Abstract:Physical AI needs to be trained digitally first. It needs a digital twin of itself, the policy model, and a digital twin of the world, the world model. In this paper, we present the Cosmos World Foundation Model Platform to help developers build customized world models for their Physical AI setups. We position a world foundation model as a general-purpose world model that can be fine-tuned into customized world models for downstream applications. Our platform covers a video curation pipeline, pre-trained world foundation models, examples of post-training of pre-trained world foundation models, and video tokenizers. To help Physical AI builders solve the most critical problems of our society, we make our platform open-source and our models open-weight with permissive licenses available via https://github.com/NVIDIA/Cosmos.
Abstract:Meshes are fundamental representations of 3D surfaces. However, creating high-quality meshes is a labor-intensive task that requires significant time and expertise in 3D modeling. While a delicate object often requires over $10^4$ faces to be accurately modeled, recent attempts at generating artist-like meshes are limited to $1.6$K faces and heavy discretization of vertex coordinates. Hence, scaling both the maximum face count and vertex coordinate resolution is crucial to producing high-quality meshes of realistic, complex 3D objects. We present Meshtron, a novel autoregressive mesh generation model able to generate meshes with up to 64K faces at 1024-level coordinate resolution --over an order of magnitude higher face count and $8{\times}$ higher coordinate resolution than current state-of-the-art methods. Meshtron's scalability is driven by four key components: (1) an hourglass neural architecture, (2) truncated sequence training, (3) sliding window inference, (4) a robust sampling strategy that enforces the order of mesh sequences. This results in over $50{\%}$ less training memory, $2.5{\times}$ faster throughput, and better consistency than existing works. Meshtron generates meshes of detailed, complex 3D objects at unprecedented levels of resolution and fidelity, closely resembling those created by professional artists, and opening the door to more realistic generation of detailed 3D assets for animation, gaming, and virtual environments.
Abstract:We introduce Edify 3D, an advanced solution designed for high-quality 3D asset generation. Our method first synthesizes RGB and surface normal images of the described object at multiple viewpoints using a diffusion model. The multi-view observations are then used to reconstruct the shape, texture, and PBR materials of the object. Our method can generate high-quality 3D assets with detailed geometry, clean shape topologies, high-resolution textures, and materials within 2 minutes of runtime.
Abstract:Existing automatic captioning methods for visual content face challenges such as lack of detail, content hallucination, and poor instruction following. In this work, we propose VisualFactChecker (VFC), a flexible training-free pipeline that generates high-fidelity and detailed captions for both 2D images and 3D objects. VFC consists of three steps: 1) proposal, where image-to-text captioning models propose multiple initial captions; 2) verification, where a large language model (LLM) utilizes tools such as object detection and VQA models to fact-check proposed captions; 3) captioning, where an LLM generates the final caption by summarizing caption proposals and the fact check verification results. In this step, VFC can flexibly generate captions in various styles following complex instructions. We conduct comprehensive captioning evaluations using four metrics: 1) CLIP-Score for image-text similarity; 2) CLIP-Image-Score for measuring the image-image similarity between the original and the reconstructed image generated by a text-to-image model using the caption. 3) human study on Amazon Mechanical Turk; 4) GPT-4V for fine-grained evaluation. Evaluation results show that VFC outperforms state-of-the-art open-sourced captioning methods for 2D images on the COCO dataset and 3D assets on the Objaverse dataset. Our study demonstrates that by combining open-source models into a pipeline, we can attain captioning capability comparable to proprietary models such as GPT-4V, despite being over 10x smaller in model size.
Abstract:Text-to-3D modelling has seen exciting progress by combining generative text-to-image models with image-to-3D methods like Neural Radiance Fields. DreamFusion recently achieved high-quality results but requires a lengthy, per-prompt optimization to create 3D objects. To address this, we amortize optimization over text prompts by training on many prompts simultaneously with a unified model, instead of separately. With this, we share computation across a prompt set, training in less time than per-prompt optimization. Our framework - Amortized text-to-3D (ATT3D) - enables knowledge-sharing between prompts to generalize to unseen setups and smooth interpolations between text for novel assets and simple animations.
