Abstract:Visual Instruction Tuning (VIT) enhances Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) but it is hindered by corrupted datasets containing hallucinated content, incorrect responses, and poor OCR quality. While prior works focus on dataset refinement through high-quality data collection or rule-based filtering, they are costly or limited to specific types of corruption. To deeply understand how corrupted data affects MLLMs, in this paper, we systematically investigate this issue and find that while corrupted data degrades the performance of MLLMs, its effects are largely superficial in that the performance of MLLMs can be largely restored by either disabling a small subset of parameters or post-training with a small amount of clean data. Additionally, corrupted MLLMs exhibit improved ability to distinguish clean samples from corrupted ones, enabling the dataset cleaning without external help. Based on those insights, we propose a corruption-robust training paradigm combining self-validation and post-training, which significantly outperforms existing corruption mitigation strategies.
Abstract:Interactive image editing allows users to modify images through visual interaction operations such as drawing, clicking, and dragging. Existing methods construct such supervision signals from videos, as they capture how objects change with various physical interactions. However, these models are usually built upon text-to-image diffusion models, so necessitate (i) massive training samples and (ii) an additional reference encoder to learn real-world dynamics and visual consistency. In this paper, we reformulate this task as an image-to-video generation problem, so that inherit powerful video diffusion priors to reduce training costs and ensure temporal consistency. Specifically, we introduce FramePainter as an efficient instantiation of this formulation. Initialized with Stable Video Diffusion, it only uses a lightweight sparse control encoder to inject editing signals. Considering the limitations of temporal attention in handling large motion between two frames, we further propose matching attention to enlarge the receptive field while encouraging dense correspondence between edited and source image tokens. We highlight the effectiveness and efficiency of FramePainter across various of editing signals: it domainantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods with far less training data, achieving highly seamless and coherent editing of images, \eg, automatically adjust the reflection of the cup. Moreover, FramePainter also exhibits exceptional generalization in scenarios not present in real-world videos, \eg, transform the clownfish into shark-like shape. Our code will be available at https://github.com/YBYBZhang/FramePainter.
Abstract:In this paper, we address the challenging task of multimodal mathematical reasoning by incorporating the ability of ``slow thinking" into multimodal large language models (MLLMs). Contrary to existing methods that rely on direct or fast thinking, our key idea is to construct long chains of thought (CoT) consisting of atomic actions in a step-by-step manner, guiding MLLMs to perform complex reasoning. To this end, we design a novel AtomThink framework composed of three key modules: (i) a CoT annotation engine that automatically generates high-quality CoT annotations to address the lack of high-quality visual mathematical data; (ii) an atomic step fine-tuning strategy that jointly optimizes an MLLM and a policy reward model (PRM) for step-wise reasoning; and (iii) four different search strategies that can be applied with the PRM to complete reasoning. Additionally, we propose AtomMATH, a large-scale multimodal dataset of long CoTs, and an atomic capability evaluation metric for mathematical tasks. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed AtomThink significantly improves the performance of baseline MLLMs, achieving approximately 50\% relative accuracy gains on MathVista and 120\% on MathVerse. To support the advancement of multimodal slow-thinking models, we will make our code and dataset publicly available on https://github.com/Quinn777/AtomThink.
Abstract:GPT-4o, an omni-modal model that enables vocal conversations with diverse emotions and tones, marks a milestone for omni-modal foundation models. However, empowering Large Language Models to perceive and generate images, texts, and speeches end-to-end with publicly available data remains challenging in the open-source community. Existing vision-language models rely on external tools for the speech processing, while speech-language models still suffer from limited or even without vision-understanding abilities. To address this gap, we propose EMOVA (EMotionally Omni-present Voice Assistant), to enable Large Language Models with end-to-end speech capabilities while maintaining the leading vision-language performance. With a semantic-acoustic disentangled speech tokenizer, we notice surprisingly that omni-modal alignment can further enhance vision-language and speech abilities compared with the corresponding bi-modal aligned counterparts. Moreover, a lightweight style module is proposed for flexible speech style controls (e.g., emotions and pitches). For the first time, EMOVA achieves state-of-the-art performance on both the vision-language and speech benchmarks, and meanwhile, supporting omni-modal spoken dialogue with vivid emotions.
Abstract:Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) by well-trained 2D diffusion models has shown great promise in text-to-3D generation. However, this paradigm distills view-agnostic 2D image distributions into the rendering distribution of 3D representation for each view independently, overlooking the coherence across views and yielding 3D inconsistency in generations. In this work, we propose \textbf{J}oint \textbf{S}core \textbf{D}istillation (JSD), a new paradigm that ensures coherent 3D generations. Specifically, we model the joint image distribution, which introduces an energy function to capture the coherence among denoised images from the diffusion model. We then derive the joint score distillation on multiple rendered views of the 3D representation, as opposed to a single view in SDS. In addition, we instantiate three universal view-aware models as energy functions, demonstrating compatibility with JSD. Empirically, JSD significantly mitigates the 3D inconsistency problem in SDS, while maintaining text congruence. Moreover, we introduce the Geometry Fading scheme and Classifier-Free Guidance (CFG) Switching strategy to enhance generative details. Our framework, JointDreamer, establishes a new benchmark in text-to-3D generation, achieving outstanding results with an 88.5\% CLIP R-Precision and 27.7\% CLIP Score. These metrics demonstrate exceptional text congruence, as well as remarkable geometric consistency and texture fidelity.
