SCI Institute, UC Davis
Abstract:Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) has garnered significant attention as a privacy-preserving machine learning framework for sample-aligned feature federation. However, traditional VFL approaches do not address the challenges of class and feature continual learning, resulting in catastrophic forgetting of knowledge from previous tasks. To address the above challenge, we propose a novel vertical federated continual learning method, named Vertical Federated Continual Learning via Evolving Prototype Knowledge (V-LETO), which primarily facilitates the transfer of knowledge from previous tasks through the evolution of prototypes. Specifically, we propose an evolving prototype knowledge method, enabling the global model to retain both previous and current task knowledge. Furthermore, we introduce a model optimization technique that mitigates the forgetting of previous task knowledge by restricting updates to specific parameters of the local model, thereby enhancing overall performance. Extensive experiments conducted in both CIL and FIL settings demonstrate that our method, V-LETO, outperforms the other state-of-the-art methods. For example, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method by 10.39% and 35.15% for CIL and FIL tasks, respectively. Our code is available at
Abstract:Multimodal Federated Learning (MFL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively train models on multimodal data while ensuring clients' privacy. However, modality and task heterogeneity hinder clients from learning a unified representation, weakening local model generalization, especially in MFL with mixed modalities where only some clients have multimodal data. In this work, we propose an Adaptive prototype-based Multimodal Federated Learning (AproMFL) framework for mixed modalities and heterogeneous tasks to address the aforementioned issues. Our AproMFL transfers knowledge through adaptively-constructed prototypes without a prior public dataset. Clients adaptively select prototype construction methods in line with tasks; server converts client prototypes into unified multimodal prototypes and aggregates them to form global prototypes, avoid clients keeping unified labels. We divide the model into various modules and only aggregate mapping modules to reduce communication and computation overhead. To address aggregation issues in heterogeneity, we develop a client relationship graph-based scheme to dynamically adjust aggregation weights. Extensive experiments on representative datasets evidence effectiveness of AproMFL.
Abstract:Recent advancements have highlighted the Mamba framework, a state-space model known for its efficiency in capturing long-range dependencies with linear computational complexity. While Mamba has shown competitive performance in medical image segmentation, it encounters difficulties in modeling local features due to the sporadic nature of traditional location-based scanning methods and the complex, ambiguous boundaries often present in medical images. To overcome these challenges, we propose Uncertainty-Driven Mamba (UD-Mamba), which redefines the pixel-order scanning process by incorporating channel uncertainty into the scanning mechanism. UD-Mamba introduces two key scanning techniques: 1) sequential scanning, which prioritizes regions with high uncertainty by scanning in a row-by-row fashion, and 2) skip scanning, which processes columns vertically, moving from high-to-low or low-to-high uncertainty at fixed intervals. Sequential scanning efficiently clusters high-uncertainty regions, such as boundaries and foreground objects, to improve segmentation precision, while skip scanning enhances the interaction between background and foreground regions, allowing for timely integration of background information to support more accurate foreground inference. Recognizing the advantages of scanning from certain to uncertain areas, we introduce four learnable parameters to balance the importance of features extracted from different scanning methods. Additionally, a cosine consistency loss is employed to mitigate the drawbacks of transitioning between uncertain and certain regions during the scanning process. Our method demonstrates robust segmentation performance, validated across three distinct medical imaging datasets involving pathology, dermatological lesions, and cardiac tasks.
Abstract:Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) tasks mainly evaluate agents based on one-time execution of individual instructions across multiple environments, aiming to develop agents capable of functioning in any environment in a zero-shot manner. However, real-world navigation robots often operate in persistent environments with relatively consistent physical layouts, visual observations, and language styles from instructors. Such a gap in the task setting presents an opportunity to improve VLN agents by incorporating continuous adaptation to specific environments. To better reflect these real-world conditions, we introduce GSA-VLN, a novel task requiring agents to execute navigation instructions within a specific scene and simultaneously adapt to it for improved performance over time. To evaluate the proposed task, one has to address two challenges in existing VLN datasets: the lack of OOD data, and the limited number and style diversity of instructions for each scene. Therefore, we propose a new dataset, GSA-R2R, which significantly expands the diversity and quantity of environments and instructions for the R2R dataset to evaluate agent adaptability in both ID and OOD contexts. Furthermore, we design a three-stage instruction orchestration pipeline that leverages LLMs to refine speaker-generated instructions and apply role-playing techniques to rephrase instructions into different speaking styles. This is motivated by the observation that each individual user often has consistent signatures or preferences in their instructions. We conducted extensive experiments on GSA-R2R to thoroughly evaluate our dataset and benchmark various methods. Based on our findings, we propose a novel method, GR-DUET, which incorporates memory-based navigation graphs with an environment-specific training strategy, achieving state-of-the-art results on all GSA-R2R splits.
