LinkDoc Technology, Beijing, China
Abstract:Visual language models like Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) have shown impressive performance in analyzing natural images with language information. However, these models often encounter challenges when applied to specialized domains such as remote sensing due to the limited availability of image-text pairs for training. To tackle this issue, we introduce DiffCLIP, a novel framework that extends CLIP to effectively convey comprehensive language-driven semantic information for accurate classification of high-dimensional multimodal remote sensing images. DiffCLIP is a few-shot learning method that leverages unlabeled images for pretraining. It employs unsupervised mask diffusion learning to capture the distribution of diverse modalities without requiring labels. The modality-shared image encoder maps multimodal data into a unified subspace, extracting shared features with consistent parameters across modalities. A well-trained image encoder further enhances learning by aligning visual representations with class-label text information from CLIP. By integrating these approaches, DiffCLIP significantly boosts CLIP performance using a minimal number of image-text pairs. We evaluate DiffCLIP on widely used high-dimensional multimodal datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in addressing few-shot annotated classification tasks. DiffCLIP achieves an overall accuracy improvement of 10.65% across three remote sensing datasets compared with CLIP, while utilizing only 2-shot image-text pairs. The code has been released at
Abstract:Autoregressive models have demonstrated great performance in natural language processing (NLP) with impressive scalability, adaptability and generalizability. Inspired by their notable success in NLP field, autoregressive models have been intensively investigated recently for computer vision, which perform next-token predictions by representing visual data as visual tokens and enables autoregressive modelling for a wide range of vision tasks, ranging from visual generation and visual understanding to the very recent multimodal generation that unifies visual generation and understanding with a single autoregressive model. This paper provides a systematic review of vision autoregressive models, including the development of a taxonomy of existing methods and highlighting their major contributions, strengths, and limitations, covering various vision tasks such as image generation, video generation, image editing, motion generation, medical image analysis, 3D generation, robotic manipulation, unified multimodal generation, etc. Besides, we investigate and analyze the latest advancements in autoregressive models, including thorough benchmarking and discussion of existing methods across various evaluation datasets. Finally, we outline key challenges and promising directions for future research, offering a roadmap to guide further advancements in vision autoregressive models.
Abstract:Remote Sensing Image Captioning (RSIC) presents unique challenges and plays a critical role in applications. Traditional RSIC methods often struggle to produce rich and diverse descriptions. Recently, with advancements in VLMs, efforts have emerged to integrate these models into the remote sensing domain and to introduce descriptive datasets specifically designed to enhance VLM training. This paper proposes RS-MoE, a first Mixture of Expert based VLM specifically customized for remote sensing domain. Unlike traditional MoE models, the core of RS-MoE is the MoE Block, which incorporates a novel Instruction Router and multiple lightweight Large Language Models (LLMs) as expert models. The Instruction Router is designed to generate specific prompts tailored for each corresponding LLM, guiding them to focus on distinct aspects of the RSIC task. This design not only allows each expert LLM to concentrate on a specific subset of the task, thereby enhancing the specificity and accuracy of the generated captions, but also improves the scalability of the model by facilitating parallel processing of sub-tasks. Additionally, we present a two-stage training strategy for tuning our RS-MoE model to prevent performance degradation due to sparsity. We fine-tuned our model on the RSICap dataset using our proposed training strategy. Experimental results on the RSICap dataset, along with evaluations on other traditional datasets where no additional fine-tuning was applied, demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance in generating precise and contextually relevant captions. Notably, our RS-MoE-1B variant achieves performance comparable to 13B VLMs, demonstrating the efficiency of our model design. Moreover, our model demonstrates promising generalization capabilities by consistently achieving state-of-the-art performance on the Remote Sensing Visual Question Answering (RSVQA) task.
Abstract:Generalizing to out-of-distribution data while being aware of model fairness is a significant and challenging problem in meta-learning. The goal of this problem is to find a set of fairness-aware invariant parameters of classifier that is trained using data drawn from a family of related training domains with distribution shift on non-sensitive features as well as different levels of dependence between model predictions and sensitive features so that the classifier can achieve good generalization performance on unknown but distinct test domains. To tackle this challenge, existing state-of-the-art methods either address the domain generalization problem but completely ignore learning with fairness or solely specify shifted domains with various fairness levels. This paper introduces an approach to fairness-aware meta-learning that significantly enhances domain generalization capabilities. Our framework, Fairness-Enhanced Meta-Learning for Domain Generalization (FEED), disentangles latent data representations into content, style, and sensitive vectors. This disentanglement facilitates the robust generalization of machine learning models across diverse domains while adhering to fairness constraints. Unlike traditional methods that focus primarily on domain invariance or sensitivity to shifts, our model integrates a fairness-aware invariance criterion directly into the meta-learning process. This integration ensures that the learned parameters uphold fairness consistently, even when domain characteristics vary widely. We validate our approach through extensive experiments across multiple benchmarks, demonstrating not only superior performance in maintaining high accuracy and fairness but also significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art methods in domain generalization tasks.
Abstract:Recent studies on generalizable object detection have attracted increasing attention with additional weak supervision from large-scale datasets with image-level labels. However, weakly-supervised detection learning often suffers from image-to-box label mismatch, i.e., image-level labels do not convey precise object information. We design Language Hierarchical Self-training (LHST) that introduces language hierarchy into weakly-supervised detector training for learning more generalizable detectors. LHST expands the image-level labels with language hierarchy and enables co-regularization between the expanded labels and self-training. Specifically, the expanded labels regularize self-training by providing richer supervision and mitigating the image-to-box label mismatch, while self-training allows assessing and selecting the expanded labels according to the predicted reliability. In addition, we design language hierarchical prompt generation that introduces language hierarchy into prompt generation which helps bridge the vocabulary gaps between training and testing. Extensive experiments show that the proposed techniques achieve superior generalization performance consistently across 14 widely studied object detection datasets.
