Abstract:This study uses deep-learning models to predict city partition crime counts on specific days. It helps police enhance surveillance, gather intelligence, and proactively prevent crimes. We formulate crime count prediction as a spatiotemporal sequence challenge, where both input data and prediction targets are spatiotemporal sequences. In order to improve the accuracy of crime forecasting, we introduce a new model that combines Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks. We conducted a comparative analysis to access the effects of various data sequences, including raw and binned data, on the prediction errors of four deep learning forecasting models. Directly inputting raw crime data into the forecasting model causes high prediction errors, making the model unsuitable for real - world use. The findings indicate that the proposed CNN-LSTM model achieves optimal performance when crime data is categorized into 10 or 5 groups. Data binning can enhance forecasting model performance, but poorly defined intervals may reduce map granularity. Compared to dividing into 5 bins, binning into 10 intervals strikes an optimal balance, preserving data characteristics and surpassing raw data in predictive modelling efficacy.
Abstract:Outlier detection tasks aim at discovering potential issues or opportunities and are widely used in cybersecurity, financial security, industrial inspection, etc. To date, thousands of outlier detection algorithms have been proposed. Clearly, in real-world scenarios, such a large number of algorithms is unnecessary. In other words, a large number of outlier detection algorithms are redundant. We believe the root cause of this redundancy lies in the current highly customized (i.e., non-generic) optimization strategies. Specifically, when researchers seek to improve the performance of existing outlier detection algorithms, they have to design separate optimized versions tailored to the principles of each algorithm, leading to an ever-growing number of outlier detection algorithms. To address this issue, in this paper, we introduce the explosion from physics into the outlier detection task and propose a generic optimization strategy based on feature explosion, called OSD (Optimization Strategy for outlier Detection algorithms). In the future, when improving the performance of existing outlier detection algorithms, it will be sufficient to invoke the OSD plugin without the need to design customized optimized versions for them. We compared the performances of 14 outlier detection algorithms on 24 datasets before and after invoking the OSD plugin. The experimental results show that the performances of all outlier detection algorithms are improved on almost all datasets. In terms of average accuracy, OSD make these outlier detection algorithms improve by 15% (AUC), 63.7% (AP).
Abstract:Multi-source transfer learning provides an effective solution to data scarcity in real-world supervised learning scenarios by leveraging multiple source tasks. In this field, existing works typically use all available samples from sources in training, which constrains their training efficiency and may lead to suboptimal results. To address this, we propose a theoretical framework that answers the question: what is the optimal quantity of source samples needed from each source task to jointly train the target model? Specifically, we introduce a generalization error measure that aligns with cross-entropy loss, and minimize it based on the Cram\'er-Rao Bound to determine the optimal transfer quantity for each source task. Additionally, we develop an architecture-agnostic and data-efficient algorithm OTQMS to implement our theoretical results for training deep multi-source transfer learning models. Experimental studies on diverse architectures and two real-world benchmark datasets show that our proposed algorithm significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in both accuracy and data efficiency. The code and supplementary materials are available in https://anonymous.4open.science/r/Materials.
Abstract:This paper proposes a novel parallel coding transmission strategy and an iterative detection and decoding receiver signal processing technique for orthogonal delay-Doppler division multiplexing (ODDM) modulation. Specifically, the proposed approach employs a parallel channel encoding (PCE) scheme that consists of multiple short-length codewords for each delay-Doppler multicarrier (DDMC) symbol. Building upon such a PCE transmission framework, we then introduce an iterative detection and decoding algorithm incorporating a successive decoding feedback (SDF) technique, which enables instant information exchange between the detector and decoder for each DDMC symbol. To characterize the error performance of the proposed scheme, we perform density evolution analysis considering the finite blocklength effects. Our analysis results, coupled with extensive simulations, demonstrate that the proposed PCE scheme with the SDF algorithm not only showcases a better overall performance but also requires much less decoding complexity to implement, compared to the conventional benchmark scheme that relies on a single long channel code for coding the entire ODDM frame.
Abstract:Existing neural methods for the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) mostly aim at finding a single optimal solution. To discover diverse yet high-quality solutions for Multi-Solution TSP (MSTSP), we propose a novel deep reinforcement learning based neural solver, which is primarily featured by an encoder-decoder structured policy. Concretely, on the one hand, a Relativization Filter (RF) is designed to enhance the robustness of the encoder to affine transformations of the instances, so as to potentially improve the quality of the found solutions. On the other hand, a Multi-Attentive Adaptive Active Search (MA3S) is tailored to allow the decoders to strike a balance between the optimality and diversity. Experimental evaluations on benchmark instances demonstrate the superiority of our method over recent neural baselines across different metrics, and its competitive performance against state-of-the-art traditional heuristics with significantly reduced computational time, ranging from $1.3\times$ to $15\times$ faster. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our method can also be applied to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP).
