Abstract:Training large-scale models under given resources requires careful design of parallelism strategies. In particular, the efficiency notion of critical batch size, concerning the compromise between time and compute, marks the threshold beyond which greater data parallelism leads to diminishing returns. To operationalize it, we propose a measure of CBS and pre-train a series of auto-regressive language models, ranging from 85 million to 1.2 billion parameters, on the C4 dataset. Through extensive hyper-parameter sweeps and careful control on factors such as batch size, momentum, and learning rate along with its scheduling, we systematically investigate the impact of scale on CBS. Then we fit scaling laws with respect to model and data sizes to decouple their effects. Overall, our results demonstrate that CBS scales primarily with data size rather than model size, a finding we justify theoretically through the analysis of infinite-width limits of neural networks and infinite-dimensional least squares regression. Of independent interest, we highlight the importance of common hyper-parameter choices and strategies for studying large-scale pre-training beyond fixed training durations.
Abstract:Transformers exhibit In-Context Learning (ICL), where these models solve new tasks by using examples in the prompt without additional training. In our work, we identify and analyze two key components of ICL: (1) context-scaling, where model performance improves as the number of in-context examples increases and (2) task-scaling, where model performance improves as the number of pre-training tasks increases. While transformers are capable of both context-scaling and task-scaling, we empirically show that standard Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) with vectorized input are only capable of task-scaling. To understand how transformers are capable of context-scaling, we first propose a significantly simplified transformer architecture without key, query, value weights. We show that it performs ICL comparably to the original GPT-2 model in various statistical learning tasks including linear regression, teacher-student settings. Furthermore, a single block of our simplified transformer can be viewed as data dependent feature map followed by an MLP. This feature map on its own is a powerful predictor that is capable of context-scaling but is not capable of task-scaling. We show empirically that concatenating the output of this feature map with vectorized data as an input to MLPs enables both context-scaling and task-scaling. This finding provides a simple setting to study context and task-scaling for ICL.
Abstract:Empirically, large-scale deep learning models often satisfy a neural scaling law: the test error of the trained model improves polynomially as the model size and data size grow. However, conventional wisdom suggests the test error consists of approximation, bias, and variance errors, where the variance error increases with model size. This disagrees with the general form of neural scaling laws, which predict that increasing model size monotonically improves performance. We study the theory of scaling laws in an infinite dimensional linear regression setup. Specifically, we consider a model with $M$ parameters as a linear function of sketched covariates. The model is trained by one-pass stochastic gradient descent (SGD) using $N$ data. Assuming the optimal parameter satisfies a Gaussian prior and the data covariance matrix has a power-law spectrum of degree $a>1$, we show that the reducible part of the test error is $\Theta(M^{-(a-1)} + N^{-(a-1)/a})$. The variance error, which increases with $M$, is dominated by the other errors due to the implicit regularization of SGD, thus disappearing from the bound. Our theory is consistent with the empirical neural scaling laws and verified by numerical simulation.
Abstract:The typical training of neural networks using large stepsize gradient descent (GD) under the logistic loss often involves two distinct phases, where the empirical risk oscillates in the first phase but decreases monotonically in the second phase. We investigate this phenomenon in two-layer networks that satisfy a near-homogeneity condition. We show that the second phase begins once the empirical risk falls below a certain threshold, dependent on the stepsize. Additionally, we show that the normalized margin grows nearly monotonically in the second phase, demonstrating an implicit bias of GD in training non-homogeneous predictors. If the dataset is linearly separable and the derivative of the activation function is bounded away from zero, we show that the average empirical risk decreases, implying that the first phase must stop in finite steps. Finally, we demonstrate that by choosing a suitably large stepsize, GD that undergoes this phase transition is more efficient than GD that monotonically decreases the risk. Our analysis applies to networks of any width, beyond the well-known neural tangent kernel and mean-field regimes.
Abstract:We consider gradient descent (GD) with a constant stepsize applied to logistic regression with linearly separable data, where the constant stepsize $\eta$ is so large that the loss initially oscillates. We show that GD exits this initial oscillatory phase rapidly -- in $\mathcal{O}(\eta)$ steps -- and subsequently achieves an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1 / (\eta t) )$ convergence rate after $t$ additional steps. Our results imply that, given a budget of $T$ steps, GD can achieve an accelerated loss of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1/T^2)$ with an aggressive stepsize $\eta:= \Theta( T)$, without any use of momentum or variable stepsize schedulers. Our proof technique is versatile and also handles general classification loss functions (where exponential tails are needed for the $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1/T^2)$ acceleration), nonlinear predictors in the neural tangent kernel regime, and online stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with a large stepsize, under suitable separability conditions.