Abstract:The mental health assessment of middle school students has always been one of the focuses in the field of education. This paper introduces a new ensemble learning network based on BERT, employing the concept of enhancing model performance by integrating multiple classifiers. We trained a range of BERT-based learners, which combined using the majority voting method. We collect social network text data of middle school students through China's Weibo and apply the method to the task of classifying emotional tendencies in middle school students' social network texts. Experimental results suggest that the ensemble learning network has a better performance than the base model and the performance of the ensemble learning model, consisting of three single-layer BERT models, is barely the same as a three-layer BERT model but requires 11.58% more training time. Therefore, in terms of balancing prediction effect and efficiency, the deeper BERT network should be preferred for training. However, for interpretability, network ensembles can provide acceptable solutions.
Abstract:The majority of existing hyperspectral anomaly detection (HAD) methods use the low-rank representation (LRR) model to separate the background and anomaly components, where the anomaly component is optimized by handcrafted sparse priors (e.g., $\ell_{2,1}$-norm). However, this may not be ideal since they overlook the spatial structure present in anomalies and make the detection result largely dependent on manually set sparsity. To tackle these problems, we redefine the optimization criterion for the anomaly component in the LRR model with a self-supervised network called self-supervised anomaly prior (SAP). This prior is obtained by the pretext task of self-supervised learning, which is customized to learn the characteristics of hyperspectral anomalies. Specifically, this pretext task is a classification task to distinguish the original hyperspectral image (HSI) and the pseudo-anomaly HSI, where the pseudo-anomaly is generated from the original HSI and designed as a prism with arbitrary polygon bases and arbitrary spectral bands. In addition, a dual-purified strategy is proposed to provide a more refined background representation with an enriched background dictionary, facilitating the separation of anomalies from complex backgrounds. Extensive experiments on various hyperspectral datasets demonstrate that the proposed SAP offers a more accurate and interpretable solution than other advanced HAD methods.
Abstract:The fairness-aware online learning framework has emerged as a potent tool within the context of continuous lifelong learning. In this scenario, the learner's objective is to progressively acquire new tasks as they arrive over time, while also guaranteeing statistical parity among various protected sub-populations, such as race and gender, when it comes to the newly introduced tasks. A significant limitation of current approaches lies in their heavy reliance on the i.i.d (independent and identically distributed) assumption concerning data, leading to a static regret analysis of the framework. Nevertheless, it's crucial to note that achieving low static regret does not necessarily translate to strong performance in dynamic environments characterized by tasks sampled from diverse distributions. In this paper, to tackle the fairness-aware online learning challenge in evolving settings, we introduce a unique regret measure, FairSAR, by incorporating long-term fairness constraints into a strongly adapted loss regret framework. Moreover, to determine an optimal model parameter at each time step, we introduce an innovative adaptive fairness-aware online meta-learning algorithm, referred to as FairSAOML. This algorithm possesses the ability to adjust to dynamic environments by effectively managing bias control and model accuracy. The problem is framed as a bi-level convex-concave optimization, considering both the model's primal and dual parameters, which pertain to its accuracy and fairness attributes, respectively. Theoretical analysis yields sub-linear upper bounds for both loss regret and the cumulative violation of fairness constraints. Our experimental evaluation on various real-world datasets in dynamic environments demonstrates that our proposed FairSAOML algorithm consistently outperforms alternative approaches rooted in the most advanced prior online learning methods.
Abstract:Large-vocabulary object detectors (LVDs) aim to detect objects of many categories, which learn super objectness features and can locate objects accurately while applied to various downstream data. However, LVDs often struggle in recognizing the located objects due to domain discrepancy in data distribution and object vocabulary. At the other end, recent vision-language foundation models such as CLIP demonstrate superior open-vocabulary recognition capability. This paper presents KGD, a Knowledge Graph Distillation technique that exploits the implicit knowledge graphs (KG) in CLIP for effectively adapting LVDs to various downstream domains. KGD consists of two consecutive stages: 1) KG extraction that employs CLIP to encode downstream domain data as nodes and their feature distances as edges, constructing KG that inherits the rich semantic relations in CLIP explicitly; and 2) KG encapsulation that transfers the extracted KG into LVDs to enable accurate cross-domain object classification. In addition, KGD can extract both visual and textual KG independently, providing complementary vision and language knowledge for object localization and object classification in detection tasks over various downstream domains. Experiments over multiple widely adopted detection benchmarks show that KGD outperforms the state-of-the-art consistently by large margins.
Abstract:Camera-only Bird's Eye View (BEV) has demonstrated great potential in environment perception in a 3D space. However, most existing studies were conducted under a supervised setup which cannot scale well while handling various new data. Unsupervised domain adaptive BEV, which effective learning from various unlabelled target data, is far under-explored. In this work, we design DA-BEV, the first domain adaptive camera-only BEV framework that addresses domain adaptive BEV challenges by exploiting the complementary nature of image-view features and BEV features. DA-BEV introduces the idea of query into the domain adaptation framework to derive useful information from image-view and BEV features. It consists of two query-based designs, namely, query-based adversarial learning (QAL) and query-based self-training (QST), which exploits image-view features or BEV features to regularize the adaptation of the other. Extensive experiments show that DA-BEV achieves superior domain adaptive BEV perception performance consistently across multiple datasets and tasks such as 3D object detection and 3D scene segmentation.