Abstract:As automated trading gains traction in the financial market, algorithmic investment strategies are increasingly prominent. While Large Language Models (LLMs) and Agent-based models exhibit promising potential in real-time market analysis and trading decisions, they still experience a significant -20% loss when confronted with rapid declines or frequent fluctuations, impeding their practical application. Hence, there is an imperative to explore a more robust and resilient framework. This paper introduces an innovative multi-agent system, HedgeAgents, aimed at bolstering system robustness via ``hedging'' strategies. In this well-balanced system, an array of hedging agents has been tailored, where HedgeAgents consist of a central fund manager and multiple hedging experts specializing in various financial asset classes. These agents leverage LLMs' cognitive capabilities to make decisions and coordinate through three types of conferences. Benefiting from the powerful understanding of LLMs, our HedgeAgents attained a 70% annualized return and a 400% total return over a period of 3 years. Moreover, we have observed with delight that HedgeAgents can even formulate investment experience comparable to those of human experts (https://hedgeagents.github.io/).
Abstract:Real-Time Bidding (RTB) enables advertisers to place competitive bids on impression opportunities instantaneously, striving for cost-effectiveness in a highly competitive landscape. Although RTB has widely benefited from the utilization of technologies such as deep learning and reinforcement learning, the reliability of related methods often encounters challenges due to the discrepancies between online and offline environments and the rapid fluctuations of online bidding. To handle these challenges, RTBAgent is proposed as the first RTB agent system based on large language models (LLMs), which synchronizes real competitive advertising bidding environments and obtains bidding prices through an integrated decision-making process. Specifically, obtaining reasoning ability through LLMs, RTBAgent is further tailored to be more professional for RTB via involved auxiliary modules, i.e., click-through rate estimation model, expert strategy knowledge, and daily reflection. In addition, we propose a two-step decision-making process and multi-memory retrieval mechanism, which enables RTBAgent to review historical decisions and transaction records and subsequently make decisions more adaptive to market changes in real-time bidding. Empirical testing with real advertising datasets demonstrates that RTBAgent significantly enhances profitability. The RTBAgent code will be publicly accessible at: https://github.com/CaiLeng/RTBAgent.
Abstract:Symbolic regression automatically searches for mathematical equations to reveal underlying mechanisms within datasets, offering enhanced interpretability compared to black box models. Traditionally, symbolic regression has been considered to be purely numeric-driven, with insufficient attention given to the potential contributions of visual information in augmenting this process. When dealing with high-dimensional and complex datasets, existing symbolic regression models are often inefficient and tend to generate overly complex equations, making subsequent mechanism analysis complicated. In this paper, we propose the vision-guided multimodal symbolic regression model, called ViSymRe, that systematically explores how visual information can improve various metrics of symbolic regression. Compared to traditional models, our proposed model has the following innovations: (1) It integrates three modalities: vision, symbol and numeric to enhance symbolic regression, enabling the model to benefit from the strengths of each modality; (2) It establishes a meta-learning framework that can learn from historical experiences to efficiently solve new symbolic regression problems; (3) It emphasizes the simplicity and structural rationality of the equations rather than merely numerical fitting. Extensive experiments show that our proposed model exhibits strong generalization capability and noise resistance. The equations it generates outperform state-of-the-art numeric-only baselines in terms of fitting effect, simplicity and structural accuracy, thus being able to facilitate accurate mechanism analysis and the development of theoretical models.
Abstract:Recent advancements in spoken dialogue models, exemplified by systems like GPT-4o, have captured significant attention in the speech domain. Compared to traditional three-tier cascaded spoken dialogue models that comprise speech recognition (ASR), large language models (LLMs), and text-to-speech (TTS), modern spoken dialogue models exhibit greater intelligence. These advanced spoken dialogue models not only comprehend audio, music, and other speech-related features, but also capture stylistic and timbral characteristics in speech. Moreover, they generate high-quality, multi-turn speech responses with low latency, enabling real-time interaction through simultaneous listening and speaking capability. Despite the progress in spoken dialogue systems, there is a lack of comprehensive surveys that systematically organize and analyze these systems and the underlying technologies. To address this, we have first compiled existing spoken dialogue systems in the chronological order and categorized them into the cascaded and end-to-end paradigms. We then provide an in-depth overview of the core technologies in spoken dialogue models, covering aspects such as speech representation, training paradigm, streaming, duplex, and interaction capabilities. Each section discusses the limitations of these technologies and outlines considerations for future research. Additionally, we present a thorough review of relevant datasets, evaluation metrics, and benchmarks from the perspectives of training and evaluating spoken dialogue systems. We hope this survey will contribute to advancing both academic research and industrial applications in the field of spoken dialogue systems. The related material is available at https://github.com/jishengpeng/WavChat.