Abstract:We study the \emph{in-context learning} (ICL) ability of a \emph{Linear Transformer Block} (LTB) that combines a linear attention component and a linear multi-layer perceptron (MLP) component. For ICL of linear regression with a Gaussian prior and a \emph{non-zero mean}, we show that LTB can achieve nearly Bayes optimal ICL risk. In contrast, using only linear attention must incur an irreducible additive approximation error. Furthermore, we establish a correspondence between LTB and one-step gradient descent estimators with learnable initialization ($\mathsf{GD}\text{-}\mathbf{\beta}$), in the sense that every $\mathsf{GD}\text{-}\mathbf{\beta}$ estimator can be implemented by an LTB estimator and every optimal LTB estimator that minimizes the in-class ICL risk is effectively a $\mathsf{GD}\text{-}\mathbf{\beta}$ estimator. Finally, we show that $\mathsf{GD}\text{-}\mathbf{\beta}$ estimators can be efficiently optimized with gradient flow, despite a non-convex training objective. Our results reveal that LTB achieves ICL by implementing $\mathsf{GD}\text{-}\mathbf{\beta}$, and they highlight the role of MLP layers in reducing approximation error.
Abstract:Accelerated stochastic gradient descent (ASGD) is a workhorse in deep learning and often achieves better generalization performance than SGD. However, existing optimization theory can only explain the faster convergence of ASGD, but cannot explain its better generalization. In this paper, we study the generalization of ASGD for overparameterized linear regression, which is possibly the simplest setting of learning with overparameterization. We establish an instance-dependent excess risk bound for ASGD within each eigen-subspace of the data covariance matrix. Our analysis shows that (i) ASGD outperforms SGD in the subspace of small eigenvalues, exhibiting a faster rate of exponential decay for bias error, while in the subspace of large eigenvalues, its bias error decays slower than SGD; and (ii) the variance error of ASGD is always larger than that of SGD. Our result suggests that ASGD can outperform SGD when the difference between the initialization and the true weight vector is mostly confined to the subspace of small eigenvalues. Additionally, when our analysis is specialized to linear regression in the strongly convex setting, it yields a tighter bound for bias error than the best-known result.
Abstract:Transformers pretrained on diverse tasks exhibit remarkable in-context learning (ICL) capabilities, enabling them to solve unseen tasks solely based on input contexts without adjusting model parameters. In this paper, we study ICL in one of its simplest setups: pretraining a linearly parameterized single-layer linear attention model for linear regression with a Gaussian prior. We establish a statistical task complexity bound for the attention model pretraining, showing that effective pretraining only requires a small number of independent tasks. Furthermore, we prove that the pretrained model closely matches the Bayes optimal algorithm, i.e., optimally tuned ridge regression, by achieving nearly Bayes optimal risk on unseen tasks under a fixed context length. These theoretical findings complement prior experimental research and shed light on the statistical foundations of ICL.
Abstract:In federated frequency estimation (FFE), multiple clients work together to estimate the frequencies of their collective data by communicating with a server that respects the privacy constraints of Secure Summation (SecSum), a cryptographic multi-party computation protocol that ensures that the server can only access the sum of client-held vectors. For single-round FFE, it is known that count sketching is nearly information-theoretically optimal for achieving the fundamental accuracy-communication trade-offs [Chen et al., 2022]. However, we show that under the more practical multi-round FEE setting, simple adaptations of count sketching are strictly sub-optimal, and we propose a novel hybrid sketching algorithm that is provably more accurate. We also address the following fundamental question: how should a practitioner set the sketch size in a way that adapts to the hardness of the underlying problem? We propose a two-phase approach that allows for the use of a smaller sketch size for simpler problems (e.g. near-sparse or light-tailed distributions). We conclude our work by showing how differential privacy can be added to our algorithm and verifying its superior performance through extensive experiments conducted on large-scale datasets.
Abstract:Recent research has observed that in machine learning optimization, gradient descent (GD) often operates at the edge of stability (EoS) [Cohen, et al., 2021], where the stepsizes are set to be large, resulting in non-monotonic losses induced by the GD iterates. This paper studies the convergence and implicit bias of constant-stepsize GD for logistic regression on linearly separable data in the EoS regime. Despite the presence of local oscillations, we prove that the logistic loss can be minimized by GD with any constant stepsize over a long time scale. Furthermore, we prove that with any constant stepsize, the GD iterates tend to infinity when projected to a max-margin direction (the hard-margin SVM direction) and converge to a fixed vector that minimizes a strongly convex potential when projected to the orthogonal complement of the max-margin direction. In contrast, we also show that in the EoS regime, GD iterates may diverge catastrophically under the exponential loss, highlighting the superiority of the logistic loss. These theoretical findings are in line with numerical simulations and complement existing theories on the convergence and implicit bias of GD, which are only applicable when the stepsizes are sufficiently small.