Abstract:The rapid advancement of speech generation technologies in the era of large language models (LLMs) has established discrete speech tokens as a foundational paradigm for speech representation. These tokens, characterized by their discrete, compact, and concise nature, are not only advantageous for efficient transmission and storage, but also inherently compatible with the language modeling framework, enabling seamless integration of speech into text-dominated LLM architectures. Current research categorizes discrete speech tokens into two principal classes: acoustic tokens and semantic tokens, each of which has evolved into a rich research domain characterized by unique design philosophies and methodological approaches. This survey systematically synthesizes the existing taxonomy and recent innovations in discrete speech tokenization, conducts a critical examination of the strengths and limitations of each paradigm, and presents systematic experimental comparisons across token types. Furthermore, we identify persistent challenges in the field and propose potential research directions, aiming to offer actionable insights to inspire future advancements in the development and application of discrete speech tokens.
Abstract:Recently, emotional speech generation and speaker cloning have garnered significant interest in text-to-speech (TTS). With the open-sourcing of codec language TTS models trained on massive datasets with large-scale parameters, adapting these general pre-trained TTS models to generate speech with specific emotional expressions and target speaker characteristics has become a topic of great attention. Common approaches, such as full and adapter-based fine-tuning, often overlook the specific contributions of model parameters to emotion and speaker control. Treating all parameters uniformly during fine-tuning, especially when the target data has limited content diversity compared to the pre-training corpus, results in slow training speed and an increased risk of catastrophic forgetting. To address these challenges, we propose a characteristic-specific partial fine-tuning strategy, short as CSP-FT. First, we use a weighted-sum approach to analyze the contributions of different Transformer layers in a pre-trained codec language TTS model for emotion and speaker control in the generated speech. We then selectively fine-tune the layers with the highest and lowest characteristic-specific contributions to generate speech with target emotional expression and speaker identity. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves performance comparable to, or even surpassing, full fine-tuning in generating speech with specific emotional expressions and speaker identities. Additionally, CSP-FT delivers approximately 2x faster training speeds, fine-tunes only around 8% of parameters, and significantly reduces catastrophic forgetting. Furthermore, we show that codec language TTS models perform competitively with self-supervised models in speaker identification and emotion classification tasks, offering valuable insights for developing universal speech processing models.
Abstract:Large Audio-Language Models (LALMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in tasks involving audio perception and understanding, such as speech recognition and audio captioning. However, their reasoning capabilities - critical for solving complex real-world problems - remain underexplored. In this work, we conduct the first exploration into integrating Chain-of-Thought (CoT) reasoning into LALMs to enhance their reasoning ability across auditory modalities. We evaluate representative CoT methods, analyzing their performance in both information extraction and reasoning tasks across sound, music, and speech domains. Our findings reveal that CoT methods significantly improve performance on easy and medium tasks but encounter challenges with hard tasks, where reasoning chains can confuse the model rather than improve accuracy. Additionally, we identify a positive correlation between reasoning path length and accuracy, demonstrating the potential of scaling inference for advanced instruction-following and reasoning. This study not only highlights the promise of CoT in enhancing LALM reasoning capabilities but also identifies key limitations and provides actionable directions for future research.
Abstract:Recent years have witnessed the success of foundation models pre-trained with self-supervised learning (SSL) in various music informatics understanding tasks, including music tagging, instrument classification, key detection, and more. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised music representation learning model for music understanding. Distinguished from previous studies adopting random projection or existing neural codec, the proposed model, named MuQ, is trained to predict tokens generated by Mel Residual Vector Quantization (Mel-RVQ). Our Mel-RVQ utilizes residual linear projection structure for Mel spectrum quantization to enhance the stability and efficiency of target extraction and lead to better performance. Experiments in a large variety of downstream tasks demonstrate that MuQ outperforms previous self-supervised music representation models with only 0.9K hours of open-source pre-training data. Scaling up the data to over 160K hours and adopting iterative training consistently improve the model performance. To further validate the strength of our model, we present MuQ-MuLan, a joint music-text embedding model based on contrastive learning, which achieves state-of-the-art performance in the zero-shot music tagging task on the MagnaTagATune dataset. Code and checkpoints are open source in https://github.com/tencent-ailab/MuQ.