Abstract:Using offline observational data for policy evaluation and learning allows decision-makers to evaluate and learn a policy that connects characteristics and interventions. Most existing literature has focused on either discrete treatment spaces or assumed no difference in the distributions between the policy-learning and policy-deployed environments. These restrict applications in many real-world scenarios where distribution shifts are present with continuous treatment. To overcome these challenges, this paper focuses on developing a distributionally robust policy under a continuous treatment setting. The proposed distributionally robust estimators are established using the Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) method extended from the discrete one for policy evaluation and learning under continuous treatments. Specifically, we introduce a kernel function into the proposed IPW estimator to mitigate the exclusion of observations that can occur in the standard IPW method to continuous treatments. We then provide finite-sample analysis that guarantees the convergence of the proposed distributionally robust policy evaluation and learning estimators. The comprehensive experiments further verify the effectiveness of our approach when distribution shifts are present.
Abstract:Retrievers, which form one of the most important recommendation stages, are responsible for efficiently selecting possible positive samples to the later stages under strict latency limitations. Because of this, large-scale systems always rely on approximate calculations and indexes to roughly shrink candidate scale, with a simple ranking model. Considering simple models lack the ability to produce precise predictions, most of the existing methods mainly focus on incorporating complicated ranking models. However, another fundamental problem of index effectiveness remains unresolved, which also bottlenecks complication. In this paper, we propose a novel index structure: streaming Vector Quantization model, as a new generation of retrieval paradigm. Streaming VQ attaches items with indexes in real time, granting it immediacy. Moreover, through meticulous verification of possible variants, it achieves additional benefits like index balancing and reparability, enabling it to support complicated ranking models as existing approaches. As a lightweight and implementation-friendly architecture, streaming VQ has been deployed and replaced all major retrievers in Douyin and Douyin Lite, resulting in remarkable user engagement gain.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has shown great potential for efficient reconstruction and high-fidelity real-time rendering of complex scenes on consumer hardware. However, due to its rasterization-based formulation, 3DGS is constrained to ideal pinhole cameras and lacks support for secondary lighting effects. Recent methods address these limitations by tracing volumetric particles instead, however, this comes at the cost of significantly slower rendering speeds. In this work, we propose 3D Gaussian Unscented Transform (3DGUT), replacing the EWA splatting formulation in 3DGS with the Unscented Transform that approximates the particles through sigma points, which can be projected exactly under any nonlinear projection function. This modification enables trivial support of distorted cameras with time dependent effects such as rolling shutter, while retaining the efficiency of rasterization. Additionally, we align our rendering formulation with that of tracing-based methods, enabling secondary ray tracing required to represent phenomena such as reflections and refraction within the same 3D representation.
Abstract:Composed Image Retrieval (CIR) aims to retrieve target images that closely resemble a reference image while integrating user-specified textual modifications, thereby capturing user intent more precisely. Existing training-free zero-shot CIR (ZS-CIR) methods often employ a two-stage process: they first generate a caption for the reference image and then use Large Language Models for reasoning to obtain a target description. However, these methods suffer from missing critical visual details and limited reasoning capabilities, leading to suboptimal retrieval performance. To address these challenges, we propose a novel, training-free one-stage method, One-Stage Reflective Chain-of-Thought Reasoning for ZS-CIR (OSrCIR), which employs Multimodal Large Language Models to retain essential visual information in a single-stage reasoning process, eliminating the information loss seen in two-stage methods. Our Reflective Chain-of-Thought framework further improves interpretative accuracy by aligning manipulation intent with contextual cues from reference images. OSrCIR achieves performance gains of 1.80% to 6.44% over existing training-free methods across multiple tasks, setting new state-of-the-art results in ZS-CIR and enhancing its utility in vision-language applications. Our code will be available at
Abstract:Estimating full-body motion using the tracking signals of head and hands from VR devices holds great potential for various applications. However, the sparsity and unique distribution of observations present a significant challenge, resulting in an ill-posed problem with multiple feasible solutions (i.e., hypotheses). This amplifies uncertainty and ambiguity in full-body motion estimation, especially for the lower-body joints. Therefore, we propose a new method, EnvPoser, that employs a two-stage framework to perform full-body motion estimation using sparse tracking signals and pre-scanned environment from VR devices. EnvPoser models the multi-hypothesis nature of human motion through an uncertainty-aware estimation module in the first stage. In the second stage, we refine these multi-hypothesis estimates by integrating semantic and geometric environmental constraints, ensuring that the final motion estimation aligns realistically with both the environmental context and physical interactions. Qualitative and quantitative experiments on two public datasets demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, highlighting significant improvements in human motion estimation within motion-environment interaction scenarios.
Abstract:The academic field of learning instruction-guided visual navigation can be generally categorized into high-level category-specific search and low-level language-guided navigation, depending on the granularity of language instruction, in which the former emphasizes the exploration process, while the latter concentrates on following detailed textual commands. Despite the differing focuses of these tasks, the underlying requirements of interpreting instructions, comprehending the surroundings, and inferring action decisions remain consistent. This paper consolidates diverse navigation tasks into a unified and generic framework -- we investigate the core difficulties of sharing general knowledge and exploiting task-specific capabilities in learning navigation and propose a novel State-Adaptive Mixture of Experts (SAME) model that effectively enables an agent to infer decisions based on different-granularity language and dynamic observations. Powered by SAME, we present a versatile agent capable of addressing seven navigation tasks simultaneously that outperforms or achieves highly comparable performance to task-specific agents.