Abstract:Recently, with the tremendous success of diffusion models in the field of text-to-image (T2I) generation, increasing attention has been directed toward their potential in text-to-video (T2V) applications. However, the computational demands of diffusion models pose significant challenges, particularly in generating high-resolution videos with high frame rates. In this paper, we propose CascadeV, a cascaded latent diffusion model (LDM), that is capable of producing state-of-the-art 2K resolution videos. Experiments demonstrate that our cascaded model achieves a higher compression ratio, substantially reducing the computational challenges associated with high-quality video generation. We also implement a spatiotemporal alternating grid 3D attention mechanism, which effectively integrates spatial and temporal information, ensuring superior consistency across the generated video frames. Furthermore, our model can be cascaded with existing T2V models, theoretically enabling a 4$\times$ increase in resolution or frames per second without any fine-tuning. Our code is available at https://github.com/bytedance/CascadeV.
Abstract:The first step in drug discovery is finding drug molecule moieties with medicinal activity against specific targets. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the interaction between drug-target proteins and small chemical molecules. However, traditional experimental methods for discovering potential small drug molecules are labor-intensive and time-consuming. There is currently a lot of interest in building computational models to screen small drug molecules using drug molecule-related databases. In this paper, we propose a method for predicting drug-target binding affinity using deep learning models. This method uses a modified GRU and GNN to extract features from the drug-target protein sequences and the drug molecule map, respectively, to obtain their feature vectors. The combined vectors are used as vector representations of drug-target molecule pairs and then fed into a fully connected network to predict drug-target binding affinity. This proposed model demonstrates its accuracy and effectiveness in predicting drug-target binding affinity on the DAVIS and KIBA datasets.
Abstract:In this paper, we present the Multi-Forgery Detection Challenge held concurrently with the IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics at CVPR 2022. Our Multi-Forgery Detection Challenge aims to detect automatic image manipulations including but not limited to image editing, image synthesis, image generation, image photoshop, etc. Our challenge has attracted 674 teams from all over the world, with about 2000 valid result submission counts. We invited the Top 10 teams to present their solutions to the challenge, from which three teams are awarded prizes in the grand finale. In this paper, we present the solutions from the Top 3 teams, in order to boost the research work in the field of image forgery detection.
Abstract:This paper presents a summary of the DFGC 2021 competition. DeepFake technology is developing fast, and realistic face-swaps are increasingly deceiving and hard to detect. At the same time, DeepFake detection methods are also improving. There is a two-party game between DeepFake creators and detectors. This competition provides a common platform for benchmarking the adversarial game between current state-of-the-art DeepFake creation and detection methods. In this paper, we present the organization, results and top solutions of this competition and also share our insights obtained during this event. We also release the DFGC-21 testing dataset collected from our participants to further benefit the research community.
Abstract:Dissipative Kerr soliton microcomb has been recognized as a promising on-chip multi-wavelength laser source for fiber optical communications, as its comb lines possess frequency and phase stability far beyond independent lasers. In the scenarios of coherent optical transmission and interconnect, a highly beneficial but rarely explored target is to re-generate a Kerr soliton microcomb at the receiver side as local oscillators that conserve the frequency and phase property of the incoming data carriers, so that to enable coherent detection with minimized optical and electrical compensations. Here, by using the techniques of pump laser conveying and two-point locking, we implement re-generation of a Kerr soliton microcomb that faithfully clones the frequency and phase coherence of another microcomb sent from 50 km away. Moreover, leveraging the coherence-cloned soliton microcombs as carriers and local oscillators, we demonstrate terabit coherent data interconnect, wherein traditional digital processes for frequency offset estimation is totally dispensed with, and carrier phase estimation is substantially simplified via slowed-down phase estimation rate per channel and joint phase estimation among multiple channels. Our work reveals that, in addition to providing a multitude of laser tones, regulating the frequency and phase of Kerr soliton microcombs among transmitters and receivers can significantly improve coherent communication in terms of performance, power consumption, and simplicity.