Abstract:Unsupervised reinforcement learning (RL) aims to pre-train agents by exploring states or skills in reward-free environments, facilitating the adaptation to downstream tasks. However, existing methods often overlook the fitting ability of pre-trained policies and struggle to handle the heterogeneous pre-training data, which are crucial for achieving efficient exploration and fast fine-tuning. To address this gap, we propose Exploratory Diffusion Policy (EDP), which leverages the strong expressive ability of diffusion models to fit the explored data, both boosting exploration and obtaining an efficient initialization for downstream tasks. Specifically, we estimate the distribution of collected data in the replay buffer with the diffusion policy and propose a score intrinsic reward, encouraging the agent to explore unseen states. For fine-tuning the pre-trained diffusion policy on downstream tasks, we provide both theoretical analyses and practical algorithms, including an alternating method of Q function optimization and diffusion policy distillation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of EDP in efficient exploration during pre-training and fast adaptation during fine-tuning.
Abstract:Dense process rewards have proven a more effective alternative to the sparse outcome-level rewards in the inference-time scaling of large language models (LLMs), particularly in tasks requiring complex multi-step reasoning. While dense rewards also offer an appealing choice for the reinforcement learning (RL) of LLMs since their fine-grained rewards have the potential to address some inherent issues of outcome rewards, such as training efficiency and credit assignment, this potential remains largely unrealized. This can be primarily attributed to the challenges of training process reward models (PRMs) online, where collecting high-quality process labels is prohibitively expensive, making them particularly vulnerable to reward hacking. To address these challenges, we propose PRIME (Process Reinforcement through IMplicit rEwards), which enables online PRM updates using only policy rollouts and outcome labels through implict process rewards. PRIME combines well with various advantage functions and forgoes the dedicated reward model training phrase that existing approaches require, substantially reducing the development overhead. We demonstrate PRIME's effectiveness on competitional math and coding. Starting from Qwen2.5-Math-7B-Base, PRIME achieves a 15.1% average improvement across several key reasoning benchmarks over the SFT model. Notably, our resulting model, Eurus-2-7B-PRIME, surpasses Qwen2.5-Math-7B-Instruct on seven reasoning benchmarks with 10% of its training data.
Abstract:Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) has been a default technique in various visual generative models, yet it requires inference from both conditional and unconditional models during sampling. We propose to build visual models that are free from guided sampling. The resulting algorithm, Guidance-Free Training (GFT), matches the performance of CFG while reducing sampling to a single model, halving the computational cost. Unlike previous distillation-based approaches that rely on pretrained CFG networks, GFT enables training directly from scratch. GFT is simple to implement. It retains the same maximum likelihood objective as CFG and differs mainly in the parameterization of conditional models. Implementing GFT requires only minimal modifications to existing codebases, as most design choices and hyperparameters are directly inherited from CFG. Our extensive experiments across five distinct visual models demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of GFT. Across domains of diffusion, autoregressive, and masked-prediction modeling, GFT consistently achieves comparable or even lower FID scores, with similar diversity-fidelity trade-offs compared with CFG baselines, all while being guidance-free. Code will be available at https://github.com/thu-ml/GFT.
Abstract:Different from its counterpart outcome reward models (ORMs), which evaluate the entire responses, a process reward model (PRM) scores a reasoning trajectory step by step, providing denser and more fine grained rewards. However, training a PRM requires labels annotated at every intermediate step, presenting significant challenges for both manual and automatic data collection. This paper aims to address this challenge. Both theoretically and empirically, we show that an \textit{implicit PRM} can be obtained at no additional cost, by simply training an ORM on the cheaper response-level labels. The only assumption is to parameterize the outcome reward as the log-likelihood ratios of the policy and reference models, which can be optimized regardless of the specific choice of loss objectives. In experiments, we instantiate our implicit PRMs with various objectives and evaluate their performance on MATH. We show that our implicit PRM outperforms a strong MCTS-based baseline \textit{\'a la} Math-Shepherd using less than $1/38$ of the training data. Its performance can be further improved with majority voting. We further find that scaling up instructions and responses benefits our implicit PRM, and the latter brings a larger gain. Particularly, we find that our implicit PRM, when instantiated with the cross-entropy (CE) loss, is more data-efficient and can keep improving generation models even when trained with only one response per instruction, the setup that suffers from extreme data scarcity and imbalance. Further, instructions should be relevant to downstream tasks while the diversity of responses does not bring gains. Surprisingly, training on extra Math-Shepherd step labels brings no further improvements to our implicit PRM trained on only outcome data. We hope that our work will encourage a rethinking of PRM training approaches and contribute to making training PRMs more accessible.
Abstract:Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) is a critical technique for enhancing the sample quality of visual generative models. However, in autoregressive (AR) multi-modal generation, CFG introduces design inconsistencies between language and visual content, contradicting the design philosophy of unifying different modalities for visual AR. Motivated by language model alignment methods, we propose \textit{Condition Contrastive Alignment} (CCA) to facilitate guidance-free AR visual generation with high performance and analyze its theoretical connection with guided sampling methods. Unlike guidance methods that alter the sampling process to achieve the ideal sampling distribution, CCA directly fine-tunes pretrained models to fit the same distribution target. Experimental results show that CCA can significantly enhance the guidance-free performance of all tested models with just one epoch of fine-tuning ($\sim$ 1\% of pretraining epochs) on the pretraining dataset, on par with guided sampling methods. This largely removes the need for guided sampling in AR visual generation and cuts the sampling cost by half. Moreover, by adjusting training parameters, CCA can achieve trade-offs between sample diversity and fidelity similar to CFG. This experimentally confirms the strong theoretical connection between language-targeted alignment and visual-targeted guidance methods, unifying two previously independent research fields. Code and model weights: https://github.com/thu-ml/CCA.
