. This framework is both universal, as it can accommodate any algorithmic task, and simple, requiring only copying text from the context with small modifications. We show that by using Turing Programs, we obtain robust length generalization on a range of algorithmic tasks: addition, multiplication and in-context SGD. We then demonstrate that transformers achieve length generalization on random Turing Programs, suggesting that length generalization is possible for any algorithmic task. Finally, we theoretically prove that transformers can implement Turing Programs, constructing a simple RASP (Weiss et al.) program that simulates an arbitrary Turing machine.
Abstract:Selecting high-quality data for pre-training is crucial in shaping the downstream task performance of language models. A major challenge lies in identifying this optimal subset, a problem generally considered intractable, thus necessitating scalable and effective heuristics. In this work, we propose a data selection method, CoLoR-Filter (Conditional Loss Reduction Filtering), which leverages an empirical Bayes-inspired approach to derive a simple and computationally efficient selection criterion based on the relative loss values of two auxiliary models. In addition to the modeling rationale, we evaluate CoLoR-Filter empirically on two language modeling tasks: (1) selecting data from C4 for domain adaptation to evaluation on Books and (2) selecting data from C4 for a suite of downstream multiple-choice question answering tasks. We demonstrate favorable scaling both as we subselect more aggressively and using small auxiliary models to select data for large target models. As one headline result, CoLoR-Filter data selected using a pair of 150m parameter auxiliary models can train a 1.2b parameter target model to match a 1.2b parameter model trained on 25b randomly selected tokens with 25x less data for Books and 11x less data for the downstream tasks. Code: https://github.com/davidbrandfonbrener/color-filter-olmo Filtered data: https://huggingface.co/datasets/davidbrandfonbrener/color-filtered-c4
Abstract:We present an approach called Q-probing to adapt a pre-trained language model to maximize a task-specific reward function. At a high level, Q-probing sits between heavier approaches such as finetuning and lighter approaches such as few shot prompting, but can also be combined with either. The idea is to learn a simple linear function on a model's embedding space that can be used to reweight candidate completions. We theoretically show that this sampling procedure is equivalent to a KL-constrained maximization of the Q-probe as the number of samples increases. To train the Q-probes we consider either reward modeling or a class of novel direct policy learning objectives based on importance weighted policy gradients. With this technique, we see gains in domains with ground-truth rewards (code generation) as well as implicit rewards defined by preference data, even outperforming finetuning in data-limited regimes. Moreover, a Q-probe can be trained on top of an API since it only assumes access to sampling and embeddings. Code: https://github.com/likenneth/q_probe .
Abstract:We present an approach using Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to guide Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate verified programs in Dafny, Lean and Coq. Our method, which we call VMCTS, leverages the verifier inside the search algorithm by checking partial programs at each step. In combination with the LLM prior, the verifier feedback raises the synthesis capabilities of open source models. On a set of five verified programming problems, we find that in four problems where the base model cannot solve the question even when re-sampling solutions for one hour, VMCTS can solve the problems within 6 minutes. The base model with VMCTS is even competitive with ChatGPT4 augmented with plugins and multiple re-tries on these problems. Our code and benchmarks are available at https://github.com/namin/llm-verified-with-monte-carlo-tree-search .
Abstract:Transformers are the dominant architecture for sequence modeling, but there is growing interest in models that use a fixed-size latent state that does not depend on the sequence length, which we refer to as "generalized state space models" (GSSMs). In this paper we show that while GSSMs are promising in terms of inference-time efficiency, they are limited compared to transformer models on tasks that require copying from the input context. We start with a theoretical analysis of the simple task of string copying and prove that a two layer transformer can copy strings of exponential length while GSSMs are fundamentally limited by their fixed-size latent state. Empirically, we find that transformers outperform GSSMs in terms of efficiency and generalization on synthetic tasks that require copying the context. Finally, we evaluate pretrained large language models and find that transformer models dramatically outperform state space models at copying and retrieving information from context. Taken together, these results suggest a fundamental gap between transformers and GSSMs on tasks of practical interest.
Abstract:In recent years, domains such as natural language processing and image recognition have popularized the paradigm of using large datasets to pretrain representations that can be effectively transferred to downstream tasks. In this work we evaluate how such a paradigm should be done in imitation learning, where both pretraining and finetuning data are trajectories collected by experts interacting with an unknown environment. Namely, we consider a setting where the pretraining corpus consists of multitask demonstrations and the task for each demonstration is set by an unobserved latent context variable. The goal is to use the pretraining corpus to learn a low dimensional representation of the high dimensional (e.g., visual) observation space which can be transferred to a novel context for finetuning on a limited dataset of demonstrations. Among a variety of possible pretraining objectives, we argue that inverse dynamics modeling -- i.e., predicting an action given the observations appearing before and after it in the demonstration -- is well-suited to this setting. We provide empirical evidence of this claim through evaluations on a variety of simulated visuomotor manipulation problems. While previous work has attempted various theoretical explanations regarding the benefit of inverse dynamics modeling, we find that these arguments are insufficient to explain the empirical advantages often observed in our settings, and so we derive a novel analysis using a simple but general environment model.