Abstract:Unsupervised reinforcement learning (RL) aims to pre-train agents by exploring states or skills in reward-free environments, facilitating the adaptation to downstream tasks. However, existing methods often overlook the fitting ability of pre-trained policies and struggle to handle the heterogeneous pre-training data, which are crucial for achieving efficient exploration and fast fine-tuning. To address this gap, we propose Exploratory Diffusion Policy (EDP), which leverages the strong expressive ability of diffusion models to fit the explored data, both boosting exploration and obtaining an efficient initialization for downstream tasks. Specifically, we estimate the distribution of collected data in the replay buffer with the diffusion policy and propose a score intrinsic reward, encouraging the agent to explore unseen states. For fine-tuning the pre-trained diffusion policy on downstream tasks, we provide both theoretical analyses and practical algorithms, including an alternating method of Q function optimization and diffusion policy distillation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of EDP in efficient exploration during pre-training and fast adaptation during fine-tuning.
Abstract:In the context of proxy modeling for process systems, traditional data-driven deep learning approaches frequently encounter significant challenges, such as substantial training costs induced by large amounts of data, and limited generalization capabilities. As a promising alternative, physics-aware models incorporate partial physics knowledge to ameliorate these challenges. Although demonstrating efficacy, they fall short in terms of exploration depth and universality. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a physics-aware proxy model (PAPM) that fully incorporates partial prior physics of process systems, which includes multiple input conditions and the general form of conservation relations, resulting in better out-of-sample generalization. Additionally, PAPM contains a holistic temporal-spatial stepping module for flexible adaptation across various process systems. Through systematic comparisons with state-of-the-art pure data-driven and physics-aware models across five two-dimensional benchmarks in nine generalization tasks, PAPM notably achieves an average performance improvement of 6.7%, while requiring fewer FLOPs, and just 1% of the parameters compared to the prior leading method. The code is available at https://github.com/pengwei07/PAPM.
Abstract:For partial differential equations on domains of arbitrary shapes, existing works of neural operators attempt to learn a mapping from geometries to solutions. It often requires a large dataset of geometry-solution pairs in order to obtain a sufficiently accurate neural operator. However, for many industrial applications, e.g., engineering design optimization, it can be prohibitive to satisfy the requirement since even a single simulation may take hours or days of computation. To address this issue, we propose reference neural operators (RNO), a novel way of implementing neural operators, i.e., to learn the smooth dependence of solutions on geometric deformations. Specifically, given a reference solution, RNO can predict solutions corresponding to arbitrary deformations of the referred geometry. This approach turns out to be much more data efficient. Through extensive experiments, we show that RNO can learn the dependence across various types and different numbers of geometry objects with relatively small datasets. RNO outperforms baseline models in accuracy by a large lead and achieves up to 80% error reduction.
Abstract:Designing generalizable agents capable of adapting to diverse embodiments has achieved significant attention in Reinforcement Learning (RL), which is critical for deploying RL agents in various real-world applications. Previous Cross-Embodiment RL approaches have focused on transferring knowledge across embodiments within specific tasks. These methods often result in knowledge tightly coupled with those tasks and fail to adequately capture the distinct characteristics of different embodiments. To address this limitation, we introduce the notion of Cross-Embodiment Unsupervised RL (CEURL), which leverages unsupervised learning to enable agents to acquire embodiment-aware and task-agnostic knowledge through online interactions within reward-free environments. We formulate CEURL as a novel Controlled Embodiment Markov Decision Process (CE-MDP) and systematically analyze CEURL's pre-training objectives under CE-MDP. Based on these analyses, we develop a novel algorithm Pre-trained Embodiment-Aware Control (PEAC) for handling CEURL, incorporating an intrinsic reward function specifically designed for cross-embodiment pre-training. PEAC not only provides an intuitive optimization strategy for cross-embodiment pre-training but also can integrate flexibly with existing unsupervised RL methods, facilitating cross-embodiment exploration and skill discovery. Extensive experiments in both simulated (e.g., DMC and Robosuite) and real-world environments (e.g., legged locomotion) demonstrate that PEAC significantly improves adaptation performance and cross-embodiment generalization, demonstrating its effectiveness in overcoming the unique challenges of CEURL.
Abstract:Pre-training has been investigated to improve the efficiency and performance of training neural operators in data-scarce settings. However, it is largely in its infancy due to the inherent complexity and diversity, such as long trajectories, multiple scales and varying dimensions of partial differential equations (PDEs) data. In this paper, we present a new auto-regressive denoising pre-training strategy, which allows for more stable and efficient pre-training on PDE data and generalizes to various downstream tasks. Moreover, by designing a flexible and scalable model architecture based on Fourier attention, we can easily scale up the model for large-scale pre-training. We train our PDE foundation model with up to 0.5B parameters on 10+ PDE datasets with more than 100k trajectories. Extensive experiments show that we achieve SOTA on these benchmarks and validate the strong generalizability of our model to significantly enhance performance on diverse downstream PDE tasks like 3D data. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/thu-ml/DPOT}.
