Abstract:Recent advancements in generative models have significantly facilitated the development of personalized content creation. Given a small set of images with user-specific concept, personalized image generation allows to create images that incorporate the specified concept and adhere to provided text descriptions. Due to its wide applications in content creation, significant effort has been devoted to this field in recent years. Nonetheless, the technologies used for personalization have evolved alongside the development of generative models, with their distinct and interrelated components. In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of generalized personalized image generation across various generative models, including traditional GANs, contemporary text-to-image diffusion models, and emerging multi-model autoregressive models. We first define a unified framework that standardizes the personalization process across different generative models, encompassing three key components, i.e., inversion spaces, inversion methods, and personalization schemes. This unified framework offers a structured approach to dissecting and comparing personalization techniques across different generative architectures. Building upon this unified framework, we further provide an in-depth analysis of personalization techniques within each generative model, highlighting their unique contributions and innovations. Through comparative analysis, this survey elucidates the current landscape of personalized image generation, identifying commonalities and distinguishing features among existing methods. Finally, we discuss the open challenges in the field and propose potential directions for future research. We keep tracing related works at https://github.com/csyxwei/Awesome-Personalized-Image-Generation.
Abstract:Interactive image editing allows users to modify images through visual interaction operations such as drawing, clicking, and dragging. Existing methods construct such supervision signals from videos, as they capture how objects change with various physical interactions. However, these models are usually built upon text-to-image diffusion models, so necessitate (i) massive training samples and (ii) an additional reference encoder to learn real-world dynamics and visual consistency. In this paper, we reformulate this task as an image-to-video generation problem, so that inherit powerful video diffusion priors to reduce training costs and ensure temporal consistency. Specifically, we introduce FramePainter as an efficient instantiation of this formulation. Initialized with Stable Video Diffusion, it only uses a lightweight sparse control encoder to inject editing signals. Considering the limitations of temporal attention in handling large motion between two frames, we further propose matching attention to enlarge the receptive field while encouraging dense correspondence between edited and source image tokens. We highlight the effectiveness and efficiency of FramePainter across various of editing signals: it domainantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods with far less training data, achieving highly seamless and coherent editing of images, \eg, automatically adjust the reflection of the cup. Moreover, FramePainter also exhibits exceptional generalization in scenarios not present in real-world videos, \eg, transform the clownfish into shark-like shape. Our code will be available at https://github.com/YBYBZhang/FramePainter.
Abstract:Artistic typography is a technique to visualize the meaning of input character in an imaginable and readable manner. With powerful text-to-image diffusion models, existing methods directly design the overall geometry and texture of input character, making it challenging to ensure both creativity and legibility. In this paper, we introduce a dual-branch and training-free method, namely VitaGlyph, enabling flexible artistic typography along with controllable geometry change to maintain the readability. The key insight of VitaGlyph is to treat input character as a scene composed of Subject and Surrounding, followed by rendering them under varying degrees of geometry transformation. The subject flexibly expresses the essential concept of input character, while the surrounding enriches relevant background without altering the shape. Specifically, we implement VitaGlyph through a three-phase framework: (i) Knowledge Acquisition leverages large language models to design text descriptions of subject and surrounding. (ii) Regional decomposition detects the part that most matches the subject description and divides input glyph image into subject and surrounding regions. (iii) Typography Stylization firstly refines the structure of subject region via Semantic Typography, and then separately renders the textures of Subject and Surrounding regions through Controllable Compositional Generation. Experimental results demonstrate that VitaGlyph not only achieves better artistry and readability, but also manages to depict multiple customize concepts, facilitating more creative and pleasing artistic typography generation. Our code will be made publicly at https://github.com/Carlofkl/VitaGlyph.
Abstract:Customized text-to-image generation aims to synthesize instantiations of user-specified concepts and has achieved unprecedented progress in handling individual concept. However, when extending to multiple customized concepts, existing methods exhibit limitations in terms of flexibility and fidelity, only accommodating the combination of limited types of models and potentially resulting in a mix of characteristics from different concepts. In this paper, we introduce the Multi-concept guidance for Multi-concept customization, termed MC$^2$, for improved flexibility and fidelity. MC$^2$ decouples the requirements for model architecture via inference time optimization, allowing the integration of various heterogeneous single-concept customized models. It adaptively refines the attention weights between visual and textual tokens, directing image regions to focus on their associated words while diminishing the impact of irrelevant ones. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MC$^2$ even surpasses previous methods that require additional training in terms of consistency with input prompt and reference images. Moreover, MC$^2$ can be extended to elevate the compositional capabilities of text-to-image generation, yielding appealing results. Code will be publicly available at https://github.com/JIANGJiaXiu/MC-2.
Abstract:Text-to-image diffusion models (T2I) have demonstrated unprecedented capabilities in creating realistic and aesthetic images. On the contrary, text-to-video diffusion models (T2V) still lag far behind in frame quality and text alignment, owing to insufficient quality and quantity of training videos. In this paper, we introduce VideoElevator, a training-free and plug-and-play method, which elevates the performance of T2V using superior capabilities of T2I. Different from conventional T2V sampling (i.e., temporal and spatial modeling), VideoElevator explicitly decomposes each sampling step into temporal motion refining and spatial quality elevating. Specifically, temporal motion refining uses encapsulated T2V to enhance temporal consistency, followed by inverting to the noise distribution required by T2I. Then, spatial quality elevating harnesses inflated T2I to directly predict less noisy latent, adding more photo-realistic details. We have conducted experiments in extensive prompts under the combination of various T2V and T2I. The results show that VideoElevator not only improves the performance of T2V baselines with foundational T2I, but also facilitates stylistic video synthesis with personalized T2I. Our code is available at https://github.com/YBYBZhang/VideoElevator.