Abstract:Dynamic 3D interaction has witnessed great interest in recent works, while creating such 4D content remains challenging. One solution is to animate 3D scenes with physics-based simulation, and the other is to learn the deformation of static 3D objects with the distillation of video generative models. The former one requires assigning precise physical properties to the target object, otherwise the simulated results would become unnatural. The latter tends to formulate the video with minor motions and discontinuous frames, due to the absence of physical constraints in deformation learning. We think that video generative models are trained with real-world captured data, capable of judging physical phenomenon in simulation environments. To this end, we propose DreamPhysics in this work, which estimates physical properties of 3D Gaussian Splatting with video diffusion priors. DreamPhysics supports both image- and text-conditioned guidance, optimizing physical parameters via score distillation sampling with frame interpolation and log gradient. Based on a material point method simulator with proper physical parameters, our method can generate 4D content with realistic motions. Experimental results demonstrate that, by distilling the prior knowledge of video diffusion models, inaccurate physical properties can be gradually refined for high-quality simulation. Codes are released at: https://github.com/tyhuang0428/DreamPhysics.
Abstract:Open-vocabulary 3D Object Detection (OV-3DDet) addresses the detection of objects from an arbitrary list of novel categories in 3D scenes, which remains a very challenging problem. In this work, we propose CoDAv2, a unified framework designed to innovatively tackle both the localization and classification of novel 3D objects, under the condition of limited base categories. For localization, the proposed 3D Novel Object Discovery (3D-NOD) strategy utilizes 3D geometries and 2D open-vocabulary semantic priors to discover pseudo labels for novel objects during training. 3D-NOD is further extended with an Enrichment strategy that significantly enriches the novel object distribution in the training scenes, and then enhances the model's ability to localize more novel objects. The 3D-NOD with Enrichment is termed 3D-NODE. For classification, the Discovery-driven Cross-modal Alignment (DCMA) module aligns features from 3D point clouds and 2D/textual modalities, employing both class-agnostic and class-specific alignments that are iteratively refined to handle the expanding vocabulary of objects. Besides, 2D box guidance boosts the classification accuracy against complex background noises, which is coined as Box-DCMA. Extensive evaluation demonstrates the superiority of CoDAv2. CoDAv2 outperforms the best-performing method by a large margin (AP_Novel of 9.17 vs. 3.61 on SUN-RGBD and 9.12 vs. 3.74 on ScanNetv2). Source code and pre-trained models are available at the GitHub project page.
Abstract:3D reconstruction has been widely used in autonomous navigation fields of mobile robotics. However, the former research can only provide the basic geometry structure without the capability of open-world scene understanding, limiting advanced tasks like human interaction and visual navigation. Moreover, traditional 3D scene understanding approaches rely on expensive labeled 3D datasets to train a model for a single task with supervision. Thus, geometric reconstruction with zero-shot scene understanding i.e. Open vocabulary 3D Understanding and Reconstruction, is crucial for the future development of mobile robots. In this paper, we propose OpenOcc, a novel framework unifying the 3D scene reconstruction and open vocabulary understanding with neural radiance fields. We model the geometric structure of the scene with occupancy representation and distill the pre-trained open vocabulary model into a 3D language field via volume rendering for zero-shot inference. Furthermore, a novel semantic-aware confidence propagation (SCP) method has been proposed to relieve the issue of language field representation degeneracy caused by inconsistent measurements in distilled features. Experimental results show that our approach achieves competitive performance in 3D scene understanding tasks, especially for small and long-tail objects.
Abstract:3D Shape represented as point cloud has achieve advancements in multimodal pre-training to align image and language descriptions, which is curial to object identification, classification, and retrieval. However, the discrete representations of point cloud lost the object's surface shape information and creates a gap between rendering results and 2D correspondences. To address this problem, we propose GS-CLIP for the first attempt to introduce 3DGS (3D Gaussian Splatting) into multimodal pre-training to enhance 3D representation. GS-CLIP leverages a pre-trained vision-language model for a learned common visual and textual space on massive real world image-text pairs and then learns a 3D Encoder for aligning 3DGS optimized per object. Additionally, a novel Gaussian-Aware Fusion is proposed to extract and fuse global explicit feature. As a general framework for language-image-3D pre-training, GS-CLIP is agnostic to 3D backbone networks. Experiments on challenging shows that GS-CLIP significantly improves the state-of-the-art, outperforming the previously best results.
Abstract:Current large-scale diffusion models represent a giant leap forward in conditional image synthesis, capable of interpreting diverse cues like text, human poses, and edges. However, their reliance on substantial computational resources and extensive data collection remains a bottleneck. On the other hand, the integration of existing diffusion models, each specialized for different controls and operating in unique latent spaces, poses a challenge due to incompatible image resolutions and latent space embedding structures, hindering their joint use. Addressing these constraints, we present "PanGu-Draw", a novel latent diffusion model designed for resource-efficient text-to-image synthesis that adeptly accommodates multiple control signals. We first propose a resource-efficient Time-Decoupling Training Strategy, which splits the monolithic text-to-image model into structure and texture generators. Each generator is trained using a regimen that maximizes data utilization and computational efficiency, cutting data preparation by 48% and reducing training resources by 51%. Secondly, we introduce "Coop-Diffusion", an algorithm that enables the cooperative use of various pre-trained diffusion models with different latent spaces and predefined resolutions within a unified denoising process. This allows for multi-control image synthesis at arbitrary resolutions without the necessity for additional data or retraining. Empirical validations of Pangu-Draw show its exceptional prowess in text-to-image and multi-control image generation, suggesting a promising direction for future model training efficiencies and generation versatility. The largest 5B T2I PanGu-Draw model is released on the Ascend platform. Project page: $\href{https://pangu-draw.github.io}{this~https~URL}$