Abstract:Given an unnormalized probability density $\pi\propto\mathrm{e}^{-V}$, estimating its normalizing constant $Z=\int_{\mathbb{R}^d}\mathrm{e}^{-V(x)}\mathrm{d}x$ or free energy $F=-\log Z$ is a crucial problem in Bayesian statistics, statistical mechanics, and machine learning. It is challenging especially in high dimensions or when $\pi$ is multimodal. To mitigate the high variance of conventional importance sampling estimators, annealing-based methods such as Jarzynski equality and annealed importance sampling are commonly adopted, yet their quantitative complexity guarantees remain largely unexplored. We take a first step toward a non-asymptotic analysis of annealed importance sampling. In particular, we derive an oracle complexity of $\widetilde{O}\left(\frac{d\beta^2{\mathcal{A}}^2}{\varepsilon^4}\right)$ for estimating $Z$ within $\varepsilon$ relative error with high probability, where $\beta$ is the smoothness of $V$ and $\mathcal{A}$ denotes the action of a curve of probability measures interpolating $\pi$ and a tractable reference distribution. Our analysis, leveraging Girsanov theorem and optimal transport, does not explicitly require isoperimetric assumptions on the target distribution. Finally, to tackle the large action of the widely used geometric interpolation of probability distributions, we propose a new normalizing constant estimation algorithm based on reverse diffusion samplers and establish a framework for analyzing its complexity.
Abstract:Physical AI needs to be trained digitally first. It needs a digital twin of itself, the policy model, and a digital twin of the world, the world model. In this paper, we present the Cosmos World Foundation Model Platform to help developers build customized world models for their Physical AI setups. We position a world foundation model as a general-purpose world model that can be fine-tuned into customized world models for downstream applications. Our platform covers a video curation pipeline, pre-trained world foundation models, examples of post-training of pre-trained world foundation models, and video tokenizers. To help Physical AI builders solve the most critical problems of our society, we make our platform open-source and our models open-weight with permissive licenses available via https://github.com/NVIDIA/Cosmos.
Abstract:This work addresses motion planning under uncertainty as a stochastic optimal control problem. The path distribution induced by the optimal controller corresponds to a posterior path distribution with a known form. To approximate this posterior, we frame an optimization problem in the space of Gaussian distributions, which aligns with the Gaussian Variational Inference Motion Planning (GVIMP) paradigm introduced in \cite{yu2023gaussian}. In this framework, the computation bottleneck lies in evaluating the expectation of collision costs over a dense discretized trajectory and computing the marginal covariances. This work exploits the sparse motion planning factor graph, which allows for parallel computing collision costs and Gaussian Belief Propagation (GBP) marginal covariance computation, to introduce a computationally efficient approach to solving GVIMP. We term the novel paradigm as the Parallel Gaussian Variational Inference Motion Planning (P-GVIMP). We validate the proposed framework on various robotic systems, demonstrating significant speed acceleration achieved by leveraging Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for parallel computation. An open-sourced implementation is presented at https://github.com/hzyu17/VIMP.
Abstract:This work introduces a novel paradigm for solving optimal control problems for hybrid dynamical systems under uncertainties. Robotic systems having contact with the environment can be modeled as hybrid systems. Controller design for hybrid systems under disturbances is complicated by the discontinuous jump dynamics, mode changes with inconsistent state dimensions, and variations in jumping timing and states caused by noise. We formulate this problem into a stochastic control problem with hybrid transition constraints and propose the Hybrid Path Integral (H-PI) framework to obtain the optimal controller. Despite random mode changes across stochastic path samples, we show that the ratio between hybrid path distributions with varying drift terms remains analogous to the smooth path distributions. We then show that the optimal controller can be obtained by evaluating a path integral with hybrid constraints. Importance sampling for path distributions with hybrid dynamics constraints is introduced to reduce the variance of the path integral evaluation, where we leverage the recently developed Hybrid iterative-Linear-Quadratic-Regulator (H-iLQR) controller to induce a hybrid path distribution proposal with low variance. The proposed method is validated through numerical experiments on various hybrid systems and extensive ablation studies. All the sampling processes are conducted in parallel on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU).
Abstract:Optimal Transport (OT) theory investigates the cost-minimizing transport map that moves a source distribution to a target distribution. Recently, several approaches have emerged for learning the optimal transport map for a given cost function using neural networks. We refer to these approaches as the OT Map. OT Map provides a powerful tool for diverse machine learning tasks, such as generative modeling and unpaired image-to-image translation. However, existing methods that utilize max-min optimization often experience training instability and sensitivity to hyperparameters. In this paper, we propose a novel method to improve stability and achieve a better approximation of the OT Map by exploiting displacement interpolation, dubbed Displacement Interpolation Optimal Transport Model (DIOTM). We derive the dual formulation of displacement interpolation at specific time $t$ and prove how these dual problems are related across time. This result allows us to utilize the entire trajectory of displacement interpolation in learning the OT Map. Our method improves the training stability and achieves superior results in estimating optimal transport maps. We demonstrate that DIOTM outperforms existing OT-based models on image-to-image translation tasks.
