Previous influential work showed that infinite width limits of neural networks in the lazy training regime are described by kernel machines. Here, we show that neural networks trained in the rich, feature learning infinite-width regime in two different settings are also described by kernel machines, but with data-dependent kernels. For both cases, we provide explicit expressions for the kernel predictors and prescriptions to numerically calculate them. To derive the first predictor, we study the large-width limit of feature-learning Bayesian networks, showing how feature learning leads to task-relevant adaptation of layer kernels and preactivation densities. The saddle point equations governing this limit result in a min-max optimization problem that defines the kernel predictor. To derive the second predictor, we study gradient flow training of randomly initialized networks trained with weight decay in the infinite-width limit using dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The fixed point equations of the arising DMFT defines the task-adapted internal representations and the kernel predictor. We compare our kernel predictors to kernels derived from lazy regime and demonstrate that our adaptive kernels achieve lower test loss on benchmark datasets.