Abstract:Human trust plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of human-robot collaboration. Despite its significance, the development and maintenance of an optimal trust level are obstructed by the complex nature of influencing factors and their mechanisms. This study investigates the effects of cognitive load on human trust within the context of a hybrid human-robot collaboration task. An experiment is conducted where the humans and the robot, acting as team members, collaboratively construct pyramids with differentiated levels of task complexity. Our findings reveal that cognitive load exerts diverse impacts on human trust in the robot. Notably, there is an increase in human trust under conditions of high cognitive load. Furthermore, the rewards for performance are substantially higher in tasks with high cognitive load compared to those with low cognitive load, and a significant correlation exists between human trust and the failure risk of performance in tasks with low and medium cognitive load. By integrating interdependent task steps, this research emphasizes the unique dynamics of hybrid human-robot collaboration scenarios. The insights gained not only contribute to understanding how cognitive load influences trust but also assist developers in optimizing collaborative target selection and designing more effective human-robot interfaces in such environments.
Abstract:Auto-regressive large language models (LLMs) have yielded impressive performance in many real-world tasks. However, the new paradigm of these LLMs also exposes novel threats. In this paper, we explore their vulnerability to inference cost attacks, where a malicious user crafts Engorgio prompts to intentionally increase the computation cost and latency of the inference process. We design Engorgio, a novel methodology, to efficiently generate adversarial Engorgio prompts to affect the target LLM's service availability. Engorgio has the following two technical contributions. (1) We employ a parameterized distribution to track LLMs' prediction trajectory. (2) Targeting the auto-regressive nature of LLMs' inference process, we propose novel loss functions to stably suppress the appearance of the <EOS> token, whose occurrence will interrupt the LLM's generation process. We conduct extensive experiments on 13 open-sourced LLMs with parameters ranging from 125M to 30B. The results show that Engorgio prompts can successfully induce LLMs to generate abnormally long outputs (i.e., roughly 2-13$\times$ longer to reach 90%+ of the output length limit) in a white-box scenario and our real-world experiment demonstrates Engergio's threat to LLM service with limited computing resources. The code is accessible at https://github.com/jianshuod/Engorgio-prompt.
Abstract:Metaphor serves as an implicit approach to convey information, while enabling the generalized comprehension of complex subjects. However, metaphor can potentially be exploited to bypass the safety alignment mechanisms of Large Language Models (LLMs), leading to the theft of harmful knowledge. In our study, we introduce a novel attack framework that exploits the imaginative capacity of LLMs to achieve jailbreaking, the J\underline{\textbf{A}}ilbreak \underline{\textbf{V}}ia \underline{\textbf{A}}dversarial Me\underline{\textbf{TA}} -pho\underline{\textbf{R}} (\textit{AVATAR}). Specifically, to elicit the harmful response, AVATAR extracts harmful entities from a given harmful target and maps them to innocuous adversarial entities based on LLM's imagination. Then, according to these metaphors, the harmful target is nested within human-like interaction for jailbreaking adaptively. Experimental results demonstrate that AVATAR can effectively and transferablly jailbreak LLMs and achieve a state-of-the-art attack success rate across multiple advanced LLMs. Our study exposes a security risk in LLMs from their endogenous imaginative capabilities. Furthermore, the analytical study reveals the vulnerability of LLM to adversarial metaphors and the necessity of developing defense methods against jailbreaking caused by the adversarial metaphor. \textcolor{orange}{ \textbf{Warning: This paper contains potentially harmful content from LLMs.}}
Abstract:Clustering and outlier detection are two important tasks in data mining. Outliers frequently interfere with clustering algorithms to determine the similarity between objects, resulting in unreliable clustering results. Currently, only a few clustering algorithms (e.g., DBSCAN) have the ability to detect outliers to eliminate interference. For other clustering algorithms, it is tedious to introduce another outlier detection task to eliminate outliers before each clustering process. Obviously, how to equip more clustering algorithms with outlier detection ability is very meaningful. Although a common strategy allows clustering algorithms to detect outliers based on the distance between objects and clusters, it is contradictory to improving the performance of clustering algorithms on the datasets with outliers. In this paper, we propose a novel outlier detection approach, called ODAR, for clustering. ODAR maps outliers and normal objects into two separated clusters by feature transformation. As a result, any clustering algorithm can detect outliers by identifying clusters. Experiments show that ODAR is robust to diverse datasets. Compared with baseline methods, the clustering algorithms achieve the best on 7 out of 10 datasets with the help of ODAR, with at least 5% improvement in accuracy.
Abstract:Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has proven to be highly effective in boosting the generative performance of language model in knowledge-intensive tasks. However, existing RAG framework either indiscriminately perform retrieval or rely on rigid single-class classifiers to select retrieval methods, leading to inefficiencies and suboptimal performance across queries of varying complexity. To address these challenges, we propose a reinforcement learning-based framework that dynamically selects the most suitable retrieval strategy based on query complexity. % our solution Our approach leverages a multi-armed bandit algorithm, which treats each retrieval method as a distinct ``arm'' and adapts the selection process by balancing exploration and exploitation. Additionally, we introduce a dynamic reward function that balances accuracy and efficiency, penalizing methods that require more retrieval steps, even if they lead to a correct result. Our method achieves new state of the art results on multiple single-hop and multi-hop datasets while reducing retrieval costs. Our code are available at https://github.com/FUTUREEEEEE/MBA .