Abstract:Recent advancements in diffusion models have greatly improved the quality and diversity of synthesized content. To harness the expressive power of diffusion models, researchers have explored various controllable mechanisms that allow users to intuitively guide the content synthesis process. Although the latest efforts have primarily focused on video synthesis, there has been a lack of effective methods for controlling and describing desired content and motion. In response to this gap, we introduce MCDiff, a conditional diffusion model that generates a video from a starting image frame and a set of strokes, which allow users to specify the intended content and dynamics for synthesis. To tackle the ambiguity of sparse motion inputs and achieve better synthesis quality, MCDiff first utilizes a flow completion model to predict the dense video motion based on the semantic understanding of the video frame and the sparse motion control. Then, the diffusion model synthesizes high-quality future frames to form the output video. We qualitatively and quantitatively show that MCDiff achieves the state-the-of-art visual quality in stroke-guided controllable video synthesis. Additional experiments on MPII Human Pose further exhibit the capability of our model on diverse content and motion synthesis.
Abstract:DreamFusion has recently demonstrated the utility of a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model to optimize Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), achieving remarkable text-to-3D synthesis results. However, the method has two inherent limitations: (a) extremely slow optimization of NeRF and (b) low-resolution image space supervision on NeRF, leading to low-quality 3D models with a long processing time. In this paper, we address these limitations by utilizing a two-stage optimization framework. First, we obtain a coarse model using a low-resolution diffusion prior and accelerate with a sparse 3D hash grid structure. Using the coarse representation as the initialization, we further optimize a textured 3D mesh model with an efficient differentiable renderer interacting with a high-resolution latent diffusion model. Our method, dubbed Magic3D, can create high quality 3D mesh models in 40 minutes, which is 2x faster than DreamFusion (reportedly taking 1.5 hours on average), while also achieving higher resolution. User studies show 61.7% raters to prefer our approach over DreamFusion. Together with the image-conditioned generation capabilities, we provide users with new ways to control 3D synthesis, opening up new avenues to various creative applications.
Abstract:This paper summarizes model improvements and inference-time optimizations for the popular anchor-based detectors in the scenes of autonomous driving. Based on the high-performing RCNN-RS and RetinaNet-RS detection frameworks designed for common detection scenes, we study a set of framework improvements to adapt the detectors to better detect small objects in crowd scenes. Then, we propose a model scaling strategy by scaling input resolution and model size to achieve a better speed-accuracy trade-off curve. We evaluate our family of models on the real-time 2D detection track of the Waymo Open Dataset (WOD). Within the 70 ms/frame latency constraint on a V100 GPU, our largest Cascade RCNN-RS model achieves 76.9% AP/L1 and 70.1% AP/L2, attaining the new state-of-the-art on WOD real-time 2D detection. Our fastest RetinaNet-RS model achieves 6.3 ms/frame while maintaining a reasonable detection precision at 50.7% AP/L1 and 42.9% AP/L2.
Abstract:Although neural radiance fields (NeRF) have shown impressive advances for novel view synthesis, most methods typically require multiple input images of the same scene with accurate camera poses. In this work, we seek to substantially reduce the inputs to a single unposed image. Existing approaches condition on local image features to reconstruct a 3D object, but often render blurry predictions at viewpoints that are far away from the source view. To address this issue, we propose to leverage both the global and local features to form an expressive 3D representation. The global features are learned from a vision transformer, while the local features are extracted from a 2D convolutional network. To synthesize a novel view, we train a multilayer perceptron (MLP) network conditioned on the learned 3D representation to perform volume rendering. This novel 3D representation allows the network to reconstruct unseen regions without enforcing constraints like symmetry or canonical coordinate systems. Our method can render novel views from only a single input image and generalize across multiple object categories using a single model. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance and renders richer details than existing approaches.
Abstract:While language tasks are naturally expressed in a single, unified, modeling framework, i.e., generating sequences of tokens, this has not been the case in computer vision. As a result, there is a proliferation of distinct architectures and loss functions for different vision tasks. In this work we show that a diverse set of "core" computer vision tasks can also be unified if formulated in terms of a shared pixel-to-sequence interface. We focus on four tasks, namely, object detection, instance segmentation, keypoint detection, and image captioning, all with diverse types of outputs, e.g., bounding boxes or dense masks. Despite that, by formulating the output of each task as a sequence of discrete tokens with a unified interface, we show that one can train a neural network with a single model architecture and loss function on all these tasks, with no task-specific customization. To solve a specific task, we use a short prompt as task description, and the sequence output adapts to the prompt so it can produce task-specific output. We show that such a model can achieve competitive performance compared to well-established task-specific models.