Abstract:Diffusion models are recently employed as generative classifiers for robust classification. However, a comprehensive theoretical understanding of the robustness of diffusion classifiers is still lacking, leading us to question whether they will be vulnerable to future stronger attacks. In this study, we propose a new family of diffusion classifiers, named Noised Diffusion Classifiers~(NDCs), that possess state-of-the-art certified robustness. Specifically, we generalize the diffusion classifiers to classify Gaussian-corrupted data by deriving the evidence lower bounds (ELBOs) for these distributions, approximating the likelihood using the ELBO, and calculating classification probabilities via Bayes' theorem. We integrate these generalized diffusion classifiers with randomized smoothing to construct smoothed classifiers possessing non-constant Lipschitzness. Experimental results demonstrate the superior certified robustness of our proposed NDCs. Notably, we are the first to achieve 80\%+ and 70\%+ certified robustness on CIFAR-10 under adversarial perturbations with $\ell_2$ norm less than 0.25 and 0.5, respectively, using a single off-the-shelf diffusion model without any additional data.
Abstract:Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have shown promise in solving various partial differential equations (PDEs). However, training pathologies have negatively affected the convergence and prediction accuracy of PINNs, which further limits their practical applications. In this paper, we propose to use condition number as a metric to diagnose and mitigate the pathologies in PINNs. Inspired by classical numerical analysis, where the condition number measures sensitivity and stability, we highlight its pivotal role in the training dynamics of PINNs. We prove theorems to reveal how condition number is related to both the error control and convergence of PINNs. Subsequently, we present an algorithm that leverages preconditioning to improve the condition number. Evaluations of 18 PDE problems showcase the superior performance of our method. Significantly, in 7 of these problems, our method reduces errors by an order of magnitude. These empirical findings verify the critical role of the condition number in PINNs' training.
Abstract:Learning neural operators for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) has attracted great attention due to its high inference efficiency. However, training such operators requires generating a substantial amount of labeled data, i.e., PDE problems together with their solutions. The data generation process is exceptionally time-consuming, as it involves solving numerous systems of linear equations to obtain numerical solutions to the PDEs. Many existing methods solve these systems independently without considering their inherent similarities, resulting in extremely redundant computations. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel method, namely Sorting Krylov Recycling (SKR), to boost the efficiency of solving these systems, thus significantly accelerating data generation for neural operators training. To the best of our knowledge, SKR is the first attempt to address the time-consuming nature of data generation for learning neural operators. The working horse of SKR is Krylov subspace recycling, a powerful technique for solving a series of interrelated systems by leveraging their inherent similarities. Specifically, SKR employs a sorting algorithm to arrange these systems in a sequence, where adjacent systems exhibit high similarities. Then it equips a solver with Krylov subspace recycling to solve the systems sequentially instead of independently, thus effectively enhancing the solving efficiency. Both theoretical analysis and extensive experiments demonstrate that SKR can significantly accelerate neural operator data generation, achieving a remarkable speedup of up to 13.9 times.
Abstract:Neural operators, as an efficient surrogate model for learning the solutions of PDEs, have received extensive attention in the field of scientific machine learning. Among them, attention-based neural operators have become one of the mainstreams in related research. However, existing approaches overfit the limited training data due to the considerable number of parameters in the attention mechanism. To address this, we develop an orthogonal attention based on the eigendecomposition of the kernel integral operator and the neural approximation of eigenfunctions. The orthogonalization naturally poses a proper regularization effect on the resulting neural operator, which aids in resisting overfitting and boosting generalization. Experiments on six standard neural operator benchmark datasets comprising both regular and irregular geometries show that our method can outperform competing baselines with decent margins.
Abstract:While significant progress has been made on Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs), a comprehensive comparison of these methods across a wide range of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) is still lacking. This study introduces PINNacle, a benchmarking tool designed to fill this gap. PINNacle provides a diverse dataset, comprising over 20 distinct PDEs from various domains including heat conduction, fluid dynamics, biology, and electromagnetics. These PDEs encapsulate key challenges inherent to real-world problems, such as complex geometry, multi-scale phenomena, nonlinearity, and high dimensionality. PINNacle also offers a user-friendly toolbox, incorporating about 10 state-of-the-art PINN methods for systematic evaluation and comparison. We have conducted extensive experiments with these methods, offering insights into their strengths and weaknesses. In addition to providing a standardized means of assessing performance, PINNacle also offers an in-depth analysis to guide future research, particularly in areas such as domain decomposition methods and loss reweighting for handling multi-scale problems and complex geometry. While PINNacle does not guarantee success in all real-world scenarios, it represents a significant contribution to the field by offering a robust, diverse, and comprehensive benchmark suite that will undoubtedly foster further research and development in PINNs.