Abstract:Bimanual manipulation is essential in robotics, yet developing foundation models is extremely challenging due to the inherent complexity of coordinating two robot arms (leading to multi-modal action distributions) and the scarcity of training data. In this paper, we present the Robotics Diffusion Transformer (RDT), a pioneering diffusion foundation model for bimanual manipulation. RDT builds on diffusion models to effectively represent multi-modality, with innovative designs of a scalable Transformer to deal with the heterogeneity of multi-modal inputs and to capture the nonlinearity and high frequency of robotic data. To address data scarcity, we further introduce a Physically Interpretable Unified Action Space, which can unify the action representations of various robots while preserving the physical meanings of original actions, facilitating learning transferrable physical knowledge. With these designs, we managed to pre-train RDT on the largest collection of multi-robot datasets to date and scaled it up to 1.2B parameters, which is the largest diffusion-based foundation model for robotic manipulation. We finally fine-tuned RDT on a self-created multi-task bimanual dataset with over 6K+ episodes to refine its manipulation capabilities. Experiments on real robots demonstrate that RDT significantly outperforms existing methods. It exhibits zero-shot generalization to unseen objects and scenes, understands and follows language instructions, learns new skills with just 1~5 demonstrations, and effectively handles complex, dexterous tasks. We refer to https://rdt-robotics.github.io/rdt-robotics/ for the code and videos.
Abstract:Drawing upon recent advances in language model alignment, we formulate offline Reinforcement Learning as a two-stage optimization problem: First pretraining expressive generative policies on reward-free behavior datasets, then fine-tuning these policies to align with task-specific annotations like Q-values. This strategy allows us to leverage abundant and diverse behavior data to enhance generalization and enable rapid adaptation to downstream tasks using minimal annotations. In particular, we introduce Efficient Diffusion Alignment (EDA) for solving continuous control problems. EDA utilizes diffusion models for behavior modeling. However, unlike previous approaches, we represent diffusion policies as the derivative of a scalar neural network with respect to action inputs. This representation is critical because it enables direct density calculation for diffusion models, making them compatible with existing LLM alignment theories. During policy fine-tuning, we extend preference-based alignment methods like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to align diffusion behaviors with continuous Q-functions. Our evaluation on the D4RL benchmark shows that EDA exceeds all baseline methods in overall performance. Notably, EDA maintains about 95\% of performance and still outperforms several baselines given only 1\% of Q-labelled data during fine-tuning.
Abstract:Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) trains a generative policy to mimic a demonstrator. It uses on-policy Reinforcement Learning (RL) to optimize a reward signal derived from a GAN-like discriminator. A major drawback of GAIL is its training instability - it inherits the complex training dynamics of GANs, and the distribution shift introduced by RL. This can cause oscillations during training, harming its sample efficiency and final policy performance. Recent work has shown that control theory can help with the convergence of a GAN's training. This paper extends this line of work, conducting a control-theoretic analysis of GAIL and deriving a novel controller that not only pushes GAIL to the desired equilibrium but also achieves asymptotic stability in a 'one-step' setting. Based on this, we propose a practical algorithm 'Controlled-GAIL' (C-GAIL). On MuJoCo tasks, our controlled variant is able to speed up the rate of convergence, reduce the range of oscillation and match the expert's distribution more closely both for vanilla GAIL and GAIL-DAC.
Abstract:User intentions are typically formalized as evaluation rewards to be maximized when fine-tuning language models (LMs). Existing alignment methods, such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), are mainly tailored for pairwise preference data where rewards are implicitly defined rather than explicitly given. In this paper, we introduce a general framework for LM alignment, leveraging Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) to bridge the gap in handling reward datasets explicitly annotated with scalar evaluations. Our framework comprises two parallel algorithms, NCA and InfoNCA, both enabling the direct extraction of an LM policy from reward data as well as preference data. Notably, we show that the DPO loss is a special case of our proposed InfoNCA objective under pairwise preference settings, thereby integrating and extending current alignment theories. By contrasting NCA and InfoNCA, we show that InfoNCA and DPO adjust relative likelihood across different responses to a single instruction, while NCA optimizes absolute likelihood for each response. We apply our methods to align a 7B language model with a GPT-4 annotated reward dataset. Experimental results suggest that InfoNCA surpasses the DPO baseline in GPT-4 evaluations, while NCA enjoys better training stability with competitive performance.
Abstract:Recent developments in offline reinforcement learning have uncovered the immense potential of diffusion modeling, which excels at representing heterogeneous behavior policies. However, sampling from diffusion policies is considerably slow because it necessitates tens to hundreds of iterative inference steps for one action. To address this issue, we propose to extract an efficient deterministic inference policy from critic models and pretrained diffusion behavior models, leveraging the latter to directly regularize the policy gradient with the behavior distribution's score function during optimization. Our method enjoys powerful generative capabilities of diffusion modeling while completely circumventing the computationally intensive and time-consuming diffusion sampling scheme, both during training and evaluation. Extensive results on D4RL tasks show that our method boosts action sampling speed by more than 25 times compared with various leading diffusion-based methods in locomotion tasks, while still maintaining state-of-the-art performance.