Abstract:Sharpness Aware Minimization (SAM) enhances performance across various neural architectures and datasets. As models are continually scaled up to improve performance, a rigorous understanding of SAM's scaling behaviour is paramount. To this end, we study the infinite-width limit of neural networks trained with SAM, using the Tensor Programs framework. Our findings reveal that the dynamics of standard SAM effectively reduce to applying SAM solely in the last layer in wide neural networks, even with optimal hyperparameters. In contrast, we identify a stable parameterization with layerwise perturbation scaling, which we call $\textit{Maximal Update and Perturbation Parameterization}$ ($\mu$P$^2$), that ensures all layers are both feature learning and effectively perturbed in the limit. Through experiments with MLPs, ResNets and Vision Transformers, we empirically demonstrate that $\mu$P$^2$ is the first parameterization to achieve hyperparameter transfer of the joint optimum of learning rate and perturbation radius across model scales. Moreover, we provide an intuitive condition to derive $\mu$P$^2$ for other perturbation rules like Adaptive SAM and SAM-ON, also ensuring balanced perturbation effects across all layers.
Abstract:Affine Frequency Division Multiplexing (AFDM) is considered as a promising solution for next-generation wireless systems due to its satisfactory performance in high-mobility scenarios. By adjusting AFDM parameters to match the multi-path delay and Doppler shift, AFDM can achieve two-dimensional time-frequency diversity gain. However, under fractional delay-Doppler channels, AFDM encounters energy dispersion in the affine domain, which poses significant challenges for signal detection. This paper first investigates the AFDM system model under fractional delay-Doppler channels. To address the energy dispersion in the affine domain, a unitary transformation based approximate message passing (UAMP) algorithm is proposed. The algorithm performs unitary transformations and message passing in the time domain to avoid the energy dispersion issue. Additionally, we implemented block-wise processing to reduce computational complexity. Finally, the empirical extrinsic information transfer (E-EXIT) chart is used to evaluate iterative detection performance. Simulation results show that UAMP significantly outperforms GAMP under fractional delay-Doppler conditions.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate exceptional capabilities in various scenarios. However, they suffer from much redundant information and tend to be lost in the middle in long context scenarios, leading to inferior performance. To address these challenges, we present Perception Compressor, a training-free prompt compression method. It includes a dual-slope ratio allocator to dynamically assign compression ratios and open-book ratios, a perception retriever that leverages guiding questions and instruction to retrieve the most relevant demonstrations, and a semi-guided iterative compression that retains key information at the token level while removing tokens that distract the LLM. We conduct extensive experiments on long context benchmarks, i.e., NaturalQuestions, LongBench, and MuSiQue. Experiment results show that Perception Compressor outperforms existing methods by a large margin, achieving state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Building upon advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), the field of audio processing has seen increased interest in training audio generation tasks with discrete audio token sequences. However, directly discretizing audio by neural audio codecs often results in sequences that fundamentally differ from text sequences. Unlike text, where text token sequences are deterministic, discrete audio tokens can exhibit significant variability based on contextual factors, while still producing perceptually identical audio segments. We refer to this phenomenon as \textbf{Discrete Representation Inconsistency (DRI)}. This inconsistency can lead to a single audio segment being represented by multiple divergent sequences, which creates confusion in neural codec language models and results in omissions and repetitions during speech generation. In this paper, we quantitatively analyze the DRI phenomenon within popular audio tokenizers such as EnCodec. Our approach effectively mitigates the DRI phenomenon of the neural audio codec. Furthermore, extensive experiments on the neural codec language model over LibriTTS and large-scale MLS datases (44,000 hours) demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of our method. The demo of audio samples is available online~\footnote{\url{https://consistencyinneuralcodec.github.io}}.
Abstract:It is common practice in text classification to only use one majority label for model training even if a dataset has been annotated by multiple annotators. Doing so can remove valuable nuances and diverse perspectives inherent in the annotators' assessments. This paper proposes and compares three different strategies to leverage annotator disagreement for text classification: a probability-based multi-label method, an ensemble system, and instruction tuning. All three approaches are evaluated on the tasks of hate speech and abusive conversation detection, which inherently entail a high degree of subjectivity. Moreover, to evaluate the effectiveness of embracing annotation disagreements for model training, we conduct an online survey that compares the performance of the multi-label model against a baseline model, which is trained with the majority label. The results show that in hate speech detection, the multi-label method outperforms the other two approaches, while in abusive conversation detection, instruction tuning achieves the best performance. The results of the survey also show that the outputs from the multi-label models are considered a better representation of the texts than the single-label model.
Abstract:The quantity of processed data is crucial for advancing the field of singing voice synthesis. While there are tools available for lyric or note transcription tasks, they all need pre-processed data which is relatively time-consuming (e.g., vocal and accompaniment separation). Besides, most of these tools are designed to address a single task and struggle with aligning lyrics and notes (i.e., identifying the corresponding notes of each word in lyrics). To address those challenges, we first design a pipeline by optimizing existing tools and annotating numerous lyric-note pairs of songs. Then, based on the annotated data, we train a unified SongTrans model that can directly transcribe lyrics and notes while aligning them simultaneously, without requiring pre-processing songs. Our SongTrans model consists of two modules: (1) the \textbf{Autoregressive module} predicts the lyrics, along with the duration and note number corresponding to each word in a lyric. (2) the \textbf{Non-autoregressive module} predicts the pitch and duration of the notes. Our experiments demonstrate that SongTrans achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) results in both lyric and note transcription tasks. Furthermore, it is the first model capable of aligning lyrics with notes. Experimental results demonstrate that the SongTrans model can effectively adapt to different types of songs (e.g., songs with accompaniment), showcasing its versatility for real-world applications.