Abstract:This paper introduces Interleaved Speech-Text Language Model (IST-LM) for streaming zero-shot Text-to-Speech (TTS). Unlike many previous approaches, IST-LM is directly trained on interleaved sequences of text and speech tokens with a fixed ratio, eliminating the need for additional efforts in duration prediction and grapheme-to-phoneme alignment. The ratio of text chunk size to speech chunk size is crucial for the performance of IST-LM. To explore this, we conducted a comprehensive series of statistical analyses on the training data and performed correlation analysis with the final performance, uncovering several key factors: 1) the distance between speech tokens and their corresponding text tokens, 2) the number of future text tokens accessible to each speech token, and 3) the frequency of speech tokens precedes their corresponding text tokens. Experimental results demonstrate how to achieve an optimal streaming TTS system without complicated engineering optimization, which has a limited gap with the non-streaming system. IST-LM is conceptually simple and empirically powerful, paving the way for streaming TTS with minimal overhead while largely maintaining performance, showcasing broad prospects coupled with real-time text stream from LLMs.
Abstract:Although text-based large language models exhibit human-level writing ability and remarkable intelligence, speech language models (SLMs) still struggle to generate semantically coherent outputs. There are several potential reasons for this performance degradation: (A) speech tokens mainly provide phonetic information rather than semantic information, (B) the length of speech sequences is much longer than that of text sequences, and (C) paralinguistic information, such as prosody, introduces additional complexity and variability. In this paper, we explore the influence of three key factors separately by transiting the modality from text to speech in an evolving manner. Our findings reveal that the impact of the three factors varies. Factor A has a relatively minor impact, factor B influences syntactical and semantic modeling more obviously, and factor C exerts the most significant impact, particularly in the basic lexical modeling. Based on these findings, we provide insights into the unique challenges of training SLMs and highlight pathways to develop more effective end-to-end SLMs.
Abstract:Recent advancements highlight the potential of end-to-end real-time spoken dialogue systems, showcasing their low latency and high quality. In this paper, we introduce SLAM-Omni, a timbre-controllable, end-to-end voice interaction system with single-stage training. SLAM-Omni achieves zero-shot timbre control by modeling spoken language with semantic tokens and decoupling speaker information to a vocoder. By predicting grouped speech semantic tokens at each step, our method significantly reduces the sequence length of audio tokens, accelerating both training and inference. Additionally, we propose historical text prompting to compress dialogue history, facilitating efficient multi-round interactions. Comprehensive evaluations reveal that SLAM-Omni outperforms prior models of similar scale, requiring only 15 hours of training on 4 GPUs with limited data. Notably, it is the first spoken dialogue system to achieve competitive performance with a single-stage training approach, eliminating the need for pre-training on TTS or ASR tasks. Further experiments validate its multilingual and multi-turn dialogue capabilities on larger datasets.
Abstract:We present VQTalker, a Vector Quantization-based framework for multilingual talking head generation that addresses the challenges of lip synchronization and natural motion across diverse languages. Our approach is grounded in the phonetic principle that human speech comprises a finite set of distinct sound units (phonemes) and corresponding visual articulations (visemes), which often share commonalities across languages. We introduce a facial motion tokenizer based on Group Residual Finite Scalar Quantization (GRFSQ), which creates a discretized representation of facial features. This method enables comprehensive capture of facial movements while improving generalization to multiple languages, even with limited training data. Building on this quantized representation, we implement a coarse-to-fine motion generation process that progressively refines facial animations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that VQTalker achieves state-of-the-art performance in both video-driven and speech-driven scenarios, particularly in multilingual settings. Notably, our method achieves high-quality results at a resolution of 512*512 pixels while maintaining a lower bitrate of approximately 11 kbps. Our work opens new possibilities for cross-lingual talking face generation. Synthetic results can be viewed at https://x-lance.github.io/VQTalker.
Abstract:In quantum many-body systems, measurements can induce qualitative new features, but their simulation is hindered by the exponential complexity involved in sampling the measurement results. We propose to use machine learning to assist the simulation of measurement-induced quantum phenomena. In particular, we focus on the measurement-altered quantum criticality protocol and generate local reduced density matrices of the critical chain given random measurement results. Such generation is enabled by a physics-preserving conditional diffusion generative model, which learns an observation-indexed probability distribution of an ensemble of quantum states, and then samples from that distribution given an observation.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased exceptional performance across diverse NLP tasks, and their integration with speech encoder is rapidly emerging as a dominant trend in the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) field. Previous works mainly concentrated on leveraging LLMs for speech recognition in English and Chinese. However, their potential for addressing speech recognition challenges in low resource settings remains underexplored. Hence, in this work, we aim to explore the capability of LLMs in low resource ASR and Mandarin-English code switching ASR. We also evaluate and compare the recognition performance of LLM-based ASR systems against Whisper model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LLM-based ASR yields a relative gain of 12.8\% over the Whisper model in low resource ASR while Whisper performs better in Mandarin-English code switching ASR. We hope that this study could shed light on ASR for low resource scenarios.