Abstract:Zero-shot referring image segmentation is a challenging task because it aims to find an instance segmentation mask based on the given referring descriptions, without training on this type of paired data. Current zero-shot methods mainly focus on using pre-trained discriminative models (e.g., CLIP). However, we have observed that generative models (e.g., Stable Diffusion) have potentially understood the relationships between various visual elements and text descriptions, which are rarely investigated in this task. In this work, we introduce a novel Referring Diffusional segmentor (Ref-Diff) for this task, which leverages the fine-grained multi-modal information from generative models. We demonstrate that without a proposal generator, a generative model alone can achieve comparable performance to existing SOTA weakly-supervised models. When we combine both generative and discriminative models, our Ref-Diff outperforms these competing methods by a significant margin. This indicates that generative models are also beneficial for this task and can complement discriminative models for better referring segmentation. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/kodenii/Ref-Diff.
Abstract:Few-shot font generation is challenging, as it needs to capture the fine-grained stroke styles from a limited set of reference glyphs, and then transfer to other characters, which are expected to have similar styles. However, due to the diversity and complexity of Chinese font styles, the synthesized glyphs of existing methods usually exhibit visible artifacts, such as missing details and distorted strokes. In this paper, we propose a VQGAN-based framework (i.e., VQ-Font) to enhance glyph fidelity through token prior refinement and structure-aware enhancement. Specifically, we pre-train a VQGAN to encapsulate font token prior within a codebook. Subsequently, VQ-Font refines the synthesized glyphs with the codebook to eliminate the domain gap between synthesized and real-world strokes. Furthermore, our VQ-Font leverages the inherent design of Chinese characters, where structure components such as radicals and character components are combined in specific arrangements, to recalibrate fine-grained styles based on references. This process improves the matching and fusion of styles at the structure level. Both modules collaborate to enhance the fidelity of the generated fonts. Experiments on a collected font dataset show that our VQ-Font outperforms the competing methods both quantitatively and qualitatively, especially in generating challenging styles.
Abstract:Text-driven diffusion models have unlocked unprecedented abilities in image generation, whereas their video counterpart still lags behind due to the excessive training cost of temporal modeling. Besides the training burden, the generated videos also suffer from appearance inconsistency and structural flickers, especially in long video synthesis. To address these challenges, we design a \emph{training-free} framework called \textbf{ControlVideo} to enable natural and efficient text-to-video generation. ControlVideo, adapted from ControlNet, leverages coarsely structural consistency from input motion sequences, and introduces three modules to improve video generation. Firstly, to ensure appearance coherence between frames, ControlVideo adds fully cross-frame interaction in self-attention modules. Secondly, to mitigate the flicker effect, it introduces an interleaved-frame smoother that employs frame interpolation on alternated frames. Finally, to produce long videos efficiently, it utilizes a hierarchical sampler that separately synthesizes each short clip with holistic coherency. Empowered with these modules, ControlVideo outperforms the state-of-the-arts on extensive motion-prompt pairs quantitatively and qualitatively. Notably, thanks to the efficient designs, it generates both short and long videos within several minutes using one NVIDIA 2080Ti. Code is available at https://github.com/YBYBZhang/ControlVideo.
Abstract:In this work, we investigate performing semantic segmentation solely through the training on image-sentence pairs. Due to the lack of dense annotations, existing text-supervised methods can only learn to group an image into semantic regions via pixel-insensitive feedback. As a result, their grouped results are coarse and often contain small spurious regions, limiting the upper-bound performance of segmentation. On the other hand, we observe that grouped results from self-supervised models are more semantically consistent and break the bottleneck of existing methods. Motivated by this, we introduce associate self-supervised spatially-consistent grouping with text-supervised semantic segmentation. Considering the part-like grouped results, we further adapt a text-supervised model from image-level to region-level recognition with two core designs. First, we encourage fine-grained alignment with a one-way noun-to-region contrastive loss, which reduces the mismatched noun-region pairs. Second, we adopt a contextually aware masking strategy to enable simultaneous recognition of all grouped regions. Coupled with spatially-consistent grouping and region-adapted recognition, our method achieves 59.2% mIoU and 32.4% mIoU on Pascal VOC and Pascal Context benchmarks, significantly surpassing the state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Despite unprecedented ability in imaginary creation, large text-to-image models are further expected to express customized concepts. Existing works generally learn such concepts in an optimization-based manner, yet bringing excessive computation or memory burden. In this paper, we instead propose a learning-based encoder for fast and accurate concept customization, which consists of global and local mapping networks. In specific, the global mapping network separately projects the hierarchical features of a given image into multiple ``new'' words in the textual word embedding space, i.e., one primary word for well-editable concept and other auxiliary words to exclude irrelevant disturbances (e.g., background). In the meantime, a local mapping network injects the encoded patch features into cross attention layers to provide omitted details, without sacrificing the editability of primary concepts. We compare our method with prior optimization-based approaches on a variety of user-defined concepts, and demonstrate that our method enables more high-fidelity inversion and robust editability with a significantly faster encoding process. Our code will be publicly available at https://github.com/csyxwei/ELITE.