Abstract:This article makes discrete masked models for the generative modeling of discrete data controllable. The goal is to generate samples of a discrete random variable that adheres to a posterior distribution, satisfies specific constraints, or optimizes a reward function. This methodological development enables broad applications across downstream tasks such as class-specific image generation and protein design. Existing approaches for controllable generation of masked models typically rely on task-specific fine-tuning or additional modifications, which can be inefficient and resource-intensive. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel plug-and-play framework based on importance sampling that bypasses the need for training a conditional score. Our framework is agnostic to the choice of control criteria, requires no gradient information, and is well-suited for tasks such as posterior sampling, Bayesian inverse problems, and constrained generation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive experiments, showcasing its versatility across multiple domains, including protein design.
Abstract:Learning to plan for multi-step, multi-manipulator tasks is notoriously difficult because of the large search space and the complex constraint satisfaction problems. We present Generative Factor Chaining~(GFC), a composable generative model for planning. GFC represents a planning problem as a spatial-temporal factor graph, where nodes represent objects and robots in the scene, spatial factors capture the distributions of valid relationships among nodes, and temporal factors represent the distributions of skill transitions. Each factor is implemented as a modular diffusion model, which are composed during inference to generate feasible long-horizon plans through bi-directional message passing. We show that GFC can solve complex bimanual manipulation tasks and exhibits strong generalization to unseen planning tasks with novel combinations of objects and constraints. More details can be found at: https://generative-fc.github.io/
Abstract:Masked diffusion models (MDMs) have emerged as a popular research topic for generative modeling of discrete data, thanks to their superior performance over other discrete diffusion models, and are rivaling the auto-regressive models (ARMs) for language modeling tasks. The recent effort in simplifying the masked diffusion framework further leads to alignment with continuous-space diffusion models and more principled training and sampling recipes. In this paper, however, we reveal that both training and sampling of MDMs are theoretically free from the time variable, arguably the key signature of diffusion models, and are instead equivalent to masked models. The connection on the sampling aspect is drawn by our proposed first-hitting sampler (FHS). Specifically, we show that the FHS is theoretically equivalent to MDMs' original generation process while significantly alleviating the time-consuming categorical sampling and achieving a 20$\times$ speedup. In addition, our investigation challenges previous claims that MDMs can surpass ARMs in generative perplexity. We identify, for the first time, an underlying numerical issue, even with the 32-bit floating-point precision, which results in inaccurate categorical sampling. We show that the numerical issue lowers the effective temperature both theoretically and empirically, leading to unfair assessments of MDMs' generation results in the previous literature.
Abstract:We address the outstanding problem of sampling from an unnormalized density that may be non-log-concave and multimodal. To enhance the performance of simple Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, techniques of annealing type have been widely used. However, quantitative theoretical guarantees of these techniques are under-explored. This study takes a first step toward providing a non-asymptotic analysis of annealed MCMC. Specifically, we establish, for the first time, an oracle complexity of $\widetilde{O}\left(\frac{d\beta^2{\cal A}^2}{\varepsilon^6}\right)$ for simple annealed Langevin Monte Carlo algorithm to achieve $\varepsilon^2$ accuracy in Kullback-Leibler divergence to the target distribution $\pi\propto{\rm e}^{-V}$ on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with $\beta$-smooth potential $V$. Here, ${\cal A}$ represents the action of a curve of probability measures interpolating the target distribution $\pi$ and a readily sampleable distribution.
Abstract:Generalization capabilities, or rather a lack thereof, is one of the most important unsolved problems in the field of robot learning, and while several large scale efforts have set out to tackle this problem, unsolved it remains. In this paper, we hypothesize that learning temporal action abstractions using latent variable models (LVMs), which learn to map data to a compressed latent space and back, is a promising direction towards low-level skills that can readily be used for new tasks. Although several works have attempted to show this, they have generally been limited by architectures that do not faithfully capture shareable representations. To address this we present Quantized Skill Transformer (QueST), which learns a larger and more flexible latent encoding that is more capable of modeling the breadth of low-level skills necessary for a variety of tasks. To make use of this extra flexibility, QueST imparts causal inductive bias from the action sequence data into the latent space, leading to more semantically useful and transferable representations. We compare to state-of-the-art imitation learning and LVM baselines and see that QueST's architecture leads to strong performance on several multitask and few-shot learning benchmarks. Further results and videos are available at https://quest-model.github.io/